Social Networking Midterm

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Introduction to Social Networking for Social Integration

Social Relationship – any relationship or interaction between 2 or more individuals.
Social Integration – the process by which separate groups are combined into a unified society, especially when
this is pursued as a deliberate policy.
How does organization affect social network? – within organizations, social networks represent the channels
through which news and opinion about change initiatives are transmitted.
Advantages of Social Networking Disadvantages of Social Networking
Global connections are made possible through social Makes people addicted.
Quick and simple communication methods. Well-being risks.
Social networking helps businesses advertise their Reduced physical interactions.
Social Networking Websites
1. Facebook 6. TikTok
2. Instagram 7. YouTube
3. Twitter 8. Reddit
4. LinkedIn 9. Pinterest
5. Telegram 10. Tumblr

Social Media Taught in Our School System

1. Connecting with experts on topics via social media.
2. It helps in research process.
3. Enhanced learning management systems.
4. Learners can build social credibility.

Scope and Nature for Social Networking and Social Support

Social Network
1. It’s a network of social interactions and personal relationships.
2. Application which enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments,
messages, images, etc.
3. Social network is computer network that link people, organizations and knowledge.
Nature of Social Networking – Websites and apps that allow users and organizations to connect, communicate,
share information and form relationships.
A social network website allows users to:
1. Create a “Profile” set up an account to create a digital creation of themselves.
2. Select other members of the site as contacts or connections.
3. Communicate and engage to this user.
The information a social network collects about user includes:
1. Contact Information
2. Location
3. Personal information
4. Work history
5. Personal preferences, who your friends with, etc.
The Popularity Begins
1. Social networking was born one fine day in 1971, when email was sent.
2. The two computers sitting next to each other.
3. Day by day people invented many sites and its popularity began.
Why social networking is so popular this day?
1. East to access 3. Free to use
2. Opportunity to meet new people 4. Social networking sites are user friend
Advantages of Social Networking
1. Provide the better way of communication among users.
2. Provides better way of entertainment.
3. To make people easy connection.
4. Online marketing, online jobs and online news.
Disadvantages of Social Networking
1. Spread false and unreliable information.
2. Causing major relationships problems.
3. Cyber bullying is a growing problem.
Social Support – The psychological and material resources provided by a social network to help individuals cope
with stress.
1. Make and individual feel cared for a valued.
2. Helps and individual in difficult times.
3. Formed by social connections.
Types of Social Support
1. Informational Support – Messages that include knowledge or facts, such as advice or feedback on actions.
2. Esteem Support – The messages that help to promote one's skills, abilities, and intrinsic value.
3. Emotional Support – Emotional support is related to the expressions that include caring, concern, empathy,
and sympathy.
4. Tangible Support – The provision of financial assistance, material goods, or services.
Importance of Social Support – It help us cope with setbacks, solve problems, improve self-esteem and even
manage health problems and stress.
Examples of Social Support
1. Listening to a friend talk about a stressful situation.
2. Validating another member of a support group when they talk about their feelings.
3. Cooking meals for a neighbor who has been feeling ill.
4. Praising an employee for doing a good job.
5. Helping someone with housework when they are struggling with feelings of depression.

Principles and Dimension of Social Integration

Social Integration – A process of largely agreeing on a shared system of meaning, language, culture, and the like.
Social Integration Theory
1. Sociological Theory
a. Émile Durkheim – founder of Modern Sociology.
b. Durkheim social integration affirmed that people must rely on others to provide certain things that
one alone cannot accomplish, thus the need for interdependence on a larger group is necessary.
c. Social integration theory can be summarized as principles that guide relationships between people
and groups in the larger society and how they interact with one another.
2. Harmut Esser’s Integration Theory
a. According to Esser, social integration can be achieved through 4 dimensions.
Dimensions of Social Integration
1. Culturation – The individuals acquiring essential knowledge and skills.
2. Structural Integration or Position
a. The occupation of a specific social position by the actor in the social system.
b. This, to Esser, is the most important stage in social integration.
3. Interaction – The kind of social conduct where individuals mutually orientate themselves based on one
another’s knowledge and behavior.
4. Identification – The emotional relationship between the migrant and the host society.
Stages of Social Integration (Low to high)
1. Accommodation – they cooperate, respect and accept one another cultures.
2. Acculturation – process through which a person or group from one culture comes to adapt practicing and
values of another culture, while still retaining their own distinct culture.
3. Assimilation – minority of a group gradually adapts to the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture
and customs of the dominant group and losing their own culture in the process.
4. Amalgamation – process by which minority group and majority group combine to form a new group.

Statistical Data on Social Media

Statistics of People Who Using Social Media
1. There are 4.8 billion social media users worldwide, representing 59.9% of the global population and
92.7% of all internet users.
2. There were 150 million new social media users between April 2022 and April 2023 – a 3.2% increase
Biggest Social Media Platforms – Facebook is the biggest social media platform in the world as of 2023, with
2.99 billion Monthly Active Users.
Most Social Media Users
1. China has the most social media users worldwide, with around 1021 million (1.02 billion) users as of 2023.
2. Statista predicts that the number of Chinese social media users will reach 1.21 billion in 2027.
3. India has the second biggest social media user base with 755.47 million users.
4. The United States and Indonesia follow with 302.25 and 217.53 million users, respectively.
Gender of Global Social Media Users – 54% of men and 46% of women make up the global social media users
as of 2023.
Advantages of Social Media
1. Connecting with the world 3. Access to information
2. Easier communication 4. Increased brand awareness
5. Improved networking and connections
Disadvantages of Social Media
1. Security and privacy issues 4. Social media addiction
2. Addiction 5. Loss of productivity
3. Cyberbullying

Effects of Social Networks to Social Integration

Is the Philippines the social media capital?
1. The Philippines have been called the social media capital of the world because of their extraordinarily
high usage time of about three hours per day.
2. Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram have emerged as the leading platforms used monthly by Filipino internet
Social Network – Alternatively known as a virtual community or profile site, a social network is a website that
brings people together to talk, share ideas and interests, or make new friends.
Social Integration – multidimensional construct that can be defined as the extent to which individuals participate
in a variety of social relationships.
Positive Effects of Social Networks
1. Connects people all over the world in mere seconds.
2. Allows instantaneous discovery of news and real-time information.
3. Fosters easy and instant communication.
4. Provides a great source of entertainment.
5. Promote public participation and civic engagement.
Negative Effects of Social Networks
1. Addictive, resulting in excessive usage.
2. Fertile grounds for criminal and illegal activity.
3. Evoke feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and issues with one’s self-image.
4. Make children, teens, and young adults vulnerable to cyberbullying and peer pressure.
5. Increase feelings of social isolation or loneliness.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

Educators Guide in Social Media

Social Media – technologies that facilitate social interaction, collaboration and deliberation across stakeholders.
1. Select the right platforms. 5. Avoid distractions.
2. Create and share content. 6. Stay informed.
3. Use hashtag. 7. Engage in discussions.
4. Privacy settings. 8. Time management.
Advantage – can enhance collaboration and communication among students and educators fostering a more
interactive learning environment.
Disadvantage – can be a source of distraction and may lead to issues of privacy and information reliability

Protecting Privacy on Social Media

Privacy – state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.
Social Media – interaction of people in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas in virtual
community and networks.
Privacy of Social Media
1. The personal and sensitive information that people can find out about you from your account.
2. According to Consumer Report (2012), 13 Million Facebook users in the US don’t use privacy controls.
Locking Down Personal Information – you’re asked to provide information about yourself that may be kept private
and retained by the site, in case there’s a problem.
Types of Data do Social Media Collect
1. Medical records 5. Financial records 9. Religious beliefs
2. Biometric data 6. Personal identity 10. Location data
3. Education records 7. Photo of face 11. Engagement
4. Credit card data 8. Status updates

Social Media Privacy Issues

1. Data Mining – scammers use this for identity theft, they can send phishing scams or gather more information
like leaked passwords or credit card numbers.
2. Data Breach – exposes confidential information to an unauthorized person, if a company is hacked,
customer’s social media data is one of the first data to be stolen.
3. Third Party Data Sharing – users often grant permission to share their data to these third parties even
without knowing it.
4. Privacy Setting Loopholes – if you share something with a friend and they commented on it, the friends of
your friend can also see the information you shared.
5. Location Setting – even if the users turn off location settings, scammers can get device's location through
public Wi-Fi, phone towers etc.
6. Harassment and Cyberbullying – defrauders can send threatening messages, perform harassment, or
cause emotional trouble even without getting into users’ social media accounts.
7. Fake Information – trolls and bots often provoke social media users by manipulating emotions, they can
also create a fake account by posing as a person.
8. Malware and Viruses – cybercriminals can take over the social media account and spread malware to the
affected account of the user and all the user's friends.
Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173) – aims to protect personal data in information and
communication systems both in the government and the private sector.
How to Protect your Social Media Accounts?
1. Think twice when opening a new social media account.
2. Do not forget to delete the account and all your data.
3. Use strong passwords.
4. Avoid public devices.
5. Don’t overshare your data on social media platforms.
6. Disable geolocation data.
Consent Management Platforms
1. CMP’s allow users to make informed decisions about what data to share with third parties.
2. Users can review, grant and later revoke their consent for the processing of personal data.
Function of Consent Management Platforms
1. Block cookies.
2. Scan.
3. Categorize cookies.
4. Maintains a full history.
5. Allow users to withdraw.
6. Creates a unique and professional privacy policy.
7. Integrates your cookie banner with the most popular CMP’s platforms.
8. Integrates your cookie banner with IABTCF 2.0.
1. Privacy enables people to manage their reputation.
2. Protecting privacy is key to ensuring human dignity, safety and self-determination.

Use of Social Media in the Classroom

1. Use posts to broadcast updates and alerts.
2. Use livestreaming for lectures and discussions.
3. Use “X” for class updates and more.
4. Create a class blog for discussions and cross-channel learning.
5. Use Instagram for digital storytelling.
6. Resources sharing.
7. Use chat bots to support students outside of office hours.

Using Social Media to Promote

Facebook "Friending" and Faculty-Student Communication

Facebook – online social media and social networking service owned by META.
Friending – helps you stay connected with people you care about.
Faculty-Student Communication – helps you feel more comfortable in college and more connected to the campus.

Social Media Pedagogies for the Future of Arts and Science Learning
Benefits of Social Media in Education
1. Extends learning opportunities.
2. Create connections with students and alumni.
3. Build brand identity.
Social Media in the Classroom
1. Use posts to broadcast updates and alerts.
2. Use livestreaming for lectures and discussions.
3. Use “X” for class updates and more.
4. Create a class blog for discussions and cross-channel learning.
5. Use Instagram for digital storytelling.
6. Resources sharing.
7. Use chat bots to support students outside of office hours.
Social Media for Education Marketing
1. Leverage TikTok creators and influencers for user generated content.
2. Include social media links on your school website.
3. Give a glimpse into student life through photo and video.
4. Create alumni community groups.

Learning Arts and Science in Three-Dimensional Virtual Worlds

Three-Dimensional Virtual Worlds – computer-based 3D graphical and simulated environment in which users can
interact via their own avatars.
Primarily Categories of Virtual Reality Simulations
1. Non-Immersive Virtual Reality – are often overlooked as a virtual reality category because it’s already so
commonly used in everyday life.
2. Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality – still give users the perception of being in a different reality when they
focus on the digital image, but also allows users to remain connected to their physical surroundings.
3. Fully Immersive Virtual Reality – give users the most realistic simulation experience, complete with sight
and sound.
Arts in Three-Dimensional World
1. Three-dimensional arts like sculptures, paintings, sketches, and photographs.
2. Three-dimensional art pieces, presented in the dimensions of height, width and depth, occupy physical
space and can be perceived from all sides and angles.
Science in Three-Dimensional Virtual World – 3D models can be used to represent complex scientific concepts,
such as molecular structures, geological formations, and astronomical phenomena.

Academic Use for Social Media

1. Use posts to broadcast updates and alerts.
2. Use livestreaming for lectures and discussions.
3. Create a class blog for discussions and cross-channel learning.
4. Use Instagram for digital storytelling.
5. Resources sharing.
6. Use chat bots to support students outside of office hours.
Here are some of the educational approaches and benefits of social media to improve the academic
performance of students:
1. Communication and collaboration.
2. Finding concrete information online.
3. Parental involvement.
4. Improved literacy, communication and reading skills.
5. Distance learning opportunities.

How Does Modernization Affects Social Networking?

Modernization – social, cultural and technological change that transform society from traditional to modern.
Social Network – platform designed to facilitate social connections and allow people to share information.
Emergence of Social Network
1. 1997 – 6. 2007 – Tumblr
2. 2002 – Friendster 7. 2010 – Instagram
3. 2004 – Facebook 8. 2012 – Snapchat
4. 2005 – YouTube 9. 2016 – TikTok
5. 2006 – Twitter
Advantages Effect of Modernization in Social Networking
1. Technological advancement. 3. New ways of socializing.
2. Increased accessibility. 4. Increased global connection.
Disadvantages Effect of Modernization in Social Networking
1. Social media addiction 3. Fake news
2. Cyber-bullying 4. Privacy concerns

Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Media

Positive Aspect
1. Social connections. 2. Business development.
3. Education and learning. 6. News and current event.
4. Entertainment. 7. Information sharing.
5. Creative expression. 8. Inspiration and motivation.
Negative Aspect
1. Privacy concern. 4. Child development.
2. Cyber bullying and harassment. 5. Work-life balance.
3. Misinformation and fake news. 6. Obsession with likes and share.

Use of Social Media to Support Learning Social Studies

Innovative Application of Education Technology Tools in Teaching and Learning

Concept – role or function of the modern technologies in classroom setting.
Innovative Ways to Use Technology in Education
1. Slideshow Presentations with Multimedia – better with variety of multimedia like images, graphs, short
clips and animations.
2. Podcast – digital audio programs consisting series of episodes on various topics and can give an overview
for the lesson.
3. Virtual Tour – let the students explore the world virtually like Google Cardboard.
4. Online Class Schedules – informed the students about the class schedules like the duration of class and
important dates to remember like Google Calendar.
5. Virtual Manipulatives – used to interpret or visualize mathematical concepts. Examples are Base 10 Blocks
and Tangrams
6. Videos for Teaching – creating video lectures and sharing them with students like Google Meet and Zoom.
7. Hit Social Media – students can have used social media to share their outputs, projects, and presentation.
8. Social Groups – can create social groups to connect the students to curriculum like Group Chat in
Messenger and Groups in Facebook.

The Use of Web 2.0 Technologies in Formal and Informal Settings

Web 2.0 Technologies – 2nd generation web-based technologies and services designed to enable user to easily
share information.
Importance of Web 2.0 Technologies in Education
1. It revolutionized the way educators teach.
2. Tools and resources that allow for greater collaboration, creativity and engagement.
Other Types of Web
1. Web 1.0 – 1st generation, characterized by static HTML pages and limited user interaction.
2. Web 3.0 – characterized by increased personalization, artificial intelligence, and the semantic web.
3. Dark Web – not indexed by search engines and requires specific software or authorization to access.
4. Deep Web – requires authentication or special permissions to access.
Web 2.0 Technologies in Formal Setting – increasingly being used in schools, colleges and universities.
1. Learning Management Systems (LMS) 3. Online Assessment Tool
2. Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) 4. Digital Textbooks
Advantages of Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Formal Education
1. Collaborative learning
2. Provide access to a vast array of resources
3. Allow for personalized learning
Challenges of Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in Formal Education
1. Not have the necessary skills or training.
2. Learners may not be comfortable using technology for learning.
3. Safe and secure manner.
Web 2.0 Technologies in Informal Settings – become very popular in museums, libraries and community centers.
1. Facebook 3. Instagram 5. Podcast
2. Twitter 4. Wikis 6. YouTube
Advantages of Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Informal Education
1. Allow learners to collaborate
2. Help learners develop digital literacy skills
3. Provide access to a wealth of resources that can be accessed from anywhere and at any time.
Challenges of Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in Formal Education
1. Not all learners have access to the internet or the necessary devices to access
2. Not all learners are comfortable with using technology
3. Safe and security manner
Comparison of Web 2.0 Technologies in Formal and Informal Settings
1. Similarities of Web 2.0 Technologies in Formal and Informal Settings
a. Provide opportunities for
b. Collaboration and the sharing of ideas.
c. Allow for greater engagement and interaction between educators and students.
2. Difference of Web 2.0 Technologies in Formal and Informal Settings
a. In formal settings, the use of web 2.0 technologies is more structured and controlled.
b. Informal settings; social media are less structured that allows greater creativity and self-expression.
Summary of the Importance of Web 2.0 Technologies in Education
1. Revolutionized the way education is delivered.
2. Has enhanced communication and collaboration among teachers, students, and parents. made education
more accessible and affordable.
Future Implications of the Use of Web 2.0 Technologies in Education
1. It is likely to continue to grow,
2. According to a report by Markets and Markets, by 2025, Web 2.0 Technologies is of the contributor that
projected to reach a market of $325 Billion.
3. Increase the demand for digital literacy and technology skills.
Statistics – study by eLearning Industry found that 99% of students believe that Web 2.0 technologies enhance
their learning experience, while 96% of teachers agree that these tools improve student engagement.

Student Use of Facebook for Variety of Reasons

Facebook – free website that enable users to share information and keep in touch with family and friends.
1. It provides a platform to connect with friends, family and classmates.
2. It's a way to stay up to date on news, current events, and trends.
3. To promote their creative work, build professional, academic networks and connect with online communities.
4. To stay in touch with their parents, as well as keep track of school announcements activities.
1. Waste of time and procrastination with endless scrolling.
2. Risk of cyberbullying and scams.
3. Loss of privacy and potential for data breach.
4. Social Media can cause serious health concerns for students
5. Addiction by children’s lead to poor academic results.

Designing Learning in Social Online Environment

Designing Learning – requires students to use their knowledge in a system for learning real life problem.
Social Online Environment – virtual space in which a communication occurs while being connected to others.
As of January (2021) – learning sessions are now conducted online in 95 % of schools in the world.
How do you design an effective online learning?
1. Identify your learners. 4. Upload and organize lectures.
2. Set clear learning goals. 5. Add extra learning resources.
3. Outline your course syllabus. 6. Get your students be involving.
Design Learning Framework in Social Online Environment
1. Content – objective based units and self-assessments online.
2. Learning Activities – participation in discussions and asynchronous or synchronous.
3. Learner Support - learning guides, give online support and social interactions.
Importance of this Study
1. Be creative, imaginative and innovative 4. Become aware to technology
2. Enhance communication skills 5. Adjust to the world’s teaching innovation
3. Build a strong sense of writing skills 6. Share the passion for learning

Classifying Facebook Usage in the Classroom or Around It

Usage of Facebook on Daily Lives
Modeling the Usage of Facebook in Higher Education

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