Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff 2012
Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff 2012
Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff 2012
This research was funded by joint grants to the authors: From NSF, SBR9615391 and
from NIH, RO1HD050199. Thanks to Russell Richie for his help in preparing the
In 1995, Hart and Risleys research became headline news. The language
experience of children growing up in poverty was distinctly different than that of children
heard per hour in the welfare group was 616 compared to 1,251 in the working class
group and 2,153 in the professional group. These findings are dramatic and are
consistent with results of recent studies (Hoff, 2002, 2003, 2006a; Arriaga, Fenson,
Cronan, & Pethick, 1998; Cristofaro & Tamis-LeMonda, in press). Indeed, even within
low-income homes the amount of language directed to children predicts later language
output (Vernon-Feagans, Pancsofar, Willoughby, Odom, Quade, & Cox, 2008). Further,
disparities in early cognitive development even during infancy grow larger over time. A
recent report from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (Halle, Forry, Hair, Perper,
Wandner, Wessel, Vick & Schultz, 2009) finds that cognitive outcomes that appear at 9
These findings have enormous implications. First, Hart and Risley (1995) noted
competence at ages 9 and 10 (e.g., PPVT and TOLD). Second, recent results suggest that
the amount of early language heard in infancy is strongly related to the speed with which
children process language at 18 and 25 months of age (Fernald, Perfors, & Marchman,
2006); to vocabulary size at 25 months; and to linguistic and cognitive skills at 8 years of
age (Marchman & Fernald, 2008). These findings hold for children who speak Spanish
as well as for those who speak English (Hurtado, Marchman & Fernald, 2008) and appear
bilinguals, efficiency in processing English words affects English vocabulary size while
processing speed in Spanish predicts Spanish vocabulary size (Marchman, Fernald &
Hurtado, 2010).
Third, not only does early language exposure predict later language ability, but
there is also some evidence that it might also be related to brain differences in 5-year-
olds. Recent papers by Farah et al. (2006) and Hackman and Farah (2009) suggest that
the great disparities in language resulting from SES differences might have neurological
consequences. In particular Hackman and Farah (2009) argue On the basis of our three
studies, the effects of poverty were disproportionate for certain neurocognitive systems,
including language and executive function (p. 66). Though SES did not uniformly
predict poor performance in all areas of the brain, middle class kindergarteners did
outperform their low SES counterparts in tests that tapped the left perisylvian/language
Finally, it is important to note that early language differences are also related to
school readiness and to later school outcomes in both reading and math (NICHD ECCRN
2005). For example, a large literature links early language competence to reading
readiness in kindergarten and in primary school (National Early Literacy Panel, 2008;
Storch & Whitehurst, 2002; Dickinson, Golinkoff & Hirsh-Pasek, 2010; Scarborough,
2001). Indeed, Dickinson and Tabors (2001) found that kindergarten vocabulary and
word recognition skills that result from early language input accounted for over two
thirds of the variance in fourth grade reading ability (see also Tabors, Porche, & Ross,
2003). Early language ability relates to improvement in the ability to detect separable
sounds that feed phonological awareness (Munson, Kurtz, & Windsor, 2005), to
vocabulary acquisition, and to grammatical development (Hoff, 2006b) and each of these
language systems is critical to later reading success. Language comprehension
Snowling, Truelove, & Hulme, 2010) such that intervention in oral language training was
more positively related to reading outcomes than was training in text comprehension.
The good news that lies beneath these shocking statistics is that the trajectory of
vocabulary and grammar is related to the amount and quality of the language input (e.g.,
Hoff & Naigles, 2002). Importantly, intervention studies that coached parents of infants
in ways that support language development have been successful. In particular, the
National Early Literacy Panel (2008) reviewed 23 programs in which 18 had measures of
language growth. These programs had effects not only on early vocabulary with effect
sizes of .41, but also on broader language measures with effect sizes of .27. Some of
these programs achieved higher language outcomes by video-taping parents and thus
offering feedback so that they might become more sensitive (PALS; Landry, Smith, &
Swank, 2006).
quality in Head Start programs has had positive impact on language outcomes (Zill &
Resnick, 2006; Zill, Sorongon, Kim, Clark, & Wolverton, 2006). These studies suggest
the largest growth for children in the lowest quartile and report larger gains for Hispanic
children than for white-non-Hispanic children. Howes et al. (2008) report similar gains
environments tends to enrich language outcomes by about 4.8 standard scores across
studies (see also Ross, Moiduddin, Megher, & Carlson, 2008). Perhaps more
impressively, the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (2002)
began to unpack some of the mechanisms behind the relationship between high quality
care and language outcome. The amount and quality of the input directed to particular
Levin (2002) asked whether the complexity of teachers language (multiclause sentences)
with 43- to 50-month-old children was related to child outcomes over the course of the
school year. The results suggested that while teacher language complexity was not
related to child language level at the start of the school year, it was significantly related to
intervention study by Feagans and Farran (1994) suggest that a single intervention may
not be enough. Conducting their study at the beginning of the year, they found that
experimental children performed better than controls in measures of narrative skill in the
fall, but not in the spring. Taking these results with those of the other intervention studies
above, it would seem that while language input to low income children portends poorer
scores, with sustained intervention we can change the trajectory of development for these
better understand the mechanisms of language growth and hence ways in which we can
use current scientific data to best support strong language skills for all children. The
story is told in two parts. First, we explore what we know about the progress of language
development reviewing what is obvious to the naked eye (in doctors charts) and
importantly what we are learning that is often hidden from view. Second, we suggest 6
principles of language learning that have emerged over the course of the last 2 decades of
translated for classroom use even with very young children and how the use of these
What you see. The trajectory of language production has been documented. Diary
studies dating to the late 1800s from scientists the likes of Darwin (1877) among many
others (e.g., Stern & Stern, 1907; Leopold, 1939-1949; Bowerman, 1985, 1990; Dromi,
1987 & Halliday, 1975) relate the momentous climb from the first coos and gurgles of the
3-month-old to the first words at around 1 year of age and multiword speech at around 2
years of age. The milestones are charted in doctors offices and in baby books. And to
this day, those who examine progress in language development often rely on production
What you do not see. The real story of language development, however, comes
not merely from what children say, but also from what they understand well before they
can speak and from the analyses they appear to conduct on language. New
methodologies emerged that allow us to see beneath production or the lack thereof
and to better understand how children learn not just what they learn.
To learn a language, for example, children must be able to segment the continuous flow
of speech or the melodies of speech into sentences, phrases, words and sounds (or
handshapes in the case of children learning sign language). They must also parse
continuous events into the objects and actions referenced in language. Finally they must
map the units of sound onto the objects, actions and events using words and grammar.
What might infants know in each of these areas? Newer methodologies give us some
clues. Here we detail just a few of these methods to give a flavor of the tools that allow
us entre into the emerging language system. It is this view of language available
through the windows of new methodologies that is shaping the landscape of early
language development and offering clues to what types of early intervention might prove
most profitable.
A Methodological Sampler
procedure called the high amplitude sucking paradigm. Introduced by Eimas, Siqueland,
Jusczyk, and Vigorito (1971) this procedure capitalizes on a behavior in young infants
bursts. Using this method, Eimas et al. (1971) cracked the first part of the language
puzzle when they discovered that infants just a few weeks old heard the sounds of
language as falling into the same categories possessed by adults. That is, children do not
dissect the sounds they hear like physicists who notice every change in amplitude or hertz
level. Rather, they lump the sounds they hear into the phonemic categories bs and ps,
share with other species to pay attention to new stimuli and cease responding to old ones.
This orienting response was the basis for the habituation paradigm (Bornstein, 1985),
another method used to study language acquisition that presents infants with a repeated
visual or auditory stimulus. After the stimulus becomes familiar and the dependent
variable (e.g, sucking, visual fixation time) is reduced, a new stimulus is presented. If
they discriminated between the familiar and new elements. An example of this procedure
in action was used to investigate the second part of the language-learning puzzle the
question of whether infants can detect relational components in the events they witness.
Kerr, 1978) familiarized 14-month-olds infants with filmed, dynamic events in which
human actors played different roles in a pushing event (A-->B). Would infants watch
changes in action roles (B-->A) more than a change in the direction of the action across
the screen that maintained the same action roles (B<--A)? Action role changes won out
suggesting that infants on the verge of language production could segment events into
The head turn preference procedure has also made an important contribution to
our understanding of early language growth. Pioneered by Fernald (1985), and Hirsh-
Pasek, Kemler Nelson, Jusczyk, Cassidy, Druss, and Kennedy (1987), this technique was
derived from Colombo and Bundys (1981) conditioned head turn procedure. In Hirsh-
Pasek et al.s (1987) version, 7- to- 10-month-old babies sat in an enclosure where sound
could be emitted from either the left of right sides of the apparatus. Above each speaker,
infants saw a red light that would come on with the sound source to familiarize the
children with samples of either Natural (with 1-sec pauses inserted at clause or phrase
boundaries) or Unnatural (with 1-sec pauses within these natural boundaries) passages.
The side on which the Natural and Unnatural speech was played for an individual infant
was always the same. Here the insight was that infants would turn to one side or the
other to activate a stream of speech that they wanted to hear. Duration of infants looks
toward the speakers revealed a clear preference for the Natural sentences over the
Unnatural sentences. This research moved beyond asking whether infants could
discriminate individual sounds to ask how they segment fluent speech into the units like
Cauley, & Gordon, 1987; Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 1996) enabled us to complete the last
part of the puzzle asking about how preverbal infants might map words and grammar
onto objects, actions and events. Derived from Fantzs (1961) discovery that infants
would choose to look at one of two pictures presented side by side, and Spelkes (1976)
extension of the paired comparisons method to dynamic events, Golinkoff et al. (1987)
recognized that this method had great promise for testing language comprehension.
The first IPLP studies, tested infants who were expected to show comprehension
of nouns, verbs, and word order. For example, Golinkoff et al. tested 28-month-old 2- to
3- word speakers with a pair of videos showing Big Bird tickling Cookie Monster on one
screen and Cookie Monster tickling Big Bird on an adjacent screen. The accompanying
audio said, Big Bird is tickling Cookie Monster (or the reverse). When childrens
visual fixation time landed longer on the matching than the non-matching event, it was
clear that they could use word order to map to events in the world. To show that they
used word order to guide their attention to these events, toddlers needed to a) analyze
who was agent and who patient in each pair of events; b) process the sentences they heard
while they watched the events; and c) discern which event in a pair matched the language
When the IPLP showed predicted language comprehension, it became clear that it
could be used to assess burgeoning language knowledge. For example, Hirsh-Pasek and
Golinkoff (1996) showed that infants as young as 13 months of age recognized that
words come in packages specifying unique events in the world. When shown a video of
a woman kissing a set of keys and holding a ball in the foreground vs. the same woman
kissing the ball and dangling the keys in the foreground, babies looked more at the
matching event when they heard, Shes kissing the keys! This result could only have
words as both videos contained a she, the action of kissing, and the target item (keys,
vocabularies could use word order as a guide to watching the specific events with Cookie
Monster and Big Bird (described above) that matched what they were hearing. This latter
finding was taken as confirmation that infants not yet speaking were capable of
comprehending not only action role relations in language but likely the grammatical
categories of subject and object of the sentence. A 3-D version of the paradigm was
introduced in 2000 (Hollich, Hirsh-Pasek, & Golinkoff, 2000) and has permitted further
studies of early word learning (Pruden, Hennon, Hirsh-Pasek, & Golinkoff, 2006) while
teaching us about the processes children use to acquire new words. In short, the IPLP
and its extensions enabled researchers to examine how children mapped words onto
There are a host of other popular methodologies that populate infant and toddler
language research (e.g. the switch paradigm, Werker, Cohen, Lloyd, Casasola, & Stager,
1998). And new technologies are now pressing the frontier of our knowledge by
exploring brain processes that are enacted when children discriminate words (Mills,
Coffrey-Corina, & Neville, 1993; Coffey-Corina, Kuhl, Padden, & Dawson, 2006) or use
social support for language learning (Kuhl, 2007; Kuhl & Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008). It is
with the advent of these methods that we have been able to survey a new landscape in
early language learning the landscape that lies beneath what we see in the doctors
Collectively, these methods opened up vistas of language learning that now allow
us to paint a new portrait of what children know well before they can speak. More
recently, the findings from these methodologies have also led to longitudinal studies
where early competencies in perceptual and social processing for language appear to be
related to later language skills. We review selective findings from these methods in the
Hollich, 1999: Hollich et al., 2000) the Emergentist Coalition Framework was designed
to organize the new findings in language acquisition and to ask how the perceptual, social
and linguistic input available to children might be integrated to promote both vocabulary
and grammatical growth. The framework makes three assumptions. First, children are
sensitive to multiple language inputs at any given time. Second, in the course of
development, these inputs are differentially weighted such that infants and young
children first weight perceptual information that will enable them to parse the incoming
flow of sounds and the visual information in events, only later attending to social cues in
the service of language learning and grammatical information that informs language
learning. Third, principles for language development emerge in the course of weighing
looking for a more holistic approach to language development (Bloom, 1993; Thelen &
Smith, 1994; Woodward & Markman, 1998). In fact, in 1996, Katherine Nelson wrote,
there are no single effective pushes to the developing system but rather a combination of
influences that lead to observable change (p. 85). To this date, however, most studies of
language growth focus on one aspect of language development the sounds, the words,
the grammar rather than on a broader approach. This broader approach also forces us to
look beyond milestones at particular ages and towards the processes the enable language
are the psychological states individuals pass through at different points in their
individuals pass from one state to another? A strong case could be made that the
Here we use the Emergentist Coalition Model as a guide to organize and explain new
developments in the various areas of language development that were revealed in the
methods mentioned above. In the next section we turn to a set of principles that can be
derived from these findings. A visual representation of the model can be seen in Figure 2
found that even in the womb, infants begin to listen to and remember speech. These
researchers asked mothers of fetuses to read a particular story (e.g., Cat in the Hat) two
times each day for the last 6 weeks of their pregnancy. After infants were born they
either heard that story or an unfamiliar one. Using a sucking procedure, they found that
the infants preferred to hear the familiar story indicating that they were listening to
language even in the womb. Others have found that newborns prefer listening to human
language, spoken or signed, over an artificial language that mimics some of its
Eimas et al., (1971) demonstrated that shortly after birth infants not only can
distinguish a familiar story, but are prepared to discriminate sounds in all of the worlds
languages -- an ability that they seem to maintain until approximately 8 months of age
when they become less sensitive to sounds not used in the home language as they
morphed into language specialists (Golinkoff & Hirsh-Pasek 1999; Kuhl, Stevens,
Hayashi, Deguchi, Kiritani, & Iverson, 2006; Werker & Yeung, 2006).
languages lasts for a longer time than for monolingual children a quality that may be
adaptive as children sort out which sounds matter for meaning in their languages
(Fennell, Byers-Heinlein, & Werker, 2007). Zeroing in on the sounds that comprise the
native language (or languages) sets children up for learning words as it narrows down the
range of sounds to consider when novel words are encountered. It may also increase
childrens ability to note common sound patterns and, in turn, to attach these sound
patterns to referents in the world (Jusczyk, 1997; Werker & Curtin, 2005).
At around 4.5 months of age, using the head turn procedure, Mandel, Jusczyk, &
Pisoni (1995) reported that infants recognize the sound pattern of their own name
compared to a name with the same number of syllables and stress pattern stress (e.g.,
LAUren vs HARRy). By 6 months infants use their own name to serve as wedge into the
speech stream, recognizing a new word that appears after their name but not after an
Perhaps the most celebrated of the perception studies launched a new and critical
field relevant to later intervention. Conducted by Saffran, Aslin and Newport (1996),
infants listened to two minutes of artificial speech created out of nonsense syllables that
were strung together and presented in monotone with no temporal breaks between the
syllables. Within the string were embedded three-syllable nonsense words that always
appeared together. Thus, Saffran et al. manipulated the transitional probabilities between
syllables such that some syllables were more likely to occur together. Could 8-month
olds learn that pidago was a word but pidare was not? With only 2 minutes of
exposure to the artificial syllable string, infants showed a preference for syllables that had
been part of words over syllables that were not part of words.
This study, using the headturn preference procedure, made clear that infants bring
computational abilities to the language-learning task and act as statisticians on the input
before it has meaning to them. One consequence of this finding is that infants need to
hear enough input on which to perform the statistics a point that we will return to under
Importantly, another now classic study revealed that infants not only learn the
statistics relevant to word learning, but also for grammar learning. Marcus, Vijayan, Rao
and Vishton (1999) found that infants detect algebraic patterns like ABA (e.g., ga ti ga)
vs ABB (ga ti ti). Impressively, 7-month olds who became familiarized with the ABA
sequence recognized that it was the same as one that included novel syllables in the same
ABA pattern (e.g. li na li) and different than a sequence with the same novel syllables in
a different pattern (e.g., li na na or ABB). Infants not only calculate statistics over
particular elements in a sequence, but also abstract patterns in the language data they
A final note on some of the work that has investigated perceptual properties of
language is that infants tend to pay more attention to the speech they hear when it is in
speaking to infants rather than to adults, they often modify word order (Narasimhan &
Dimroth, 2008), exaggerate semantically meaningful tones (Liu, Tsao, & Kuhl, 2007),
speak more slowly, use simpler words with fewer syllables per phrase, use higher than
1992; Fernald & Mazzie, 1991; Fernald & Simon, 1984; Gleitman, Newport, &
This change in register has many positive outcomes for children, including larger
vocabularies (Gleitman et al., 1984; Huttenlocher, Haight, Bryk, Seltzer, & Lyons, 1991;
Masur, 1982; Rowe, 2008; Tomasello, 1988), better word memory and categorization
skills (Singh, 2008), improved word segmentation (Thiessen, Hill, & Saffran, 2005), and
better speech perception especially in the area of phonology (Liu, Kuhl, & Tsao, 2003;
Tsao, Liu, & Kuhl, 2004; Werker et al., 2007). A recent paper provides the first clear
demonstration that 21-month-old infants learn words more readily under infant-directed
In the first year, infants are not only statisticians, but physicists. A rich literature
reviews their attention to properties of objects as early as 4-months of age (Spelke, 1990;
Baillargeon, 1987; Baillargeon, Li, Ng, & Yuan, 2009; Carey, 2009). Among the
discoveries are that infants under 6 months mentally represent absent objects
(Baillargeon, 1987), expect unsupported objects to fall (Needham & Baillargeon, 1993),
and have different expectations for solids and liquids (Hespos, Ferry, & Rips, 2009).
Further, infants as young as 4 months can detect individual objects in a spatial array
(Spelke, Kestenbaum, Simon, & Wein, 1995), and by 12 months, infants can individuate
these objects on the basis of object kind information alone (e.g., if a blue ball emerges
from behind a screen and returns behind it, and then a red ball emerges from behind the
same screen and then returns, 12-month-olds understand that they have seen two different
objects; Xu & Carey, 1996; Xu, Carey, & Welch, 1999). Learning about objects and
their properties, and being able to categorize them, is critically related to word learning
and might even be related to the vocabulary spurt (Gopnik & Meltzoff, 1987). More
recently, researchers are also asking about how infants might parse the events that they
witness into conceptual foundations for learning action words and relational terms like
prepositions and verbs (Song, Golinkoff, Hirsh-Pasek, under review). To learn a verb like
march, for example, English-reared infants must differentiate the act of marching
from, say, hopping. They must recognize that the manners of two actions how the
person moves (e.g. marching vs hopping) are different and that they are distinct even if
they travel along the same path. To use the linguistic terminology, these manners of
motion are carried out by an agent who serves as the figure of the action, and they always
What is interesting is that learning verbs is not only contingent upon dissecting
events in ways that will be labeled by language, but also in packaging the components
English march into the class whereas in Turkish snfa yryerek girdi means go
into the class marchingly surfacing as an adverb if at all. Spanish patterns in the same
way as does Turkish with the path information conflated in the verb and the manner or
how the action is performed in an adverb. Notice that bilingual and ESL children will
have to learn that the packaging of event components required in their two languages is
different. This might pose a particular problem in the learning of relational terms vs
nouns especially for ESL children who already have an entrenched first language.
As a backdrop to asking how children might master relational terms like verbs,
some are now investigating when children zoom in on the foundational semantic
properties of events like manner and path and how attention to these event components
might wane or wax when the processing of events meets up against the native language
(see Gksun, Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 2010 for a review). Briefly the findings suggest
that 7-month-olds can discriminate between different paths (over/under) and manners
2008; Song et al., under review) and can categorize these properties of events by the
beginning of the second year of life (Pruden, Hirsh-Pasek, Maguire, & Meyer, 2004).
(Pulverman, Chen, Chan, Tardif, & Meng, 2007; Pulverman et al., 2008).
Infants viewing events are also sensitive to properties like containment (English
in) and support relationships (English on; Choi & Bowerman, 1991; Casasola,
Cohen, & Chiarello, 2003; McDonough, Choi, & Mandler, 2003; Hespos & Spelke,
2007), figures and grounds (Gksun et al., 2010), and the source and goal of the same
action (e.g. the bird flew from the tree (source) to the bush (goal), Lakusta, Wagner,
OHearn, & Landau, 2007; Lakusta & Carey, 2008). And as described earlier, infants
seem to be able to tell the difference between agents and patients of action in events
What is particularly exciting about these findings is that infants are not only
processing language-relevant information in the fluid events that they witness, but they
seem to start with a set of universal divisions in events. As children learn their native
language they allocate attention to different aspects of the event and thus reframe the
event in ways that conform to their native language (see Gksun et al., 2010 for a
review). In some ways this shift is analogous, though not homologous, to the shift from a
universal set of sounds discriminated by all infants that becomes refined and tailored to
the native language with language experience (Hespos & Spelke, 2004).
In sum, then, infants in the first year of life already have important analytic tools
that allow them to perceive the sounds of speech and the elements in events that will
prepare them for language learning. Recent research suggests that these perceptual
beginnings might predict to later language competence. Speech segmentation ability
measured in children younger than one year of age is related to language ability and
cognitive abilities 3 to 5 years later (Newman, Ratner, Jusczyk, Jusczyk & Dow, 2006;
Hhle, van de Vijver, & Weissenborn, 2006; Tsao, Liu, & Kuhl, 2004). And the ability
to detect phonemes present in ones native language at 7.5 months of age is also
predictive of later language abilities, but the ability to detect phonemes from other
Nelson, & Pruitt, 2005; Tsao, Liu, & Kuhl, 2004; for a review, see Kuhl, 2009).
link early studies in object and event perception with emergent language. Already,
studies like Marchman and Fernalds (2008) are using this kind of work to suggest that
the amount of language directed to infants and the ability to segment the language stream
is predictive of later differences in processing speed and word learning. While these are
but correlations, if they are borne out they have enormous consequences for children
growing up in poverty who might not hear enough language to do the statistical analyses
perception. Another body of research, however, focuses on how children map words to
world and grammar to events (see Woodward & Markman, 1998; Lavin, Hall &
Waxman, 2006; Waxman & Lidz, 2006; Golinkoff et al., 2000; Bloom, 2000; Yuan &
Fisher, 2009). As many have pointed out, the task of mapping words to world is
deceptively simple. A child who sees Quines (1960) proverbial rabbit hopping by while
a linguist utters gavagai might think the word refers to the whole rabbit, the rabbits
ears, or color of the rabbit ears, or the rabbits hopping. How is a child to know?
those who argue for perceptual salience or attentional cues as the link between word and
meaning (Landau, Smith & Jones, 1988; Imai & Gentner, 1997; Jones & Smith, 2002;
Smith, 2003; Soja, Carey & Spelke, 1991; Yoshida & Smith, 2003; Smith & Yu, 2008;
Hills, Maouene, Maouene, Sheya, & Smith, 2009), to those who hold that infants have
certain cognitive constraints that guide them to one interpretation for a word over another
(e.g., children assume the word maps to the entire rabbit, Markman, 1991, 1994; Kersten
& Smith, 2002; Saylor, Sabbagh, & Baldwin, 2002; Golinkoff, Hirsh-Pasek, & Mervis,
1994; Hollich, Golinkoff, Hirsh-Pasek, & Arnold, 2007), to those who suggest that
children attend to social cues in the environment that support word mapping (Nelson,
1996; Adamson & Bakeman, 1991; Adamson, Bakeman, & Deckner, 2005; Adamson &
MacArthur, 1995; Tomasello, 1995; Tomasello & Farrar, 1986). Research has been
The ECM, however, suggests that rather than endorse one theory to the exclusion
of the others, this research can be unified in a developmental model of word learning.
Hollich et al. (2000), for example, presented infants with two toys in a live adaptation of
the preferential looking paradigm. The experimenter looked at and trained children on
either the name of the interesting toy (Coincident Condition) or looked at and labeled the
boring toy (Conflict Condition). While hiding behind a barrier that displayed both toys
side by side, the experimenter then asked the child Where is the modi? Can you find the
modi? At 10 months of age, infants formed associations between the object they
preferred (the interesting toy) and the word that they heard regardless of whether the
interesting or the boring toy was labeled by the experimenter (Pruden, Hennon, Hirsh-
Pasek & Golinkoff, 2006). By 12 months of age, infants learned the label in the
coincident condition but not in the conflict condition. That is they started to notice the
social cues but could not recruit social cues in the service of word learning. By 24
months of age, toddlers could ignore the perceptually interesting object to map the label
onto the boring object that was designated by the experimenter. They used social cues
like eye gaze to interpret the speakers intent. A reliance on social over perceptual cues in
word learning is critical as we do not necessarily label the most interesting objects in our
immediate environment.
The role that social cues play in word mapping has been extensively studied.
Research on communicative intentions suggests that children figure out the referent of a
word by attending to what a person means to convey by word or action (Baldwin &
Moses, 2001; Birch, Vauthier, & Bloom, 2008; Diesendruck, Markson, Akhtar, &
Reudor, 2004; Liszkowski, Carpenter, & Tomasello, 2008; Tomasello, Carpenter, Call,
Behne & Moll, 2005) and that attention to social cues like eye gaze direction predicts
later language outcomes (Brooks & Meltzoff, 2008). Research also demonstrates that
children learn words best during episodes of joint attention or when the adult looks at the
object that the child is focused upon rather than trying to draw the child to the object they
find interesting (Adamson & Bakeman, 1991; Adamson, Bakeman, & Deckner, 2005;
Adamson & MacArthur, 1995; Dunham, Dunham & Curwin, 1993; Tomasello, 1995;
Tomasello & Farrar, 1986). Tomasello, Carpenter, Call, Behne, & Moll (2005) argues
that these moments of joint attention are also episodes of joint intention where the child
tunes into the intentional goals of the speaker. With this window into the other persons
mind (what Lois Bloom (2001) called the principle of relevance), children become
Evidence from both typical and atypical populations suggests that early access to
and experience with social cues is crucial to long-term language outcome, and that certain
measurable social behaviors in the first year of life are predictive of later language ability
(Markus, Mundy, Morales, Delgado, & Yale, 2000; Morales, Mundy, & Rojas, 1998).
For example, Morales and colleagues (1998) found that 6-month-olds ability to follow a
correlated positively with receptive/expressive vocabulary size at 12, 18, 21, and 24
months (Morales, Mundy, & Rojas, 1998). Further studies revealed that infants
responding to various parental and experimenter bids for joint attention (e.g., pointing,
looking, touching) is related to later language ability (Morales et al., 2000a, 2000b). In
fact, populations that have less access to social cues tend to have poorer language
Flusberg (2007), children diagnosed on the autistic spectrum engaged in a series of tasks
designed to measure their access to social intent. Their attention to social intent predicted
Finally, mapping comes not only from attention to perceptual salience and social
intent, but also through a sensitivity to the grammatical structure of the language. By the
second year of life, children use both social and linguistic cues to word meaning, such as
eye gaze direction, information about the goals and intentions of others (Baldwin &
Moses, 2001; Brooks & Meltzoff, 2008; Hollich et al., 2000), tense agreement and
morphology (e.g., a word ending with -ing is probably a verb and therefore labeling an
action or event; for a review, see Fisher & Song, 2006). A classic example of infants
employing their knowledge of syntax to determine word meaning comes from a study by
Roger Brown (1957). Three- to five-year-old children were shown a picture of an action,
a substance, and an object (e.g., person kneading a confetti-like mass in a bowl) and
given a novel word (sib) in one of three syntactic contexts: as a noun (a sib), a verb
(sibbing), or as a quantifier (some sib). Depending upon the syntactic context in which
children heard the novel word, they interpreted it to mean either the bowl (noun), the
made inferences about the meaning of a novel word from attending to the syntactic
context in which it was heard (Brown, 1957; Naigles, Gleitman, & Gleitman, 1993;
Subrahmanyam, Landau, & Gelman, 1999). Recently, Song et al., (2010) showed that 3-
year-olds (English reared and French-reared) can use the morphology of a novel adjective
or verb with no other cue to decide the meaning and part of speech of a new word.
The use of these grammatical cues in the service of word learning is referred to as
syntactic bootstrapping (Gleitman, 1990; Naigles, 1996; Naigles, Gleitman & Gleitman,
1993). The term refers to when children use their knowledge of abstract linguistic
structure (such as the fact that transitive verbs may be causal) (Fisher & Snedeker, 2002;
Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 1996) to guide their interpretation of novel words. Some argue
that given the ephemeral nature of verbs and the fact that verbs are generally harder to
learn than nouns (Gentner, 1982; Gentner & Boroditsky, 2001; Imai et al., 2008),
syntactic bootstrapping might be even more critical for verb learning than for noun
learning. Studies suggest that even toddlers as young as 21 months of age can use
syntactic cues such as the arrangement and number of a verbs noun arguments to
determine something of the meaning of a novel verbs (Fisher & Song, 2006; Lee &
Naigles, 2005, 2008; Lidz, Gleitman, & Gleitman, 2003; Naigles & Lehrer, 2002;
Gillette, Gleitman, Gleitman, and Lederer (1999) conducted their human simulation
study. Researchers asked adults to guess the words used by mothers captured on
videotape interacting with their children. Hearing a bleep that was overlaid onto the
video sequences, adults guessed the word from pretaped maternal speech delivered to 18-
to 24-month-old infants. Adults correctly guessed the missing nouns in 45% of the cases;
their score for verbs was only 15%, and for mental verbs, 0%. When syntax was
systematically added verb identification improved substantially. Snedeker, Li, & Yuan
(2003) replicated this result with Mandarin and English speakers hearing Mandarin
samples, and Piccin and Waxman (2007) replicated the finding with 7-year-olds.
The findings on mapping from word to world have several important lessons for
those interested in supporting strong language growth. First, children will notice
perceptually interesting objects and actions and will attempt to attach labels to those
actions. Second, if we are sensitive to what they find interesting and label those objects
and actions, children will engage in joint attention and master more vocabulary. As
toddlers (Akhtar, Dunham & Dunham, 1991; Masur, 1982; Tomasello & Farrar, 1986;
Dunham, Dunham & Curwin, 1993) they can also follow our gaze to new objects and
those who do so more effectively become better word learners. Word learning and
sentence learning occurs in conversations where children and adults are focused on
objects, actions and events. Third and critically, this research suggests that offering one
word at a time is not supportive of language learning. Rather, exposing children to full
sentences and rich language best promotes word learning as vocabulary and grammar
The research presented thus far is but a fraction of that available in the literature.
It does, however, reveal the significance of some of the new findings emerging in infant
language development along with a sense of how much development goes on beneath the
surface of what we see day in and day out. The new findings also give us direction on
how we can intervene in the process to ensure positive language trajectories for young
children. Moving back to the basics, we have seen that language learning can be distilled
into three main tasks: a) finding the units of speech (or handshapes) that will become the
sounds, words, phrases and sentences, b) finding the units in the world (objects, actions
and events) that will be labeled by language, and c) mapping between word and world in
ways that move from speech to meaning and meaning to speech in the native tongue (or
tongues). With these basics in mind, we move from research findings to some speculation
and offer 6 principles of language learning that are consistent with the literature and that
Principle 1: Children learn the words that they hear most. As Neuman and Dwyer
(2009) suggested, Talk may be cheap but it is priceless for young developing minds (p.
384). Support for this principle comes from the Hart and Risley (1995) study, a number
of correlational studies (Hoff, 2006a; Hoff & Naigles, 2002; Hoff-Ginsberg, 1991;
Tamis-LeMonda & Bornstein, 2002), and the fact that amount of language exposure has
long range consequences for later language and reading levels (Walker Greenwood, Hart,
& Carta 1994; Weizman & Snow, 2001; Clarke et al., 2010; Marchman & Fernald,
2008). Saffran et al.s (1996) findings begin to shed light on why the amount of
language emerges as critical for young learners. Language must be heard in sufficient
quantity for the computational brain to do the calculations necessary to derive the units of
This relationship between adult input and child output not only appears in home
environments but also in studies of childcare and early schooling (Hoff, 2006b; Hoff &
Naigles, 2002; Hoff-Ginsberg, 1991; McCartney, 1984; NICHD Early Child Care
Research Network, 2000, 2002, 2005). Research also finds that children learn not only
language that is directed to them, but also from overheard speech (Akhtar, 2005;
Weizman & Snow, 2001). In short, providing environments filled with opportunities to
hear and respond to language supports childrens growing vocabulary and grammar.
but amount alone will not support language competencies. For example, it is not enough
to just hear language or words spewing forth from a television. Findings by Kuhl, Tsao,
& Liu (2003) and Roseberry, Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff (2009) suggest that children
under the age of three are unlikely to learn language from mere exposure on television
(see also DeLoache et al., 2010). Language learning requires sensitive and responsive
conversations with children where language input is tailored to the interest and timing of
Adults who take turns in interactions with young children, share periods of joint
focus, are sensitive and responsive to children, and express positive affect provide
children with the scaffolding needed to facilitate language and cognitive growth
(Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 1998; Clarke-Stewart, 1973; Bradley et al., 1989; Howes,
2000; Katz, 2000; Tomasello & Farrar, 1986; Landry, Smith, Swank, Assel, & Vellet,
2001; Wakschlag & Hans, 1999; Tamis-LeMonda & Bornstein, 2002; Hirsh-Pasek &
Burchinal, 2006). This link has been observed in childcare homes and relative care as
well as in center care (Kontos, Howes, Shinn, & Galinsky, 1997; NICHD ECCRN, 1998;
were four, controlling at age three for childrens language ability (i.e., the mean length of
their utterances), parental income, education, and home support for literacy (e.g.,
reading), found that higher quality conversations and richer vocabulary exposure during
free play and group book reading were related to childrens language, comprehension,
and print skills at the end of kindergarten (Dickinson, 2001a; Tabors, Snow, &
Dickinson, 2001) and fourth grade (Dickinson, 2001a; Dickinson & Porche, in press;
Tabors, et al., 2001). Parental sensitivity across time also fosters change in child
outcomes (see Bornstein & Tamis-LeMonda, 1989; Landry, Smith, Swank, & Miller-
Loncar, 2000; Landry et al., 2001; NICHD ECCRN, 2003; Tamis-LeMonda & Bornstein,
2002). Finally, using the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development,
Hirsh-Pasek and Burchinal (2006) noted similar relationships with children in child care
settings. The moral of this story is that language competencies grow when we remain
conversational and attuned to childrens focus of attention and interests during the course
Why might social interactive settings be critical for language growth? Contingent
interaction not only facilitates advanced babbling in infants (Goldstein, King, & West,
2003), but also helps older children come to discern adults intentions (Baldwin &
Moses, 2001). Contingent responsivity is crucial for language growth (Roseberry, 2010),
possibly because it engages the child and mirrors the childs responses. It is interesting in
this light that children under 3 have trouble learning language from television (Roseberry,
Hirsh-Pasek, Parish-Morris, & Golinkoff, 2009) but not from video chats (Roseberry,
Principle 3: Children learn words for things and events that interest them. In
2000, Lois Bloom wrote about the Principle of Relevance, commenting, Language
learning is enhanced when the words a child hears bear upon and are pertinent to the
objects of engagement, interest and feelings (p.19). In fact, the evidence suggests that
younger children readily assume that words map onto objects they find interesting
(Hollich et al., 2000). The joint attention literature attests to the fact that parents who talk
about what children are looking at have more advanced vocabularies. The corollary is
also true: parents who try to redirect childrens attention and label objects not of interest
have children learn fewer words (e.g., Dunham, Dunham & Curwin, 1993; Hollich et al.,
When children are interested and actively engaged in activities they also learn
language from their peers. Dickinson (2001b) noted that the amount of time 3-year-olds
spent talking with peers while pretending was positively associated with the size of their
vocabularies two years later, when they had begun kindergarten. And Bergen and Mauer
(2000) found that 4-year-olds play, in the form of making shopping lists, and reading
storybooks to stuffed animals, predicted both language and reading readiness after the
is often a first step in meaning making. People learn best when information is presented
in integrated contexts rather than as a set of isolated facts (Bartlett, 1932; Tulving, 1968;
Neisser, 1967; Bruner, 1972; Bransford & Johnson, 1972). Words connected in a grocery
list are better remembered than the same list of words presented without context.
that use thematic play as a prop for language development. Christie and Roskos (2006),
for example, find that children who learn connected vocabulary for the category of
building (words like hammers, hard hats, screw drivers and tool belts) better remember
and use these words than do children who do not learn in this more integrative way.
Meaning comes not only by connecting words with experiences, but also by
hearing them used in sentences within narratives. Play can often provide a rich context
for those narratives. New research by Han, Moore, Vukelich, and Buell (in press) finds
that children who are given an opportunity to use vocabulary in a playful context learn it
better than those who learn only under explicit instruction. As Neuman and Dwyer
language, play, and memory research converge to suggest that teaching vocabulary in
knowledge and hence their mental lexicons (Hirsh-Pasek, Golinkoff, Berk, & Singer,
processes. The amount and diversity of verbal stimulation fosters earlier and richer
language outcomes in terms of both vocabulary and grammar (Beebe, Jaffee & Lachman,
1992; Hart & Risley, 1995, 1999; Snow, 1986; Huttenlocher, Haith, Bryk, Seltzer &
Lyons, 1991; Tamis-LeMonda, Bornstein & Baumwell, 2001). Vocabulary and grammar
are not divorced. They feed one another. Dixon and Marchman (2007), for example,
argue from a large sample of children ages 16-30 months (N=1461) that words and
grammar are developing in synchrony across the first few years of life (p. 209). This
relationship between grammar and vocabulary learning is also celebrated in research with
bilingual children. Conboy and Thal (2006) find, for example, that toddlers English
vocabulary predicted their English grammar and the reverse, and their Spanish
Why might language environments that offer more sophisticated language support
meaning, can only be useful if children hear many sentences. Upon hearing John is
blicking Mary, for example, the child may assume that John did something to Mary an
assumption not licensed by the sentence, John and Mary are blicking. Second,
observing the diverse linguistic contexts in which words are used helps children detect
nuances in word meaning (Gillette, Gleitman, Gleitman, & Lederer, 1999; Naigles,
1990). Finally, it is worth noting that oral language measured as both vocabulary and
grammar (NICHD ECCRN, 2005) will be crucial for early literacy (Clarke et al., 2010).
Principle 6: Keep it positive. One of Hart and Risleys startling findings was that
lower income children are more likely to hear prohibitions (e.g., Dont touch that!) than
to hear what they called affirmations (e.g., Thats an interesting toy). Prohibitions
are not only more negative in tone, but they serve as conversation closers. In a lovely
illustration, Chase-Lansdale and Takanishis (2009) opened a recent report entitled, How
do families matter?, with a vignette they called three mothers and an eggplant.
The first mother wheels her shopping cart down the produce aisle, where
her kindergartner spots an eggplant and asks what it is. The mother shushes her
child, ignoring the question. A second mother, faced with the same question,
responds curtly, Oh, thats an eggplant, but we dont eat it. The third mother
coos, Oh, thats an eggplant. Its one of the few purple vegetables. She picks it
up, hands it to her son, and encourages him to put it on the scale. Oh, look, its
about two pounds! she says. And its $1.99 a pound, so that would cost just
about $4. Thats a bit pricey, but you like veal parmesan, and eggplant parmesan
is delicious too. Youll love it. Lets buy one, take it home, cut it open. Well
Rather than closing off the conversation, the third mother affirms the childs interest,
speaks in full sentences, and continues the conversation in a way that builds vocabulary
and grammar. The research suggests that when we expand on our childrens language
and when we ask questions rather than simply giving directives we talk more and we
create a climate that spurs language growth. Continuing the conversation increases the
amount of talk, uses language in a social context, builds on childrens interest, makes
Taken collectively, the 6 research-derived principles of language development
offer a way to alter the trajectory of a childs language development. The principles
dictate a kind of pedagogical approach that yields optimal language growth. The topics
under discussion can vary with language or culture. Strong language competence is as
or building a fort. Teachers and parents can confidently give children a rich language
base by applying the principles in areas that are of interest to them and their children.
The trick is to start the conversation and keep it going. As David Dickinson has said,
Strive for five, meaning 5 back and forth turns with the child. When conversations are
only one-side prohibitions or one-word answers, children are not hearing the language
they need to fuel their language-learning engine. Nor are they being sufficiently exposed
Final thoughts. Language is a core mental ability that serves as the foundation for
(e.g., Hart & Risley, 1995). Given the centrality of language and communication for
school readiness and academic success, this research has sent ripples to the highest levels
of government. In the last 15 years, researchers have not only replicated these findings,
but also expanded them, suggesting that the lack of positive language input might have
lasting effects on childrens mental processing speed (e.g., Marchman & Fernald, 2008),
their later reading abilities (e.g., Clarke et al., 2010) and possibly in brain functioning
Research in the last decade, however, also offers an antidote. Language learning
is malleable and we can change young childrens trajectories. We now know enough
about the course of language learning to make the leap from the pages of scientific
principles that distill the science into a roadmap for practitioners who work with young
children and their families. If we are to narrow the achievement gap between rich and
poor, it is imperative that we build strong language competencies in all children and that
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Figure 1: Milestones of language development
Figure 2. The Emergentist Coalition Model
Figure 2: The coalition of cues available for establishing word reference and utilized
differently across developmental time. Children shift from Phase I, a reliance on
attentional cues such as how compelling an object is (perceptual salience) and the
coincident appearance of an object and a label (temporal contiguity), to Phase II, a
greater dependency on social and linguistic cues like eye gaze and grammar. By 12
months, dependence on Phase I cues has begun to wane and shift to the social cues
in Phase II.