Propofol Drug Study

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College of Health Sciences
Sto. Rosario, Tres de Mayo, Digos City

Route / Precaution
Date / Drug Nursing
Brand Name Action Indication Dosage / Adverse Effect Contraindication
Time Interaction Responsibilities
Interval s
November Diprivan The action of Adult: As 1% Route: The induction The main Propofol is 1. Patients should
7, 2023 propofol emulsion given dose adverse effects contraindicated in be monitored
11:22 AM involves a via IV or requirements of propofol any patient that without
positive infusion or as Dosage: of administration has any known
interruption to
modulation of 2% emulsion DIPRIVAN relate to hypersensitivity
10 mg/mL assess level of
the inhibitory given via may be alterations of reaction to the
function of the infusion: Interval: reduced in cardiopulmonar drug. Caution is consciousness
neurotransmitter Induction: 40 mg patients with y physiology, necessary for any and identify
3-5 minutes
gamma- every 10 intramuscular including loss patient with early signs of
aminobutyric seconds, titrated or intravenous of airway abnormally low hypotension,
acid (GABA) until clinical premedication reflexes, blood pressure. bradycardia,
through GABA- response is , particularly hypoventilation Some package
Generic apnea, airway
A receptors. achieved. Usual Half Life with narcotics or even apnoea, inserts state that
Name dose: 1.5-2.5 Propofol is and and propofol should obstruction
mg/kg. bi-phasic, combinations hypotension. not be given to and/or oxygen
Propofol Maintenance: 4- with its of opioids and Any provider of those with desaturation.
12 mg/kg/hr initial half- sedatives. anesthesia reported allergies 2. Ventilation,
continuous life being These agents should be to eggs, egg oxygen
infusion. relatively may increase trained in products, soy, or saturation, hear
Alternatively, quick, the anesthetic managing these soy products. An
25-50 mg around 40 or sedative adverse effects. allergic reaction rate and blood
intermittent minutes effects of A rare but occurs secondary pressure should
bolus inj of 1% DIPRIVAN serious adverse to exposure to be monitored a
emulsion. and may also effect of specific proteins
regular and
Target- result in more propofol from both egg
controlled pronounced administration and soy sources frequent
infusion (TCI) decreases in is the ‘propofol and not the fats intervals.
delivery system systolic, infusion (lecithin and oil, 3. Monitoring for
may also be used diastolic, and syndrome’ respectively) that the presence of
based on target mean arterial (PRIS), which make up the exhaled carbon
blood pressures and comprises emulsion. The dioxide should
concentrations, cardiac severe oils used to
be utilized whe
refer to detailed output. metabolic manufacture
Classification product Absorption Excretion acidosis, propofol are possible, since
Non guideline. The liver is 88% of rhabdomyolysis unlikely to movement of th
Barbiturate Elderly: Inducti the main site propofol is , hyperkaliemia contain quantities chest will not
Sedative on: 20 mg every of propofol excreted and of proteins dependably
10 seconds until metabolism. within 5 days cardiovascular significant identify airway
onset of in the urine. collapse, and is enough to obstruction or
induction. frequently fatal. produce an
Maintenance: 3- PRIS occurs allergic cross-
6 mg/kg/hr. mostly in the reaction.
setting of
prolonged and
in children.

Cohen LB, Delegge MH, Aisenberg J, Brill JV, Inadomi JM, Kochman ML. et al.

AGA Institute review of endoscopic sedation. Gastroenterology. 2007;133:675–701.

Drugbank. (2005, June 13). Propofol.

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