BBM3017 - Entrepreneurship (Updated)

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BBM3017: Entrepreneurship
Credits: 12
ECTS Value: 6
Marking Scheme: Numerical marking scheme (i.e. mark of 0-10)

Pass Mark
The pass mark for the module is 50%

Delivery Type
This module requires you to attend the classes at the scheduled time in specific locations.


Module Outline

The Entrepreneurship Module aims to introduce second-year Bachelor of Business

Administration and Accountancy students to entrepreneurship; and is specifically designed for
the students to start and nurture their own business by helping them develop the knowledge,
attitudes and skill sets that will support that activity.
This Module provides insight into:
1) The significance of entrepreneurship to society, and its role in bringing new ideas to the
2) The entrepreneurial processes - from finding and evaluating good business opportunities to
new venture start-ups and growth issues
3) Entrepreneurial behaviour - a critical success factor in new venture creation
Students will learn key entrepreneurial concepts through lecture materials, experiential learning,
videos and interaction with successful entrepreneurs.

Indicative Content

Number Description
1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Recognizing opportunities and generating ideas
3 Developing an effective business plan

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Launching a new venture
Managing an entrepreneurial firm

6 Strategies for firm growth

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this Module you will be expected to be able to:

Explain the concept of entrepreneurship and its scope
Understand the entrepreneurial process and the influence entrepreneurship has on society
Know how to make a comprehensive Business Plan and how to pitch their ideas to potential investors
Know how to make use of different financial resources and how to use Bootstrap finance to
their advantage
Understand the different types and forms of enterprise activity and evaluate barriers to
enterprise in new and mature organisations

Learning and Teaching Strategy

This Module is highly interactive and dynamic. Students are expected to undertake preliminary
reading prior to lectures. Almost every class will start with the cold calling on a student at
random. Students will have a structured conversation with the lecturer on the themes and topics
derived from the syllabus. Even though the format is lecture-oriented it is expected to be highly
conversational and interactive.
Lectures are designed to introduce entrepreneurship and related concepts. A variety of articles
and case study materials, as well as videos, will be utilized and group activities will enable
students to interact and lead discussions featuring pre-developed topics in preparation for the

Learning & Teaching Methods

Method Hours
Lecture & Seminar 30
Tutorial 9
Guided independent study 61
Summary %
Scheduled 40

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Independent 60

Summative Assessment Strategy

Student’s achievement of the learning outcomes for this Module will be tested as follows:

Item Final Item? Assessment Method Description Weighting %

001 No Class participation 10
Quizzes, presentations, exercise,
002 No Assignments 20
active participation, case studies
003 No Mid-term presentation Business pitch 20
004 Yes Final project Entrepreneurial plan 50

Assessment 1: In-Class Attendance & Participation (10%)

The grade is based on the level of class participation of the students and is decided solely by the
instructor. A high level of participation will be given to students who come to class prepared to
discuss the assigned readings, actively participate in and frequently make valuable contributions
to class discussions and relate course concepts to the real world on a regular basis.
Absences from class will impact your educational experience. Attendance in class provides the
opportunity for each student to learn not only from the instructor and materials but also from
other students. Therefore, if you are not in class, you will miss the opportunity to add to
discussions and participate in group activities.
Please arrive at class on time.
All students are expected and encouraged to participate in activities and discussions during class.
Learning is an active process, and each student should feel free to add input and ask questions
during class sessions. There will be a variety of in-class activities to supplement lectures and
textbook reading.
Assessment 2: Assignments (20%)
Students are required to undertake and submit group or individual assignments at the end of
some sessions. The objective is to demonstrate holistic knowledge of how the core lessons fit
together to inform the strategic management of an organization. More detail will be provided on
the assignment material at the end of each session.
Assessment 3: Mid-term group presentation – Business Pitch (20%)
Each group delivers a business pitch of 15-20 minutes on their start-ups during the last few days
of class. Besides the instructor's assessment, Group 360 Evaluations (an evaluation by each
group for other groups) for the mid-term group presentation might be distributed.
Assessment 4: Final Project – Entrepreneurial Plan (50%)
As a group, students will choose an idea that solves a real-world problem with a new solution or
apply new technology and will begin to develop a startup. Groups will be required to develop an
entrepreneurial plan.
Report Criteria
10,000 words (+ / - 10%); excluding references and appendices. The paper should be one-and-a-
half-spaced using a 12-point font with one-inch margins. The entrepreneurial plan should meet
the required structure. It should not be presented as a list of bullet points. Business ideas must be
clearly conveyed. Detailed reasons for each part of the entrepreneurial plan are required.

Learning Resources

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Required readings will consist of Harvard and Stanford Business School cases, books and
selected articles. Regular preparation and contribution to class discussions are critical for both
individual and group learning.

 Bruce R. Barringer & R. Duane Ireland (2019). Entrepreneurship: Successfully launching
new Ventures (6th). Pearson Education

Additional Readings
 Stephen Spinelli and Rob Adams New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st
Century, 9th Edition, , ISBN-13 9780078029103
 Eric Ries (2011) The Lean Startup: How Todays Entrepreneurs Use Continuous
Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Pearson Education
 Bill Aulet (2013) Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup
 Insight Out: Get Ideas Out of Your Head, Tina Seelig (2015)
 Sprint: Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days, Jake Knapp (2016)
 The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, Scott Galloway
 Change by Design, Tim Brown (2019)
 Superfounders, Ali Tamaseb (2021)
 Frederick, H, O’Connor, A & Kuratko 2013, ’Entrepreneurship: evolution and revolution’,
in Entrepreneurship: theory, process and practice, Cengage Learning, Australia, pp. 2-35.
 Frederick, H, O’Connor, A & Kuratko 2013, ’Global opportunities for entrepreneurs’, in
Entrepreneurship: theory, process and practice, Cengage Learning, Australia, pp. 405-439.
 Guo, C & Bielefeld 2014, ’The many faces of social entrepreneurship’, in Social
entrepreneurship: an evidence-based approach to creating social value, Jossey-Bass, San
Francisco, US, pp. 3-22
Web Resources
 A Dow Jones company database of research focused on
the venture capital industry.
 Features a “Business Plan Road Map of Success”
 Helpful Business Resource Software.
 Vietnam’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry
 Harvard Business Review – Entrepreneurship
 /

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 Saigon Entrepreneurs
 The Vietnam News
 The Youth

Articles & Cases

 Guide to Case Analysis
 Bootstrap Finance: The Art of Start-ups
 Cash Management Practices in Small Companies
 Managing for Creativity
 Netflix Inc

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