KUS1101 English I MR Week 9
KUS1101 English I MR Week 9
KUS1101 English I MR Week 9
▷ Review - UTS
▷ Week Topic : Critical Reading – Locating Main
Idea and Inference
▷ Practice
1. UTS Score is available in e-course
2. Answers are available until 24th October 2023
3. Questions for UTS answers and score are to be addressed
the latest on 25th October 2023
Outcome of the lesson
▷ You will be able to locate the main idea of an
engineering-related text.
▷ You will be able to make an inference of an
engineering-related text.
Critical Reading
Source: https://www.thestatesman.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Untitled-design-2022-10-
10T092230.597.jpg 5
Strategies in Critical Reading
▷ Previewing
▷ Annotating
▷ Outlining
▷ Summarizing
▷ Paraphrasing
▷ Synthesizing
▷ Contextualizing
Strategies in Critical Reading (1)
Strategies in Critical Reading (2)
Finding Main Ideas
Critical Reading
Outline to describe pie chart(s)
Making an inference
Critical Reading
Outline to describe pie chart(s)
Common Paragraph Structure
Practice 1 – Reading
DNA fingerprinting is any of several techniques used to analyze and
compare DNA from separate sources. Law enforcement officers use
DNA fingerprinting to identify suspects. Hair, fingerprint and other
biological materials found at the scene of a crime are used for DNA
fingerprinting. No two people, even identical twins, have exactly the
same DNA sequence. Thus, although only partial segments of a
person’s DNA are studied in the procedure, those segments will be
unique. Next, the DNA fingerprint of a suspect or other body
materials are compared to that of the evidence from the crime scene
to see how closely they match.
Practice 1 – Finding main ideas
What does the passage mainly discuss?
a. The confirmation of a crime suspect
b. The use of DNA fingerprinting in law enforcement
c. The uniqueness of DNA fingerprints
d. The procedure to use DNA fingerprinting
Practice2 – Reading
"In 1914, Henry Ford introduced the assembly line to produce
automobiles. An assembly line is a manufacturing process in which
parts are added as the semi-finished product moves from workstation
to workstation, where parts are added in sequence until the project is
complete. The assembly line had a revolutionary impact on society. It
allowed for a fast and continuous flow of work that cut production
time for an entire automobile from 12 hours to 93 minutes. This
change allowed Ford to increase his profit margin and lower the cost
of the vehicle to consumers. The cost of the Model T, Ford's
innovative automobile, would eventually drop to $260, the equivalent
of approximately $3,500 today. Suddenly, owning an automobile
went from being a luxury of the rich to being affordable for the
average family
Practice 2 – Making Inferences
It can be inferred from the passage that before 1914:
a. Everyone owned an automobile
b. Nobody owned an automobile
c. Henry Ford invented other interesting inventions
d. No one helped Henry Ford in his invention
Next Week:
Critical Reading (2) –
Locating Stated Details and
Mid-term Exam
1. Test is conducted via e-course
2. 50 questions (easy level : 20 questions, medium level : 20
questions, difficult level: 10 questions) – for 90 minutes
3. Questions about the vocabulary, reading, grammar and
descriptions of pie chart
4. Any form of cheating is intolerable and will result in 0 for your
Glendinning, E. H., Lansford, L., & Pohl, A. 2013. Oxford English for Careers:
Technology for Engineering & Applied Sciences (Special Edition) Student’s Book,
Oxford : Oxford University Press