Microwaves and Antennas
Microwaves and Antennas
Microwaves and Antennas
PCC 2 1 0 3
Preamble: This course aims to impart knowledge on the basic parameters of antenna, design and
workingofvariousbroad band antennas,arraysand itsradiationpatterns.It also introduces various
microwave sources, their principle of operation and study of various microwave hybrid circuits and
microwave semiconductor devices.
Course Out Comes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to:
CO2-K3 Analyzethe far filed pattern of Short dipole and Half wave dipole antenna.
CO3-K3 Design of various broad band antennas, arrays and its radiation patterns.
Illustratethe principle of operation of cavity resonators and various microwave
CO5-K2 Explain various microwave hybrid circuits and microwave semiconductor devices.
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 3 1 2
CO2 3 3 3 1 2 2
CO3 3 3 3 1 3 2
CO4 3 3 2 1 2
CO5 3 3 2 1 2
Assessment Pattern:
Mark distribution:
Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks
End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain
10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students
should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which student should
answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 subdivisions and carry 14 marks.
3. Show that the directivity of a half wave dipole is 4 (from the expression for average power).
4. Find the radiation intensity of a current element with corresponding field strength in the
direction of maximum radiation of E m = V /m
r 80
Course Outcome 2 (CO2):
1. Show that the directivity of a half wave dipole is 4 (from the expression for average power).
2. Derive expressions for the Far Field components and Radiation Resistance and Directivity of a
short dipole antenna.
3. State and Prove Reciprocity Theorem.
1. Determine the resonant frequency of an air filled rectangular cavity operating in the dominant
mode with dimensions as,a=4cm, b=5cm and d=6cm.
2. Derive power output and efficiency of a reflex klystron.
3. What is the significance of slow wave structures used in microwave circuits?Explain different
slow wave structures with neat sketches.
4. With neat diagram explain the operation of a travelling wave tube.
5. With the help of figures explain the bunching process of an 8-cavity cylindrical magnetron.
Text Books:
1. Collin R.E, Antennas & Radio Wave Propagation, McGraw Hill. 1985.
2. Jordan E.C. & K. G. Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems, 2/e, PHI.
3. Raju G.S.N., Antenna and Wave Propagation, Pearson, 2013.
4. Sisir K.Das& Annapurna Das, Antenna and Wave Propagation, McGraw Hill,2012
5. Thomas A.Milligan, Modern Antenna Design, IEEE PRESS, 2/e, Wiley Inter science.
6. Das, Microwave Engineering, 3/e, McGraw Hill Education India Education , 2014
7. David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering,4/e, Wiley India, 2012.
No Topic
Module I
Basicantennaparameters ( all parameters and related simple problems), Relation
1.1 2
between parameters (derivation required)
1.2 Principlesofreciprocity (proof required), Duality. Conceptofretardedpotential
1.3 Helmholtz theorem (derivation required)
1.4 Derivation of Field, directivity and radiation resistance of a short dipole 2
1.5 Derivation of Field, directivity and radiation resistance of a half wave dipole. 2
Module II
Principle of Log periodic antenna array and design, Helical antenna: types and
2.1 2
2.2 Design of Rectangular Patch antennas and feeding techniques 2
Principles of Horn,Parabolic dish antenna, (expression for E, H, G without
2.3 1
2.4 Mobile phone antenna – Inverted F antenna. 1
Module III
Arrays of point sources, field of two isotropic point sources, principle of pattern
3.1 2
Linear arrays of ‘n’ isotropic point sources. Grating lobes. Array factor
3.2 2
3.3 Design of Broadside, End fire and Dolph Chebyshev arrays. 3
3.4 Concept of Phase array. 1
Module IV
Microwaves:Introduction, advantages, Cavity Resonators-Types, Derivation of
4.1 1
resonance frequency of Rectangular cavity (problems required)
Single cavity klystron- Reflex Klystron Oscillators: Derivation of Power output,
4.2 2
efficiency and admittance.(problems required)
Magnetron oscillators: Cylindrical magnetron, Cyclotron angular frequency,
4.3 2
Power output and efficiency.(problems required)
Travelling Wave Tube: Slow wave structures, Helix TWT,Amplification
4.4 process, Derivation of convection current, axialelectric field, wave modes and 3
gain. (problems required)
Module V
Microwave Hybrid circuits: Scattering parameters, Waveguide Tees- Magic
5.1 1
tees, Hybrid rings.Formulation of S-matrix.
Directional couplers: Two hole directional couplers, S-matrix. Circulators and
5.2 2
Isolators. Phase Shifter.
The following simulation assignments can be done with MATLAB/HFSS/CST Microwave Studioor
any Open software.
• Simulation of radiation pattern of
a) Microstrip patch antenna
b) Arrays
c) Helical antenna
(Answer one question from each module. Each question carries 14 marks)
11 a) Define the terms (i) Retarded potential (ii) Antenna field zones (4)
Derive expressions for the Far Field components and Radiation Resistance and (10)
Directivity of a short dipole antenna.
12a) State and prove Helmholtz theorem (7)
b) (i) Compute the radiation resistance, power radiated and efficiency of an antenna (7)
having total resistance of 50Ω and effective height of 69.96m and a current of 50A
(rms) at 0.480MHz.
(ii) Calculate the effective aperture of a short dipole antenna operating at 100 MHz.
13 a) Explain the working of a parabolic dish antenna. Write down the expression for gain, (6)
b) Design a rectangular microstrip antenna using a dielectric substrate with dielectric (8)
constant of 2.2, h = 0.1588 cm so as to resonate at 10 GHz.
14 a) Explain the working of a Log periodic dipole array and explain its design steps. (7)
Explain axial mode helical antenna. Write down the expression for gain, (7)
HPBW,BWFN and radiation resistance of axial mode helical antenna.
15 Derive expression for array factor of N isotropic sources for end-fire array and also (14)
the expression for major lobe, minor lobes and Nulls of the array.
16 a) Explain Chebyshev array and write down the expression for array factor. (7)
b) Design a Broadside Array and plot its radiation pattern. (7)
17a) A reflex klystron operates under the following conditions: Vo=500V, Rsh =10KΩ, (7)
fr= 8 GHz, L=1 mm, e/m = l.759 x 1011 (MKS system) The tube is oscillating at fr at
the peak of the n = 2 or mode. Assume that the transit time through the gap and beam
loading to be neglected. Determine: -
(a) The value of the repeller voltage Vr.
(b) The direct current necessary to give a microwave gap voltage of 200V.
(c) The electronic efficiency under this condition.
b) Assuming pi mode of oscillations explain how a magnetron can sustain its (7)
oscillations using the cross field.
18 a) Show that the axial electric field of TWT varies with convection current. (7)
b) Explain the electronic admittance of the gap in the case of reflex klystron. With (7)
admittance diagram explain the condition required for oscillation in a reflex Klystron.
19 a) Explain the working of a microwave amplifiers using MESFET (8)
Explain the constructional features of two-hole directional coupler and derive the S (6)
20 a) Draw the J-E characteristics of Gunn diode and explain its operation. (10)
b) Discuss the constructional features of magic tees and derive its S Matrix. Why are (4)
they called so?