Minion Bob Amigurumi Patterne - JPG

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Minion amigurumi pattern


The pattern is designed to be crocheted in spiral except for the area of the overalls, the eyes
and the ribbon glasses that are crocheted into rows. Using cotton yarn and a 3mm hook you
can get a doll of about 14cm in height

Stitch key
Θ magic ring
ch chain
sl st slip stitch
sc single crochet
v increase = 2 sc in the same stitch
^ decrease = 2 sc together
BLO back loop only
FLO front loop only

Number before the symbol means how many times the stitch should be done, such as, 5sc =
single crochet in 5 next stitches
Number after sequences in brackets means how many times you must repeat it, for
instance: (1sc, 1v) 6rep = repeat 6 times


round sts instructions

1 6 Θ, 6sc

2 12 (1v) 6rep
3 18 (1sc, 1v) 6rep
4 24 (2sc, 1v) 6rep
5 30 1sc, 1v, (3sc, 1v) 5rep, 2sc
6 36 (4sc, 1v) 6rep
7 42 2sc, 1v, (5sc, 1v) 5rep, 3sc
8 48 (6sc, 1v) 6rep
9 54 3sc, 1v, (7sc, 1v) 5rep, 4sc
10 60 (8sc, 1v) 6rep
11 - 31 60 60sc
32 54 4sc, 1^, (8sc, 1^) 5rep, 4sc
33 48 (7sc, 1^) 6rep
34 42 3sc, 1^, (6sc, 1^) 5rep, 3sc
stuff firmly
35 36 (5sc, 1^) 6rep
36 30 2sc, 1^, (4sc, 1^) 5rep, 2sc
37 24 (3sc, 1^) 6rep
38 18 1sc, 1^, (2sc, 1^) 5rep, 1sc
39 12 (1sc, 1^) 6rep
finish stuffing
40 6 (1^) 6rep
cut the yarn and fasten off


round sts instructions

1 6 Θ, 6sc

2 12 (1v) 6rep
3 18 (1sc, 1v) 6rep
4 24 (2sc, 1v) 6rep
5 30 1sc, 1v, (3sc, 1v) 5rep, 2sc
6 36 (4sc, 1v) 6rep
7 42 2sc, 1v, (5sc, 1v) 5rep, 3sc
8 48 (6sc, 1v) 6rep
9 54 3sc, 1v, (7sc, 1v) 5rep, 4sc
10 60 (8sc, 1v) 6rep
11 - 14 60 60sc
stop crocheting in spiral and begin in
rows to crochet the overalls back area,
1ch and turn
15 14 14sc, 1ch and turn
16 12 1^, 10sc, 1^, 1ch and turn
17 12 12sc, 1ch and turn
18 10 1^, 8sc, 1^, 1ch and turn
fasten off
skip 16sc over the 14th round and attach
new yarn to make the overalls front area
15b 14 14sc, 1ch and turn
16b 14 14sc, 1ch and turn
17b 12 1^, 10sc, 1^, 1ch and turn
18b 12 12sc, 1ch and turn
19 10 1^, 8sc, 1^, 1ch and turn
now make a row over the perimeter
while making the straps
162sc with the following layout: 10sc
(upper edge), 5sc (lateral), 16sc (lower
edge), 5sc (lateral), 23ch + 22sc + 1sl
20 162
st (strap), 10(upper edge), 23ch + 22sc
+ 1sl st (strap), 5sc (lateral), 16sc (lower
edge), 5sc (lateral)
cut the yarn and fasten off. sew the
overalls onto the body with yellow yarn
around the entire perimeter


round sts instructions

1 5 Θ, 5sc, 1ch and turn

2 10 (1v) 5rep, 1ch and turn

3 10 10sc
4 7 7sc over upper edge
cut the yarn and fasten off

Leg (x2)

round sts instructions

1 6 Θ, 6sc

2 12 (1v) 6rep
3 12 crochet back loops only (BLO) 12sc
4 15 (3sc, 1v) 3rep
5 15 15sc
cut the yarn leaving a long tail
stuff firmly

Shoe (x2)

round sts instructions

1 6 Θ, 6sc
2 12 (1v) 6rep
3-4 12 12sc
5 10 (4sc, 1^) 2rep
6-9 10 10sc
cut the yarn leaving a long tail
cut a expanded polystyrene form and put
inside the shoe before sewing the heel

Arm (x2)

round sts instructions

1 6 black yarn, Θ, 6sc

2 12 (1v) 6rep
3-5 12 12sc
5^, 2sc, stop crocheting in black without
6 7
cutting the yarn
attach the yellow yarn in next stitch and
7 7
crochet back loops only (BLO), 7sc
8 - 16 7 7sc
cut the yarn leaving a long tail
stuff softly
return to black yarn and crochet in front
7b 9 loops only (FLO) of 6th round, 2sc, 1v,
3sc, 1v
8b 9 9sc
cut the yarn and fasten off
sew arms to both sides the body between
rounds 22th/23th

Eye (x2, photo-tutorial step by step)

round sts instructions

1 6 white color, Θ, 6sc

2 12 (1v) 6rep
3 18 (1v, 1sc) 6rep
4 24 (2sc, 1v) 6rep
change to grey yarn and crochet in front
5 24
loops only (FLO), 24sc
6-7 24 24sc
8 28 (5sc, 1v) 4rep
fold out the grey area to make and fix the
glasses sewing the back loops of the edge
with the back loops of last row of the
white area

Ribbon glasses
round sts instructions

1 45 black yarn, 45sc, turn

2 44 44sc, 1ch and turn

3 44 44sc
cut the yarn leaving a long tail
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