Entrepreneurship: Course Syllabus 1 Semester - 1/2 Credit
Entrepreneurship: Course Syllabus 1 Semester - 1/2 Credit
Entrepreneurship: Course Syllabus 1 Semester - 1/2 Credit
The purpose of this paper is to prepare a ground where the students view entrepreneurship
as a desirable and feasible career option. In particular the paper seeks to build the necessary
competencies and motivation for a career in entrepreneurship.
Course Syllabus
1 Semester - 1/2 credit
Instructional Philosophy: Students will be expected to meet all course goals listed below
and demonstrate competency with a minimum of 68% accuracy. The evaluation and grading
system is introduced at the beginning of the course to advise students of the standards that they
are expected to meet to succeed in the course. Students will be evaluated on the following: daily
attendance and participation, worksheets and study guides, individual and group projects and
activities, quizzes, and examinations.
Many different types of instruction will be used throughout the course. Some of the methods
used include direct instruction, cooperative learning, and hands-on activities. This course will be
highly dependent on the interaction and participation by the students. Assignments and activities
will be given to enhance the value of the course. Many of the assignments will benefit the
students’ researching, reading, presentation, computer, communication, writing, and math skills.
Resources Used:
Meyer, Earl, and Kathleen Allen. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.
Woodland Hills, CA: Glencoe McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2000.
Course Goals:
Students will . . .
Identify unique characteristics of an entrepreneur and evaluate the degree to which they
possess those characteristics including: descriptions of an entrepreneur and you; knowing
the role of the entrepreneur in business; recognizing opportunity and pursuit and problem
identification and solutions
Develop a marketing plan of an entrepreneurial venture including: identifying the market;
reaching the market; and keeping/increasing your market
Apply economic concepts when making decisions for an entrepreneurial venture
including: the economic way of thinking; characteristics of a market economy; the
function of price; the role of profit/risk; and the role of the government
Identify and use the necessary financial competencies needed by an entrepreneur
including: determining your cash wants; funding sources and types; and interpreting
financial statements
Identify, establish, maintain, and analyze appropriate records to make business decisions
Develop a management plan for an entrepreneurial venture including: establishing a
vision; hiring people who share the vision; building teams to fulfill the vision; and
monitoring the achievement of the vision
Describe how cultural differences, export/import opportunities, and current trends in a
global marketplace can affect an entrepreneurial venture
Describe how ethics, government, and different forms of business ownership affect the
entrepreneurial venture including: forms of government; government regulations that
impact the opening and operating of a business; business ethics; and business plans
Grading Scale:
A 100% - 94%
B 93% - 87%
C 86% - 78%
D 77% - 68%
F 67% -
Fuchs/Star/Zafar Rev 3.1
Michael K. Madison II.
[email protected]
Kauffman Fellow, Halo Fund / The Angel’s Forum
Michael Madison was practically born into the software industry and started writing software in the 2nd grade. By
the time he was in the 6th grade he was contributing to NASA Langley’s supercomputer management systems, by
8th grade he was a technical lead at a software startup that eventually went public (NDI acquired by ARI). And by
the time he finished high‐school he had 11 years of programming experience, 7 years of which were in highly
technical rigorous environments. Years later, Michael’s passion for technology, business and continuous learning
led him to venture capital through the Kauffman Fellows Program. Michael joined The Halo Funds and The Angel’s
Forum as a Kauffman Fellow in 2007, bringing 16 years of leadership in cutting edge software product design and
strategic management. Before joining, he was a Statistical Analyst and QA Tools lead at Tellme Networks (acquired
by Microsoft), while simultaneously completing his MBA at Berkeley. Prior to that, in 2001 Michael founded and
bootstrapped Noble Science Inc., a virtual surgery company that created a surgical simulation platform that
allowed surgeons to train in a risk‐free environment using immersive 3D graphics and tactile feedback. Michael’s
other experiences include technical and strategic leadership roles that span a breadth of disciplines including
particle physics, medical simulation (virtual surgery and computer‐aided cancer detection), videogames, flight
simulation, supercomputer management, semiconductors, operating system design, telecom/VoIP, radiography,
consumer electronics and consumer Internet. Over his career, Michael has saved various corporations and
government institutions well over $100M.
Michael has an MBA from UC Berkeley, an MS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and a BS in
Computer Engineering from UMBC, where he graduated #1 in his department as a Meyerhoff Scholar.
Entrepreneurship 295A-2
Fuchs/Zafar 8
Carl Nichols
[email protected]
Carl Nichols co‐founded Outlook in 1996 and has more than 20 years of experience in the software, computer,
telecommunications and consumer products industries. Nichols has held senior executive positions in the strategic
planning, business development, operations management, market development and finance departments of
several major companies. Prior to Outlook, Nichols headed strategic and financial planning at SBC/Pacific Bell, an
$8 billion telecommunications and Internet service provider, where he was responsible for identifying new growth
opportunities and business lines, developing strategic partnerships and optimizing the company's investments.
Before joining SBC/Pacific Bell, Nichols was Vice President of Strategic Business Management at Scrivner, Inc., a $6
billion packaged goods distributor. He led the company's business development efforts, including market
expansions, new concept developments, domestic and international alliances and operating improvements.
Prior to Scrivner, Nichols spent six years as a management consultant at Booz, Allen & Hamilton, where he
provided marketing, technology and operating guidance for his Fortune 500 clients, which included computer
manufacturers, broadband service providers, retailers and financial institutions. Prior to Booz, Allen & Hamilton,
Nichols served at AT&T's Information Systems International business where he developed marketing plans for the
company's entry into Europe and led systems development at Spectrum Development. Nichols has represented
Outlook on the Board of portfolio companies such as ClairMail, Lasso Logic (acquired by SonicWALL N: SNWL),
Epicentric (acquired by Vignette N:VIGN), MarketHome (acquired by ClickAction N: CLAC), Arthas (acquired by
Yahoo N: YHOO), Toolwire, Vantos and Kinecta (acquired by Stellent N: STEL).
Nichols received a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science magna cum laude from Brown University and
an MBA from Harvard's Graduate School of Business. He enjoys skiing, scuba diving and sailing.
Nik Bahram
[email protected] 831‐588‐1356
Nik Bahram has extensive C‐level and GM experience with 4 Fortune 500 companies and 5 startups. He has
deep experience in marketing/sales, product management and engineering with responsibility for multiple
product lines. Nik has direct experience with P&Ls of up to $800M in revenue, $50M in startup fundraising, as
well as substantial M&A and exits on the buy and sell side totaling $3.4B. His contributions have been made
in high growth and turnaround settings. He has 7 patents and numerous publications and industry and
investor presentations to his credit. Nik Holds a BSEE, MSEE from University of Pittsburgh, a Master of
Science in Finance from Boston College and a Certificate in Business Administration from Harvard.
At Agere Systems, Nik was responsible for defining the strategic direction and business plan for the Storage
Business Unit across all products as well as defining new breakthrough products that redefined the landscape
of the storage industry. Nik was the co‐inventor of the Agere BluOnyx and responsible for this product line.
Prior to Agere, Nik spent 25 years in a variety of roles focused on delivering IT and consumer systems,
chipsets and web software solutions.
During the first 15 years of his career he served in Fortune 500 companies including Motorola and Digital
Equipment Corporation now HP and during the latter 10 years he served in multiple startups that developed
SAN, WLAN, 3D graphics and media player chipsets as well as nano electronics storage and LED lighting
Nik was Vice President of Marketing & Sales at Intematix Corporation where he led the 15x revenue growth of
this nanomaterials company focused Green Materials targeting semiconductor storage, lighting and energy
sectors; Vice President of Engineering at Trebia Corporation a Storage Area Network Chipset company
focused on switch and server side SAN chipsets and software; Vice President of Corporate Ventures in charge
Entrepreneurship 295A-2
Fuchs/Zafar 9
of corporate strategy and M&A at Systemonic Corporation a multi‐protocol software defined WLAN chipset
company; Chief Operating Officer and General Manager at Surfcontrol an Internet Access Management
software company; Vice President of Product Development at Creative Labs a consumer electronics company;
VP of Engineering and subsequently President at Silicon Engineering an IP development and design services
company focused on Storage, graphics and communications IC level IP. Nik’s earlier career included
management and engineering roles in Design, Applications and Device Engineering at Digital Equipment
Corporation, Sprague Semiconductor, Motorola Semiconductor and at Brown Boveri CSI.
Mike Tzamaloukas [email protected]
Mike founded Dash Navigation in 2002 in an effort to revolutionize the way that traditional navigation systems
work. Funded by Sequoia, KPCB and other top‐tier venture capital firms, Dash Navigation introduced the first
connected personal navigation device, changing the landscape of a multi‐billion market for many years to
come. Prior to Dash Navigation, Mike was the Chief Scientist at Ambicom Inc. another Silicon Valley startup that
specialized on accessories for the mobile professional. Before joining Ambicom, Mike was a software engineer at
SRI International.
In his spare time, Mike enjoys turning ideas into exciting business plans. He frequently consults with other
entrepreneurs or early stage start‐ups on how to develop a winning strategy. He is not afraid to roll‐up his sleeves
and spend the personal time and effort needed to help others avoid some of the usual obstacles likely to occur in
most new ventures. Entrepreneurship is in Mike’s DNA. At the age of 9 he setup a shadow theater in his basement
where he would entertain kids and adults alike. He fell in love with programming at the age of 12 and was
fortunate to occasionally get paid for something that he would do anyways, just for fun.
Mike holds a bachelor degree in computer science from Patras University in Greece, master and Ph.D. degrees in
computer engineering from the University of California, Santa Cruz and he is awaiting an MBA degree from the
University of California, Berkeley. Mike is the inventor or more than a dozen patents, he has published several
highly regarded scientific papers and he is a frequent speaker at both academic and business events.
Course Description
To ensure that participants in the stock market have adequate knowledge of the stock exchange
Secondary Markets, Trading Clearing and Settlement, Rolling Settlement, BOLT, Mutual Funds,
Dematerialisation of Shares, Surveillance, Sensex and Other Indices, Futures and Options, Primary
Markets, Book Building & IPOs, Listing, Debt Market, Investors' Grievances Redressal Systems of
BSE, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis.
Participants attending the entire course shall be eligible to receive Participation Certificate
from the BSE Training Institute.
4 days
9.30 am to 5.30 pm
Course Description
This course will help you demystify the stock market and start making
money! Everyone yes, everyone is sure to find something suitable in the
stock market to invest in. It doesn't matter if you are looking for a very safe
investment to protect your nest egg or a risky investment with a huge
potential to make a killing! Everyone finds themselves along that spectrum
and will discover that the stock market has investments for people who want
to protect their savings and for people who want to grow their savings.
Course Requirements
This course will not require you to have previous experience in any particular area but you
should have a high school reading level. No books will be required.
Course Goals
This course starts with some foundational instruction about the economy and how the stock
market fits into the economy. Then it talks about your financial portfolio and the things you need
to know about yourself to help build your portfolio. Between the economy lesson and the
portfolio lesson, you'll be on your way to easily answering the question 'what should I buy' and
'when should I sell?'
Then, the course delves even further into the world of investments: each lesson takes you
through different types of investments: stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You'll learn how each
one works, how to choose good ones and when to sell them. Finally, you'll learn about additional
techniques and investments you can make that will help you to balance and diversify your
By the time you're done this course, you'll have found a few investments you can enjoy and
you'll be able to start investing right away with the assurance that you know what you're doing.
Course Outline
Course Materials
All course material will be provided in the lessons and netlinks. There are no required materials
to purchase before taking the class.
Grading Policy
Each lesson will include a lesson review quiz designed to highlight lesson topics. Students will
successfully complete this course with 70% or better.