TOA 2 MT Notes

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THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE 2 - Cost, Economy and time, these

are approaches that the designer

MIDTERM NOTES takes which greatly influences its
building design and construction.
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONCEPT Time is essential in any form of
2) Cost
Architectural Concepts
- The economical aspect of
- When referring to architecture; a
building represents a nonphysical
concept is an idea, thought or notion
structural consideration that, in
that forms the backbone and foundation
final analysis must be considered
of a design project and one that drives it
important. Cost considerations
forward. It becomes the force and
are in some ways a constraint to
identity behind a projects progress and is
creative design. Cost of structure
consistently consulted throughout every
can be measured relative to the
stage of its development.
cost of building construction on
the average, purely structural
Concept (According to Function and Form)
costs account for about 25
- The first approach begins with the
percent of total construction costs.
functional concept diagram.
- The costs are broken down into:
1. Cost of Material
Programmatic Concepts
2. Cost of Labor
- William Pena described "programmatic
3. Cost of Equipment
concepts“ as those concepts having
4. Cost of Management
primarily organizational or operational
Economy of Materials
- Professor Edward T. White (1972)
- The correct specifications of materials for
developed the idea of using precept
the type of structure is important. The
diagrams of partial solutions to design
design of a building may be functional
problems as a final step in programming.
and beautiful, but if it cannot be built for
When the designer is part of the
reason of lack of funds, the plan would
programming team, this is a meaningful
only be good for the filing cabinet. The
way to explore the design impact of
Architect or Designer must plan
various programmatic decisions before
simultaneously the architectural, as well
attempting to develop an overall design
as the structural and other service
concept. Note how precepts can be
systems and the materials that will be
diagrammatic, physical, or even
metaphorical in nature and in how they
are presented.
Design Concept ARCHITECTS
- If the designer is a member of the
Alvar Aalto (1898 – 1976)
programming team, it is also possible to
- A Finnish Architect
begin the development of design
- He is known as the father of modern
concept diagrams as a concluding part
Scandinavian design, and also became
of the programming activity
famous for his furniture and glassware.
- His works are modernist and functional,
Various Conceptualization Techniques &
yet classically-inspired.
Architectural Concepts (According to Economy
- The term Nordic Classicism has been
and Time)
used to describe some of Alvar Aalto's
1) Economy and Time
- The patients' rooms, with their specially
designed heating, lighting and furniture, Walter Gropius (1883 – 1969)
are models of integrated environmental - Architect and Art Educator
design. Alvar Aalto's Paimio chair (1932) - He founded the Bauhaus school of
assisted patient breathing. design, which became a dominant force
- Paimio Sanatorium in architecture and the applied arts in
the 20th century.
Le Corbusier (1887 – 1965) - The Bauhaus Dessau architecture
- the pseudonym for Charles Édouard department from 1925, Weimar,
Jeanneret-Gris. Germany
- A Swiss-born French architect and city
planner. Louis Isadore Kahn (1901 – 1974)
- He is a pioneer of modern architecture - Born Itze-Leib Schmuilowsky
that led him as a major proponent of the - An American architect based in
Bauhaus movement and the Philadelphia. One of the most influential
International Style. architects of the mid twentieth century.
- 5 tenets of his architecture: - Kahn's architecture is notable for its
• piloti simple, platonic forms and compositions.
• free façade Through the use of brick and poured-in
• free plan of the interior place concrete masonry, he developed
• free elevation a contemporary and monumental
• roof garden architecture
- Villa Savoye, Poissy, France,1928-1931 - His philosophical concepts, "silence and
- Notre Dame du Haut, or Ronchamp, light." Silence represents the darkness of
Ronchamp, France (Expressionist the beginning, and light symbolizes the
Modern Style) source of life, the inspiration of the
- Unité d'Habitation, Marseilles, France, creative act.
1946-1952 - Kimbell Art Museum, Forth Worth, Texas,
o A modernist residential housing USA
design principle
o One of Le Corbusiers's most Adolf Loos (1870-1933)
famous works, it proved - An Austrian and Czechoslovak architect.
enormously influential and is often - He was influential in European Modern
cited as the initial inspiration of the architecture, and in his essay Ornament
Brutalist architectural style and and Crime.
philosophy. - Adolf Loos 's private residential works
o The building is constructed in were characterized by unembellished
béton brut white facades. As a result, these buildings
have routinely been associated with the
Antonio Gaudí (1852 – 1926) work of Le Corbusier, J. J. Oud, and
- Was a Catalan Architect from Spain\ others.
- His distinctive style is characterized by - Steiner House (1910)
freedom of form, voluptuous colour and - Scheu House (1912)
texture, and organic unity.
- Gaudí worked almost entirely in or near Ludwig Mies Ven Der Rohe (1886-1969)
Barcelona. - A German-born architect and educator,
- Much of his career was occupied with is widely acknowledged as one of the
the construction of the Expiatory Temple 20th century's greatest architects.
of the Holy Family (Sagrada - One of the pioneering masters of
Família),Barcelona, Spain which was modern architecture
unfinished at his death in 1926. - He called his buildings "skin and bones"
- his work on Sagrada Famíliais part of a architecture.
UNESCO World Heritage Site. - "less is more" and "God is in the details"
- He designed the The Seagram Building, a architecture, appreciate the beauty in
skyscraper, located at 375 Park Avenue, the buildings around us.
between 52nd Street and 53rd Street in - Lighting can bring an emotional value to
Midtown Manhattan, New York City. architecture.
- Seagram Building - Whether it’s daylighting or artificial
- Farnsworth House lighting, light draws attention to textures,
colors, and forms of a space
FUNCTIONAL CONCEPTS AND THE - Three key aspects of architectural
ii. function
iii. efficiency
- This deals with the development of a
plan arrangement to serve in a purely
mechanical way the functions of a
- “to communicate with colors, one needs
to first understand how color behaves,
- proper sizes of rooms and their relations
how they influence humans and how
to each other
they change their character”
- It furnishes the elements of comfort: Light,
- A building environment can become
heat and ventilation.
under-stimulated or over-stimulated,
- It determines the correct size and
depending on the colors used
location of the structural members which
- Colors impact the atmosphere of the
give the building strength.
building, one needs to correctly consider
the kind of ambiance before selecting
the colors.
- A designer must well know the client’s
▪ White - openness, enormity, and
- Human relationships are very important.
If you can speak with people and make
▪ Yellow –sunny impression, soft and
them, feel at ease, they will trust you
▪ Green –expresses a natural, calm and
- The living environment is affected by
balancing environment.
human values, and the housing
▪ Red –a stimulating color, arousing,
environment rises in part, upon human
provocative, passionate, fiery and
feelings: that is values.
▪ Purple –rich, dramatic, sophisticated
- In design, it is readily accepted fact that
▪ Terracotta - sense of warmth and
people will take better care of a space
and its contents if it contains some extra
comforting additions that normally are
- Architectural acoustics are essential in
- As a designer, you must recognize how
ensuring sounds are transmitted clearly
the human values are evident in the
and effectively.
physical environment.
- LOUD NOISE increase stress, anxiety, and
blood pressure
- “lighting bring value to the function of
PROPER ACOUSTICS can influence a
- Lighting plays a vital role in the way
person’s mental health and overall sense
people experience and understand
of well-being for the better.
- Temperature has a significant influence
on the materials used in a building
- Scent shapes human behavior, and it
can have a dramatic impact on the way
we experience a built environment.

- is the effort made to reduce the
consumption of energy by using less of
an energy service.


- designed to provide a significant
reduction of the energy need for heating
and cooling
- One Angel Square, Manchester, United
Kingdom is built to a BREEAM (Building
Research Establishment Environmental
Assessment Method 'Outstanding' rating.
It is powered by a BIODIESEL
- David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Headquarters, Los Altos, California was
awarded as the top 10 green building in
2014, Net Zero Energy Building by The
Living Building Challenge™ 2013, and
LEED Platinum 2013.

- conceptual structural design is about
developing structures that unite
structural functionality and visual form
into a meaningful and interesting whole.
- EXAMPLES: beams, columns, members,
slabs, domes, arches, barrel vaults, rings,
cables, fabrics, etc.

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