Commercial 3
Commercial 3
Commercial 3
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L96HSCW
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666842
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:00:00 07/19/2023 22:00:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L97ZE3N
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666743
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:04:00 07/19/2023 22:04:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L989I5Z
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666396
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:05:00 07/19/2023 22:05:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L973E1G
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666636
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:06:00 07/19/2023 22:06:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Work Order Description : Special Instructions Balance Check for Recharge,Signal Quality
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L979GGT
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666321
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:08:00 07/19/2023 22:08:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L982BMN
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667139
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:11:00 07/19/2023 22:11:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L976ACI
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666024
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:16:00 07/19/2023 22:16:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L97260T
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666271
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:51:00 07/19/2023 22:51:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L939BL0
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666073
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:57:00 07/19/2023 22:57:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L9897IH
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666172
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:53:00 07/19/2023 22:53:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L96CLPE
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503665943
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 21:59:00 07/19/2023 22:59:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L97O1AA
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666776
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:04:00 07/19/2023 23:04:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L979GL8
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667055
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:06:00 07/19/2023 23:06:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L96SUI8
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666115
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:08:00 07/19/2023 23:08:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L976AGL
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666610
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:15:00 07/19/2023 23:15:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L989IA0
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666578
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:10:00 07/19/2023 23:10:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L96CT76
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666537
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:13:00 07/19/2023 23:13:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L982B8W
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666511
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:14:00 07/19/2023 23:14:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L97HYVP
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667022
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:17:00 07/19/2023 23:17:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L97CWKG
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666222
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:18:00 07/19/2023 23:18:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L96I141
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666131
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:19:00 07/19/2023 23:19:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L96S4BN
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667410
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:20:00 07/19/2023 23:20:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L988NDD
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666438
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:51:00 07/19/2023 23:51:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L97UPX4
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667394
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:52:00 07/19/2023 23:52:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L97COAV
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666487
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:54:00 07/19/2023 23:54:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L986T3N
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666966
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:55:00 07/19/2023 23:55:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L988NJO
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667238
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:55:00 07/19/2023 23:55:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L98KLNJ
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667295
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:55:00 07/19/2023 23:55:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L971F3D
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666891
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 23:09:00 07/20/2023 00:09:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L98J561
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666297
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 22:56:00 07/19/2023 23:56:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L988NMP
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667360
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 23:07:00 07/20/2023 00:07:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L97HYJ6
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666057
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 23:12:00 07/20/2023 00:12:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L982BJO
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667105
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 23:12:00 07/20/2023 00:12:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L93QN8G
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667196
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 23:49:00 07/20/2023 00:49:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L986SVC
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503666354
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 23:49:00 07/20/2023 00:49:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature
Service Provider's Address : Tata Play Ltd (Formerly known as Tata Sky Ltd) (W3.105 ) Fax No :
Work Order Number : 1-4L98MXAC
Subscriber Name : Shrine Hotel WO Creation Date : 07/19/2023
Subscriber ID : 1503667311
Building Name : A
Subscriber Address 1 : Ambaji Police station
Subscriber Address 2 : Ambaji Police station
City, State : Ambaji , Gujarat VIP : N ODU : N MDU Code : Y
Location / Landmark : Ambaji Planned Start Date and Time: Planned End Date and Time:
07/19/2023 23:56:00 07/20/2023 00:56:00
Loaner STB/ Swap
Work Order Type : Installation
Work Order Sub Type : 1 Digicomp ETA is made : Yes / No Time Given
Declaration: I agree for the above mentioned installation as explained by the Engineer Customer's Signature
See Terms and Conditions
Declaration: I have agreed for the installation as per the details mentioned above and for the debit of the charges to my account.
I confirm that the above product has been installed to my satisfaction and has been left fully operational. I also accept all the terms and conditions and that
I am now responsible for the STB, or The job has been carried out to my entire satisfaction and I certify that the materials used is correct as stated and
payment is made as per the request.
I am the authorized signatory of the Customer. I represent and warrant that I have the corporate power and authority to sign these documents and accept the terms and
conditions on behalf of the Customer. I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions of services available on
contracts and unconditionally accept them as binding on us. I/We also agree to all the tariffs, rates, charges and related terms and conditions at which services are provided
to us by Tata Play Limited (Formerly known as Tata Sky Limited) ("Tata Play") shall be applicable to us as on this date and as amended from time to time. I/We hereby
undertake to pay all charges on account of services availed by us.
I/We represent and warrant that the content retransmitted or broadcasted through the Tata Play's DTH services, shall not be exhibited on a standalone basis or during
occasion of a special event for common viewing at any place where common access is allowed on a payment. I/We confirm that the information supplied above is authentic
and if found otherwise then Tata Play has the right to withdraw all the services provided to us without any prior notices or assigning any reason and I/we undertake to
indemnify Tata Play and all persons connected to Tata Play for all the loss which it might suffer on account of us including for false information or wrong facts shared by us or
on account of us misusing the services provide by Tata Play. I/We agree that in the event of any breach of the afore-mentioned obligations and undertakings or in the event of
piracy having committed, in addition to other rights and remedies available, Tata Play shall have the immediate right to disconnect all Tata Play DTH Service installed with it
and blacklist us, without being responsible and/or liable to any refund whatsoever. I/We further agree that I/we shall have no objection whatsoever in having a concrete base
construction on the terrace / balcony of the premises and any other ancillary modifications for the purposes of installation of Tata Play DTH connections.
I/We acknowledge and agree that the 'Customer Premise Equipment' (CPE) which has been installed in the premises is under our sole legal control, possession and perpetual
ownership and is installed only for the express purpose of availing the DTH services of Tata Play and such other services provided by Tata Play. I/We undertake not to use the
CPE for any other purposes other than as stated herein. I/We undertake to keep Tata Play informed of any changes in the information shared with Tata Play. I/We undertake not
to relocate the CPE without informing Tata Play. I/We undertake to be solely responsible for the acts of our Authorized Representative and for acts of all other person/s who avail
the Tata Play service through us or through the CPE. I/We shall be solely responsible to take care of the CPE and to comply with all the instructions, terms and conditions
mentioned in the subscription contract, user guides, manuals and/or service catalogues. I/We acknowledge that all other terms of the subscription contract will apply to us while
availing the Tata Play DTH Service.
Customer's Signature