2021 10 ELEC4621 T1 2020 Course Outline
2021 10 ELEC4621 T1 2020 Course Outline
2021 10 ELEC4621 T1 2020 Course Outline
Term 1, 2020
Course Outline
Advanced Digital Signal Processing
Course Convener: A/Prof. Elias Aboutanios Room 445 [email protected]
Tutor: Dr Hamed Nosrati
Laboratory Contact: TBA
Consultations: You are encouraged to ask questions on the course material as well as any other related
matter through the Moodle forum. This should be the primary avenue of consultation for the benefit of the
entire class. You may also ask questions after the lecture class times if time permits. The use of email is
highly discouraged and should be only a last resort (or if a matter needs private contact with the lecturer).
When emailing the lecturer, ALL email enquiries should be made from your student email address with
ELEC4621 in the subject line, otherwise they will not be answered. When necessary, lecturer consultation
times will be set and posted on Moodle.
Keeping Informed: Announcements may be made primarily via Moodle, so it is imperative for you to keep
checking the Moodle page of the course https://moodle.telt.unsw.edu.au/login/index.php. Whenever possible,
they will also be announced during classes and/or via email (to your student email address). Please note that
you will be deemed to have received this information, so you should take careful note of all announcements.
Contact Hours
The course comprises lectures, tutorials, and laboratory sessions each week as described in the table below.
Note that, due to the move to the 10 week format, this arrangement may change if any issues are identified.
Days Time Location Weeks
Lectures Monday 10am - 12pm Ainsworth 102 1-8, 10-11
Wednesday 1 - 3pm Red Centre M032 1-6
Wednesday 1 - 2pm Red Centre M032 7-10
Tutorials Monday 1 - 2pm Bus 205 1-8,10-11
Monday 2 - 3pm Bus 205 1-8,10-11
Labs Tuesday 2 - 5pm ElecEng 108 1-10
Wednesday 3 - 6pm ElecEng 108 1-10
Thursday 9am - 12pm ElecEng 108 1-10
Thursday 12 - 3pm ElecEng 108 1-10
Laboratory Assessment 30%
Quiz 20%
Final Exam (2 hours) 50 %
The assessment scheme in this course reflects the learning objectives. Assessment in laboratories is
intended to encourage you to get the most from these learning experiences. Mid-session tests encourage
you to keep on top of the material and to allow both you and your lecturer to discover weaknesses in
understanding early. Assessment in the final exam is very important to overall learning in the course;
preparation for the final exam provides the best opportunity to appreciate the course as a whole and cement
your understanding of its heavily interlinked concepts.
The assessment scheme in this course reflects the intention to assess your learning progress through the
semester. Ongoing assessment occurs through the lab checkpoints (see lab manual), lab exams and the
mid-semester exam.
Laboratory Assessment
Laboratories are entirely about learning and understanding what you have learned. The laboratory assess-
ment is designed to check your knowledge and understanding as you progress through the course.
Laboratories 1 to 5 are assessed within the lab itself and will be given a grade of satisfactory/unsatisfactory.
They contribute 10% toward the final assessment. Completing these labs is required for the final lab project
and for passing the course. Only a few minutes of assessment time are reserved for each of you for these
labs. The lab project, which is due in Week 10 will result in the submission of a lab report each. Each report
is marked and contributes 20% towards the course assessment.
It important, however, to see that the labs are worth much more than the marks as they permit you to apply
your knowledge in the confidence that it can build and the understanding it can impart.
The laboratories in this course are design exercises that will typically require you to revise your lecture
notes to deepen your understanding of the topic that is covered by the laboratory. This is intended and it is
expected that you can demonstrate familiarity with all the relevant lecture material while being assessed. It is,
nonetheless, noted that you may have gaps in your knowledge and therefore need help. In this respect, the
laboratory demonstrators are highly knowledgeable and helpful. They can assist you to resolve weaknesses
in your understanding, but you must raise any concerns that need their assistance near to the beginning of
the scheduled laboratory period. Most of the final hour of the lab session will be spent assessing your work.
You should follow all instructions given by the laboratory demonstrators to facilitate efficient assessment
of your work. Where analytical work is involved, you should have that work available for the laboratory
demonstrators to inspect, in a separate neatly presented laboratory book.
Note also that the labs are meant to stimulate discussions. As you attempt the exercises prior to the lab in
your own time, you will have the opportunity to discuss the labs in the forums that are provided on Moodle.
The questions you ask can be answered by your peers, or by the course teaching staff.
Mid-Semester Exam
The mid-session examination tests your general understanding of the course material, and is designed
to give you feedback on your progress through the analytical components of the course. Questions may
be drawn from any material already covered in the course schedule. It may contain questions requiring
some (not extensive) knowledge of laboratory material, and will definitely contain numerical and analytical
questions. Marks will be assigned according to the correctness of the responses.
Final Exam
The exam in this course is a standard closed-book 2 hour written examination, comprising five compulsory
questions. University approved calculators are allowed. The examination tests analytical and critical thinking
and general understanding of the course material in a controlled fashion. Questions may be drawn from any
Prescribed textbook
There is no prescribed textbook for this course. Notes and relevant documents as well as recorded videos
will be provided to you as appropriate.
Reference books
• Proakis & Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Prentice Hall.
• Simon Haykin, Modern Filters, Macmillan Publishing Company.
In addition to these two books, other reference books will be posted on Moodle.
On-line resources
As a part of the teaching component, Moodle will be used to disseminate teaching materials, host forums
and occasionally quizzes. Assessment marks will also be made available via Moodle: https://moodle.telt.
Mailing list
Announcements concerning course information will be given in the lectures and/or on Moodle and/or via
email (which will be sent to your student email address).
Dates to note
Important dates are available at: https://student.unsw.edu.au/dates
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of other people’s work, including the copying of assignment works
and laboratory results from other students. Plagiarism is considered a form of academic misconduct, and
the University has very strict rules that include some severe penalties. For UNSW policies, penalties and
information to help you avoid plagiarism, see: https://student.unsw.edu.au/plagiarism. To find out if you
understand plagiarism correctly, try this short quiz: https://student.unsw.edu.au/plagiarism-quiz.
Student Responsibilities and Conduct
Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to all UNSW policies (see https://student.unsw.edu.au/
guide), and particular attention is drawn to the following:
It is expected that you will spend at least 15 hours per week studying a 6 UoC course, from Week 1 until
the final assessment, including both face-to-face classes and independent, self-directed study. In periods
where you need to need to complete assignments or prepare for examinations, the workload may be greater.
PE1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge X
PE1.4 Discernment of knowledge development and research directions
PE1.5 Knowledge of engineering design practice X
PE1.6 Understanding of scope, principles, norms, accountabilities of
sustainable engineering practice
PE2.1 Application of established engineering methods to complex problem X
PE2: Engineering