This document provides extra syllabus topics for JEE Main Test preparation in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. Some key topics included are sets and relations, thermodynamics, coordination compounds, semiconductors, proteins, nucleic acids, and purification techniques. The syllabus is from Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy located in several Indian states and aims to provide additional material beyond the standard curriculum for aspiring JEE students.
This document provides extra syllabus topics for JEE Main Test preparation in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. Some key topics included are sets and relations, thermodynamics, coordination compounds, semiconductors, proteins, nucleic acids, and purification techniques. The syllabus is from Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy located in several Indian states and aims to provide additional material beyond the standard curriculum for aspiring JEE students.
Original Title
Jr & Sr. Extra Syllabus for Jee Main Test (GTM)_2024
This document provides extra syllabus topics for JEE Main Test preparation in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. Some key topics included are sets and relations, thermodynamics, coordination compounds, semiconductors, proteins, nucleic acids, and purification techniques. The syllabus is from Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy located in several Indian states and aims to provide additional material beyond the standard curriculum for aspiring JEE students.
This document provides extra syllabus topics for JEE Main Test preparation in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. Some key topics included are sets and relations, thermodynamics, coordination compounds, semiconductors, proteins, nucleic acids, and purification techniques. The syllabus is from Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy located in several Indian states and aims to provide additional material beyond the standard curriculum for aspiring JEE students.
A right Choice for the Real Aspirant ICON Central Office , Madhapur – Hyderabad Jr & Sr Extra Syllabus for Jee Main Test (GTM)_2024 MATHEMATICS PHYSICS CHEMISTRY SETS, RELATIONS: Mechanical INORGANIC CHEMISTRY EXTRA SYLLABUS FOR MAINS FIRST YEAR Sets and their properties of I. Chemical bonding: (i) Elementary idea of metallic bonding representation; fluids: II. Hydrogen and its compounds: Direct questions not to be tested but interlinked
Yashpatil TG~ @bohring_bot
and mixed with other topics question to be tested Union, intersection A) Posisuelle’s SECOND YEAR and complement of equation I.f – block elements: Lanthanoids: Electronic configuration, oxidation states, lanthanoid contraction. Actinoids: Electronic configuration and oxidation states sets and their Subtopics of II. Coordination compounds: Linkage isomerism, coordination isomerism, algebraic properties; Thermodynamics: solvate(hydrate) isomerism, optical isomerism in complexes(excluding complexes containing chiral centred ligands) Power set; Relation, A) Heat engines III. Practical inorganic chemistry: (i) The chemistry involved in the preparation of Type of relations, B) Refrigerators the following inorganic compounds: (from NCERT lab manual ) equivalence relations. and heat pumps a) Mohr’s salt b) Potash alum STATISTICS AND C)Reversible and (ii) Chemical principle involved in the qualitative salt analysis of a) NO 2 , Ni 2 , NH 4 ,C2O 24 ,CH 3COO ,PO34 ,AsO34 (from NCERT lab manual ) RANDOM VARIABLES irreversible (iii) Borax bead test, charcoal cavity test, cobalt nitrate bead test (from NCERT lab AND BIONMIAL D)Second law of manual) PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY EXTRA SYLLABUS FOR MAINS DISTRIBUTION: thermodynamics FIRST YEAR Measures of 1. Optical I. Some basic concepts in chemistry: Laws of chemical combination II. Atomic structure: Nature of electromagnetic radiations. Photoelectric effect. Dispersion: instruments, III. Equilibrium: Solid‐ liquid, liquid‐gas and solid – gas equilibria, Henry’s law, Calculation of mean, Polarization and general characteristics of equilibrium involving physical process, Arhenius acid Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy., India. AP, TELANGANA, KARNATAKA, TAMILNADU, MAHARASHTRA, DELHI, RANCHI A right Choice for the Real Aspirant ICON Central Office , Madhapur – Hyderabad Jr & Sr Extra Syllabus for Jee Main Test (GTM)_2024 median, mode of diffraction bases, acid base equilibria involing multistage ionization. IV. Practical Physical chemistry:1) Enthalpy of solution of CuSO4 grouped and 2. Magnetism 2) Enthalpy of neutralization of SA & SB ungrouped data (classical) SECOND YEAR I. Electro chemistry: Dry cell, and lead accumulator, fuel cells. calculation of 3. Magnetic
Yashpatil TG~ @bohring_bot
II. Practical Physical chemistry: 1) Preparation of lyophilic & lyopholic sols . 2) standard deviation, materials Kinetic study of reactions of I with H 2O2 at room temperature ORGANIC CHEMISTRY EXTRA SYLLABUS FOR MAINS variance and mean 4. Semiconductor FIRST YEAR deviation for grouped devices, Logic gates I. Purification ‐ Crystallization, sublimation, distillation, differential extraction, and chromatography ‐ principles and their applications. and ungrouped data. 5. Electromagnetic Quantitative analysis (basic principles only) ‐ Estimation of carbon, hydrogen, Probability waves nitrogen, halogens, sulphur, and phosphorus. Calculations of empirical formulae and molecular formulae: Numerical problems in organic quantitative analysis, distribution of a II. Alkenes & Alkynes ‐ Polymerization. random variate. SECOND YEAR I. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CONTAINING HALOGENS Uses; Environmental effects of chloroform, iodoform freons, and DDT. II. BIOMOLECULES : PROTEINS ‐ Denaturation of proteins, enzymes. VITAMINS – Classification and functions. NUCLEIC ACIDS – Biological functions of nucleic acids. Hormones (General introduction) III. PRINCIPLES RELATED TO PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY Organic compounds: Acetanilide, p‐nitro acetanilide, aniline yellow, iodoform. NATIONAL IIT COORDINATOR Mr. M.Uma Shankar