Student Handbook For Graduate Studies

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Catanduanes State UniYefiity

Mrac, Catanduanes


Table of Contents Pagc

!. Profile of the lnsti&tion 1

Brief History 2
Mardate 2
Vision 2
Mission 2
Goal 2
Core Va[res 2
Quality Polft:lf 3

ll. Academic Regulatidrs and Ptocedurcs 3

Admbsbn to the Graduate Degree Pmgrams 3
Lod of StJdenA 1
Gradualbn Requirement 1
Grading System 5
Remoral, Dropfing, ard Changing of Courses 6
Rdes Coflcemi.q Ghss Atterdarce and Abseflteeism 6
Poliies dl Valiration and Acoeditalirn of Courses 7
Subslitulbn of Courses 7
Poliry on Resilent Credits 8
Policf oo Maximum Residence Rule 8
Rules on Comprehensive Exaninalim 8
Guidelines in Thesis/Dissertalbn t/vtiling I
Fees 25

lll. Curricular Programs, Progiam Outcomes, and Coutse Descdptions 26

A tbctorate Degree 8
Doctor d Phibsoptry m
Doctor of Educalim 3'l
B- Masteds Degtee 35
Master d &ts in Educalbnd Managernerit 35
Master cf, Arts in English 39
Master d Arts in Filipino Educalion 12
Masier d Arts in Mahemalics Educatfurn
Master of Arts in Guk ance ard Counselling
MM ct Ara in Teacfiing Biology 52
MM of Arts in Teaching ChemistsY a5
Mder of Arts in Teaching PhYsics
Master d A'ts in Nursing 62
Master in Business Administration 67
MGter d Pl.6lb Adminishaliofl 72
Mder in Agrisltural Education 76
Master h lndusfid Educalion 80

Bdef Hisbry

The Catarduanes State Uni\reBivs beginning daEs back b Jure 18, 1961
wtren the enactrent of RepuHic Act (RA) 3398 called tor the establishrnent of Mrrc
Nathnal and Agriqrlhiral Trade Scfiool o/NATS). Ten years thereafter, RA 63't1
authored by Congresvnan Jo-se U. Alberto, converted VNATS into Catanduanes
State Colbg€s (CSC) on June 1 9, 1971 .

CSC started functioning as an educationat institutbn on December 1, 1971"

initially ofiering @urses such as Associate in Business Education, As-sociate in
Conrmerce, Bachebr of Science in Education, and Master of Arts in Cqnmerce-
Additional courses lyere oftred on July 8, 1972 W virtue of RA 6590' On July 22"
t 996, the Tenth Congress of the Republic of the Philipfrines enacted and approred
RA 8292, whicfi approrres the unibrm cornposilion and povuers of the goveming
board, tre manner of appointnent and term of ffice of lhe president of cfiartered
stab uni\rersities and cdleges, and for other purposes.

Pursuant to Special Provision No. 2 of the CHED FY 1999 Budget under the
Geoeral Appropriations Act of of 1999 (R.A 8715 or the integration of CHED"
Supervised lnslihrtims to State Universities and College), the Catanduanes
ngriolturat and lndustrial college (cAlc) was inbgrated to the catanduanes state
Cotteges on October 31. 1S9" Subsequendy, by vitue of Board Resolution No' 15"
s. ZOOS that called for the implementation of an approved and the Revised
Organizational Strrrcture, CSC-CAIC Annex was renamed as CSC Panganiban

The procss of conversion of the CSC into a UniveBity begEn wilh former
Repreentative Leandro B- Verceles, Jr., then by his successor, l-lonorable Jceph
A"'santiagp- Bllt the conversion did not materialize during theirresqgctive t9rm11[
otrce. Fiially, on March X, 2011, during lhe First Regular Session of the lfl
corgress of the Philippines, House Bill No. 4170 tided 'An Aci converting llp
catainduanes state colleges in tlre povirrce of catandmrs, into a state University
to be known as lhe catanduanes s:tate university, and appropriating funds thefefof filed by congressman cesar v. sarmiento, and co-authored by congressrnan
Juan Edgardo M- Angara.

over a year lfrcreaffer, President Benigno s. Aquino lll signed on october-1g"

2012 Republic Act No. 0229 convefting catanduanes state colleges Mrac Main

eanipnlOan Campuss) into Catanduanes State -University' On July 14' 2{)11'
Dr. Mirerva l. Morales *as .lected as the sixth Ptesident of lhe catanduanes state
cd|eges. lMren CSC ms converted into a university, she was designated by cHlp
*t <jfr""r ln-Charge ftom December 12, 2012 - Marcfr 24, 2013 in consonance udlh
the prcvision of RA 10229-

After topping lhe enaluation in the Search for CSU presidency' Dr' Morahs was
unanimo,sy OV the Board of Regenb as ttre First President of lhe
Cmnduan& State Un'iversity on Marcfr 25, fr13- The past Presidents of fie CSC

were: Mr. Pedro G. Tabuzo - 1971-1972; Dr. Jacinto A. Medallada - 1972-1986; Dr.
Rodolfo Y- Fanza - 198G1990; Dr Adolto S. Bagdiong - 1993.2003; and Dr,
Asurrcion V. Asefe - 2@3-2011. Mearwvhile, Dr. Emestina P. Averilla was
desQnated by DECS Higher Educatian Division as CSC OIC frun 199G't992.

At present, CSU is enpying the prestige of treing the only comprehensive

higher education instih.rtion in the ishnd prwince of Cabnduanes and as one of frc
dynamic SUCs in Bk l, otEring a wide range of academic progrElms with its
graduates topping variqrs nalional licensure examinalions.

Pursuant to RA 10229, lhe catanduanes state University is mandated to prirnarily
p{ot kle dvarEed education, higher tecfrnological, professional instruction and
training in tra<le, connnerce, fshery, agri:ulfure, arts and scierpes, indusbbl
tecfinology, nursing, midtvifery, edrcation, engineering, trrblic administratim,
inbrmation techndogy, and other relevant fields of study. lt is also directed b
undertake researcfi ard extension services, and provide progressi\re leadeEhip in its
areas of specialization.

A green university globally engaged in islard research and inrpvations for societal

Fo6Er excellence, holistb outome-based education compliant with the
reguirements of diverse urorld rnarket and contribute to the development of
produdive and valueladen lives.


Uphc*d fre traditbn of excellence in instnrtion, research, extension and pn duction

fundfurns in an @friendly environrnent-

Core Values

RESPECf. The university honos lhe rights, belie6, and dignity of every individual b
pronrote peaoe and harmony in the cornmunity.

INTEGRITY, The university maintains the higlEst ethbal standards and

demonstrates honesty, objec{ivity and faimess at all times.

SOCIAL RESPO/VSIBTUIY. The university takes part in the collective duty in
imprwing the quality of liE in the society.

D(CELLENCE The university rynmits b high stardards in all aspects of its bur-
bld functbns.

COMMITMENT. The university continuously thrives to achieve its vision, mission ard
goal based on its value-s).stem.

Quality tulicy
The Catanduanes State University commits to satis! its clientele and all
apdicable requirernents through the continual improvenrent of its quality
rnanagemefit systgn processes, ensurirp excellence in instruction, resarch and
cornmunity service br societal advancenent.


A Admission to ttp Graduate Degree Pnograrrs

The blloring are the requirements befoe a sfudent can be dmitted:

1. A houer of a rnasbr's @ree allied with tle docbral $ogram wtere lhe
student intends b enroll; othenrise, tlre strdent shall bke 12 units of bddgirp
2. Application br admission in duplicab copies;
3. Tuo letters of recomnendation fom employer andlor professor/adviser (n
sealed erwebpe)usirg prescribed brm
4. Authentieted copy of Transcript of Records in the masbds sfudies;
5. A general ueighbd average of at bast 1.8;
6. Pemonal essay (with at least 500 u6rds)

filasle/,'s Prqram

1. A holcler of a baccalauEate degree;

2. Authenticated copy of Transcript of Recods of undergraduate
studies/graduate oedits prwiously eamed;
3. A general r€Uhted average of at least 2.O or 87o/o in the undergraduab
sfudies; an applicant with a weighted averErge of less than 87o/o or 2.O shall be
admited to a nondegree program. The Dean, horrvever, rnay determine
admission b the degrce program upon completion of 12 units in the CSU
gmduate strdis prwided, the aver4e of the grades eaned is 2.0 or betbq
4- Passed the Graduab Admission Examination. A norFpasser shall be admitted
to tfle non{egree program. The Dean, hon ever, may determine admission to

the degree program upon cornpleton of 12 units in the CSU graduate strdbs
provided, the alrerage of tlegr# earned is 2.0 or better;
5. Letter of recomrnerdalion fiqn emdqer andlor profussor/adviser (in seahd
6. PeIsonal essay (with at least 50O uords)

For Mater of Arts in Nursing

Additional RequiGrnents:
7. An enrollee must be a registered nurse with valid PRC license;
8- Certificate of at least one (1) year dinbal elperience/ practice;
Load of Stuilenb

The maximum led of a graduate student is I units. The Dean, hovyevet has
the discretion to limit the load of certain sfudents based on lhe evaluation of thdr
capabilities and/or their peculiar circumstances or to allovy highly exceptional
students to cany lhree or more units beyond the maximum lod.

Furtpr, an enrollee who does not satisfy lhe grde requirements oI Blyo q
2.0 will be Estric.ted to carry a load of not more than six units per semqster ard nd
more than three units during the summer term-

A rnasbral student shall be given Honors if a grade of 1.29 or betEris
obtained. A doctorate sfudent with a grade of 1.19 or beter in the final oral de-Ense
of research output shall be conEned "Oubtanding Research".

Course Reouirernent

1. Researcfi$ased Term Paper/Prc{ect Requiranent

Every stdent shall be required to submit at least one research-based
term paper. ln case the course requires a projec, or a pmciidlm a narralive
report shall be submitted insbad.

2. Completion of Gnades
The completion of grades of grcduate students lacking final
examination, te.m paper or projects shall be done byaccomplishing the
ornplelion brm issued by the Offioe of the Admission and Registralion
ServiGs- V\fifrput sncfi form, the strdents shall not be allo$,ed to rertore fle
incomplete grades.

Studenb are given only one year wilh which to complete their course
deficiencies, othenvise, the incomplete grdes automatfu:alty become 5.0.

Graduation Requirernent

student shall be recommended for graduation only after satisfying all

Equirernents prescriH for graduatirn. Candidabs for graduation who began their

strdbs under a cuniqrlum 10 years back may graduate providedthey have
oornpbbd all lhe requirements of the cuniq.rlum (refer b GMO). They shall have
their graduation appror/ed as of the date they should ha\re apdied br graduatbn-
No student shall graduale unbss ore year of conlinuous residence uork
covering two conseanive terms is conrpbted before graduation, wtrich nray holerrer
be extended to a longer period,

A strdent must fib formal applir:ation upon enrolrnent during the bst
sernesterlterm in the college to fte O'ffice of fle Dean as a candidate br graduation.

Grading System

Based on a 5096 as passing percentage in an evaluation, brmula bebvu nny

be adopbd in barsrnuling Etw soore"

Vwlere TR = Transmuted Raling
RS = Rav Sore
N = Number of lterns

lMlen TR fais to the brad(et:

1 -O - 2.O Passed
2.1 - 4.O Conditional
4.1 - 5.O Failed

The bllrwing .narks strall be used for eacfr of the indi:ated case_
. fficially Dropped. The student has ftled at the Ofice of Admission and
Registration Selbe a fully amrnplished dropping furm befure the midtenn
. Unoffcially Drop@- The sfudent has oeased to report to dass without
otrcially dropping"
o V\lrthdrawn. The student has officially enrolled but later opted to withdraw
enrolment witholfi enbrirE the dass_
. On Audlt Audit students are tho6e enrolled in courses of the prwram hn nd
given credits. They will be accepted for audil in class sessbns when lhere are
still slots availabb with the ctrrsent of tlc professor and permission fiorn tle
depaftnent chair or the dean.

1. The lowest passing rating is 2-0 for masbral and 1.8 for doctoral courses.
2. Conditional rating (4.0) must be setfled lruo weeks after the final
examindbn. Othelwise, this aubrnatically becornes 5.0.

An in@mdete (lNC.) rating maybe .ernoved within a yeaq prorrided su6tt

cource is not a pre-rcquisib to anolher course-

For graduate studenb in the masteas degree, a ureighbd average of 2-0 as
requied ard a ureighbd average of 1-8 is required for docloral shldents to eam a
@ree. To eam a degree, a rnasteral and docloral stuclent shall have a wdghted
average of 2.0 or 1.8, respectively.

Removal, Droppiqg, and Charging of Courses

Upon payrnent of a conesponding fee, a removal examination is given to

rerKrve an 'lrrcornplete" maft, This examination can be without payrnent if taken
during a regular examination period where the course is part of the schedule.

lncornflete grades br graduding st dents should be removed before the

deadline set ficr the submissiofi of all graduation requirements, anC br the rest one
year after obtaining the "lNC." mark.
Dropping a course shall be within three.burths of lhe btal rnaximum dass
ttotirs prescribed using the prescribed form. After the period has lapsed, a student
nny be alloued by reason of illness. A str.ldent who unofficially drops a course afur
obtaining mi&term gnades shall be given a grade of S,0 and be required to pay in fu[
tle total charyes of the school fees br the term.
Changing and adding courses shall be within a vreek after the cloae of the
regisHbn period anda coneponding fte shall be pak _ Forms shall be seorred
fiom the Office of Admission and Registration Servbes.

Rules Conceming Class Attendance and Absenteeism

Regular attendance in all classes is required of every student Wtren the

number of horrs of absence rcaches 2096 of the hours of the schedubd work in one
cqrrse, the strdent shall be dropped. Horever, a faculty rnember may prescribe
longer attendarree reguirernent b rpe{ special needs- Leave of absence shall m€n
temporary discontinuance of studies due to illness, employrnent, pregnancy, and
offcr similar cass. lt shall be filed using the prescribed form. Leave of absence
shall not exceed a consecutive perbd of fuyo terms/semesters, whictr shall form part
of the studenfs records.

Any st dent who cornrnits absence for unavoidaHe cause shall submit a
writbn excuse leter using Form CSU-F-ACAD-24 not later than the second dass
sessbn fullowing his/her letum. ln case of illness, where the ahence is for lSve days
or more but not exceeding one month, a medical certificate shall be secured from tle
Medical Services of the University or from a govemrnent physljan.

All class adivities missed shall be cornplied with within a reasonable tirne
trom the date of ab6en@-

A sludent who leaves lhe University witholt an approved Leave of Absence

shall have lheir registration privibges withdrawn.

Polici* on Validation and Accreditation orcourses

1. TransEr stdents, wilh a course taken torn other instihrtions having a rating
lower lhan 1.75 shall be required to take the yalidation o€minatbn br lhe said
2- Transbr students shall be allornred to enroll in a course, lhe pre-reguisite of
whicfi was taken in arpther school, only if it is validated or repeated in the
admifting sc$ool.
3- Transfurees ftorn other private inslitrtbns with prcgrams not yet aGredited by
accreditirE agency shall undergo valklatioo of cqrrses-
4. Only ourses leading to the desired degree program shall be vali@ted and
5. Validation/accreditatbn may be done in a scattered scfiedule per request of the
student hJt not to go beyond the period of tvro sernesters fiorn the date the
bansbree is admited to the institution.
6, Courses taken in any SUC shall be credibd provided lhey have the same
@urse content and the number of units and are prescdbed in lhe program
enrolbd in.
7. Courses taken in any private institution with programs duty accreditd by any
aocrediting agerrcy shall be acclediH provirled sucfi courses have the sarne
course content and number of units and are prescribed in lfre program enrolled_
8. Courses b be accrediH must not exceed 50% of lhe btal number of units
prescribe<l in the cuniculum.

Substitntion of Courses

Substitution of course nuy be allored, provided that the conditions prescribed

by CSU are satisfid. All petitions for substitution must be submitted to tfle College
Dean bebre 12 percent of the regular dass rneetings shall have been attended by
tte student during the term- No substitulion shall be alloled br any course
prescxibed in {he cuniqtlum which the student has failed or received a grade lorrer
than 2.0 , except upon evaluation when the proposed substitute couse covers
substantially the sarne subjed matter as lhe required course"

Petition for sublitulbn shouu meet the tuloring:

1. Must involve courses within the sarne deparfnen( if possiue; if rpt, the
oourses ooncemed must be allied wift each ottEr.
2- Must be betrcefl @urses in whk$ the course submitbd canies a number of
units equal to, or greater than the unib of the required cor.rrse.
3. Must be recomrnerded by the adviser or by fre head of the deparfnent

Every substftnion of courses must be based on at least one of lhe fullowing:

1. When a sfudent is pursuing a cuniculum that has been superseded by a netr
one and the substitrtion tends b bring the old cuniculum in line with the new.
2. When there is conflict of scfiedule betreen tl ro rcquired courses.
3- \Mpn the requircd coirse is not offered during the semesbr the student
needs it.

Policy on Resident Gedits

Reskient credits refeE b all adernic ccurses and units eamed at CSU
induding thee in drer institrtions whic*r aae rcquired br a parlkxhr program or
degree and has alrcady been validated/aocredibd ry ilre University.

Only resident credits are considercd in evaluating courses ard units fur a
partiorlar cunlxlum.

Policies on farimum Resillence Rule

Re8idence reErs to lhe number of years or terms rcquired of a sfudent to

finish a program.
1. All requirernents for the maste/s @ree program shall becompbted in
not rnore than seven calendar years.
2- All requirenents br the doctoral degree programs shall be compbH in
not nrcre than nine cabndar years. lf the maste/s degree is an unrdaGd
field, the tirne limit is 10 years. A stuclent who goes beyond this period
shall be required to take one penalty course for every year of extension br
a maximum period of lhree years.
3. A student who passed tfe cornpretrensive examinalion hrt has exceeded
7-year limit br the masE,'s degree prognam and the g.year limit br the
doctofial degree prcgftrm may be given an extension of one year to
cornplete the dissertation or ttEsis.
4. Studenb rnay, br nreritorious cases, take a leave of absence. Suc*r leave
of absence shall not be counbd in the maximum resirdence requirement

Ghssifi cation of Students

Transfer Sfudents. Students seeking transfer to the CSU are classified as new
st dents. They slmuld suhnil an official transcript of records and/or ofEcial
cerlification of subjects taken and a certificate of honorable dismissal from the scfrod
la6i attended.

Audit sfudents are tho6e enrclled in courses of the prcgram but not given
oedits- They will be accepted for audit in dass sessions wtren there are still slots
available with the consent of the proGssor and permission from lhe @artnent ctair
or lhe dean-Penalty courses/bridging courses shall be considered audit courses.

Rules on Gornprcheflsave Examindion

As a general rule, passing the Cornprehensive Examination is a pre-requisite

to Thesis ard Dissertation Writing courses- A candklate who shall apply for a
Cornprehensive Examinalion has to comply with the bllouring requirements:

1. cornpleted all the academic rcquirements. Completion means having received

a passing grErde and having earned the required credits;

2. submited an e\ralualion sheet revieured by the personnel in-charge of records
at the OARS and duly signed by the Dean. No one with "lncomplete' grade(s)
shall be accepH br Cornprehensive Examination; and

3. filed applirxlion br the examinalion a week befse ttp scfpduled test

The Cornprehensive Examination shall cover all the fuundation courses ard
five nnirr corrses to be held tvm consecutive days with each catrse given a
maximum of tu,o hours. lf a student fails to take any of the et ht rcquired cqrrse,
examination taken shall be considered null and void,

ln case lhe st dent fuils in any one currse, he/she does not have to retake
the examination in that course if his/her general average is a passirg mark.
Horrever, if lhe general average is belor the passing maft, he/she will have to
repeat the examination in the said course. lf the student fails in trvo or more sutiects,
ttelshe will ,epeat the examination in lhce sufiects he/she failed in.

The questions to be given during the Cornprehensive Examination shall be

rcquesbd by tfe Dean frorn professors wtro taughU are teacfring the @rrses. These
profussors shall be responsible br the checking and subnissinn of lhe raEd ansvrer

No strdent takirg the Comprchansi\re Examinalion shall be related b the examirer

to fie hird degree of affnity or wsanguinity. ln the errent that such a relationship
exists, a substifute examiner shall be designabd.

Guidelines in ThesisrDissertation Writing

Staoes. PtoceduIe. and Time Frame for Defenses

A Pre-proposal Defense

1- The student shall, during the fist enro{rnent in Thesis Writing/Dissertalim

Writing, submit three tits using the prescribed form (see Aprytcrix ,t\
ThesiyDissertation Tifle Approval SheeQ with attached justifications as to
uo*ability, theoretical and prac{ical values and its relarance to the area of
specialization- The TtEsiyDissertation Specialization Cornmifree creabd by
tre CSU President through an Office Order, sit en banc, then cfioces one
titb b be apprcved by the Cdlege Dean.

2- The student wifi the guidanoe and approval of the Dean though the
DepartnenuProgram Chair, shall then ctpose his/her thesis/dissertatim
Adviser taking inb consideralion the folloiring criteria:
r Academb qualifications (at least Mastet's degree holder tur thesis and
Dodoral degree br dissertatiofl or its equivalent)
. Breadth and depth of knodedge and experience in the disciplirp, and
. Wllingness to accept the Esponsit{lity as reflected in lhe duly signed
Form CSU-F-AC A,623 4pedix B)

A tesis/dissertatiofl adviser shall aept a maximurn of fwe advisees in an
Acadernic Year.

3. The candidate shall submit to the Departnent Chair/College Secretary the

manuscript with the comdete first three chapters of his/fEr researctl propcal
induding tle list of eferences. research insturnenvs, and other relevant
appenditxs, br approval and erdorsement to lhe Dean- Once approved, tfle
candidate shall be advised to reproduce the required number of copies (five
for thesis and six for dissertation) at least five (5) days bebre the target
dale/schedule of the proposal defense.

B. Proposal Debnse
1- A Panel of Evaluators, at bast fuur rnembers for thesis, and ftve members for
dHsertation, shall be created by the Dean upon subrnission of the
manuscdpt The panel mernbers, ctrosen based on epertise and experbnce"
shall sit duriqg the proposal, pre-oral" and final oral debnss- ln the event
that an e4ert in the field is not availabh localfy, one frorn outsicle of the
university may be invited to sit as parEl member.

2- A pre-conbrence of the panel nEmbers shall be held to assess lhe

soundness of tte manuscript before a proposal defense is scheduled-

3. Dufing ttle proposal debnse, the dean shall designate a Chairperson wtp
shall sit in all the defenses. The Ttesis l/l/riting 1 professor sib as a mernber.

4. A regular seoetary, wtlo is a non{rading rnernber, shall be assigned by lhe

d€an to record the proceedings dudng all the deEnses.

5- The cardidab shall be provided a copy of the suggestions at least fwe (5)
worki.E da)rs after the defense.

6- Copy of the researc*l instrurnent revised based on the stggestions, stpuH

be apprwed by the panel mernbers before the candforate can proceed with
the data gathering and the rest of the writing processes.

7. After the proposal defense, a cardidate shall be given a period of at rnost

qle year in the @rnpletion of the thesiydissertation- However, fur researcfEs
requiring a longer pedod, a Gantt cfiart should be suknitted to justify the
researcfi period-

8. An extensbn of one year nray be granted to those who have already

undergore prForal deEnse- After the one year extension and the cardidate
still shows eagemess to finish the work, the existing data must be validated; if
tE data are at variance with the fonrer data by at mct 10%, a resurvqy
shall be conducted. The dean shall recommend a panel member b do fre

C- Pre-Oral Defunse

1. Schedule br preoral deEnse shall be set onty upon submission ry $e
candiclate of the certification ftom the Committee that the manuscript passed
fte efihs revieyv and plagiarivn cfrcck.

2. After the corn@ion of the manuscfipt and upon recornnrendation of the

Adviser and the Depaftnre,nUProgram ChairlDean, the candidate rnry
proceed with the preoral deGnse.

3. The cornpleted research shall be presented fur evaluatir:n by the sanre

Pand. Five (5) copie of the Thesis and six (6) @pbs of Dissertation"
toge$rcr wifi tle matrix of cornpliance shall be subrnitted b the respedive
DepartnenUProgram Chair/Dean al least five days pdor to the pre-oral
defense scheclule.

4. The Panel members will go over the paper to determine the

cornprehensiveness of the manuscript The Panel proceeds to lhe evaluation
of ttrc substanti\re aspects of the thesis/dissertation. During the evaluation, a
Iogical examinatbn of the manuscript shall be fullovyed, starting frorn the
preliminarbs to the different dtapters: from Chapte tourards the hsn

D. Final Oml Examinatbn

1. A panel member who fiails b attend in one of the first two stages (propcal
or pre-oral) rnay still be invited to sit during the Final Oral Defense,
prorrided no mapr revisions will be given.

2. After cornplying wift tle pre-oral recomnrerdatbns, the candictate shall

subrnit the revised manuscript to the Adviser for revhr. The cardidate
shall then be required to present the paper in a national forum/conference
for thesis and intemational brun/conierence fur dissertatbn. An
auhenticated copy of the certificate, as evidence of paper presentalion"
shall be submitted to the Prog,anlDeparfnent Chair or Dean-

3. The candilate shall submit five (5) copies of thesis or six (6) copies of ttle
disseftation five days prior b the sctredule. The sarne mernbers of the
Pand of evaluators will onduct the final evaluation of trle

4. The oral examinafion shall be held in the University premises for not less
than one (1) hour or rnore than t$Io (2) hours fur thesis and not more than
frrree (3) hours br dissertation. Hourever, the time may be redtlced or
extended as may be deemed necessary by the panel of evaluators. The
bllowing procedure shall be observed:

a- GradirE of the oral defense shall be based on the existing cdteda


b. furnornernent of the resulUgrade shall be made by the Chairman of lhe
Panel. Result of the examination may be deEned pending compliance
with a major recommendation of the panel which should be complied
within 5 working days after the final oral deEnse-

c. The last day of final oral debnse shall be 10 working days pri'cr to the
scfieduled Academic Courrcil ilbeting of the University.

d. A candklab must be able to subrnit at least one (1) copy of hard bound
ediEd rnanuscript trrro (2) days prior b the sctreduled Academb CourEil
Meeting of the UniYersity.

e. lf the candidate is not abb b finish the deEnse within the term, he/she
shorld recnroll, and shall pay only the miscellaneous fee. Re-
enrolnEnt shall be allowed twie only, observing the maximr.rn
residence rule.

E. Post Oral Ercamination, Revision, and Final Apprwal

1. The candidate gets a copy of the recornrnendationgsuggestions frorn the

Departnent Chairperson/Dean three (3) da)rs afier the debnse.

2, ln comdhrEe with fle Panel Members' cornments and swgestions ard

duly guided by the Adviser, the candidate shqtH revise the manuscdpt

3. A copy of the revised manuscript sho(rld be subrnitted to the Adviser for

erdorsement to the DepartrEnt Chairperson/Dean who will prwide
furtpr cornments/conectims (f any).

4" The candidate should get a dearance (see Appendix D) torm ftorn tre
Departnent ChairpersoUDean.

5" The dearance shall be sbned by fie Actuiser, Panel

Chairperson/Members, Statisfrcs Editor, Content Edibr, Larguage Edibr
and the Dean.

6. The candidate should sub,rnit the fully accomplished clearance, Certifrate

of Originality/Arrttlentic Authorship and the revised manuscript to the
DepalEnent Chairperson/Dean bebre it can be finally printed/ reproduced
ard bound.

7. Eight (8) hardbound copies of the manuscripl and one (1) elecbonb (CD)
copy (PDF file format) of the revised and edited manuscript (final copy)" to
be disbibuted as bllotirs: lhree (3) copr6 Library; ore (1) copy
- -
Regist"a/s Office; one (1) copy - Dean's 0ffce ; one (1) copy - Research
and Development Servi:es; ore (1) copy - Researcheq one (1) copy -
8. Adviser.

Orqanization. Format and Descripton of the Contents of the Manuscript

A Front Maters

Preliminary Pqes Page Number

Title p4e Page i, but number does rpt
CertificaE of Panel Approval (Back- Page ii, but number does not
bordercd brm) appear
Absfact @in numbering with iii
Ackncr.I@nwt Continue wifr lorcr Rornan
nunerals throughout preliminary
Tabb of Contents
Lbt ofTaUes
List of
Listof Appendies Adiust pagination accordingly
List of lllusfations
List of Wmbds (when applicaHe)
Ust of Abbreviatiofls/Acronyns (tlrhen

B. Text
The bxt in all sectbns d the manuscript sfpuld be writEn in Erqlish, except
fur [rA in Filipino Educatkrn, s'hk*r requires the text to be in Filipino. The text
of the manuscript is divlJed inb cfiapbrs and is numbered usiqg Anabh
numerals. Each cfnpter must begin on a ne\i/ prue.

C- Back Matbrs

Pages Page Number

References Continue numbering in Arabic nurnerals
f,oltqwing the Ext
Atkibution Table Continue numbering
Appendix/Appendh Continue numberirlg
Mtae Continue numbering

D- D€hiled Desoiption of Edr Sectbn of the Manuscript

1, Front Maters

a- Certifrcate of Originality/ Auhentic Authorship

r To eflsure authentic aufrnnship and to saftguard against @giariwn, a
certifcate of authentic authorship is required in the manuscripL Thb is

also in preparation tur copyrighting in the tuture. (See SAMPLE FORM

b. Tilb Page
o This page contains the Researcfi Ti0e, School/College, Program of
Strrdy (See SAMPLE FORM 2: TITLEPAGE Appedix F)
o The reserch tifle shouu be in uppercase, in boldface, centered and
placed in tle fiird lirE from the top of the page. It should be presented
in descriptive words that will ensure electrcnic retbval.
. tf possiHe, use word substitute for fuimulas, symbols ard
o The final line of lhe tiue page is the month and year in whictr the
Thesis/Dissertation is approved by the Panel of Evaluabrs. lt is placed
in the third line fiorn the botbrn of the page.
. The lifle page is counted as page i (orver+ased Roman numeral), hrt
unma <ed. Paginalbn is reflecled in the Tabb of Contents.

c. Certificaie of Panel Appronal

o This furm, also calbd "black-bordered furm", contains the CSU logo
and typed or printed on a laser/ink+t printer. This must be secured
ftorn tle ffice of lhe Dean. For ouu.rt in Filiflno, the Filipino version
Appendix G)
. The purpose of the certificate of panel appmval is b enable the
students adviser, the rnembers of the Oral Examination Panel, and
tlrc Dean of the Cdlege to indizte frat ttle u6rk satisfies the
requirements br the degree
. Signafures of all mernbers d the Panel of Evaluators and the Dean d
the Cdlege are afhxed. Dat6 br affixing the signaturcs are likeudse
. The signatures should be o(linal and rendered in permanent Hue ink.
o This is Roman page number ii, but unmarked. Pagination is refle#d
in the Table of Contents.

d- Absbaci
e The heading for this page is ABSTRACT in uppercase and bold
aftibutes, oentercd withont purrctudturn. (See SiCMPLE FORM 4:
. The body of the abstract, printed in double space, begins on the fu.rrth
line beloi/ the heading.
o An abstact is a general overvieur of the researcfi. lt is a summary of
the study, a statement of the erperiment or problem, the procedue
follql,ed, the results, and lhe conclusions.
o lt should be a $ccinct account that allours readers to make an
aerraE decision as to whether the full mntents will be befleflcial b

. Ttle maximum length for a dissertation abstract is 350 words; fur a
thesis is 250 words.
o Pertinent plffi, full names of peopb and dler proper nouns useful
in electonic retie\ral must be irduded.
. Diagrams, cfiarls and tables, or oher illusffid matedals and
formulas or equations are not iBCuded in the abstract
. Symbds, as well as foreign vrords and phrases, must tre clearly and
acolraHy displayed.
. Translateralions for characlers other than Roman and Greek bfters
ard Arabic numerals as udl as accents and diacritical marks are
. All the senbnce construcfion should be in present fum, if possiHe.

e. Ackno,vledgnrert
o The word ACKiIOWLEDGTENT in uppercase and bold atbibuE
should be cenbred. (See SAMPLE FORM 5:
. This part whicfr should not exceed t\,!lo pages, expresses the str.ldent s
recognitbn of and appreciation br any special assistance mde by
irdiviluals or institrtions that are not mentioned in ttre manuscript but
have rnade an important contihition b the sfudy.
. lnitials of the researcher shorld be indicabd at the lorer right{End of
the page.

f. Dedicatbn
. The teading of a one-paged DEDICATION need not appear on the
dedicatbn p4e, and the bxt may be centered.
r This contains the nanres of special peopb, e.9., family ard fiends,
who are cbse to the autlpr and who have inspired him to cornpbting
ffle $rork (S€e SAMPLE FORM 6: DEDICATION, ApFNix Jl
. The nid<name or the name the researcher is fondly called. shall be
indirrated at the b$.er right hand cf fle page-

g- Tabb ofcontents
o The headirE for this page is TABLE OF CONTENTS in uppercase
ard bold atbibub, centered withort punctration. (See SAMPLE FORM
r The tiue of the chapters or seciions must be listed and worded eldy
as lhey appear in lhe manuscript-
. Tifles br the preliminary pages and br all chapters, exept sub-
Chapiers, are in uppercase.
r Ttp page number for tlte statting page of eacfi pad is listed flushed at
the fght margin"
r Arry space betreen the last uord of the tifle and the p4e number,
wh($ should at least be half an inch, must be filled with a dot leader-
h. List of TaHesr' Figures/ Appendices/ Illustrationy Symboly Abbreviations
o The headirus for these pages are in uppercase, Hdfaced, cenbred
and withort punctualion. (See SAMPLE FORMS I 10, AppMix L)

. All taUes and figures are aranged in increasing Aratfc numeral.
. Appsrdices, symbols, and abbreviations are arranged alphabetically.
. Greek-letered symbols are daed before RomarlEnglistrlettered
. Eacfi acronyrr/symbol is indenbd and separated fiorn the definifron by
a dash line.
o Consistency in the inclusion of tables and figures must be observed; il
tables fiorn one chapbr are included in the list ttEn tables ftorn all lhe
other chapters and lhe appendix must also be irduded.
. Eac*l entry must list the sane caption of tifle used for a taHe in the
o The mct cornmon nEde of prcsentation is to within ard
to double-space bet\,r/een each entry.

2- Text
. Allfpngh the detailed organization of the text rnay vary aryxng
academic disciplines, the brmatting of the Ext must be tollolsed
o The tlesis or dissertation shcxrld be written in a brmal sdblarly
manner appropriate b acadernic publications. The use of the first
person is discouraged, except in disciplines where the form denrands
it or in the kinds of research wtrere the use of the "1" is nomal or
necessary. Formal language is expected; colloquiat expressions,
inbrmal speech jargon, and contractions should not be used, unless in
a part of fie doarmert where such language is appropriate (e.g-"
intervbn, quotations).
. All lrcadings and suLheadings shoukj be presented in the sarne way
in edt cttapter or mai)r sedion, in terms of capitalizatinn, placernent
on the page, and kind of type used.
. No headers or fuoters giving the tifle of cfiapters, other seclions, or
the thesis are albued.
a. Body of the Thesis/Dissertation
. The nranuscript is organized into logical chaptee and sub-chapbs
dloMng the institutional format given below:


Backgrurnd of the Strrdy

Statement of the Prcblem
Researci Hypothesis (if necessary)
Scope and Delimitation
lmportance of the Study
Definition of Terms


Related Literatue
Rdated Stdies
Synthesis of the RehEd Literature and Studies

Gaps Bridged by the Study
TheoreticaUConceptual Franervork (fur masbds thesis)
Nde: Far dis*dation, *pa/e,te tlle theorctical fiom the

Research Design
Sources of Data
Samdirg Procedure
Instumentatbn ard Validatbn
Dat+Gathering Procedure
Statistbal Treatnent of Data


Sub-Problem 1 /Hypolhesis 1
Sub-Problem ZHypothesis 2
SuLProblem 3/tlypothesis 3
Post Hoc Anatysis ftvhen necessary)



. Numbering for each cfnfler is Aratrb numerat_

b. Chapter and Sub-Chapbrs

o The heading for eacft chapbr strculd be centered wilhout punctration-
On the second line blknring this heading is the tiue of the chader_
o The next line starts on fE ficur$ line belou/ the tiUe of the Chapter.
o The sub-.titbs are flushed to ttle left margin
. Tlp first page of each chapbr is counted, but unrnarked. All other
pages are marked at the upper right hand margin using Arabic
. All major sectkrns/cfiapteE must begin on a neu, page;
subseciionysub-chapters need not
. Whenever the heading of a sedion or suhsection appeaE near lhe
bottorn of a page, it must be bllol,ed by at least one line of texq
othemise, it should be presented in the next page.

c, Tables and Figures

. Table designates tabulaEd nurnerical data used in the body of lhe
manuscript and tle appendi(s. Figure designats all other non-verbal

rnaterials such as illustrations, dtarts, graphs, maps, photographs,
dranirgs, diagrams, and the like. (See SAMPLE FORM 11, Appedix
. All tabbs and figures shruld be located right after the text that is
reEning to ftem and if pcsibb, shflH be located srdr that they do
nd run over into tfe next page. If this happens, subsequent pages d
the illustration must irrclude at least the illusbation number and the
notatbn that it is continued, €.9., Table 1, onfd.
. The funt size in the table enkies may be reducd but not smalbrthan
$point to mnnpdate the taHe in a single page"
r lllusffiatkrns rnay be presented horizmtally or vertir:ally. ln either calse,
illusbations must frt within the required margins and pge numbers
must be placed onsistenfly throughout the entire manuscript.
. Table captions are \ped above UE tabb, and figure capfrcns arc
qpeO bebw the figure. lf an illushation is rotated, the coordinatirq
caption must also be rotated.
o For taHes and figures copied ftom other souroes, the captirrn of sr.rcfi
should include the source_
. The captions of tables and figures must be irlenticalwith trose used in
tE LIST OF TABLES and the LIST OF FIGURES in the prdiminary
r lllusbations must be numbered mnsecuthrely throughort the enlire
rnanuscript A stnaight sequence (1, Z, 3, 4, etc-) or a decirnal
approrch (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.), wtrcre the first deit is the chap,br
number and the digit after the decimal point is the illustration number,
rnry be used.
. Photographs, as a fqure, must be scanned and converted into an
elecfronic format fur simultaneous printing wtth the page.
. Oversized illustrations should be reduced; hourcver, legibility must be
rnaintained. f it is rnt possible, a fdded oversized page rnay be
irduded, tirhich may be acoordion fiolded, so that it may be bourd wifi
tte rest of the document ln this car$e, the page number must appear
in a manner mnsistent with the rest of the docunenl
r Alternatively, the oversized illustration may be folded and inserted in a
Manila envelope no larger than 6.5 by 9.5 inches, wtrich then may be
rnounted on a sheet of white thesis paper. Each page endosed in the
ervdope must be induded in the pagination of fie thesis.
. lf color is used fur presenling data, sharply mnbastirg colors are
. Belour is a sample of a table and a figure; nste that the left and right
border lines of the table is flu$red with the left and right magins.

Thb is fie tite of fte first taHe. lf ilre tiile is long surch that it runs d@vn the next line,
it shoukl be plred such tnt surceding lines do not exceed the bngth
of the preceding lines as shonn by this exam@.

Cdumn 1 Cdumn 2 Column 3 Column 4

Ror 1
Row 2

You can put any figure (caricafuie, graphs, ptntographs, illusbalinns, maps,
ctrarts, draruings, diagnams, etc.) in this ftarne.

Figure 1- This is the tiUe of the first figue.

3. Back tvlatters

a. List of References (per APA, 6tr edition)

. Theses/ Dissertations must list all refurenoes used in the sfudy, ard
the docunrentation style must bllour tte Anrerican Psychdogy
Associatbn (APA) citatim style tur docurnenling sources (induding in-
text citation)
o Refierences may be cited by giving the last name(s) of the autho(s)
and the year of publication of tre refererrce- Please see APPENDIX N
SAMPLE FORM 12: REFERENCES for lhe formal
. References cited in the bxt of a researcfr paper must appear in a
Reference List. This list prwides the inbrmation necessary to irJentiff
and retieye each source.
. REFERENCES is used instead of BIBLIOGRAPHY turthe list of works
r This must be in tle same funt style and funt size as the rest of fie
. Enties are listed alphabetically by the authols last name or by the tiUe
of the artidelbook if there is no author or editor given-
. The first line of each entry starts at the margin; the second and third
lines are intended e(;ht spm,
o All enties are in single-spd/hanging indented" Thele must be an
additional space befueen entries.
. Use the htest publishing date fur the book or encydopedia ard the
oompleE date for ne\iepapers, magazines, crr intemet
. See SAMPLE FORM 12:. REFERENCES (Apftndk N), whicfi
illusffies the onect set up irduding appropriate punctr.ration and
o For ttses, at least 70 rcferene are required while for dissertations

b- Atbibution Table
. Formulation of the research insturnent (guestionnairc) that is used in
ttle study involves gathering and using information ftom a variety of
resoutrcs and inoorporating it into sucfi research tool, This sholH be
done to estaHish ctdibility and authority of fte researchefs work. fur
affiibutbn tabb, therefore, is rreeded to support the data integnated in
tle questionnaire ard should be appended-

c. Appendix or Appendices

. The appendix provides a place br a supplernentary rnaterial that is not
neessary for inclusion in any of the major chapbrs. Tables bo
detailed br the text presentation, figures, technical notes, rai, data,
oornputer programs, musical scoles, sample questionnaires,
scfiedules, and case studies are corrunon apperdix materials. (See
o Appendices, presented in alphabetical order (A, B, C, D, ...), and may
be single-spaced, appear at the end of the manuscript only; they do rld
appear at lhe end of ea{fi chapter. lf tfte material appended tras more
than one page, subsequent pages of the appendix must irrclude at least
the appaldix letbr and the nohtion that is continued (e_9., APPENDIX
A Cont'd)
o The bnt style and bnt size fur lhe main heading, sub-headings, and
illusbalion caplions of an appendix must rnatch trlat of the text, brrt lhe
funt style and size of the materials in the body of the appendix may be

d- Mtae
. lt is a proftssional biography (in outline brm) of lhe candidate that may
irdude daae and dab of birth, educational institutions aterded (after
high school), @rees and horprs zlvvarded, tides of puHications, and
baching and profussional erperiences-
. lt must be double-spaed.
r It must be induded as the last item in the table of contents.

E. Technbal Specifications

1. Paper Size ard Qtnlity

. 8'x 1't" white, substane2o bmk paper must be us€d.
. Manuscripts printed on befter quality paper will look more professbnal
and will archive b€tter.

2. PaperLayort
. Paper must be printed/typed in port"ait mode. Landscape mode is nd
alloyued except for purpGes of acconrnrodating unusually large tabbs,
illustrations, and the like.

3. Margins
. To ptwide allorance for timmings during binding and later e*e in
micrdlmirE and copying, every page of lhe manussipt must meet lhis
rnaximum margin standads.
Top: 1.2' (note: pagination is at header 0.7" fiom the top of the page)
Botbrn: 1.0'
Raght 1.0'
Left: 1.5' (birding edge)
o All manuscript matedals must frt within these maEin requirefilenB
(nduding page numbers, taHes, fuures, and graphs.

4. Fonts and Font Size

o 12{oint font size Times Neu, Rornan should be Gsed.

A consisEnt funt style and size must be observed throughout all
sec*ions of the manuscript.
Italics may be used fcr quotalions and words in a foreign language
and scbntifE terms.

5. Spacing
. The manuscript inclding the abstract, acknorledgnents, vita, must
be double.spaced (induding betreen paragraphs). This should be
used consistenty throughort the manuscript
. BiHiograph'rc enties, long quotations, items in lists, table of conbnts,
and appendices rnay be single-sprcd, i.e., if that style is
recomrnended by the disciplire.
. ln any sedion of the body of lhe rnanuscript there should be three
blank lines bebre a subheading and two after it.

6. Paginatbn
. Each page of fie entire manuscrifi must be numbered except br the
title page and tre black{@rded certificate of panel approval page.
. Preliminary pages are numbercd consecutively in lonercase Rornan
numerals; the first page b be numbered is the Abct-act page whir*r is
rnarked iii.
r The text and back matters are numbered conseqrtively in Aratric
numerals, beginnirE with 1 on the first page of the text_
r Page numbers must appear in the same location (upper rEht hand
corner) on eacfi page except on Ere first page of ChapErs where tre
p{e is counted but not marked.
. Page numbers must be consistent with the Ext in bfit size and stye. lt
must also fit within lfe margin lequiIements-

7- Equations
. Equations must be numbered consecnively from (1.1), (1.2), eb., up
to the end of the papet indirding any appendices. The equatitxr
number is used when refiening b equations. The first number rcfers b
the cfiapteC the second number refers to the nth occunence of lhe
equation within lhe chapter-

D(uv)p = qudw,v + qvdw,v + p du, v + r ABS(dqudw,v) (3.1 )

8. Conec{bns and Errata

. No conecfbns in the form of conec{ion tape or fluid, erasures, cr6h-
outs, and the like must be made m the final copy-

9- PrintirE
. All print should be letbr quality wlth dark black characters that are
oonsisEnty dear and dense.
. Dot tnatix printing is not acceptable.

. lnk jet, laser.iet, or a similarly highquality printer should be used.

1 0" Birding ard Labelling

. The manuscript is bound using a hard @ver, vyrapped in

transparent plastic with the color specified per specialization
as follcnrs:

Color of hard Cdorof text in
@ver the hard @\rer
PhD/EdD in Educational VVhite Gold
Masteds Thesis in Royal Blue Gdd
Masbr d &rsirress Egg Yellorrr Black
MasErof Public Blood Red BIack
Masterof Arts in Agria*tunal Royal Blue Gold
MasErof Arts in lndustrial Royal Blue Gc,ld
MasErof Arts in Nursing Pink Black

Fourben (14)4oint Times Nerv Roman font in boldface should be

used tur the ti[e and nanre. (See SAMPLE FORM 15: GOVERAGE
PAGE, Appedix a)
The spine of the bound copes should bear fl,re ti[e, the name of the
candidab (last name and initials of the first narne) and the month and
year of apprwal.
a Except brthe date and the addrcss, all ofrrer items are in uppercase.

Dutles and Responsibilities

A. The Gandidate
The candidab shall have the fulbwirp duties and responsibilities:
1. Proride the research bpb br discussion with the adviseq
2. Submit writEn vuork to the adviser on agreed scfredule to ensure sufficisrt
tirne br mmments and diss.rssion;
3. Follorr the advise/s fuedback and guldance;
4- Present evidences of data gathered and ertify as to fte
authenticity/acaracy of data;
5. Produce all neessary maErials in nor$.prmsed or typed brm;
6. lnform the dviser about other people with whom the work is beirg
7- Abide by submission deadlines;
8- Bear in mird ttp imflications of enterirE inb a confidentiality agreenent in
relatkm b publication;

9- Ensure fiat all publications and presentation arising dircctly ftom tlp
researcfi undertaken at CSU cany a University attribution; and
10. Adhere b the elhical standards in research-

lf disagreenrents rcqrr befueen the sfudent ard lhe adviser, the fonrEr should
setue fle matter with lhe latter betore taking any furtrcr step. Shdrld the matter be
unsettbd, it can be elevated to the Deparfnent Chair/Dean br appropriate ac{ion.

B. Specialization Cornmittee
The Specializatbn Conrnitbe shall have the fidkrrving dtrtbs and
1. Evaluate the prcpo€ed Dissertation/Thesis Tifle as to workability, theoretical
and praclkEl value, and ils rebvan@ b the area of specialization;
2- Seled frorn three litles proposed by the cardidate and recomnEnd the sanre
br apprwal by the llean.
C. Research Adviser
The ThesiJDissertation Adviser shall be a regular employee of the
Cdanduanes State University. He/ She shall be selected for educatinnal
background and cornpetene in research ancyor lhe subject alea of the sfudy.
Hd She musl be a hc{der of a Master'V Docloral degree ard had written a
tfiesisldissertation. Horever, a part-tirne faqilty nrernber or anybody ftom offEr
instihJtions, rnay be appointed to advise fle thesis/dissertation wdter in his/trer
spedfrc fieH of s@alization when no faqlty member in the University is
available. An adviser may accept not rnore than frve advisees at a tirne.

Speciftcally, Thesis/Dissertation Adviser should

1- pGsess knode@e of the candijab's subject area and the proposed

ttporetil:al approach, hence should examine and sitique ofl the nature of
the probbm and its theoretical bases, the details of the researcfi
impkrnentation and the fndirgs ard their inbrpretations_
2- ensure frat tte student is infurmed of an unsalisfac{ory rvork and anarge
supportive ac{ion.
3. guard the integrity of the thesisldissertation of lhe advisee by checking lhe
various parts of the material for pesible duplir:ation ftom other sources.
4. assurne responsibility on the appropriateness of the research design, lhe
mefiodology, ard the aocepted institutional bnnat and style of rBearch-
5. read and cdtically comment on lhe students r,ilork as it is produced.
6- assess tte progress of written work and ensure {hat c.iticism is given in a
constructive and supportive fashion.
7. as certain that no miscondllcd in research is cornmitted. Misconduct does
not indude honest enors or honest difierences in interpretatbn or
judgernent of data.
8. endorse to the Deparfnent Chair/ Dean lhe candiJate s propGal or
flesis/dissertation when it is completed and ready for consultation, and
then, br defiense.

9. cefifu as to the readiness of the advisee fior the Proposal De6nse, Pre.
Oral Examination, and Final Oral Examination and sit with the advisee aM
prov'xle guidanoe/assistance during the deEnses;
10. prepare the advisee to be mentally and emdionally rcady for the defense
of the thesis/dissertation.

D. Panel of Evatuators Ohesis/Dissertation)

The Panel rnembers' duties are as fullors:

1. Read tE manuscript thorcughly, roting areas in wfiitr
darification/improvernent can he made;
2. Sit with the candidate b give her/his initial cornrnents and
recornmerdations on the drafu of the proposal and the first nranuscrifi
3- Attend the proposal, prBoral and final oral deEnses of tle
4- Evaluab the proposal and thesigdissertation accordirE b the criteria br
evaluation of theses and dissertations. Greatest sQnificanoe shorld be
given to the quality of the research done, and, where relevant, to tE
intesrity of the methodology used and the candidate s atility to evaluab
his/her om researdt critically in the context of relevant literature-
Specfficatty, the necessary tecfrniral assistance to the candidale b
,mgo\re his/her work shold be povided; thus, giving conrments on the
tullowirp during the oral defense:

a. Candilate's tamiliarity ryith, and understanding of, the rebvant

b. Clear research aim, hlrpothesis or initial inbnfion;
c. ApproprbbrE6s of the sfudy/ manuscript fur maste/s or doctorab
d. SuitaUlity, adequacy, and appropriabness of the rnethodologies br
the subjecl matte[
e- Conectsless of analysis, which should be acconrpanied by
a@uate expositions;
f. AoceptaHe quality of the language spression, and gerenal
preentation of the thesiVdissertation;
g, Appropriab contribution of the thesis/dissertation to the knowledge
of the subjsd with it deals;
5. Disanss the findings with the rest of the panel, but gives an individual
grade to ttle candidate using the appo\red cribria for lhesis/dissertalion
defense (per CSU-F-AC4praa, Appendix C-D).
6. Raniew the final document to ascertain that the candidate has made the
recomrnended revisbns on the uork; and
7. Sign appropdate forms (e.9., dooirnefiation of the oral defense, et/aluation
sheet and apprwal brm).

E. Language Editor
'1. Checkgrevieurs the fu.mat, spelling, synta\ punctuations, darity of
e)eression, gftrrr[rt€ir, and the style of the whole manuscript but shouH
not alter or improve lhe substantive content or conceptlal organization of
the rnanlscript

2. Checks for proper paragraph and sentence stucture and consistency in
the use of terms.
3. Ensures that all in-text citations are included in the list of refurerrces and
presenEd fullodng the prescribed bnmt (APA, 6* ed.)

F- Statistirx Editor
1. Verifies the appropriateness of sampling dsign and statistics used.
2. Checks the presentation and organizatircn of data.
3. Revbws the statistical mmputati)ns, data analysis, and interpretatbn.

G. Gontent Editor
1. VeriEes if the datafinbrmation presenEd are appropriate and in accordance
with the research topic.
2- Ensures that each chapter florrs bgically fronr the previous cfra$er
hedings and subheadings ard tansitions are induded between nqrtr
3. SuggestVgives conect information rcgarding the data preented
4- Emures ttat fte structure, content, language, and style of the docunents
are appropriate to its intended furrtisr and readership
5. Eletermire wtpther any parts of the rnanuscript need b be streamlined or


Tuitbn Fee
Doctoral P8ffi.00lunit
Masteral 70O.fiVunit
Libffary Fee - DoctoraUMasteral 500-00
Transoipt of Records 100.0o/page
Diploma Fee 100"00
Joumal Fee (Researcfi Dgest) 300.00
MedhaUDentalFee 100.00
Athletic Fee 150-m
Laboratory Fee (Elio/Chem)
Laboratory Fee (Physics) ii

ll 3(n.00
l-D. fiee {New)
AndbMsual Devekcpment Fee
Ptrysical Deft Maintenance Fee
Rernoval Fee 1O0.00/subiect
Addirxo/Chanoins of Subieds SO.00lsubFct
Sit-ln Fee 10o.Oo/sut{ed
Certification Fee 50.00
Enrolrnent Fine 50,0O/daV

Comprefrensive Epmination
Fee -DodonaUMaSeral 1,0m.0

Entnane Examination fee I

(Masters) I 200.00

The rab of Grduate students' fees for thesiVdissertation defense shall be as


1 - Thesis/Dissertation Fee

Masteral Level Doctoral level

Advise/s Fee 5,000.00 7,000.00
Editds Fe
Content 2,fi)O.00 2,500.00
Language 1,500.m 2,frn.00
Statistics 1,0m.00 1,000.m

2. Honoraria furtfe Panel tt/lembers

Masteral Level Doctoral levd

Fhal Onal defense Fee Pl,000.00 perpanel Pl,5(m.0O perpanel
member member
Chairperson 350.00 /[()0.00
Member 300.00 350.m



A tloctorab Degrce
1. Docbr of Philosophy in Educational management (PhDEill)
Apprwed per BOT Resolution No. 41 , s.2012
Efiecti\re 1st Sernester, SY 201$2014

A. Basic Corses(l8 units)
PhDEM 5OI - lnquiry in Basic, Higherand Advanced Education 3
PhBEM ffiz- Global, Historical and PhilosophkalPerspec*ive in 3
Education 3
PhDEM 5O3 - Adminisfralive and Supervisory Management 3
PhDEM 504 - Educalional Leadersfiip Adminishatkrn& Managernent 3
PhDEM 505 - Quantitative Researclt 3
PhDEM 5(E- Qualitative Researcfr

B- Mapr Courses(24 units)
PhDEM 5O7 - Educational Legislation 3
PhDEM 508- Prqed Devebprnent & Management 3
PhDEM 509- Pdilfus and Emnomics d Educational Management 3
PhDEM 51O- Human Resourm Deuelopnent& Management in 3
Educatkrn 3
PhDEM 511 - Ghbal Trends and lssues in Education .)
PhDEM 51 2 - Acadernic Govemarrce 3
PhDEM 5{3 - Managerial Decision Making for Educdional Leaders 3
PhDEM 514- Organizational Culture & Managercntof Changre

C. @natesrtElec{ives(6 unils)
PhDEM 515* lntemational Research and Practices in Cuniculum 3
PhDEM 516- Operatkrns, Moniloring & Enaluation in Edrcalion 3
Systrems 3
PhDEM 517 -Advarrce Leadership Theory, Govemarrce ard bdemal
Relations 3
PhDEM 51 I - Adminishalive and Supervision of Teacfier Training

D. Comprefnnsive Examination

E- Efissertation Wriling 12

F. Requirement for Graduation - Foreign Language

Total Number of Units 60

Program Outcornes

Aftercompleting the program, the sfudents are expeded to

1. demonshate hbhly advanced systemath knowledge and skills in hghly
specialized ancUor complex interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field of
2. utilize omflex researcM creative rvork and/or prohssional practice ancUor lhe
advancement of leaming with full independerre in irdividual nork and/or in
teams of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary setting.
3. affi morc cornplex setting that demands leadenship for researcfi and
creativity with snrategic value added.
4. ap$y s[nificant hvel of eryertisebased aubnorny and acoountability to
profssional leadership for innovatisr, research and/or develqrnent
rnnagernent in highly specialized or multi{isciplinary field.
5. support local, regional, and natbnal devdopment plans along educational,
environmental, and socieeconornic programs.
6. dernonffie environmental concem through integratbn of environnertd
edrmtion acrms @urses and environmental advocacy progffams-

Goupe tlescriptions

A. Fourdation Gourses (18 units)

Code Course tlescription Units
PhDEM lnquiry in Basb, This course ootrers a review of logb and 3
501 Higherand itsapplication to rational thought, and critical
Advance analysis in fie areas of irquiry of decision-
Educatbn making and judgnentabng the three levelsof
education(i-e., basic, higher, and advarrced
education). This involves as wdl the application
of socialethics in the field ofeducational
managerrrcnt, and publh go\remance.
PhDEM Global, Historhal This murse coverc the conepts and 3
ffz and Phibsophical thor^lghtsapplied in education, ftorn the global
Perspectives in point ofuiar, as gathered fiorn the uorks
Educatbn ofoutstandirg philosryhens, sodals
scientisBand educators from tte past to the
modemtirnes in the ontextof varied socio-
politicaland philmophical orbntatirons-
PhDEM Adminishalive This course deals with the princifles,meffrods 3
503 and Supervisory and prmses invc*ved in carryingouttle
Manager-nt funcdions of a supervisor that isdirected touvards
a jont effort betreen two or more peoph to
prorn<[e, establish,maintain and/or elevate a
levelofrerforrnanoe and service. As such it is
anterded to dwekrp a rvorking knarldge
ofrrocedures of hurnan inbractions and the
application of principle ard techniques
invarious manqement setings in educational
PhDEM Edtmtbnal This murse is designed b look inb the hourard 3
504 Ledership vuhy of lmding and managing the divities
Administration undertaken in the elementary,secondary, higher
and Management and advaned education systern. lt irxCudes
such bpics ondetermining educational needs,
cuniculumde$n and instuctional
improvernentdevelopment of staff and program
evaluation, scho(, rnnagerent, andindividual
and group leadership skills.
PhDEM Quantitative This course oo\rers researcfi meffiodologies 3
505 Research trat determine cause-and-efiect
relationshipnd difurerrces beturcen ard
among qtantifiabb variaHesto predkt likely
outcornes or explain and c{ariff important
phenornena with the use decriptive
andinferential statisb indusive of parametric
and non-pararnetic analytical
PhDEM Qualitative This course dels ntith the meffioddogbs ftat 3

Go& Gourse Description Unlts
50t6 Research take preferene for namative/ litenary and
holisth decription of honrthings occur.
Itinvolrres synthesizing fte data collecfied
throulgh ohervatilrn, irrnersion, in
depthinteruier and &curnent analysis fur
acomprehensive perspective of the subject
matbr under investigation. This includes
ontent anaffis, case sfudy and
B, tdor Cources (24 urfE)

Code Course Description Units

PhDEM Edurcational This course dels with the const'hrtional 3
547 Legislation provisions, bgislations and politcs
appliedin ducation with emphasis on
theirshengths, weaknesses, aims and
directions. Poliey analysis will be onducted in
thediffercntaspecs of tE Philippine
educational sysErn. It also irrcludes
thealignrnent 6 K-1 2 education
standards,cunlrulum and textbooks
rnanagernent withhigher educatbn admission
PhDEM Prolect This 6urse deals with the aspect of a project 3
508 Developmentand developnrent cyde and the preparation of
Managernent abasibility study that can be both useftrl for the
real2ation of proposed venfures alorg
instruction, rsearch, extension and production
in the difierent levels of the educationalsystem,
wherc appropriate. ltalso examines projct
rnanagenrerrt rohs and environments, frte
proiect lifu cyde and yarious techniques of work
planning, controland evaluation to achieve
prc{ect obiective.
PhDEM Politics and This course examines flo\il fie strnggles for 3
5G) Eonornlcs of porrer and fur wealth aftd one another and the
Educational realization of these value in educational
Management management. lt trrrill cover such aspects of cost
and invetment in education induding refums of
investnent, altemative sfia@ies ln educatircnal
planning, link4e betvseen educational and
natbnal danelopment, population pattems and
enrdment and human rsourre developnent
aspects of education as discussed along the
envimnment of politics and eoorpmic crises.
PhDEM Human Resoure The course dels with developing and 3
510 Development and rnanaging human resurces in organizations
Man4ement in €rcross the different levels of educatim. The
Education scope will cover sucfr topics as principles and

theories of career flanning, ooaching and
counseling, haining and devebpnent, logisfrcs
managerrrcnt, perbrmance rnanagement,
cutfure and cfnrgre/ inbrventions rnamgernent
togefterwith the nreftods, prdure and
tecfi niques applid by edrrcatbnal institutions
on recruibnent, selection, hiring, maintenance,
development and employees rnovement-
PhDEM GlobalTrends This course deals with gbbal trends andissues 3
511 ard lssues in in educaticn on cunicula, textbooks, language,
Education sciene, mahernatics, vocatbnal edrrcation,
teacher fraining, croSS- cr,rltural and global
issues research, decenhalizatbn in educatbnal
- organizational managenent university
rrcrger procses, intemationalizatbn in higher
education, publications in rebreecl ioumals,
setf- regulaH leaming and academic
achievenent, intematircnal experienes and
teacher language alareness, etc.
PhDEM Academic This ourse emphasizes on a stmdy 3
512 Gqaemanoe improvenent in the fiacilities, resouroes, ard
personnel necessary to carry out academic
work, lt irrcludes goyemance and rnanagement
alorg the different levels of edr.rcation on
fi nancial resource rnanagement, extemal
relations rnanagenrcnt interfiae wiilr local
govemrent units or the oommunities, and
marketing in education,
PhDEM Managerial This course deals with the managerialtools and 3
513 Decision ttlakirg the analyeis of existing polides, systems and
for Educational prooedures applied to education with emphasis
Lmders on the prticipative modelin educational
administatbn- Man4erial decision
making acrcxss the difierent levels of education
involving ho*r the vision, missiqt, goals and
o$ective are crystalized, realized and/or
acftieved via the scrutiny of the faculty,
cuniculum and instuc{ion, support to strdents,
research, extension and mmmunity
involvement, libnary, physkal fl ant and facilitis,
laboratories, and adminiskation is imperative.
PhDEM Organizational This murse deals with the analysis of the 3
514 Cutture ard educational organizatbns' intemal envirstment
Managementof fucusing on employees' perceptions about its
Change general charrcter and climate whach afiect
significanfly employees' attitrde and
behaviors. lt also irdudes tle rnanagement of
changes in work schedules, bases for
deparUnentalization, spn of rnanagement,
overall organization design, or the people

themsefues who are responsible in attaining/
realizing iB mission, goals and objectives.

C. Coqnates (6 units)

Code Gource tlescridion Units

PhDEM lntematbnal This course coverc researches oonducrted in 3
515 Reserch and the ndional and intemational levels along
Prrc{ices in student faculty and adminisbators'
Cuniculum perbnnarrce and cuniorlum development,
imphmentation, and evaluation.
PhDEM Operations, This oourse deals with the principles, 3
516 Monitorirq ard meffiods and practices invotved in carrying
Evaluation in out administrative ard supervisory functions.
Education Sptems It is inteded b devdop a uorking
knowledge of rnanagement pincipls and
tedrniques and theirapplication in the
assmsrnent of educational institutions along
its diftrent functkrnal areas.
PhDEM Advarred This course deals with the leaderchip 3
517 Ledership Theory, trcories applbable in the adminishation of
Govemance, and scftods, colleges, and universities in the light
External Relations of hor ftese institutions are managed in
attaining its mission, goals, and obffives.
Governarrce and adminisfration of external
rehtions are also irrclLded in this @urse.
PhDEM Adminisffiirn and This eurse deals with the stuctrre, 3
518 Supervision of fundions and methods in teacher-fiaining
Teacher Tnaining with emphasis on selection of teacher-
Prognam training faculty, estaHishment of laboratory
scfroc*s, content of the off- campus
experience, and the charderistics of
desiraHe entnants to teacfier educalirn.

2. Doctor of Education maior in Educational tanagement (Ed.D.)

Revised per Board Resdution No. 19, s. 2fi)9
A. Basic Cqrrses (18 units)
BC 501 - lnquiry in Basic, H[her& Advance Education 3
BC 502 - Gklbaland Historical Perspec{ives in Educatbn 3
BC 503 -Legal Envirmnent of Education 3
BC 504 - Financial Management and Decision Making br 3
Educational Leaders
BC 505 - Quantitative Research 3
BC 506 - Qualitatirc Resercfr 3

B- Mabr Courses (24 units)

EdD 501 Structure and Governance in Philippine Education
- 3
EdD 502- Researcfi Prciect Develrynent 3
EdD 503- The Ecutomics of Cdlege & Universities J
EdD 504- Human Resoure filanagentent in Education 3
EdD 505- Education Systerns in the ASEAN Co'tntris 3
EdD sffi 4perations, Mcnitoring & Evaluation in Education 3
Systems 3
EdD 507 -Adminisfiation & SupeMsion of TeacherTraining 3
EdD 508 -Advarrce Leadership Theory, Govemance & Extemal

C- Cognats(6 units)
EdD 509 - lntemational Research and Practies in Cuniculum 3
EdD 510 - Models and Methods tur Leaming and Emolional 3
Dwelopnent 3
EdD 511 - Seminar in Special Edr.rcation

D. Cornprehenshrc Examination

E- EdD 55G Dissertation Writing 12

Total Number of Units 60

Prcgram Ouhomes

Aftermrnpleting the progmm, the students are expected to

1- denpnstrate highly advanced systematic knodedge and skills in h[hly

specialized and/or mmplex interdisciplinary or muttidisciplinary fleH of
2. utilize complex researcfi/ creatfirc urcrk ard/or professional practice ard/or the
advarrcement of leaming with full independerre in individual urork andlor in
teams of interdisciplinary or muttidisciplinary settirg.
3. apply more cornpbx sefiing that dsnands leadership fur research and
creativity with shategb value added.
4- apply significant level of expertise-based autonorny and muntability to
proksional leadership fur innoralion, rmearch and/or developnrent
rnan4ement in h[hly specialized or muttidisciflinary freH.
5. support local, regional, and natbnal darelopment plans along educalional"
environmental, ard soci(ffircrnic programs.
6. denronstrate environmental concem through inbgration of environrnental
education €rcross orxJrss and environmental dvowy progrlms.

Gouse tlescriflions

I Founddion Counses (18 unitsl

Code Course tlescription Units
BC 501 lnquiry in Basic, This course oovers a review of logh and its 3
Higher and applicailion to ratbnal thought, and critical
Advane anatysis in the arus of inquiry for decision-
Education making and jdgrnent along the three levels of
education (-e., hsic, higher, ard dvanced
education), This invofues as ruell fie
application of social ethics in the field of
educational management, ard public
BC 502 Global ard This course Go\rers the corrcepts ard ttrurghts 3
Histofical applied in edrcation as gathered tum the
Pers@ives in works of orEfiarding phibsophers, social
Education scientists, and educators fiom Src past to the
modem tines in the context of varied socb
political orientations-
BC 503 Legal Environrnent This murse deals with the constihrtinnal 3
of Education provisions, legislalions, and pdkies applied in
education with emphasis on tfieir stengths,
weaknesses, aims, and directions. lt also
covers policy analysis in the different aspe*
of the Philippire educational systems.
BC 504 Finarrcial This oume deals wifrr ffre rnanagerial boh 3
Management and and the analysis of existing pdicies, systems
Decision Making and prccedures applied to education. lt shall
for Educational also indude decision making process in the
Leaders discharge of finarrcial servies, involving cash
ard property management specifically budget
proos{i, prc{ect fi narrcirg, procuretrrcnt, audit
fundion and salary administration in the
educational secfior.
BC sos Quantitative This course covers research methodologies 3
Resercfr that determine cause-arddect relationships
ard difierences between and among
guantifiable variaUes to predict likely
outcomes or erplain and clarify important
phenomena with the use of descriptive ard
inferential statistics indusive of parametric
and non-parameffic analythal techniques.
BC sffi Qualitative This course deals with neffioclologies that 3
Research take prefierene fur narrative/literary and
holistic description of ho\r hings occur. lt
invdve synthesizing the data mllected
throLqgh obsenation, in{epilh irterview and
document analysis for a comprehensive
perspective ol the subiect matter under

investigation. This irpludes content analysis,
case study and ethnographic reearch.

B. taiorGourses (24 units)

Code Course tlescridion Units
EdD 501 Sfrncture and This coume deals wifrt the organization, 3
Govemance in administration and supervision of
Philippine tertiary, and advanced educalion in both
Educatbn publb and private sc*tools. Coverage iruCudes
po[cy implenrentation affecling the cunicula,
teachers, students, support, personnel,
admission systems, guidance and rcsearch,
and community extension services-
EdD 502 Research Project This course deals with the aspects of a proiect 3
Devdopment development qyde and the preparation of a
feasitrility study useful fur the realization of
propced ventures and the implernentation of
rcsearcfr and extension proglams in bofri
public and private entities.
EdD 503 The Eonomics of This course @vers trc cost and investnenB 3
Colleges and in educdion- lt irxdudes retums of investnent,
Universities altemative estrategies ineducational
plannirq, link4e bettveen educational and
national developrrent, populatircn patEms and
ennolmen{ and the tnanpouier development
aspecb of education
EdD 504 Human Resourae This course dels with the recruifnent 3
Manqennnt in selection, orientation, reltlards, perhrmanoe
Educatbn revieuv, discipline, and
tnaining and
develrynrent of both instudional and support
personrel. This also irxCudes labor-
rnarngement relalions and em@yee
EdD 50s Education This @urse deals wifi the companative 3
Systerns inth analysis of the systems in the light of sodc
ASEAN Countries culhrral background of ASEAN counties- The
emphasis will be on the educational ladder,
the ctrnhula, texbook, larquage, science,
mathematir:s, and vocational education,
teacher taining, and themrnmunity-
fundions of the school.
EdD 506 Operations, This oource deab with tlrc 3
Monibring and rn€ffiods, and praclices involved in carrying
Evaluation in out adminisbative and supeMsory fundions-
Edrcation It is interded to &velop a uorking knowledge
Systems of rnanagenent princides and tectrniques ard
their applicalion in the assessnent of
educational instittrtions-
EdD 507 Administration and This @urse deals with fie 3

Supervision of functions, ard rnehods in teacher-training
Teacher-Training sctrods with emphasis trt selection of
Prognam teac*rer-kaining faculty, establishment of
laboratory sctmls, content of the offismpus
expedene, and the characteristics of
desirabh enfiants to tedter education-
EdD 508 Advance This crurse deals with the leadership theories 3
Leadership ap$icaHe in the adminiskation of scftods,
Theory, colbgre, and universities in the light of hort
Govemarrce, and thse institutions are rnanaged in attaining its
ExtemalRelatims mission, goals, ard obiectives. Gonemance
and administration of ortemal relations are
also irrcluded in this course.

C. Goon#s (6 unitsl
Code Course Descridion Units
EdD 510 Models and This course deals wift the mntemporary 3
Mefiods for rneffiods and technrqus in the tmching and
Leaming and leaming sitetions. lt also deals with flrc
Enptional diftrffit leamirq styles as udl as the physical
Develotrnent and emotional development of leamers.
EdD 511 Seminar in Special This course deals with the administation and 3
Education supeMsion of educational programs dealing
with fte handicapped ard fie gifted.
Technlques on remedial instnrctions and
dwelopnrent strategies br spcial cfrildren
will be emphasized in this course.

D. Dlssertation Writinq (12 units)

EdD 550 Dissertation This @urse deals urith tE independent 12
Writing dissertalion writirg of a grduate cardidate
with the guidance of an Adviser. lt also corrers
the submission d the graduate student to
Proposal, Pre-Onal, ard Final Oral Defenses.
The pohcy st Maximum Reslderrce Rub is
applled in this @urse.

B. tasfiefs Degree
l. tasterof Arts in Educational tanagement (mAil)
Revised Program, Efiectirre 1s Senster, SY 201(F2011
Apprwed per Board Resdution No. 19, s. 2010

A. Foundation Courses (9 units)
FC 401 - Statistics vvith Computer Application 3
FC 4OZ - Methods of Researcft 3

FC 407 - Human Behavior in the Organization 3

B. Maior Courses (15 units)

EdM 401 - Educational Administsation 3
EdM 4O2- Advanced Cuniculum Development 3
EdM 403 - Trends, Problems and lnnovations in 3
Education 3
EdM 404 - School PersonnelAdministration 3
EdM 405 - Educational Planning

C. Cognates/Electives (Anytwo courses ftom the following/6

units) 3
EdM 406 - School Finance & Business Management in 3
Education 3
EdM 407 - Organizational Communicdion 3
EdM 408 -Advanced English Communication 3
EdM 409 - NFE and Manporrver Development
EdM 410 - Environmental Education

D. Comprehensive Examination

E. RSM -Thesis Writing (6 units)

RSM 449 - Thesis Writing 1 3
RSM 450 - Thesis Writing 2 3

TotalUnits 36

Program Oubo.nes

Afier conrpleting the ptogram, the students are expected to:

1. develop advarrced knovnledge and skills in a specialized, inbtdisciplinary' or

multidisciplinary fieH of study for probssional practice;
2, engage in selfdireded research;
3. ponrote liblong leaming with a highly substantial degree of indePgnggtce
ihat irwolves indMdual !rcrk or teams of inbrdisciplinary or multidiscidinary
experts in the fieJd;
4. apply these skills in tesearcfi, proEssional, or creative work
S. supfurt tocat, rcgircnal, and natonal Gvelopment plans along educational,
environtnental, and socicecondnic programs-
6. dernonstrate environmeatal concem through integralion of environmental
edtrcation alcross cot tses and environrnental advo@y programs'

Gourse Descriptions

A. Fotrndation Courses (9 units)

Code Courses Description Unit

FC 401 Statisticswitr This course inhoduces the very naturc of 3
Cornputer statistics as a sciene and how it is use/apflied
Apflicatirn in research. lt includes descriptive and
inferential statistics with emphasis on
hypothesis Esting. Use of ornputer application
software is to be given emphasis.
FC 4A2 Methods of This carse deals with the Echniques and 3
Resmrcft proedures applbtl to social science rsearcft
with emilrasis on the featnent of numeriel
data and the form and furmd br thesis vuriting.
FC 4A7 Hurnan Behavior This murse @vers the organizational sifuation 3
in the in whidr the human components move and
Oryanizafon behave and horthe behavior of people rnay be
influerred in fte efurt to optimize the
attainnent of organizafional goals. The courrie
also &als wifi the principbs and practim that
must be applied to realize desirable behavioral
cfraracterisths of the human ffior of the
organization nmt especially prodrctivity on the

B, MaiorCourses (15 units)

Gode Cources Descriotion Unit
EdM 401 Educational This cource covers tE adminisbalion and 3
Adminishation supervision as functbns in carryirq out effedive
instruction. lt @vers tfe content, theories,
i processes, trerds, and issues in insbuction in
aeordance with standards and reality.
EdM Advanoed This cq,rrse aims to reorient and rnake students 3
442 Cunianlum urderstard the meaning, principles,
Devdoprnent procedures, and problems of cuniculum
development in order to improve their
competerrcies as teacfrers and educational
EdM Trends, ProHerns This course deals with in{epth study of recent 3
403 and lnnovrations ffends, innovatkrns, and problems in education
in Education as they aftct the educational system and the
EdM Scfiml Personnel This course deals with the rnanagernent or 3
4U Adminishation adminisbation of em$oyees in stateoumed
instituthns of leaming induding thme who are
emdoyed in private educalional institutions.

EdM Educational This course deals with new approaches and 3
405 Planning strategbs needed to acfiieve the goals and
obiectives of education,

C- Cmnates/Ehc{ives (Any tuo ftorn fie bllowing mtrses) (6 unib}

Gode Courses Description Unit
EdM Scfiml Finance This course deals with problems of school 3
4ffi and &rsines finarrce, scfiod budget amrnting, sources of
Managenent in school equipnent, and practical schocil
Education economies. Atention is devoted to tax soures
commonly used fur supporting puHic scttools. pattems of distibtttion of funds are
anallzed and the efiects of such fiscal policies
on nationallocal rdationships are oonsideled.
EdM Organizational I This course coverc models of cornmunicalion, 3
407 Communication attituds, motivations, perceptions, social
influenes, ard tedersfrip as they affect
mrnmunbatbn stuctrre in dministrative
EdM Advanoed English This course corers the basic largmge skills 3
408 Cornmunft:atbn essential to the management of language fur
eftctive cortmunication: (1) skill of getting
infonnationi Q) skill of comprehendirg
infiormation; and (3) skill of presenting
infionnation with and
EdM NFE and This murse deals with the variqrs aspects or 3
409 Manpovrer non-furmal educatircn and manpower
Developnent developrnent aspects inclusive of formal
education training, practicum, and the
apprentir:eship system. Emptusis is placed on
fiting the rnanporcr dweloprnent phn to the
EdM Environmental This course @vers the principles and @ncepts 3
410 Educatlcn pertaining to the structure and functions of the
environment. ltindr^tdes policies gweming
proper oonservation and managefilerlt of the
environmental resources. Also integrated in this
courae are the ecological concepb and
principles on c-unent environnrental issues ard

D. Conrprehensive Examination
Grduate stgdents are required to pass the comprehensive
examination to qualiff to enrdl in Thesis Writing 1-

E. Thesis Writins (6 units)

Code Courses Deecription Unit

RSttl Tfresis Writing 1 This mrrse co\rers the first thte chapters in 3
449 writirq a tfesis; that is, the introductbn, revietfl
of relaEd litenature and stndis, and research
nethodology. lt also indudes thesis propcal
RSM Thesis Writing 2 This course deals witr fie independent hesis 3
450 writing of a grduate cardidate nith the
guidance of an Adviser. lt indudes pre-oral and
final oral deEnses of the thesis conducted. The
pdicy on the maximum resitlence is aplied to
this murse.

2. llasbr of Arb in Englbh (tA€ng)

Revised Program, Effec{ive 1d Semester, SY 201f2011
Approved per Board Resdution No. 19, s. 2010

A. Foundation Courses (9 units)
FC 401 - Statistbs with ComputerApplication 3
FC 402 - Meffiods of Researcft 3
FC 4O7 - Hurnan Behavior in lhe Organization 3

B. MairrCourses (15 units)

Eng 401 - lnh to Unguistics 3
Eng 4O2 - History and Structtrre of the English Language
Eng 403 - Nerrrrs and EdibrialWriting 3
Eng 4gt4 -The English Shott Story
Eng 4O5 - Lilerary Crithism 3

C. CognatdEleciives (Any traro coumes from the folloring) (6

units) 3
Eng{ffi -Teacfiing English as a Second Larquage 3
Eng 407 - Crmtive Writirg 3
Eng 408 - Poetry & lts Interprehtirn 3
Eng 409 - Filipirrc Literature in English 3
Eng 410 - Speech Writing & Delivery

D. Cunprehensive E:<amination

E- RSM - Ttresis Writino (6 units) 3

RSM 449 - Thesis Writing 1 3
RSM 450 - Tlmis 2
Total nits 36

Rogram Oubornes

Aftermrnpleting the prqram, the sfudents are expected to:

1. develop advanced krmdedge and skills in a specialired, interdisciplinary, or

multidisciplinary fieH of study fur profssional pradice;
2. engage in setfdircded rcsearcfi;
3. pronrote lifulorE leaming with a highly substantial degree of independence
ttrat invdve indMdual rarork or teams of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary
erperts in frte fiekl;
4- apply these skills in rsearcfi" ploftssbnal, or creative vrrcrk
5. support local, reginnal, and natironal development plans along educational,
environmental, and sociosnonic programs.
6. denpnstrate environmental concem through integration of environmental
education acrcis @urss ard environmmtaladvmy programs.

Couse tlescriptions

A. Foundation Cqrrses (9 units)

Code Course thcription Units
FC Stalistics witt This @urse intoduces fie very nature of 3
441 Computer statistics as a scbnce and hotfl it is
Applkxtbn used/applied in reserch. lt indudes descriptive
and infierential statistics witt emphasis otl
hypothesis testing. Use of computer applhation
softivare is b be given emphasis-
FC Methods of This course &als with fie techniques and 3
442 Researcft procedures applied to social sciene research
with enrphasis on fre treabnent of nurnerical
data and the furm and format br theis writing-
FC Human Behavior This oourse covers ffe organizational situation 3
4W in the in whbh tfre hurnan cqnponents move aruC
Organization behave and horr tfre behavior of peoSe may be
influened in tle efbrt tooptimize the
attainment of organizational goals- The course
also deals with the princi@ ard practies that
must be applied to realize desirable behavioral
cfranacbristics of the hurnan ffiorof the
organization rmt especially productivity on the

B. Maior Course {15 unlts)

c* Courses DescripGqn Units
Eqg 401 lntro to This currse deals u,ith the prirrciples and 3
Linguistics nethods of linguistics analysis- lnduded in the
@urse is the inEnsive appllcation of and
in the intemational Phonetic

(lPA) with rspect to English, Filipino, and local
Eng 4t)2 History ard This cqrrse @vers the historical development 3
Sffncture of the of the English langu4e. lt deals with fie
English Larquage str.lctrre of English; the signals, rnmnirgs,
syntax, rnorphologty, and vocabulary in English;
tfe four synthetical sEucfirres of English; the
form dasses and function words; the
grammatrt:al catqories of English; the
conventions of written and spoken English
language bvds, and the usee.
Eng 403 Neus and This deals with the sUdy of neue values, trevus 3
Editorial Writing souroes, nfirspaper style, editorial tecfiniques,
and the various approaches and styles in neus
ard editorial.
Eng 4gt4 The English Short This is a study of the wrtent and style of short 3
Story stories written in tre English language by
prominent authors. The mverage will deal in
grmt part on the examinalion of the elements of
the short story.
Eng 4O5 Lilerary Criticisrn This mrnie is the sfudy of fte
varkrus 3
approacfres and criteria fur analysis ard
interpretation of litenary vrprks utilizing the
various norms applied in the fieH of literature.

G. CoonateslElectives (Any trrrc cqlrses fiom Ute fullotring) (6 uni'b)

Code Couses Description Units

Eng 406 Teaching English This cq.rrse &als with the approaches and 3
as a Seoond tecfrniques involved to developing language
Language mmpetence in English, borfri oral and wtitten,
arxng thme wtro are rpt native speakers of
English. ln addition, the @urse heaB the typical
proUems enoountered by teefers teaching
ErE 407 Creative lltltiting This curse is the stuldY and ap$ication of 3
rnefiods ald tecfrniques of creative writing,
yuhich arc mainly sensitive ard imaginative
rvriting rnaErials. lt sour€s and uses
urderstarding of furm, and mastery of style for
expression and communication-
Eng 408 Po€rtry and fB This course corers interPrehtion of content of
lnterpretation the variqs foms of poery in regard to their 3
mess€lge, imagery, symbolism, lessons, and

Eng 4Og Filipino Literatrre This course deals with the outstanding urorks of 3
in English Filipino writers in the English language fiont
1820 to present wihemphasis on tlrc wave of
influene of English to the Filipino

Eng 410 Speech Writing This course @vers the preparation for writing a 3
ard Delivery speech, speech material organization, speech
writing fur convirlim and persuasion, speecft
ddivery, ard audiene reaction appraisal.
Emphasis is placed on praciice in speecft
writing and delivery furvarfurus occasions.

D. Comprehensire Examinatist
Graduate st^dents are required to pass the oomprehensive
examinatbn b qualiff to enroll in Thesis Writing 1.

E. Thesis Writins (6 units)

Code Gourses Description Units

RSM ThesisWriting 1 This cq,rrse @vers the frst three chapErs in 3
49 rvriting a thesis: that is, the introduction, rcvieut
of related liEnatrre and studies, ard resmrcft
merfrrodology. lt also indudes trcsis propmal
RSM Thesis Writiqg 2 This course deals with fie indepandent ttesis 3
450 trrniting of a graduate candidate wi& tte
guidance of an Adviser. lt irdude preonal and
final onal defenses of the ttesis conducted- The
policy on tte rnaximum residence is apflied to
this oourse.

3. ilasbrof Arts in Filipino Educatior{ilA+il Ed)

Revised Program, Efiective 1$ Semster, SY 2010-2011
Approved per Boad Resolution No- 19, s- 2010

A. Foundation Cwrses (9 uniB)
FC 401 - Statisths with Computer APPlication 3
FC 4O2- Meffrods of Rsercft 3
FC 4Ol - Hurnan Behavior in the Organization 3

B. Maior Courses (15 units)

Pagtuturo ng lba't lbang Asignatura sa Filipirrc 3
Fal401 - 3
Fal 4O2- Pagsasaling l/Vika
Fil403 - Pamamafirubay sa nga Palatuntunan ng Wika 3
Fil404 - Pondofrrya at Patrambing na Pagiaaral ng Filipino 3
Fal4O5 - Paglinang ng Kurikulum at Paghahanda ng
Kagamitarg 3
Pangkurikulum sa FiliPino

c. coqn#Elec{ives (Any two courBes fiom the fiollorving) (6

unitB) 3
Fal406 - Pananaliksik sa Filipiro 3
Ftl4O7 - PagMuro rg Panitikarq Filipiro 3
Fil 408 - i,talikhaing Pagsusulat sa Filipirrc J
EM 4t)3 - Trends, Problems & lnnovations in Education

D. Conprehensive E:<amination

E. RSM 449 - Thesis Writino (6 units)

RSM 449 - Tfrcsis Writing 1 3
RSM 450 - Thesis Wrfing 2 3

Total Units 36

Program Ouhorm
Afur mnrpleling the progtam, the students are expecEd to:

1. derrelop advanced krordedge and skills in a specialized, interdisciplinary, or

multidisciplinary fieH of stttdy for pro€ssional practice;
2, erEage in selfdireded rcsearch;
3. prornote lifelorq leaming with a hrghly substanlial degree of independene
that involves individual work or teams of interdisciplinary or muftidisciplinary
experB in the fieH;
4- apply these skills in retean*l, proBsbnal, or creative work
S. support local, regional, and nationalGvelopment plans along educational,
environmental, ard soci+eaonornic programs-
6- dernonshate environmental conem through integration of environrneffal
education €rcftrss courses and environmental advocary programs'

Gourse [lescripilions

A. Foundation Courses (9 units)

Gode Gourse DeecnEEen Units

FC 401 Statistics with This couree introclum the very nature of 3
Cornpubr statistir:s as a science and flow it is
Applicatbn used/applht in researcfi. lt irxCudes decriptive
and infierential statistir:s uYih emphasis on
hypothesis tsting. Use of comprrter application
softvare is b be given emPhasis.
FC 4r)2 Methods of This course &als wifi fie techniques aruC 3
Researcft procedures applied to social science researcft
with emphasis on the keatnent of nurnerical
data and the fiorm and format br thesis
FC 4A7 Human Behavior This course covers the organizational situation 3
in the in wtric*r the hurnan components move ard
Organiation behave and hor the betravbr of people may be
influened in tte effort b tfe

attainment of organizational goals" The @urse
also deals with the prirrci@ and prrctim that
must be apdied to realize desiraHe behavioral
characilerislhs of the human facbr of the
oryanization mmt especially prodtctivity on the

B. MaiorCource (15 units)

re Coutse tlescription
Pagftrturo ng lba't Ito ay pag-aanal rE rnga parEnn at pamamaraan
Fit 401
lbarg Asignatura ng p4ttrrturo sa iba't ibang asignatura sa
sa Filipino Filipino sa lahat ng antas, paghahanda ng mga
balarqkas o banghay ng pagtuhtro at iba pang
kagamitang panturo.
Fil 442 Pagsasaling Wka Ang kursong ito ay nauukd sa batayang 3
kasanayan sa pagsasaling+vika, rnga garaing
padtsasanay sa pagsasalin sa Filipino ng mga
akdang nasusulat sa ibarg wikain at wikang
Fil403 Parnarnahubay Ang kursong ito ay nauukd sa pagraaral at 3
sa nga pagbibigay ng mga p,{rna sa rnga palatuntunang
Palafunfunang pangmnka; mga kahalagahan at mga suliraning
\Mka kaugnay ng mga Palatuntunang ito.
Fil404 Porudohiya at Ang kursorq ib ay nauukol sa pag€aral at 3
Pahamtring na pagsusuri sa m$a salik rg palafunugan ng
Pag-aaralng wikang Filipino; mga ponerna, rnga tunog rE
Filipino mga titik, mga morpema, sernantika; pagsusuri
ng rr€a salita sa ih't
ibang wikain;
paghahambing at pag iba ng iba't ibang wikain
Fil405 Paglinang rg Ito ay nauukd sa mga batayan sa pagbubuo ng 3
Kurikulum at kurikulum, katangian ng rnahrting kurikulum at
Paghahanda ng mga uri at pamantayan sa pagbubuo nito-
lGgamitang Naglalapn din itong maikintal ang mga
Pargkurikulum sa simulaing pamatrubay sa paghaharda ng
Filipino kurikulum at nqa paraan qg paghahanda rg
mga kagamitang

C. CoonateslElec{ives (Any tu19 @urses fiom the folloring) (6 units)

Code Goulse Description Units

Fil4ffi Pananaliksik sa Nauukol ito sa pagraaral ng mga Pamamaraan 3
Filipino at rnga hakbang sa pagsulat rg rnga ulat
pampananaliksik na ang binibbyan ng tugon ay
ng pagsulat ng tesis- Ang lahat ng mga saliksik
sa pagbubuo ng tesis ay masusing pinag
Fil4A7 Pagtuturo ng Ang kursong ito ay nauukol s€l pag-aaral, 3
Panitikaqg prupapahal4a,

Filipino akdang pampanitikan at artg mga panaan
at parnamarnn ng pagfufuro sa bauat isa. Arg
pagraaral at p4hahanda ng banghay rq
pagtuUro at mga kagnmitang panturo sa bavat
sangay ng panitikan ay binibbyang diin din.
Fil403 Pamamattubay Ang kursong ito ay nauukc{ sa pag-aaral at 3
sa mga pagbibigay ng nqa puna sa nqa palatuntunang
Palatuntunang pangwika; mgn kahalagahan at nga suliraning
lMka kaugnay ng rnga palatunfunang ito.
Fit408 Malikhaing Ito ay nauukol sa pag-aaral rg nga simulain sa 3
Pagsusulat sa pagsulat ng trla, maikling kurento, dula at
Filipino sanaysay- Binibigyarq diin dito ang
pagkaorihinal ng mga malikhaing gq44-
EdM Trends, Problerns This course deals with in {epth study of recent 3
403 and lnnoralions trends, innoralions and probhrns in education
in Education as they aftd the educalional system and tfre
teachi ng!.leam ing sifu ati<xt -
cT 401 Contemponary This course deals wift the recent rnethods aruC 3
Teaching tecfrniques in the tedting ard leaming
Sfategaes situatisrs. lt also indudes the various Eaching
materials srrctr as tecfiing guides, manuab,
courses of sfudy, terfrooks and other
i nstructirytal rnaterials.

D. Conrprehensive Examination
Grduate strdents are required to pass the cornprehensive
e:<amination to qualiff to enroll in Thesis Writing 1-

E, Thesis Writino (6 units)

Code Gouse tle*ription Units

RSM Tflesis Wrilirg 1 This cqrrse covers the first three chapters in 5
49 uniting a tfresis; that is, the introduction, review of
relatd literatr.rre ard sttdies, and research
methodology. lt also indudes thesis proposal
RSM Ttrcsis Writirq 2 This course deals with the independent thesis 3
450 writirq of a gnaduate canditlate with frte guidance
of an Adviser. lt indudes pre-oral and final oral
defenses of the thesis oonducted- The policy on
the maximum residence is to this course.

4. HcGr of Arb in Hafrrernatics Edrcdion (HAllE)

Revised Prognam, Effedirae 1$ Ssnester, SY 2010-il11
Approved per Board Resdution No' 19, s' 2O1O

A- Fourdation Courses (9 units)
Statistil:s with Computer ApPlicatiwt 3
FC 401 -
FC 402 - Methods of Rmearctt 3
FC 407 - Human Behavior in the Organization 3

B. Maior Courses (15 units)

M 401 - Calculus 1 3
M 402 - SetTheory 3
M 403 - Prcbatility Theory 3
M 404- UnearAlgebna 3
M 405 -AbsffiAlgebra 3

C. CosnateslElecIives (Any tnrc counses fiom the tullowing) (6

unlB) 3
M 406 - Number Ttreory 3
It 4OT - Geomefy 3
M 4O8- Foundalion of Mathernatics 3
Ph 405 - Science Tedting and Testing 3
CT401 - Contemponary Teacfiiqg Shategbs

D. Cornprehensive Examination

E. RSM - Ttresis Writirq (6 units)

RSM 449 - Thesis Writing 1 3
RSM 45O - Thesis Writing 2 3

Total Units 36

Program Oubomee

After conrpbting the program, tfie students are expecfied to:

1. develop advarred knorvledge and skills in a speciali'zd, interdiscidinary, or

multidisciflinary fieH of strldy for profussional prrctice;
2- engage in selfdireded research;
3- prcmote lifelnng leaming with a hrghty substantial degree of independence
ihat invcrves indMduat work or teams of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary
experts in the field;
4- ap$y these skills in researcft, profrssional, or creative uork
S. siridort local, regional, and national dwdopment plans along edr.rcational,
envirronmental, and socio+conornic prognams-
6. demonstrate environmental conem through integration of environrnefltal
educalion ep;rlss courses and environrnental dvocacy programs-

Couse DescriPtions
A. Foundation Cqrrses (9 units)
Code Coulse Descriptigrr Units
FC 401 Statisticswtth ffiuces the very nahlre of 3
Cornputer statistics as a scierrce and horfl it is

Application used/applHl in research. lt irxCudes descriptive
ard infierential statistics with emphasis on
hlpothesis Esting. Use of comptrter application
soifturare is b be given emphasis-
FC4o,2 Mefiods of Thb course deals wift fie tecfiniques and 3
Researcfr proredures applietl to soci,al sciene researclt
with emphasis on the treatnent of numerical
data and the form and furmat br thesis writirg-

FC 407 Human Behavior This oourse @vers tte organizational situation 3

in the in wfricfr the human cofiIponents move and
Organization behave and hor the behavior of peofle may be
irfluenced in fre effort to optimize the
attainrnent of organizational goals" The murse
also deals with tE principhs and prrcthe that
must be appied to realize desirable behavioral
cfraracterislics of the human factor of the
organization rnost especialty productivity on the

B. Mabr Courses (15 units)

Code Course Description Units

M 401 Calculus 1 This includes differentiation and integnation 3
formuhs, in@nation prooedurs, applicatkrns
of inEgnation, and the polar cmrdinaE system.
M 402 SetTheory -Thia indude propositions and rules of 3
infererrce, set mncepts and set operalions,
cross prcduct and lhe Cartesian oordinate
system, relations and functions, cardinal and
ordinal numbers, and ordering and shategles
furtearfiing conoepts.
M 403 Probability This murse wffi the difiercnt and 3
Theory principles as applied to the diftrent fields of
mathemalics, tte basb idms and fundamental
princi@ d probabiliU, cornbinatirons and
permutations, ffiorial, mahernatical
and statistical
M 444 LinearAlgebra This course @vers the solution of systems of 3
linear equations by matrie, matrix operations
vecbr spae, linear operations and linear
determinants, and value.
M 405 AhffiAlgebra Thls irrcltdes binary operatbns, group, 3
subgroups, permutatircns, cydic gru'lps,
isomorphism, Abdian groups, groups of co-sets
homqnorphism, fiee groups rings, Gaussian
integers and notrlls, vector spaoes, and
of fields.

C. CoonatdElective (Any tuto cflrnies ftom the folloring) (6 units)

Sode Counse Dseriotion Units

M4ffi Number Tfreory This indude the number system, divisibility, 3
mngruarcq gpometric hansfurmatiryt, ahsbact
matrrematical stucture, and the sfiategls for
teaching ehnrentary concepts in number
t&407 Geonetry This indudes greomety of the plane and spae, e
infuitbns, mnshrdions, abtactions,
ddw{ions ard axiomatics.
M 408 Foundation of This murse indudes axlornatic methods and 3
Mathematie theories, symbolic logic, and various scftods of
mattrenratical thoughts and the operationality of
Ph 405 Scimce Teacfiing This mrrse deals with actr.ral observations, 3
and Testing participation, and supervised dassroont
teaching in the nafural sciencs involving
different tecfrniques. The theoretical portim
indudes analysis of teaching obiec*ives, test
constuction, i&trn analysis, and rruniculum
cT 401 Contemporary This murse deals with the reent methods and 3
Teaching tecfrniques in the teaching-leaming situations. lt
Sfategies also include the varitrus teaching materials
sucfr as teacfring guides, manuals, murses of
strdy, textbod<s, and orther instrudional

D. Comprehensirre Examination
{Grduab wnprehensive
str"rdents are required to pass the
examinabn to qtralifftoenrull in Ttesis \Miting 1)-

E. Thesis Writino (6 units)

:ode Coulse DrcrpEgE Units

RSM ThesisWriting 1 This carrse covers the first three cfiapErs in 3
449 writing a tresis; that is, frre inhdrclion, terriew
of related literatr.rrc and studis, and research
methodolagy. lt also indudes thesis propmal
RSM Thesis Writirg 2 This ourse deals wffi the independent thesis 3
450 writing of a grdrnte candidate wift fie
guidance of an Adviser. lt indudes preoral and
final oral defenses of the thesis conducted- The
polic,y on ttre rnaximum residerre is applied to
this course.

5- ilasbrof Arts in Guidance and Counseling {ilAGG}
Revised Program, Effectirre 1't Senrcster, SY 2010-2011
Apprwed per Board Resolution No" 19, s. 2010

A. Foundation Canrss (9 uniB)
FC 401 - Statistics with Computer Application 3
FC 402 - Meffiods sf Researcfl 3
FC 4OT - Human Behavior in the Organization 3

E. Mabr Courses (15 units)

GC 401 - Psycfiological Testing in Guidance 3
GC 402 - lntemship in Guidane and Counseling 3
GC 40s-Tfleoris and Technique of Counseling 3
GC 404 - T}Eories and Petsonality Developnent & ttrlenhl 3
Hygbne 3
GC 405 - Prirrciples of Guidarre & Marroement of Guidarrce
C. CmnatdEHives (Any tuo courses ftsn the bllorting) (6
uniE) 3
GC 4tE - Career Guidance & Placernent Servim 3
GC 407 - lntroduction of Special Education 3
EdM 403 - Trends Prcblenrs & lnnovations in Educatftrn 3
EdM 410 * Envircnmenhl Education J
CT 401 - Contenrporary Teaching SfiaEgies

D, Comprehensive Examination

E. RSM -ThesisWriting (6 units)

RSM 449 - Thesis Writing 1 3
RSM 450 - Thesis Writing 2 3

TotalUnits 3S

Program Oubornes

Afur conrpbting the program, frre students are expected b:

1. develop advanced knovrrledge and skills in a specialized, interdisciplinary, or

multidisciflinary field of study for pmfessional prdi:e;
2. erggge in selfdireded research;
e- prffite fibkorq leaming with a hrghly substanlial degree of independene
ihat involves individual work or teams of interdisciplinary or multidisciplimry
experts in the field;
+" apilV these skills in resealth, pro6ssional, or creative work
S- siriirrt local, regional, and natbnal devdopnent plans along educational"
environmental, and soclleconmtic prognams-

6- demonstrate environrnental oqrem through integration of environmental
education actoss murcies and environnental advocacy programs.

Couse tletcriptions

A. Foundation Curses (9 unitS)

Code Course Description Units

FC 401 Statistics witr This c(rurse intodues the very nature of 3
Csntrrter statistics as a sd€{re and hoYv it is
Application usedlapplkt in researcfr. lt irdL6 fficriptive
and inferential statistics wiffi emphasis on
hypothesis testing. Use of computer application
sofhrvare is to be given emphasis.
FC 42 Methods of This course deals with fte Echniques and 3
Resmrcft procedures applied b social sciene researcfi
with emphasis on the featsnent of nunerical
data and the form and format br thesis
FC 407 Human Behavior This course oo\rerc the organizational situation 3
in the in wtricfr the hurnan cornponents move ard
Orgnnization betrave and hou the belravbr of people may be
influenced in fie effort to optimize the
attainment of organizational goals- The course
also deals with the principles and pr*tics that
must be applied to realize desinable behavional
ictrarrcteristics of the human ffir of the
I organizatiqt most especially
prodttctiuty on the

B. Maior Courses (15 units)

Code Course tlescription Units

GC 401 Psycfrological This course revhrtts general aspe6 rehted to 3
Testing in psychologir:al test suctr as strengths, limitations,
Guidarrce and precautions that psyclrologists should
observe using these instruments with emphasis
on trrcrkshop baining orl fie adminishative,
scoring and inbrpretation of individual tets br
of the individual.
GC 402 lntemship in This course provides fur actual training and 3
Guidance and experience in the guidance offi@, partiorlarly in
CounselirB test adminisfration, counselirg, ard group
rctivities. lt also @\rers fraining in bcal guidance
centers or in oooperating guidance centers
outside the instifution.
GC 403 Theorie arxC This is a study of the theories and techniques of 3
Tedrnhues of the cqrnseling prms on discussion of cases to
Comsding provklebr the developrnent ard oitique of
tecfiniques about individual and group

GC 404 Theories of This @urse deals with the dynamics of 3
Personality persmality integration, the various ftctors in the
Developrnent and developrnent and the practical aspec& of
Mental Hygbne personal adjustnent in a dtangirg society. lt
also irdudes the sysbrnatic applfu:ation of the
principle and techniqus of psytftology and
related sciences br the putpme of attiaining and
maintaining a wholesane adjustnent of person
to oneself and the envirmment
GC 4O5 Principhs of This is a study of the prdies In Organization 3
Guidarre and and Adminisilration of Guidance Servim
Managementof adapted to the problems, needs and conditions
Guidane pertaining to tfte Philippine Scfimls with
Servim emphasis is lairl on the concepB, fundircns, and
nrethods of guidance.

C. Cognates/Elective (Any two counse from the follotr'ring) (6 units)

Gode Cource Description Unib

mmponents and phasm. a
GC4ffi Career Guidarrce This murse m\rers the
and Ptmrnent of caeer guidane, intermediate career
Services guidane. cilreer guidance in fie secondary
education and in tertiary education, the tri-
dimensional approach, and other approadres to
GC 407 lntroductilrn ts This murse deals with education for the 3
Special Education enrctionally distrrbed, socially maladiusted,
mentally retarded, disabled, and gifted
EdM Trends, ProHems This cqrrse deals with in{ep{h study of rccent
403 and lnncvations fends, inrnvations, and problems in education 3
in Education as they affi the educational system and the
teachingF leaming sifu atkrn.
EdM Envimnrnental This murse covers the principles and conepits 3
410 Educatbn pertaining to the structtrres and functions of the
envircnment lt indudes pdicie goveming
proper cqnservation and tnanagernent of the
envimnmential lesourm. Alss integrated in this
murse are the ecological conmpts and
principles on cunent environmental issues and
cT 401 ConEmporary This oourse deals \rsifi fte reent methods and s
Terching tecfrniques in the teacfrirq and leaming
Strategies sihrations. lt also irdudes the varbus teching
materials such as teaching guides, manuals,
courses of study, textbooks, and other
nstructional materials.

D. Comprehensive Examination
GradtJate sfudents are required to pass tfle comprehensive
examination to qualiS to enroll in Tlpsis \llJffiing 1.

E- Ttesis \I\Iritiru (6 units)

Code Course Description Units

RSM Ttlesis Writing 1 This course ocllrers the first three cfiapters in 3
M9 rvriting a thesis; Utat is, the introductbn, revieut
of related literature and stt^dies, and researcft
nethodology. lt also indudes tfresis propmal
RSM Thesis Writing 2 This course deals with tte independent thesis 3
450 writing of a graduate candidate with fte
guidarrce of an Adviser. lt irxCudes preoral and
final oral defunses of the frcsis conducted. The
policy on the maximum residene is applbd to
this course-

6- Ilasbr of Arts in Tachiqg Bidogy $AT-Bio)

Rarised Program, Etredi\re ld Senrester, SY 2010-2011
Apprwed per Board Redution No. 19, s. 2010

A. Foundation Cwrses (9 units)
FC 401 - Statistics with Computer Aplication 3
FC 4O2- Mehods of Research 3
FC 4O7 - Human Behavior in the Organization 3

B. Malor Courses (16 units)

Bio 401 - Cdlard Molecular Bkrlogy 3
Bio 402 - Plant and Animal Genetics 3
Bio 403 - Systematic Biology 3
Bio 4()4 - lnbnsive Laboratory Course in Biology 4
Bio 405 - Science Teaching ard Testing 3

C. Cmnates/Eledives (6 units)
Bio 406 - Envinrnmental BiologY 3
Bio 407 - Microtechniques in Microbiology 3
Bio 408 - Morpho-Anatorny & Physi@1, of Plants and 3
Animals 3
Bio 4Og - Parasiblogy ard lnrnunology 3
Bio 41 0 - Adrranced Ecdogy
D. Comprehensive Examination
E. RSM - Ttresis Writino (6 units)
RSM 449 - Th6is Wrtting 1 3
RSM 450 - Ttresis Writirg 2 3

TotalUnib 37

Pnogram Outcomes

Aftermrnpleting the program, ttre students are expected to:

1. update and enricfr their scierffic knouthdge, tecfinical, and ped4ogical skills
in Uology, chemisty and phpics.
2- affi resmrch skills fur replicatirg, veriffing, validating, and contextualizing
ffreoretical and pradial knodedge in the diftrent aspe6 of scbntific
3. sustain proEssional, social, and etricalresponsitrility in local, regional, and
national devdopnent phns alorg educalional and environnental programs-
4. demonsfrate environmental corrcem through integratbn of environnefltal
education ffirms @urses and environmental advmy prognms.
5- snpport local, regional, and national dwdognent plans along educational,
environmental, ard sociosprnic prcgrams.
6- demmstrate enyironrnental mncem thrugh inbgration of environrnerrtal
education acfws c(rurses and environmental ad,vorpg.:y prwmms.

Gounse Descriptions

A. Foundation Courses (9 uniB)

Code Course Descristion Units

FC 401 Statistics with This couree intodures fie very nature of 3
Cornputer statistics as a sclence and horv it is
Application usedlapplied in researcfi. lt indudes descriptive
and inErenlial statistics with emphasis on
hypothesis Eting. Use of computer applicatiwt
software is to be given emphasis.
FC 402 Meffiods of This course deals wi& fte techniques and 3
Researcfr procedures applbtt to social sciene researctt
with emphasis qr the fiefinent of numerical
data and the brm ard brmat fur thesis writing.
FC N7 Human Behavior This ourse covers the organizational sifuation 3
in the in whictt the human components npve ard
Organization behave and hor the behavior of peofle may be
influened in the effolt to optimize fte
attainment of organizatiuul goals. The counse
also deals wifi tte prirrcipbs and practices that
must be applied to realize GiraHe behavional
cfraracteristics of the hurnan factor of the
organization most especially produc{i@ on the

B. MaiorCourses (15 units)

Gode Gourse Description Units
Bb401 Cdl and This courae pertains to the stt dy of tfrc 3
Molecular Biokrgy strucftrres and functbns of tE aell induding its

biocfiemical and rndecular properlies.
Bi'O 402 Plantand Anirnal The @urse deals with the st dy of the 3
Genetics rnechanics of heredity, the operation and
stucfure of genetlc materials at rnohcuhr
levels, the ability to violate gens, DNA
doning, and sone radical wrcepts about basb
life prccesss atthe mdecularlevd.
Bi') 403 Systematic This course deals wifi fie scientific study of tfe 3
Bidogy kirds and diversity of organisms (populations,
spedes and higher taxa), and &e relationships
amtrE tran, determination by rrcans of
comparison of what the unique properties of
each species and hQher taxa are, propertis
cerEin taxon have in comrpn and biologbal
causes of the diftrence or shared
cfrarderistitx, study of variatist within E&-
Bio404 lntensive This course deals wffi all activitieV 4
Laboratory experinrents related to tre topbs taken in
Course in BlologV Systematic Bidogy.
Bb 405 Sciene Teacfiing This murse dels wifi etml observations,
and Testing participation, and supervised dassroont 3
tedring in the natural sciences invoMrg
different tecfrnique. The thmretical portic{l
indudes analysis of terching objectives, test
constudfr:n, item analysis, and cuniculum

C. Cognates/Elec{ive (Any tvre @urses from the folloring) (6 units)

Gode Gourse Description Units

Bb 406 Environrnental This murse deals wift fie Prderns of lMng 3
Bidogy organisms bday brought about by modem
cr.rlture and industialization or pollution; the
origins, imnediaE efEcts, and longrange
consequenoes of lhese pr*lems on living
matler on the hurnan
Bb 407 Mhrotechniques Thls course co\rers fie biologty of
micre 3
in Microbiology organisrn; the general rnefrtods of thdr
cultunation, isolatiron and identification fiom
laboratory sampbs and dinical materials; the
rob of these organism in infections; immunity;
ard their irdusfrialard thenapeutb values.
Bb 408 MorpheAnatqrry Jhis oor.rrse @ls wtth the cornparative sfi.rdy of 3
and Ptrysiology of the nrorph@ical and anatornir:al sfitcUres of
PlanB and plants and animals including the study of
Animals functions of organs and systems and their
dassification and taxonornY-

Bb 409 Parasitdogy and This course deals with the ttidogy ard ecc*ogy 3
lmmunology of panasites with emphasis on hostaarasite
rclationship and modem preventive rnea$rres
fior their onfid induding irnmurdogiy.
Bio410 Advaned This @urse is onemed wtfrt the genenal 3
Ecology biologicaland the phl^*;al characteristics of the
land and 4uatic environrnentwith emphasis on
the gieneral stuctrre of and geographbal
variation of Enestrial and aquatic ommunities;
fie distitution of tte rnajor biornes and aquatic
ecosysterns; the biornass and ffiors affectirg
species diversity in these emysbms.
D. Comprehensive Examination
(GradmE stdents are required to pass the oomprehensive
examinatinn to qualiff to enroll in Thesis Wriling 1).

E. Thesis Writins (6 uniB)

Code Course Ilscription Units

RSM Thesis Writirq 1 This cqrrse oovers the first three cfiaptars in 3
449 rvriUng a thesb; that is, the intodrctbn, revieur
of relaEd literafue and studies, and resercft
nreffiodology. lt also indudes tfiesis proposal
RStt, Tfiesis Wrfing 2 This course deals with fie independent ttrcsis 3
450 writirg of a grduate candidate wi& fte
guidarre of an Adliser. lt irdudes pre-oral and
final oral defenses of the hesis conducted. The
policy on the maximum residene is applied to
this course.

z. tasbr of Arb in Teaching Ghemistry (ilATC)

Revised Prognam, Efieclive 1s Semester, SY 201G2011
Approved per Board Reolution No. 19, s. 2010

A. Foundation Courses (9 units)
FC 401 - Staffilcs yYift Cornpter Application 3
FC 402 - Metlptls of Reserch 3
FC 4A7 - Hurnan Behavior in the Organization 3

B. Maior Courses (17 units)

Ch 401 - Ad\rarrced lnorganb Chemistry
Ch 4O2 - Advarrced Organic Chernistry with Laborabry 4
Ch 4O3 - Fundanrentals of Ph)rsinl Chemisilry 3
Ch 404 - Fundamentals of AnalytkalChemistrywith 4
Laboratory 3

Ch 405 - Science Teaching ard Teting
C- Coonates/Elec{ives (6 uniB)
Ch 406 - Mathernatics of Chemistry Teachers 3
Ch 407 - Environnental Ctentistry 3
Ch 408 -Agrkrultrrral Chemistry 3
Ch 409 - Chemistry of Nahrral Products 3
Ch 410 - Seleded Toprcs in Chemistry for Chemistry 3

D. Comprehensive Fxamination

E. RSM - Thesis Writing (6 units)

RSM 449 - Tfresis Writing 1 3
RSM 450 - Thesis Writing 2 3

Total Units

hgram Oukomes
Afierconrpleting the progtam, the students are expected to:

1- update ard enricfr tfreir scbntifrc krnrde@e, technfu:al, and pedagpgi'cal skilb
in tt'ology, chemisty and PhYsbs.
2. appty researcfr skills fur replicating, verifying, validating, and mntextualizing
tteoretil:al and prac{hal knevbdge in tre difrrent aspects of scbntific
S. sustain professional, social, and ethical responsibility in local, regional, ard
natkrnal developnent plans alorq educalional and environnental programs-
4- denronshate environmental cdlcem through integnatron of environntental
education acroas courses and environmental dvocacy programs'
5. support local, regkrnal, and national devdopment phns along educational,
environmental" and socieeffiianic programs.
6- denrorstrate environrnental conem through integratbn of environrrcntal
edgcation acfoss courses and environmental advmry programs.

Gourse Descriptions

A Foundation Cqrrses (9 units)

Gode Gourse Dscriotiq,E Units

FG 4O1 Statislics wifrl This course fre very nature of 3
Computer statistics Els a scierrce and tpw it is
Applicatbn used/applial in researctr. lt irxCdes descriptive
and inferential statistics u,iill ernphasis on
hypothesis Esting. Use of mmputer application
sofhrrarc is to be
FC 402 Methods of This course deals with the techniques and 3
Rsearch procedures applied to social science researctt
wiffi on the Mnent of nurnerical

data and the form and format for thesis writing
FC 407 Human Behavbr This course @vers the organizational situation 3
in the in rvhicfi lhe human componsrts move and
Organiatbn behave and hor the behaviq of peoSe rnay be
influenced in fie efiortto optimize the
attainment of organizational goals. The @urse
also deals wifi tle principbs ard pnacties that
must be applied to realize desirable behavioral
characbristics of the hurnan fiactor of the
organiation most especially productivity on the

B. Maior Courses (15 units)

Code Course Descristion Units

ch 401 Advaned This course deals with the principbs in the 3
lnorganic study of fte elements and the essential
Chemistry struclure, bonding and readMty of inorganic
sysbms. Topbs indudittg ehcfrchemistry,
redox reactions; nr^ldear cfiernistry; descriptive
chernistry of metals; spectros@py and
introduction to Bioinorganic, nano materials,
organo netallic and catalysis-
ch 402 Advanoed The murse deals with the fundfurnal groupa, 4
Organb structure, stereochemistry, nornendahrre,
Chemisfy wifi cfremical properties rwtivity and basic
Labonatory synthesis. ln the laboratory, the sturdents are
equipped with basic skills and proedure in
organic chemisffy. lt is also mncerned with
proper procedurm and habits, chemi:al safuty
and fficient use of resouroe and waste
ch 403 Fundamentals of This currse provides the foundation of chemical 3
Physical fiermodfamics $tysical ard drcmical
Chernistry equilibria, application of chemical
thenrpdynamlcs to physical and chemical
equilibrium syshrn, elec*rcchemistry, chernical
kinetics, and hsic principles of quantum

Prerequhiles: Advanoed Organic Chernistry

with Laboratory, Fundamentals of Analytical
Ctemlsfiry with Laborabry, Mathematics for
Chemistry Teachers
Ch 4()4 Fundamentals of This course is designed forthe strdents to have 4
AnaMical an understanding of the princifles and practice
Cttertisty wifi of grvimeffic and vdumetub rneffiods of
Laboratory analysis, potentiornety and spedrometry,
ana\[ical rrcasuements and data analYsis-

The laborabry course is designed to enabb the
students to rnaster fte basic skills required to
perbrm drernical analysis based on absolub
ard simpb instumental meffiods"
ch 405 Scierrce Teacfiing This mrrse deals with acfual observations, 3
and Testing participatiron, and supeMsed dassroom
teching in fte natural sciences invoMng
different techniques. The theoredical portion
indudes analysis of terching ot{ectives, test
onsttrdion, item analysis, and cuniculum

C. Coonates/Ehc{ives (Any two courses frorn the follontirp) (6 units)

Coe Course Dscriotion Units

ch 4{m Mathernatics for This @unse is devoEd to the study of 3
Chemisfy mafrematics essential tq integrated and its
Terchers applications wihin chemistry in order to
understand a tzlrqe of important concepts,
nrcdd physical scenarios, and sofue proilems.
Tryhs induded here ate rnaffiematical
fwndatbns, algebra, logs, erponentials ard
cfremical equilibrium, experinrental and data
analysis, gieqnetry, trigonomeitry,
diftrentiation, integnation, vectors, comflex
numbers and rnatrices-
ch 407 Envimnrnental The course infroduces the sfudstt to tfle 3
Chemisty scientific principles and processes that govem
the behavior of chemical species in the air,
wder, and sril environments arud the influerrce
of human adivities on these processes.
Environnental cfiernistry aims to prwide the
student with a better undenstanding of tp
important chembal mnoeprts that are involved
in environmental prrcses, the critical rde
cfremistry plays in environmental issue, and
sffne of the walrs that #mistry connects to
other disciplins.

PreregurMes: Advaned Organic Chemistry

wittr Labonatory, Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemisfy with Laboratory
ch 4t)8 AgrkrulUral This ooulse proftle a basic urderstanding and 3
Chemisty appreciation of the role of chemistry in
agrianfhrre- The objwtives of the course are (a)
to enable the students to recognize the main
groups of cfrenricals used in agriolfure arud
relate their physiological and agronomb effeG
to mobcular strrcture and dion; (b) b
undersEnd the basic prirrcides and application

of bistechrdogy to agriculture.
ch 409 Chemistry of This course covers the diftrent dasses of 3
Natural Producb natural producb ard fteir importance in health
ard onrnerce with emphasis on hor chemhal
str.lctrres influence ttHr pfrysio@bal
activities. lt also indudes the laboratory skills
and tecfiniques needed in tle conduct of
natural products chemistry research,
ch 410 Sebcted Toftics This murse deals wi& topics in agreed upon by 3
in Ctremistry tor the proftssor and graduate sttdents, tt'hidt
Chernisfy @\rer the pool of knorvledge needed in the
Teachers cunent cyber era-

D. Cornprehensive Enmination
(GraduaE sttdents are required to pass the oomprehensive
examinatbn b qualiff to enroll in Tfiesis Writing 1).

E. Thesis Writins (6 units)

Tfrcsis Writirg 1
This course ffirers the first firee chapbrs in
449 uniting a ttreis; tnt is, tfte intoducli:n, revkxr
of relabd literature and studies, and researcft
nreffrodology. lt also indudes thesis proposal
RStr/l ThesisWriting 2 This ourse deals with the in&pendent theis 3
450 writirg of a gradtnb candidab wi$t fte
guklarrce of an Adyiser lt indudes pre-oral and
final oral dehnses of the ffresis conduciled. The
policy on the rnaximum rsidence is applied b
this ourse.

B. tlasbrof Arts in Teaching Physics HATP)

Revised Program, Effective 1$ Semester, SY 2010-2011
Approved per Board Redution No. 19, s. 2010

A. Foundalion Courses (9 units)
FC 401 - Statistbs with CornprEr Applicalion 3
FC 402 - Me,fiods d Researcfi 3
FC 4O7 - Hurnan Behavbr in the Organizatior 3

B. MaiorCourses (18 units)

Ph 401 - Mechanicswith Labonatory 4
Ph 402 - Elecfronagnetism with Laboratory 4
Ph 403 - Opti:s 3
Ph 4(X - Tterrlodynamics 4
Ph 405 - Science Teaching and Testing 3

C. Coonate/Eledives (6 units)
Ph 406 - Mathematics for Physics Teachers 3
Ph 407 - Selected Topbs in Physics 3
Ph 408 - lilodem Physics 3
Ph 409 - Instumentdion 3
Ph 410-Ve@rAnalysis 3

D. Cornprehensive E:<amination

E- RSM - Tfresis Writino (6 units)

RSM 449 - Thesis Wrifing 1 3
RSM 450 - Thesis Writing 2 3

Tohl Units 39

Program Outcornes

Aflercornpleting the program, the students are expected to:

1. update alrd enricfr their scbntifc knovnledge, Echnical, and pedagogbal skilb
in biobgy, chemisty and physbs.
2- apply researctr skitls for replicatirg, verifyirq, validating, ard mntextualilrg
fieoreticaland pradicalknowbdge in the different aspe6 of scbntific
3. sustain pmfessional, social, and eilrical responsitrility in local, regional, ard
national devdoprnent plans along educational and mvilutrnental progElrrls"
4. dernonstrate environmental onem thrurgh inEgration of environrnental
education aqoss @urses and environmental advocacy progrms-
5. support local, regional, and natbnal dwebprnent plans along edtrcalional,
envircnmental, and sociosnomic programs.
6. demonsfate enyironrnental mnem thnough integration of envirstrnental
education €rcrrcs courses and erwironmental dvmy progmms-

Cource D,eecriptions

A. Fqrndatisr Courses (9 uniB)

c* Coulse Ilescriofgq
This cflrtge intoduces tE very nature of
FC 401 Statislicswith
Computer statistics as a science and how it is
Application usedlapplial in researcfr. lt indudes descriptive
and inhlential statistics ri,ift emphasis on
hypothesis bsting- Use of cornputer applicdion
sofuvare isb be given
FC 402 Methods of This currse deals wifi fie Echniques ard 3
Researcft procedurcs applbrt to social science research
with emphasis on frte teabnent of nurnerical
data and the furm ard fonnat for thesis
FC 47 Human Behavior This course @vers tlrc organizational situation 3
in the in ufiicfi lhe human rnone and

Organizatircn befiave and hotry the behavbr of people may be
influend in the effort to
optimize the
attainnent of organizational goals- The @urse
also deals with fte principles and practt-s that
must be applied to real2e desirable behavioral
cfiaracfieristics of the human fiactor of fie
organiatiur most especially productivity on the

A- MaiorGourses (15 units)

Gode Goulse Description Units
Ph 401 Mechanics with This course deals with a thorotgh study on 4
Laboratory such bpcs as ftIroe, molion, gravitation,
monrent.rm, energry, ard applicdion. This also
ffiversexperinents relabd to fotce, motion,
gravitalion, mornenkrm and energy.
Ph 402 Eledromagnetisrn This is an indepth study of electicity, 4
with Laboratory magnetisrn, elecforn4retism, changing fields,
and lwlve pfenornena- This @urse also
irxJude all activities/eteerinrcrts reHed to
ehcfficity, magnetisrn, and electorn4netism.
Ph 403 Optics This sut{ect deals with the behavior of light, 3
refleclion, rffiion, opthal instruments,
interErence, diffiaction, polarization, arxC
Ph 4(x Thenrmdynambs This course deals wtth HnPerature, heat, 4
kineth lheory, larrs of thermodynamic, and
Ph 405 Sciene Tedting This course deals with acfual obseryatbns,
and Leaming participatiron, and zupeMsed classroom e
tmching in the natural scism invdving
different tedrniques. The theoretical portim
irdudes analysis of teaching objeclives, test
mnstnrction, item analysis, and cuniculum

B. CoOnates/Eleclives (Any trrro gourses frorn tle fiollorirg) (6 units)

Code Coutse DeenEqtr Units
Ph 406 Mathematics for This cutrse deals with Yecbr analysis, 3
Physks Tedters diftrential and integral calculus, ard
ek=nrentary diftrential equation-
Ph 407 Sekscted To[*Js This course involrres the stttdY of u,ork, potffer, 3
in Physics and energy vedors, properties of rnatEr and
Ph 408 Modem Physics This course is a survey of the Physics of the 3
20h entury- lt oorrers the basic conepts of
special and general theory of relativity, fie
photo ehcfric efiect, x-nay, Comptq etred,-Eqln

produclion, and gravihlional reGshift.
Ph 409 lnskumentation This currse deals wift the technologry of 3
rneasurement applied in several bnanches of
scienae- lt aho oovers a great number of
tecfiniques br the physi:al and cfrernical
characGrization of a sysEm. lnstnrmental
techniques are comparabb with computer
systerns, sucfi ftat analytical data be
autornatically lecorded, sbred and
Ph 410 VectorAnalysis This curse provides a wrcise no,tation for 3
preenting equatirons arising ftiom mathematical
formulations of physical and gmnetrical
problern induding furming mental p*dtrres of
physilal ard georn€tri€l ideas. lt @vers
algebra and diftrential ard integral cabulus of
vectors, Stroke' theorem and the divergence
theorems, and offier integnal theorerns together
with many apdbation drauvn fiom various fields.

B. Comprehensive Examinatist
(Graduate str"dents are required to pass ffe cornprehensive
examination to qualiffto enroll in Ttmis Writing 1).

C. Thesis l/\iritirn (6 units)

Code Course Description Units

RS[/| ThesisWriting 1 This mrrse ctHreni the first three chapters in 3
,149 wriffrg a thesis; that is, the intodtrction, review
of related literature and stdies, and researcfi
mefrrodologry. lt aho indudes ttresis propcal
RS[t ThesisWriting 2 This ourse deals with fie independent thesis 3
450 writing of a graduate candidate with the
guidarrce of an Adviser- lt indudes preoral ard
final oral defrnses of the fisis condrcted. The
policy on ttre maximum resklene is applied to
this cource.

e. ilatr of Arts in Nursing (HAI'|)

Approved per Board Resdutilrn No.-, s.-

A. Core Courses(9 units)
Nrs 2OO - Theoretical Foundations of Nursing 3
Nrs 201 -Advaned Nursing Researcfi 3

Nrs 202 - Advaned Nursing Statistics 3

B. Maior Courses(18 units)

Nrs 203 - Nursing Adminishatirn I 3
Nrs 2(X - Nursing Administratilrn ll (prdism) 3
Nrs 205 - Advanced Nursing Prdice 3
Nrs 206 - Geronblogy Nursing 3
Nrs 207 - LegalAspects in Nursing Prdice 3
Nrs 208 - Environnental Heahh and Disasbr Risk Management 3

C. Cognate Courses (6 units)

Nrs 209 - Health lnformatics and Gornmunicatiron Sptem in 3
Nursing Practie 3
Nrs 210 - Cuniolum Developrnent in Nursing 3
Nrs 211 - lnstudlrnal Desfun and Teching Strategies 3
Nrs 212 - Comparative Study in Nursing Edrcatim ard Prac{ie

D- Gomorehensive Examination

E. ThesisWdlino(6 units)
Nrs 213 - Theis \Miting 1 3
Nrs 214 - Thesis Writing 2 3

Total Units 39

Prcgram Oubornes

Aftercornpleting the program, the students are expected to

1- Provlde ledership in nursing prrctir:e ard education and partbipate in policy

and regulabry processes to impove educational outcones and healttrcare
delivery systerns.
2- Engage in advanced nursing practir:e based on the integration of nursing
science, related scbnces and humaniths, cunent evidene, cliniel experience,
and ethicalprirrciphs.
3. Use treatth infunnatbn systerns and tecfrnologty to support liHong leaming,
ensure safe prac{ir- environnents, optimize patient and population healtfrcarc
outcornes to resofue education and pnactice problems-
4- Genera6 meaningful evidence for professional nursing practice based on
personal nursing philosofiy, prcrfessional nursiqg standards, and prdie
S- Design and apply culfurally rmponsive, patient-cenbred, evidenoe-based
teactring, assessrnent and evaluation prac*ie to facilitate leaming and impnrye
nursing care acfilss diverse settings-
6. Oernqsrate the ability to rcrnmunicate, adlaborate and assimilate the mufiiple
robs of advanced nursing practice within the context of prac{ice setting.
T - Pronpte environmental arrareness through slironmefiial education.

8. Support local, regbnal and natbnal daneloprnent plans along educatbnal,
sociocconornic, scientiFrc, techndogical, ard health programs.

Gource tlescrifiions

A. Core Courses (9 units)

Code Gourse Dscristion Units

Nrs-2fi) Theoretical This course provides an overview of sdeded 3
Foundaliom of ffteorb ard ffaneuorks as a fuindation to
Nursing understanding resffirch, prdb, and
scfiolarship in nursing.The ontent will provide
sfudents wtth critical analysis of how theory
developnrent impacts in a dynamic field of
nursing practir-. lt also involves ifutt'fication of
problems, issues and frends tcruvards
developirp onrn tfieory to guide pac*ice in
clinicaland in education setting.
Nrs-Z)l Advanced This course deals with the application of the 3
Nursing Researcfr principles and methods of qualitative and
quantitative research deQns which are used to
gererate rmir knowledge in nursing- Basics and
applied reserch are discussed usirg various
approdres in evaluating evidence-based
pnadir:e b inflr.rsrce quality improvernent ard
standards in nursing practie within an ethical
Nrs-202 Advanced This course builds on statistical proedures and 3
Nursing Statistics advances sfudents understanding of statistical
methods including design and masurernent
applicaUe in anatping and interpreting resutts
of health research investigation.

B. MaFrCourses (18 units)

Code Gounse Descriptioq Units
Nrs-X)3 Nursing This @urse examines the organization 3
Administation I princi@, prdim and pertinent le#rship
ard rnanagernent of heath service organization
and schml of nursing. Toplcs indude quality
imprcvement, risk rnanagement, strategb
planning, qualtty assurance, finarpial planning
and conffi induding hurnan resource
rnanagement and organizational befiaviors-
Understandirtg fte complex natrre of
organizational dtange and managerial
imfllcations of emerging issue and trerds in
nursing edr.rcation and pnactie are also
Nrs-Z)4 Nursing irwolves practicem on an intensive (3
Administration ll in the nurse to units

perform management ard administation robs Practi
and turrctions boffi in the hospital/dinicalsettirg cum)
and scfrool of nursirg- Applhati'on of leamed 100
rnanagwnefit lheories, ard problenrsoMng hotrrs
skills to realrrork setings are emphasized srch
as organiational planning, implernefitation"
monibring and evaluatkrn of organizational
Nrs-205 Advaned This course provirles an advanced educatirnal 3
Nursing Pradioe experienoe and dinical practie oompetence
applicabb to tdr orn specific prdkrc area ry
providing indepth knowledge and faining in
understandirg the paftophysiological and
psyctrcsocial prcresses in rneeting fie
heatttrcare needs of diverse gtutps ard
pop.rlations. lt involves anatyzirg, interpreting
and applying nursing theory and researcfi in
developirg holistic nursing care management of
individuals rnith rnedical ard surgical disease,
maErnal ard child developnent problems,
psycfroeocial crisis and psychiafic illnesses
induding conrmunity trealth nursing. The focus
will be on gaining competence and autonomy in
dinical prac*ice, professional and clinical
leadership and researcfr at an dvarred level.
Nrs-Z)G Gerontology This coNlrse infioduoes the grduate strdent to 3
Nursing the bash concepts of tE art and sciene of
gerontological nursing utilizing the nursing
process in providing tfe psychological and
socialaspects of carc of dder persms and their
caregivers. Emphasis is on understanding the
unique needs of the aging population,
enoouraging health pronrotion and rnaintaining
an optimum level of fundioning that promotes
qualrty of life.
Nrs-Z)7 Legal Aspects of This course provides graduate sfudent witr J
Nursing Practice oornprefrensive irquiry of rehted lavs, rules
and regulatbns aftdirE tle prac{ie of frte
nursing profession. The @urse involves
integration of elhbal and legal dimensions of
nursing praclie to effectively ard efficienty
deliver the administrative rdes ard func{ions as
education lder/manager in nursirg drcds
and heat8rcare service administation.
Nrs-208 Environmental This course is irtended to provide fundarnental 3
Health and un&rstanding of different aspe6 of disaster
Disaster Risk managenrenl lt is epeded to adentiry the
Reduction critical role of gnaduate str.rdent in mitignting
Manruerent environmental heallh risks fiorn a disaster or
a humanitarian crisis
environmental helth skills and infonnation in a
disaster settirg. This indLrdes the need to
colduct assessrnents to identiff and address
key risks such as those relaliqg b drinking
umter; shelters, wercrurding, fuod saEty,
wastanrater, disease causirg vectors, solid
waste and hazardous rnaterials induding the
risks of dirnate charge. The @urse also
provides basic knodedge, skills pertaining to
planning, organizing and decisbn-making
pmcess fur disaster risk reduc{ion, response
and management.

C. Coonates (6 units)

Code Couse Description Units

Nrs-Z)9 Health This cqrse infoclues gnaduate nurce shrdents 3
lnformatks anC to the role of inbrmation and mrnmunication
Csnmunbation systems in nursing organization. lt examines
SlBtern in infonnatics applbation to document, monitor,
Nursing Pradi:e ard imprwe fHffi outcornes across multiple
healttrcare ddivery seiling. The course also
@vers data managernent and security
necessary to frcilitate school-based ard
conrmunity/dinfuullrased keadership and
Nrs-210 Cuniculum This ourse fucuses m anatyzirg orriculum 3
Developnent in deign as a process and a s16tem. lt involves
Nursing formulating conoeptual fianeuprks br
Edtrcation cuniradum developrnent and utilization applylrg
teori6, starxdards, and technques to design,
ddiver, and evaluaE a nursing cuniculum ard
Nrs 211 lnstuctbnal This corrse etplores the role of the nuee 3
Des$n and educator in student educatbn, continuing
Teching educalion, sffi development, and patienUdbnt
Sbategies edr.rcation. This empb1rs fieorbs of edtrcation,
prirrcipbs of teachingrkming, leamer
assessnpnt sebctbn of instnrclional
straEgbs, devekcpment of instruc{ional
materials, teacfring dans, group insbuction
strategies, and prirrcipbs of measurement and
evaluation dleaming outcornes-
Nrs 212 Comparative This crurse is tu@sed on ktentiffing the field of 3
Strdy in Nursirg omparative education and its areas br studies
Educatbn and by lookirq into contenrporary nursing issu€,
Prdice trends, and educational teories and pnacties-
It prwirtes enricfiing opportuni[es for
benctrrnarkirg in advancing rw knoudedge
and clinical experience and tq ePPLlthem to

nursing pEctice.

D. Comorehensirc E:<amination
(Graduab sil.rdents arc required b pass the comprehersive
examirution b qualifu to enroll in Ttesis Writing 1)-

E. Theis Writiru

Code Coutse Description Units

Nrs.213 Thesis Writing 1 This murse @\rers the first three cfiapters in 3
uriting a tfrcsis; frtat is, the intodtrction, revieilv
of related lilerature and studis, and research
mehodology. Gnaduate students enrolled in the
course will be under the supervision of a
Professor, and their ou$ut is to defund a
Ttwis Propcal.
Nrs-214 Thesis Writirq 2 This course dels with the independent hesis 3
writing of a gmduab candidate with the
guidance of an Advisen and is erpected b
submit fur Preoral Defiense, and wentually
submitfurttre FinalOral D*nse. The progrcss
of file candidate is at hlslher o,vll pacirg but b
bear in mind of the polides on Maximum
Residence Rule.

'10- tasGr of Business Administration (tBAl

Re\rised Program, Eeftctive ls Senesfier, SY 2010-2011
Apprwd per Board Resc{ution No. 19, s. 2010
A. Foundation Cpurses (12 units)
FC 401 - Statistics tvith Csnputer Application r,

FC 4O2- Researcfr in Business Admlnistration 3

FC 403 - Social Responsibrility ard Good Gorernarre 3
FC 404 - Managerial Accounting 3

B, Maior Gourses (15 units)

BA 401 - Organizafpn ard Managenpnt 3
BA 4O2- Finarrcial Managenrent
BA 403 - Production Managernent 3
BA 404 - Marketing Management 3
8A405 - lnternational Busines Shategy 3

G. Coqnates/Electives (Any tuo cqlmes fiom the hllorirq) (6

uni'ts) 3
BA 406 - Human Reource Management 3
BA 407 - Marketirqg Researcft 3
BA 4oB - Human Behavior in the organization 3
BA 4Og - Enfrepreneurship Devebprnent 3

BA 410 - Prciect Feasibility Strdies 3
BA 411 - Sfrategic illanagement 3
BA 412* Quantitative Techniqus in Business

D. Cornprehensive Examination

E. R$M - Thesis ll\fitino (6 units)

RSM 449 - Thesis Writing 1 3
RSM 450 - Thesis Writing 2 3

Total Number of Units 39

Prcgram Ouhomes

f,rebr in Business Mminisffiion

Afier completing the program, the sfudenb are expec{ed b:
1. demonsfate proEssional cornpetene in the discipline in order to fuoter
enkepreneurialdevelnpment of srnall and medium enterpriss (SMEs).
2. denronstrate critical thinking in the field of busines, managenrent, ard
stmtegic decisbn rnakiqg.
3. exemplify a valueladen ard eftciive baders in both public and privaE
4. support local, regional, and natbnal denelopnent plans along ducational,
environmental, ard socircflornic pmgrams.
5. denronstrate environmental concem through integration of environmffital
educatim €lcross coursffi arud environmental advmcy programs

Couse [lescriptions

A. Fotrndation Courses (9 units)

Code Coutse Decfiption Units

FC 401 Stalisticswith This coulse infrodues tE very nature of 3
Computer Statistcs €ts a scierrce and hcnfl it is
Applicatbn usedlapplHl in business researches. lt indude
descriptive and inErential statistics wiill
ernphasis on hyporhesis testirq and the use sf
mmputer applkxtion sdware.
FC N2 Researcfi in This course @ls with fie technique and 3
Busirss procedures applied to social science research,
Administration partiorlarty business research, with emphasis
on the treatrnent of numerical data and the form
arud funnat for thesis vuiling.
FC 403 Social This ourse is des$ned to inform and stimulate 3
Reponsibility thinkirg on issues of ehics and social
and Good responsibility errcountered in business. lt is
Governance intendd b prepare sfudenb to recognize and
rnanage ethical and social responsittility issues
as ttrey arise, and to help them formul@he!1

otvn stardads of integrity and professionalism.
The overall carrce obiectives are to incrmse
a$.a,eness of the ethical dinension of busines
mrdrc{ and to confiibuile insights into the
profussional standads ard rcsponsibilitis of
the graduate students.
FC 404 Managerial This @urce pnrvides an introduclion to J
Aacounting aacounling mnepts and practices. lt provides
nofi-€lffiountants wth a bash understanding of
and tlre ability to analyze fnancial statement
such as halarm sheeb, irrcune statements,
and internal budgeb. It examines several
managemefit reporting mrrcepts suclt as
mting systems, financial $anning and
budgeting, break+ven analysis mntribution
margins, and cost volurne plofit anaffis" lt
examines lhe links betrren accounting and
planning, oontrol, amuntability, and decision-
making fu nc{ions within organiations.

B. MaiorGourses (15 units)

Gode Goulse Ilescrirtion Units
BA 401 Oryaniation This course deals with the fundamental mncepts, 3
and princifles, strLrc{urs, practim and iszues in the
Managenent organization and managernent of publb and
private organizatiuts or entities. lt is intended to
dwelop the strdenb ability to apply &e ontent of
the course in explaining, anallzing, and criticizing
ffre existing prdbe of govemment business, and
NGOs abaxrt their operations in ttrc context of a
cfianging swironrnent.
BA 4O2 Financial This cotrrse is designed to develop the knondedge 3
Management and skills expeded of a finance manager in
relalion b investment, financing, and dividend
policy decisbns. The relevance of the theorie
and oorrcepB of finanuial marngelnerrt to the busines corditions in the Philippirm is
the salient Eature of fie 6urse and is done by
revisiting the nakrre of the Philippine business
envimnment together with sucft emnomic
mnepts on microe@nomics and
macroeconsnics- These ommpts are likeudse
linked to lhe global business environrnenl
844.03 Production This course examines the subject of Production 3
Management and Operations Managenrent (POM) and
discusses its importane to the overall strategy
and conrpetitiverress of a finn. In additkrn, it
focuse on specific tools used to manage and
enhance a firm's operations and p@uc{iq!.rygh

as frcility laycuq pn:duct dsign, aggregate
planning, inventory rnanagement, and forecasting"
Other topics indude proffiss analysis and
seleciion, openations schedulirq, qualfiy
rnanagenrcnt ard shtistbal quality entml, and
proiect man4ement.
BA 404 Marketirq This course examines the relalionship behrcen 3
Managernent the needs and behavior of the marketplae and its
o$wtivs and marketirq skategies and prognams
develryed by the firm. utilizes lectures, a
propct, and a markeling simulaticn game. lt
commen€s wtth an infiodr.rc*ion to the nafure of
marketing in tre 21$ centrry and then addresse
the oomplexities of managing key rnarketing
proffises for beffer performarre. lt looks into the
cunent marketing prdires of firms in $e oounty
and in the Southeast Asian regiofi fiacilitated
through workshop pnesenEtion. Concepts and
thoughts along the five proc*sffi (i.e., direction
setting, innovation and continuous imptovernent,
positbning and brarding, alliane and cftannel,
and implernentation of services ard integnated
marketing communication) are discussed- ,
challenged, adopted, or even discaded,
depending on its apdlcatt'lity to the cunent
BA 405 lntemational This course ffils with tte stabgie used in 3
Business intemational business managemant. lt also
Strategy examines &e intematisnal businms environment
with whictr the top management of intemational
firms needs b take sbategic decisions. lt aims to
analyze lhe cfpices fuing intemational firms with
the aid of tfreorctical wrcepts, empirbal evidence
and an understanding of institutional stucfures.
These aspects are to be analyzed wifi the
understarding of ffie eftct of culturc on
organiations acruss the diftrent global regions.
Fur[mr, this murse lod<s into the strategies on
allianes and allianae networks, skategic
management of intemational openations, e-choice
hr loreign markeB, and eftics and social
repmsibility in the intemational businms arena.

C. Coonates (6 units)

Code Course Description Units

BA 406 Hurnan This coutse co\rers the maintenanm ofa 3
Resource oomprchensive syttem of pemonnel servies- The
Man4ement policies of sehctisr, deve@manf rnonement and
mntrol in the civil servire are taken in detail. At

the same tirne, the principle and prdim in the
maintenarrce of rrcfiale, pnductivity, and iob
satisfadion are discussed bge&er with the
produres in hardling grievanes and the
resolution of disciplinary cases. PuUic sector
unionism and perfurmance rating arc part of this
BA4oT Marketing The course ffi.erri salient topics that will provide 3
Rsearctr managers the facts and direclion they need in
intelligenty makirg impotant marketing decisions.
This is ancfiored on the prcrnise that manryers
need infonnation in order to introdue produ*
ard servirc that create value in the mind of the
cr,rstomer. Houever, tre peroeptwt of value is a
subiective ore, and what anstorners value ttis
year rnay be quite difierent fiom $rhat fiey value
next year. As such, athibuts that qeate value
cannot simply be dedued from mmrnn
knowledge. Rather. data must be mllected
analyzed and interpreted hr eftctive marketing
decision rnakirq-
BA {{T8 Human This course co\rers the organizalional situalion in e
Behavior in tlre whicfr the human components move and behave
Organization and hor the befiavior of the pryb may be
influenced in the effurt to optimize the attainment
of orgnnizalional goals. The ccx.rrse also dmls with
tfre prirrciphs ard practices that must be apdied
to realize deimble behaviorial cfiaracteristics of
the human fiacbr of the organizalion mmt
especially productivity on the job.
BA 409 Entrpreneurs This course deals wift &e strdy of the procms of 3
hip accebrating emnomk dwdopnrent through ,nore
Developrnent snployment, prodrrction and mnsumption vthich
can be achieved trrough developmental
apprcach on entrepreneurship. This is premised
on the rde played by small and mediunr'sized
businms enbryrene*rrs wtm are tfre engine of a
aountrfs economic grourh"
BA 410 Pro@ This course deals with the aspect of a Proiect 3
Feasihflity development cyde and the preparation of a
Studies proiect feasibili$ study fiat can be boft usetul tor
the rslization of proposed ventures and
improvernent of existing ventrre in bofft public ard
private entilies- Detailed discussion of the difhrent
parts of a pruiect feasibility study is an integral
partof this murse.
84411 Strabgb This mrrse focuses on tte understanding of hwv J

Managemmt profit and not-for-prrofit conrpanies utilize

competlive fores b dandop mmpehlive
advantages slrstematically and consistenfly by

pwitionirq fiese organizations into the global

B,A.412 Qtmntitative This aourse ffiverc maftematical decisisr rpdd$ 3

Tecfiniques in sucfi as rnakim ard lirrear pmgrarnmirq rnodds
Business and other special algorithms; inventory and
production nmdels; decisiur.making process
under certainty and risk; decision tree mnskuction
and anatysis; network rnoftls; PERT and CPM;
business furecasting rnodels; and cornputer

D. Compehensive Examination
(GrduaE students arc required to pass the mmprehensive
examinatbn b qualify to enrdl in Thesis Writing 1).

E. Thsis Writing (6 uniB)

fue Counse Descriotion Units
RSM ThsisWriting 1 This course coverc the first firee chapters in 3
4g writirg a thesis; tut is, the inhclnction, revieuv
of related lilerafure and studies, and rcsearch
meffiodology. lt also indudes thesis proposal
RSM Thsis Writing 2 This course dsls wift the independent thesis 3
450 wrifng of a graduate candidate wtth &e
guidarrce of an Adviser. lt irxdudes pre<ral and
linal onaldefunses of the ttresis mnducted" The
policy on the maximum reidenae is applied to
this course.

tI. tashrof PuHic Administration

Revised Program, Eftctine 1 Senmter, SY 201 0-201 1

Apprcved per Board Resduttion No. 19, s. 2010

A. Fourdation Cources (12 units)
FC 401 - Statistics with Cornpubr Applicatim 3
FC 4A2- Reeardt in Publh Administation 3
FC 40Hfiics and Amountability in PublicAdministration 3
FC 406 - The Philippine Adminisffiative Systern 3

B. Mabr Courses (15 units)

PA 401 - Organization and Managernent 3
PA 402 - Local Govemment Adminisfatist 3
PA 403 - Publb FiscalAdministraUon 3
PA 404 - Total Quality Man4ement 3
PA 405 - Emnomb Development Planning &Managerrent
C. Go,onaWEhdives(Any two cot rses frorn fie fullotiling) (6

uniE) 3
PA4(E -tublic Personnel Adminisfiation 3
PA407 - Gavemment Auditing ard Finarrcial Confid 3
PA4OA - Hurnan Behavbr in the Orgnnization 3
PA409 - Problerns and lszues in Local Executive Leadership 3
PA{10 - Goremment Amrnting ard Budgetirg J
P4411 - LocalGovemment Enbrprise Prornotion and

D. Cornprehensive bramination

E. RSM - Thesis Writino (6 unrts)

RSM 449 - Thesis Writing 1 3
RSM 45O - Thesis Writing 2 J

Total Number of Units 39

Program Outcomes

tmbr of PuHic Administration

Afur ompbtirg the progmrn, the stldents are expecGd to:

1. demonsfate updated and profusionalcompetencies to strengthen localand

national go\remane.
2. denronshate critical thinking and sound decision-making skills in the field of
govemmantal managemml
3- exernSiff a value-laden leadership in the field of public administration tor lhe
attainmsrt of organizational, local, and natbnal goals.
4. support local, regional, and national development plans along educatilnal,
environmgrtial, and socio-econornic programs.
5. demonsfiate environmental corpem through integration of environlrrcntal
educalion rrcrosa crxrrses ard envircnrnental dvocacy programs-

Course tlmcriptions

A. Fourdation Cqrrses (9 units)

Code Counse Description Unih
FC 401 Statistics wiilr This murse intoduces the very nattlrc of Statistics 3
Computer as a science and hol,t, it is used/applied in public
Ap$ication administration researches. lt indudes descriptive
and inferential statistics with emphasis on
hypothesis bslirq and the use of computer
apdication softrarc"
FC 4A? Resmrch This course is tre sfudy of ffie basic mncepts in 3
Methods in research neffisary for the quantitative and
Public qualitative analysis of fte disciplines in the social
Administration sciences, educatiryt, public administralion, and
businss adminisfatbn hene the need to revieur

current wrcems and issues in ttse varior.s
FC 405 Ethkx and This murse is designed to inbrm and stimulate 3
Aoomntabilfu thinkiry on issues of ethir:s and social
in Publh repmsibility in puHic dminisHbn. lt is
Administnafion intended to prepre students to reegnize and
manage efiical and social respursitt'lity issues as
they arise, and to help them brmulate their cnam
standards of integrity and pmbsionalism" The
overall oourse obieclive is to irsease avmreress
of the ethical sf ffiidurct and to
contribute insights into the proEssionalism
standards of responsibiliths of &e graduate
FC 4ffi Philipp[ne This is a @urse designed to focus the leamers' 3
Adminisbalive knodedge of managernent to the govemrnent
System sector. The bd<ground of public policies in the
national and local govemments is taken with the
vieur to prwide the fundamental concepts in the
pdicies, shategies and aclions in publ'rc
adminsfation. The ideals of &mocratic
managernant and the practie of publb
accountability are the fourdation of this course in
puHic administration.

B. MaiorCourse (15 uniB)

Code Gourse tlscriution Units
PA 401 Organizalion This course deals with fie fundamental conmpts, 3
and princi$e, stucturrc, praclices, and issues in the
Managerrent organization and management of publh and
private organizatkrns or entities. lt iB intended to
develop tre sfudents' ability to apply the oonEnt of
the course in explaining, anallzing, and criticizing
the existing prac*ie of govemment, business, and
NGOs abort their operatlrns in the context of a
changing environment
PA4A2 Local The course dals wilh ffie princi@, practies, 3
Govemrnent problems and problems of local govemment,
Administalisr evaluation of the local burcaucracy in the
Philippines, and the role of local units in socio-
econornic den doprnertl
PA 403 PuHic Fiscal The course mrrers frte whde rarge of tfrc revenue 3
Administration erpenditrre stucture and pollcies of all levels of
govemment taken in the context of national
Tffil Quality Management fiAM) prwides an J
PA4(H Total Quality overall $cturc of quality management in the
Managernent produdion of gds and services. The mulse

@ins srith the definition and a summary of iB
historical devdopment. It ernphasizes the
importance sf leadersfrip in TQM (with a fucus on
@nsurrcr satisffiion), ernplryee invdvernent
and the mnepE of continusrs impnovement and
toilal productive maintenanffi- TQM also explains
and helps students to apply tmls that can be used
to measure and ensure quality-
PA 405 Emnomic This murse deals with the phnning process ftom 3
DevdoFnent the ineptbn of a mandate b plan, to evaluation of
Planning ard outcornes in terms of sociosnsnic and polilical
Managenent development at the nalional and/or local level with
emphasis on the principl* and practices that
must be obeerved to obEin optirnal emnomy,
effectiverms, and efficiency in the use of
resotrrcs and in oornflialre with fte laur, publk
poliqf and sockl aspirations-

C. Coonates (6 units)

Code Course Dscription Units

PA 4OS Public Persmnel The maintenance of a mmprehensive system 3
Administralion of personnd servkrc in the public sector is the
@ncem of this @urse. The policies of
selec{ion, developnent, rnovenrcnt and mntrol
in the civil serutu- are taken in &bil- At the
sirffre tirne, the principls and prrctim in the
maintenance of rnorale, produc{ivity, and iob
satisfaction are discussed tog€ilfier with the
proedures in handling grievarrces and tE
resolution of disciflinary cases" PuHic sector
unbnism and perforrnane raling arc part of
frris course.
PA 407 Govemrnent This canrse deals yvith tre systernatlc revieryv sf 3
Auditing and govemnrent finarrcial transactions in order to
Financial Contol facilitate effective conffi in the quisition ard
utilizatisr of pnblic tunds.
PA 408 Human Behavbr This aourse c(xers the organizational situation 3
in the in whicfr the human @mponents move and
Organization behave and hcnrv the bdravior of people may be
inffuened in the efiort to optimize tte
attainnrent of organizational goals, The cflIftie
also deals wifi tte principhs and prdires that
must be applied to ralize desirable behavicral
cfraracteristim of the human factor of the
organization rnost specially ptoduc{ivity on the
PA 4O9 Problerns and This course fiocuses on the dutie and func{ions 3
lssues in Lml of the prwincial gCIremor, fte city munidpal
Executive mayors, and barangay captains in ffie faql of

Leadership problems and issues on local services, local
taxation, local inftastrudure, local enterprises
and govemmental pblic rclatforns" The
rnshanics of puHic mnsultat*rn, puHh
inionnalion, citizen participalion, ernpo*ennent
of the NGO's and hamessing the youth in local
development adion are disassed-
PA 410 Ganremment This course deals wtft fie proper recording, 3
Accounling and dassiffing, summarilrq, and interpretirq
Budgeting finarrcial kansadions in tfre gwemment sector
ooupled with tE apflicatbn of proper planning
of acquiring and ulilizing public tunds.
P4411 Local This murce deals vsith the role, policies, and 3
Gorcmment strategies in the promotion and development of
Enterprise enterprism Gmed ard operated by the local
Pronrcfrion and govemrrcrit like the put{ic markeq daughbr
Development house, vegetable fiarm, and the like, as well as
of private or non{ovemnent oryanization

D. Cornorehensive Examination
(Graduate strdents are rquired to pass the comprehensive
examination b qualiff to enrcllin Thesis Writing 1)-

E. Thesis Writiru (6 uniE)

Code Gourse De*cription Units

RSM Ttpsis WritirXg 1 This cotrrse @\rers the frst three chapters in 3
4g writing a thesis; that is, the introduction, reviar
of related ltterature and studie" and rsearch
nrethodology. lt also indudes tresis proposal
RSM Thesb Writrg 2 This murse deals yuith fte in&pendent ftesis 3
450 writing of a graduate candidate with the
guidance of an Adviser. lt inCuds pre+ral and
final oral dehnse of the tfesis conducted. The
policy on the maximum residence is affiied to
this murse-

12. HasfiBrof Arb in Agriculhrral Education (fnAAgEd)

Revised Program, Efiectrive td Sernester, SY 2010-2011
Approved per Board Resdution No. 19, s. 2010

A. Fourdalion Courses (9 units)
FC 401 - Statistics with Computer Application 3
FC 402 - Mefiods of Research 3
FC 403- Human Behaviorin the Organizalion 3

B. Mabr Courses (15 units)
AgEd 4t)1 -Vocational Teacher Eduetion 3
AgEd 4A2- Orgnnization & Administration otVocalional 3
Education 3
AgEd 403 - Pr*lems &lssue in Vocalional Educdrtm 3
AgEd 404 - Dweloprnent of CunielumMabrials in 3
Agricuttural Education
EDM 409 -
Extension and Educatirn $ervies

C- CoqnahslEhc{ives (6 uniB)
AgEd 4OG - Swine and PoulBy Productbn 3
AgEd 4A7 - Field Crop Produditrns 3
AgEd 408 - Advance Farm Managenent 3
AgEd 4Og - Nursery ard Greenhouse Managernent 3
AgEd 410- Pmject Feasibility Study 3
CT401 - ContemporaryTeacfiirgSfrategies 3

D. Comorchensive Examination

E- Thmis lJ\f,ritino ( 6 units)

RSM 449 - Thesis Writirq 1 3
Rsllll 450 - Thesis Writing 2 3

Total Number of Units 36

Progmm 0uborne*

Afieroompleting he program, the sfudents are erpec*ed tc:

1- denronstrate sound critical thinking decision-management skills in the field of

educalional dminisbation.
2. undertake community danelopnrent activities to promote desirabb ard
sustainable physical and human environrnstt.
3. exenr$iff a valueladen leder in lhe fierld of agriultrral education ard in
ortfter pmfusions.
4. support local, regbnal, and national development plans along educational,
environmental, and sociowtornic prognams-
5. denpnstrate enyironmental wrem hrough integr:ation of environnsfial
education acrtxls coumes and environrnefltal advmy programs-

Gourse [lescriptions

A. Fqrndation Curses (9 units)

Code Course Ihscrirtisr Units

FC 4t,1 Statisticswifi This course intoduces the very nafure of Shtistics 3
Computer as a science and horr it is usecUapdied in puHic
Application administration researctw. lt irrcludes descriptive
and inbrential sbtistics with emphasis on
hypothesis t*ting and frE trie of ql1pttter

application softrare.
FC 40? Methods of This coutse deals wift fie teclrnirlum and I
Rmmrctr procedurs applied to socialscience research with
ernphasis on the hatrent of nunrerrtal dah and
the form and format for ftesis writng-
FC 407 Human This murse the organiational sifuation in which 3
Behavior in the tfte human components mqre and behave and
Organization hour the b$rayior of people rnay be infiuenced in
the efurt to optirnize &e attainment of
organization goals. The murse also deals with the
principhs and pnac{ies that must be applied to
realize desirable behavioral draracteristics of the
human factor of the organization most especially
productivity on the iob.

B. MaiorCourses (15 units)

Code Coulse Eesr-ripeon Units
AgEd Vocational This course deals with the legal and phibsophical 3
401 Teacher bases and objectives of vocalional education- lt
Educatkon indudes an overvimr of tte history of vocational
education, its principle, and theorbs. Analysis of
the goveming operations of fie various types of
rrocdional teacfter education programs and their
role in the tohleducation system are also
AgEd Organizational This murse provides an overvieryvof the ot{ective 3
402 an of various prognams implenented in the diftrent
Admlnistatisr types of vocationalschools in the Philippines.
of Vocatisral Relevant educafional legislation, nrernorandum
Education circulars, and other issuarrces aftcting the
adminisffiion and oganimtion of vocalional
education are given ern$rasis-
AgEd Problerns and The murse €vers &e frends, issues, and 3
403 lssues in problems in vocationaUtechnical education-
Vocational Specificalty, il fucuses on the probler*s and the
Edrmtion lssues on cuniculum $annirg, financing, fuilities,
and govemane of vocationaUtecfinical ducation
program in &e Philipftine,
AgEd Development This eume is de$ned to provi& tnaining in the 3
4M of Cuniculum analysis of agriculfuraleducation activities, and in
Materials in the developnsttof cuniculum materials. lt
Agrianltural providm an overvieryv of fie prirrciples and
Educatbn components of the 4riculfural educatbn
cuniculurn and taxorpmy of educational
ot{ectives. lt also indude ffrc various media
materials in
ducdion - their prcper utilization,
care and selec{ion-

AgEd Extension This murse primarily dels luitt fte utilization of 3
405 Education agricuttural education in community extenslon
Servk-s servim fur livelihood campaign greening the

C- Cosnates {6 units}

code Counse Dscrirtion Units

AgEd Swire and The murse is deigned at intuducing tlre 3
406 Poultry \fitaf,'houuF, 1flhf, and ?hen'of gMneand
Prodr"lc*ion pcuttry productiwr thatwcxrH gurerate a
profitaHe venfu re among farmer-entreprerleurs.
AgEd FieH Crop This course deals with the mecfianhs ard 3
407 Production methods of a profitable fiekl crop produrction.
AgEd Advaned Farm This murse deals witt the lrhaf and "hcra/ of 3
408 Man4ernmt managing f;arms arxl/or ryriorltrral vsltrres in
the cunent era of modem technological
AgEd Nursery and The murse is designed to explore the onrepts 3
409 Greenhouse and theorbs behind proper management of
Managenrent nuniery and grcenhouse as a modem tool fur
AgEd Projec{ Feasibility This course deals with the aspect of a project 3
410 Studies developnrentcllcle and the preparation of a
prolect feasibility study that can be both usetul
forthe realization of propmed venfures and
improvenwrts of existing venfure in both publb
and private entities. Detailed discussion of the
difhrent parts of a projed fieasibility study is an
integral part of this @urse.
cT 401 Conternporary This murse deals wtst reent methods and 3
Teaching technique in lhe tedtirq ard leaming
Strabgies situations. lt also inckdes the various teaching
rnaterials such as teaching guides, manuals,
sursffi of sfudy, textbooks, and otrer
i nstructional materials.

D- Cornprehensive Examination
(Graduate sIrdents are required to pss the cornprehensive
examination to qualifi to enroll in Thesis Writing 1).

E. Ttmis \ftf'ritiru (6 units)

Code Counse Deecriotiion Units
RSM Tfrcsis Writirq 1 This course covets the first thrce dtapterc in 3
449 writing a thesis; tfnt as, the intoduction, revieur
of relahd literatrre and sfudies, ard researcft

rndrodology" lt also irxCudes thesis proposal
RSfr/l Thesis Wrtling 2 This ource deals with tte independent thesis 3
450 wrifing of a graduab cardidate wi& the
guklarre of an Adviser" lt inddes ple-oml and
final onal de&nses of the thesis conducted- The
policy on the nuaximum rsidenm is applied to
this course-

{3. Hashrof Arb in lndustrial Education

Revised Program, Efiedive 1$ Sernester, SY 201&2011
Apprwed per Board Reolution No. 19, s. 2010

A Foundation Courses (9 uni8)
FC 401 - Shtistics with Compubr Application 3
FC 402 - Me0rods of Resarcfr 3
FC 4AT - Hurnan Behavior in the Organization 3

B. Maior Cours (15 units)

lE 4O1 - Vocatbnal Tercfer Education 3
lE 402 - Organization & Adminisftatisr of Voetional J
Educatbn 3
lE 403 - Developnrcnt of Cunkrrlum MaErials in lndustial 3
Education 3
lE 404 - Physical Plant and Frcilffies Layout
ED[r|409 - NFE and Manporer Developrnent
C- CoonatesfElecfivs (6 units)
lE 405 - Cunent ProHerns &lssues in Vocational Education 3
EDM 406 - Scfiod Finane & Business ttltan4ement in 3
Edumtion 3
BA 403 - Produdion Managernert 3
BA 409 - En@reneurship Devebpnnnt 3
PA 404 - Total Qualily Management

D. Cornpehensive Examination

E. RSM - Theis Writino {6 un}ns}

RSM 449 - Thesis Writing 1 3
RSM 450 - Thsis Writing 2 3

Total Units 36

Program Oubomes

Afrermrnileting the pmgram, the students are expected to:

L dernonstnate fie mmpetencies required of the Philippines Trainers
Qualifrcation Fnameuprk (PTOF).
2- perbrm rrcrk ac*ivitis efiectively and efFcienty toft standards e:pec{ed in
tlte operation required in educatbn ard in offirerservie{rbnted indusffies-
3- aruallze situalion, lJentify prublenm, formulab solutions ard im$ernent
mnective andlor mrtigatirg rnasurs and action.
4- support local, regional, and national development plans along educational,
envimnmental, ard socio++nornic programs.
5- denpnshate enyironnrental conem through inbgration of environmental
educalisr €lcross c&rrss and environmental advocary prognms.

Cource tlescriptions

A. Femdation Gorrsm (9 units)

Cade Counse DescriEtion Unitr
FC 4t)1 $tatisticswtth This course intodum fte very naturc of 3
Cornputer statistics as a science and fffii, it is
Applicdhn usedlapplied in researcfi. lt indudes d*criplive
and infiercnlial statistics with emphasis on
hypoffiesis @ting. Use of mmputer applkution
sofhnare is to h
given emphasis.
FC 402 Methods of This course deals with the techniques and 3
Resercfr proedurs applierl to social sciene reearcft
with emphasis on the treatnent of numerical
data and lhe form and fornat for thsis writing.
FC N7 Human Behavbr This murse mvers the organizational sifualist 3
in the in rvhicfi the human connponents neve ard
Organization behave and horr the behavbr of people may be
influenced in the e,fiort to
oplimize the
attainment of organizational goals. The course
also dmls with fie principles ard pnac{ies that
must be applied to realize deiraHe befnvbnal
cfrarrcteristics of the human fiactor of the
organization nmt especially ptoductivity on the

B. Majqr Coursm (15 units)

ffi Course Descriotion Units

tE 401 Vocational This munse deals with the legal and the 3
Teacher philmphlcal bases and otfective of
Education vocational education. lt indudes an qtervienr of
the history of vocational education, its
principles, and theories. Analysis of the
goveming ryeratirns of the various types of
yocatitxral tedrer edtrcation program$ ard

their nile in the total educational system are
also included.

lE 402 Organization and This course provides an overvierrr of the 3

Administration of objectives of various prograrns impernented in
Vocational the diftrcnt types of vocational scfrools in the
Educatkrn Philipirres. Rebvant educatbnal legislation,
memorandum circulars, and other issuances
afiecting the administnation and organization of
vocational education are given emphasis.
lE 403 Devdopnentof This murse is designed to provide training in 3
Cunkrrlum the analysis of industrial education adivitie
MaErials in and in the developrnent of cunirulum materials.
lndustrial It provide an overvievv of the principles and
Educatirn mmponents of fte industrial education
cunkxlum and taxonorny of educational
o$ectives. lt also indude the variors media
rnaterials in education - their proper utiliation,
care, and sehcIion.
E404 Physiel Plant This course primarily deals with fte physical 3
and Facilities plant and facilitbs of vocationaUtechnical
tayout schools. lt includes basic requirernent principle
and ffirs considered in tre seledion of
srfiod sites. layout typ6, principles and
techniques of scfrool and industial sho6, lime
and rnotion sfudy, and job deign are also given
EDM NFEand This murse deals with the various aspe6 or 3
409 Manpotrler non-funnal educatkrn and tnanpcn#er
Developrnent devdopnent aspects indusive of fonnal
education trainirq, practicum, and the
apprentiehip system with ernphasis on fitting
the rnanpcnyer develofnent plan to the national
econornb Gvdoprnent plan.

C. CoqnatdElec{ive$ (Any two courses ftom the fiollonting} (6 units}

Code Sounse Description Unib

tE 405 Curent Pt$letns The @unBe covers fte trends, issue, and 3
and lssue in problans in vocationaUtechnlcal education.
Vocational Specifically, it fucuses on the problems and
Educatbn issues o{l qrniculum planning, finarning,
faciliths, and govemane of
vocatkrnaUtecfrnir:al education program in the

Code Course Descrirtion Units
EdM Scfrool Finance This course deals wift problems of school 3
406 and Busines finanre, scfiod budsl amrntiryg, sourm of
Management scfiool equiprnent, and prdical sclrool
esrcrnies $rith ernphasis on tax sources
ommonly used for supporting public scfrools.
Various pattems of distribution of funds are
anallzed and the efiects of such fiscal policies
on nalional{ocal relationship are mnsidercd.
BA 4O3 Produdion This counse examines the subiect of Prpduction 3
Managemmt and Operations Manage.rnent (POM) and
discussm its importance to flre overall strategy
and competitiveness of a firm" ln addition, it
focusm on sp*ifc tools used to rnanage and
enharre a firm's operatftrns and paduction,
sucfr as feilrty layou( ptoduct design,
aggregate planning, inventory management,
and forecasting. Other topics include pmcess
analysis ard selection, openations scheduling,
quality managernent and sHtistiml quality
mntol, and pmiect management-
BA 409 Entrepreneurship This cqrrse deals ri,ith fte study on lhe prcffis 3
Developrnent of amlenating emnomic development thmugh
morc employmenl pmdudion and
consumptiryt, vnfilcft can be acfiieved through a
developmental approach on entrepreneunship.
This is premised on the rub played by srnall
and rrediurn-sized business enfrepreneurs,
who are the engine of a curnfiy's econornic
PA 4O4 TotalQuality Tnis course deals with tfre management of total i 3
Manqernent quality: quality of products and servies to i

satis{ sfrrle specific needs of dienB arud ]

sEkeholders, and quality of liE at urcrk and l

outside work to sarcry the needs of people in

the organization or fte needs of $e

mnstituerre in a partirxrlarsociety- Tffil

Managenrent OOM) involvm planning,
organizing, directing, mntolling and assurance
of all activitim and resourc* in the entire
organization, supply chain and fie
prcdtd/service litu cyqq.

D- Conrprehensive Examination
(Graduate students are required to pass the comprehstsive
examination b qualifu to enroll in Tfiesis Writing 1)-

E. Thesis Writins (6 units)

Code Gourse Descriation Units

RSM ThesisWritirrg 1 This mlrse covers the first three cfiapters in 3
49 writing a thesis; friat is, the infoduc{bn, revk*
of related liErafure and studies, and researct
meftodology. lt also indude thesis proposal
RSllil Thesis Writirq 2 This course dals wffi fte independent trcsis 3
450 wrifing of a gradtnb candidaE wifi tE
guklarre dan Adviser. lt indudes pre-oral and
final oral deEnses of the thesis conducted. The
policy on the maximum rsiderre is applied to
this murse.


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