Health Teaching Plan

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General Objective At the end of the session, the client will be able to understand the significant
impact of malnutrition on their children and treat malnutrition without requiring hospitalization.

Learning Content Strategy Strategy Time Resourc Evaluation

Objectives Rationale Venue es Method
At the end Malnutrition Lecture This Septemb Printed Questionin
of the teaching er 08, Handouts g
A condition strategy
lesson, the 2022
happens when would be Visual
clients are a person’s diet able to give 1:30 PM Aids
expected or food intake Content
relevant – 4:30
to: does not Evaluation
information PM
contain the to the
right amount audiences in 30
of nutrients the a relatively Minutes Do you
body needs. It reasonable have an
After the can also occur At
time frame. idea what is
home visit when a person Desiree’s
It is a cost- malnutritio
session, the has problems home
effective n?
clients will or difficulty strategy and
be able to absorbing can be
understand nutrients from easily
malnutritio food. Can you
n and how define what
d by printed
it can Signs of handouts or is
Malnutrition other malnutritio
impact the
well-being learning n?
Weight loss is materials
of their the most
children. that will
common sign enhance.
of malnutrition learning.
Being prone to
having illness
and infection

Low energy
weakness or
low muscle

Slower healing
of wounds

can make a
person ill
because the
body needs
food as energy
to function
After the The health Discussio This Content
session, the educator will n learning Evaluation
client will ask questions strategy
be able to to the client to would What are
identify determine if enable the the other
other they are aware client to factors that
factors of the presence stimulate might cause
affecting of the problem and think malnutritio
malnutritio or condition. about the n?
n. Convergent, issues and
probing, and problems by
open-ended expressing
questions will their
be used. experiences,
Sample and ideas,
questions: hence
What have you making it
done to solve more active
the problem learning
and improve
the situation?

What do you
plan regarding
the problem?

Did you
barriers in
solving the
The clients Treating Lecture This Printed Content
will be able malnutrition teaching Handouts Evaluation
to strategy
recognize The treatment would be Visual
the depends on the able to give Aids Do you
importance severity of relevant watch out
of healthy malnourishme information what you
balanced nt, it can be to the are eating?
diet to treat treated at audiences in
and prevent home, but in a relatively
malnutritio some cases, it reasonable
n. requires time frame.
hospitalization. It is a cost-
Dietary advice strategy and
is given to can be
malnourished easily
patients. a supplemente
healthy, d by printed
balanced diet handouts or
is important in other
maintaining learning
health and materials to
fitness. A enhance
person should learning.
eat foods from
the four main
food groups:
fruits and
starchy foods,
dairy products,
meat, fish, and

Bastable, S. (2019). Nurse as educator (5th ed.). Jones & Barlett Learning.
Malnutrition. nidirect. (2022). Retrieved 7 September 2022, from

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