Lyytinen Et Al MPQ 52 3 2006 Lehden Oma
Lyytinen Et Al MPQ 52 3 2006 Lehden Oma
Lyytinen Et Al MPQ 52 3 2006 Lehden Oma
M E R R I L L -P A L M E R Q U A R T E R L Y, V O L . 52, N O . 3
Heikki Lyytinen, Jane Erskine, Asko Tolvanen, Minna Torppa, Anna-Maija Poikkeus, and
Paula Lyytinen, Department of Psychology and Child Research Center.
The Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia (JLD) belongs to the Finnish Center of Excel-
lence Program (2000–2005) and has been supported by the Academy of Finland, Niilo Mäki Insti-
tute, and University of Jyväskylä. We would like to thank the families in the study. Thanks also to
the reviewers and editors of this journal for their valuable comments on earlier versions of the text.
Correspondence concerning this article should be directed to Heikki Lyytinen, University of
Jyväskylä, PO Box 35; Fin-40014, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. E-mail: Heikki.Lyytinen
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, July 2006, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 514–546. Copyright © 2006 by Wayne
State University Press, Detroit, MI 48201.
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1. Finnish is a highly orthographically consistent language whereby almost all graphemes (in
this case, single letters) match consistently with a single phoneme and vice versa. This stands in
marked contrast to more inconsistent languages such as English, where the connections between
grapheme and phoneme can entail a one-on-many and many-on-one relationship.
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used only composite scores of phonological awareness that are highly pre-
dictive of early reading, as shown by our recent paper (Puolakanaho,
Poikkeus, Ahonen, Tolvanen, & Lyytinen, 2004).
It should be noted that the dependent measure of our present analyses,
the literacy composite, formed as an aggregate of early reading and spelling
acquisition (which are highly correlated in Finnish due to symmetrical con-
sistency; see Aro, 2006), reflects the children’s progress in foundation-level
reading in first and second grade. In the composite we used, the accuracy of
decoding (and spelling) naturally receives a much stronger emphasis than
the fluency of reading, which is not yet observable at its full strength at this
grade level. Full accuracy is reached relatively early in consistent orthogra-
phies, and this means the speed (fluency) issue comes to the fore relatively
soon after the start of reading instruction and continually plays a more cen-
tral role in the assessment of reading skill thereafter. However, it should be
noted that, because of the age of interest in the present analyses, issues of
reading comprehension were not included in the composite score of read-
ing. Some preliminary data on reading comprehension will, however, be
provided for the description of the outcomes of developmental routes
extracted from the pre-reading data.
Why, instead of waiting longer, should such an emphasis be placed on
the early stage of reading and spelling? We believe that children define
themselves as learners during the very first years at school, and the conse-
quences of failure are far-reaching. A Finnish pupil who does not learn to
decode accurately by the end of the first semester of first grade may almost
unavoidably perceive him- or herself as different from others. This is
because, in the Finnish schools, almost everyone progresses to highly accu-
rate decoding skills within the first 4 months of reading instruction at the
latest (Seymour, Aro, & Erskine, 2003). The detrimental effects of compar-
ing oneself unfavorably to others can have a general impact on one’s learn-
ing strategies (mostly toward avoidance of challenging tasks) even as early
as during first grade (Poskiparta, Niemi, Lepola, Ahtola, & Laine, 2003).
With the aid of advanced statistical tools (mixture modeling), we carried
out a novel analysis that combines person-centered and variable-centered
analyses as it yields both continuous variables and a subcategorization of the
participants. As both theoretical knowledge and the empirical evidence sug-
gest strong correlations among the included language and literacy skill
domains (receptive language, expressive language, morphology, memory,
rapid naming, phonological awareness, and letter knowledge) and reading
skills, we searched for a single, common factor that captures the shared vari-
ances of all the early measured language and literacy skills and the later-
measured components of reading. Simultaneously with the modeling of the
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Data were drawn from the prospective Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of
Dyslexia (JLD). A total of 214 Finnish families joined the study prior to the
birth of their children. Half of the participating families involved a parent
who made a report of literacy difficulties and also reported similar prob-
lems among his or her immediate relatives (the children from these families
are referred to as the at-risk children). The remaining half of the children
(control children) came from families with no report of literacy difficulties
among first- or second-degree relatives. In addition, the parents were
screened and assigned to either group according to a three-step reading-
related and cognitive screening process (for further details, including
parental education status, see Leinonen et al., 2001).
This study reports the data from 199 children (106 at risk, 93 controls
for whom whole data were available) and extends from 12 months of age to
the beginning of second grade.
As described above, a theoretical basis underpinned the selection of the
seven core skill domains and age points of interest. Identification of the key
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measures in each skill area evolved from empirical analysis of the data. To
ensure high reliability of the measures, composite means of separate meas-
ures were formed where possible. Table 1 details the seven developmental
skill domains, assessment ages, standardized alpha produced for composite
scores, and tasks included in the analysis.
Receptive language was assessed on 6 occasions between the ages of
12 months and 5 years. Early language tasks adapted from the MacArthur
Communicative Development Inventory (CDI; Fenson et al., 1994) for the
Finnish language (P. Lyytinen, 1999) relied upon structured parental report
using checklists whereby parents noted the total number of words compre-
hended by their child. Measures of expressive language were derived on 7
occasions between 12 months and 5.5 years of age, again with the earlier
measures involving parental checklist report of vocabulary production and
maximum sentence length (mean number of morphemes uttered; for details
of the assessment of vocabulary and inflectional skills using CDI, see
P. Lyytinen & Lyytinen, 2004). Morphological knowledge, including the
ability to inflect adjectives, nouns, and verbs, was assessed 3 times between
2.5, 3.5, and 5.5 years. The assessment of memory relied upon traditional
paradigms involving digits but was also expanded to include syllables, non-
words, and sentence-length items in the recall. Memory was assessed
between the ages of 3.5 and 6.5 years on 4 occasions. Traditional paradigms
(Denckla & Rudel, 1974, 1976) for rapid serial naming were also used,
including letters, objects, numbers, and colors. Mixed-stimulus paradigms
were not included, although the matrix size was increased in accordance
with age. Three blocks of rapid naming assessments took place between the
ages of 3.5 and 6.5 years. Letter knowledge and associated letter recogni-
tion tasks were implemented on 5 occasions between the ages of 3.5 and 6.5
years. An extensive battery of tests of phonological awareness was imple-
mented between the ages of 3.5 and 6.5 years. Tasks involved the manipula-
tion and production of sub-word-level units (syllables and phonemes). At
the age of 5 years, verbal and performance intelligence quotients were also
obtained with a short-form administration of the Wechsler Preschool and
Primary Scales of Intelligence (WPPSI-R; Wechsler, 1989).
In addition to the seven skill domains, a composite of the children’s
early reading and spelling achievement during their first school year and
the beginning of the second school year (mid-fall assessment of second
grade) was included in the comparison (see Table 2). The composite was
formed by calculating a grand mean of scores. The battery of tests included
computerized tests (Cognitive Workshop, Universities of Dundee and
Jyväskylä; see Erskine & Seymour, 2005, for extensive implementation),
tests with national norms (Lindeman, 2000), and specially designed group
Table 1. Skill Domains, Age of Assessment, Standardized Alpha for Composite Scores, and Tasks
Composite mean
Age(s) of score standardized
4. Memory 3.5y Forward digit span (see Gathercole & Adams, 1994)
Sentence repetition, Developmental Neuropsychological
.67 Assessment (NEPSY; Korkman, Kirk, & Kemp, 1998).
5.0y Digit span (computer presented)
naming Automatized Naming Test; see Denckla & Rudel (1974, 1976)
5.5y .80 RSN objects
RSN colors
6.5y RSN objects
Page 525
Composite mean
Age(s) of score standardized
050 lyytin (514-546)
Visual matching
6.5y Letter naming
7. Phonological 3.5y (for phonological measures, see Puolakanaho et al., 2003)
awareness Word identification (from picture choice)
.59 Segment identification (of sub-word units)
12:17 PM
.71 Continuation
Initial phoneme identification
Initial phoneme production
5.5y Segment identification
.77 Synthesis
Initial phoneme identification
Initial phoneme production
6.5y Segment identification
.82 Synthesis
Initial phoneme identification
Initial phoneme production
IQ measure 5.0y Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence
(WPPSI-R; Wechsler, 1989); verbal (vocabulary,
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
1st grade 1st grade 1st grade 1st grade 1st grade 2nd grade
Reading and spelling tasks August December January April May November
1. Accuracy of reading of individually Ind. — Ind. — Ind.
Statistical Approach
The modeling consisted of two parts: identification of a latent common fac-
tor and a latent class factor. Based on theoretical knowledge and the empir-
ical evidence suggesting strong correlations among the variables in the
seven domains, an underlying common factor was assumed, and this type
of latent factor was included in the construction of the model. The latent
common factor extracts the common variance shared by individuals in the
seven skill domains introduced above (receptive language, expressive lan-
guage, morphology, memory, rapid serial naming, letter knowledge, and
phonological awareness). The analysis of a common factor helps us to
ascertain the extent to which a single skill domain is associated with com-
promised reading acquisition as well as what type(s) of developmental vari-
ation emerges as separable from this main line.
The second part of the model, the latent class factor, isolates the most
homogeneous patterns of an individual’s development, thus showing which
of the differential patterns of development is connected to problems in early
reading acquisition. Our preliminary findings indicate that approximately
40% to 50% of the at-risk children display compromised reading develop-
ment during the first two school years (formal diagnosis of dyslexia must
await all cohorts of our participants completing third grade). The data thus
contain the necessary variation to allow us to observe possible differential
patterns of levels and/or rates of skill development and cases of dissimilar
but predictable developmental courses. With this combination of latent
classes and latent factors we sought to apply person-oriented analysis of
data (e.g., trajectories of latent classes) in addition to variable-oriented
analysis (e.g., explain variances and covariances of observed variables with
latent common factors; cf. Bergman, Magnusson, & El-Khouri, 2003).
We used the mixture modeling feature of the MPLUS (version 3) pro-
gram (L. K. Muthén & Muthén, 2004) to analyze the repeatedly measured
variables included under the seven skill domains. Mixture modeling
allowed us to examine simultaneously both the common factor and the
individual patterns of development by identifying clusters of children who
show similar trajectories. In construction of the model, one has the option
to apply latent classes with distinct mean values of observed variables or of
latent factors (B. Muthén, 2001). We studied both of these alternatives, and
the data supported the former option, which yields a model in which the
latent underlying skill factor and the latent classes are independent sources
050 lyytin (514-546) 8/18/06 12:17 PM Page 529
Table 3. The Latent Mixture Model Estimates; Factor Loadings for the Common
Factor (standard errors are presented in parenthesis), and sources of variance for
the Observed Variables (R2)
Common R2
loadings (se) Common Classes Error
Receptive language
Age 1.0–1.5 years .35 (.07) .13 .10 .77
Age 2.5 years .62 (.07) .34 .23 .43
Age 3.5 years .53 (.08) .29 .16 .54
Age 5.0 years .59 (.07) .29 .13 .59
Expressive language
Age 1.5 years .34 (.07) .14 .09 .77
Age 2.0–2.5 years .43 (.06) .18 .18 .64
Age 3.5 years .52 (.07) .26 .28 .46
Age 5.5 years .65 (.10) .31 .14 .55
Age 2.5 years .34 (.08) .10 .23 .66
Age 3.5 years .50 (.07) .23 .21 .56
Age 5.0 years .44 (.08) .17 .12 .70
Phonological awareness
Age 3.5 years .61 (.08) .33 .06 .62
Age 4.5 years .74 (.10) .41 .12 .47
Age 5.5 years .88 (.12) .50 .15 .36
Age 6.5 years .81 (.12) .52 .21 .27
Letter knowledge
Age 3.5 years .58 (.07) .43 .02 .55
Age 4.5 years .83 (.06) .61 .05 .34
Age 5.0 years .76 (.06) .62 .09 .29
Age 5.5 years .87 (.06) .61 .12 .27
Age 6.5 years .76 (.10) .53 .16 .31
Short-term memory
Age 3.5 years .53 (.06) .28 .20 .52
Age 5.0 years .59 (.07) .32 .18 .51
Age 6.5 years .48 (.07) .20 .04 .76
Rapid naming
Age 3.5 years .40 (.07) .18 .04 .78
Age 5.5 years .35 (.10) .05 .52 .44
Age 6.5 years .67 (.09) .18 .41 .41
Overall reading composite, .71 (.12) .41 .19 .40
Grades 1–2
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could label it the general reading readiness factor. That the foundation skills
of speech perception are involved in the common factor is reflected in up to
34% of shared variance with receptive language and the association with
verbal IQ (44%).
In the mixture analysis of the seven skill domains and early literacy,
solutions of 2–7 subgroups were identified based on the criteria indices and
test provided by MPLUS. Our decision to examine more closely the solu-
tion with four subgroups was based on the theoretical consideration and
interpretability of the alternative solutions provided by the modeling. The
average scores for probabilities of individual group membership (see Table
4) detail the differentiation of the groups, revealing that the four-group
solution provided an excellent separation. Each of the four subgroups had
only one high (> .90) average probability of group membership value, and
none of the groups overlapped with any other, as expressed by probabilities
of less than .10.
The subgroup classification information in addition to the common
variance explains 4–52% (mostly 10–20%) of the variance of the single
skill scores. As can be seen from Table 3, the naming domain makes a rela-
tively high specific contribution (up to 52%) to the subgroup classification
but contributes very little to the common factor.
Figure 1. Subgroup members’ average performance in the seven skill domains (across
age from 1 to 6.5 years) and in the reading and writing skills composite (across first and
second grade). Mean values are z-scored with the control children’s distribution.
050 lyytin (514-546) 8/18/06 12:17 PM Page 533
Figure 3. The prediction of the overall performance in reading and writing skills (z-scored
with control children’s distribution) provided by the model estimates of subgrouping and the
common factor. Common factor values were here restricted to 1 SD around the mean.
Figure 4. Percentages of the control children performing more than 1 SD below control
children’s mean in first-grade reading and writing skills within each subgroup. Because only
one child belonged to the dysfluent subgroup, the related percentage was not included in
the figure.
050 lyytin (514-546) 8/18/06 12:17 PM Page 538
Concluding Remarks
The main finding of the present analysis is that there is substantial inter-
individual variation, not only between the groups of children differing on
the basis of familial background, but also within these groups. A substantial
part of this variability was anticipated by the children’s skill development
050 lyytin (514-546) 8/18/06 12:17 PM Page 539
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