Omnibus Investment Code
Omnibus Investment Code
Omnibus Investment Code
(E.O. 226)
The Omnibus Investments Code of 1987, as amended, integrates the basic laws on investments, clarifying and
harmonizing their provisions to encourage and guide domestic and foreign investors. It was passed through EO 226,
which took effect on 13 August 1987.
The Secretary of Trade and Industry shall be concurrently Chairman of the Board and the Undersecretary of the
Department of Trade and Industry for Industry and Investments shall be appointed by the President for a term of four (4)
years: Provided, That upon the expiration of his term, a governor shall serve as such until his successor shall have been
appointed and qualified: Provided, further, That no vacancy shall be filled except for the unexpired portion of any term,
and that no one may be designated to be governor of the Board in an acting capacity but all appointments shall be ad
interim or permanent.
Declaration of Investment Policies to hasten the healthy growth of the country's economy in accordance with economic
nationalism's guiding principles and goals, as well as to support the planned economic viability and practical dispersal of
industries and the promotion of small and medium-sized businesses in an environment that will promote competition and
discourage monopolies, the following are declared policies of the State:
1. The State shall encourage private, Filipino and Foreign investments in industry, agriculture, forestry, mining, tourism
and other sectors of the economy which shall:
provide significant employment opportunities relative to the amount of the capital being invested
increase productivity of the land, minerals, forestry, aquatic and other resources of the country, and improve
utilization of the products thereof
improve technical skills of the people employed in the enterprise; provide a fountain for the future development of
the economy
meet the tests of international competitiveness
accelerate development of less developed regions of the country; and
result in increased volume and value of exports for the economy.
2. The State shall ensure holistic development by safeguarding the well-being of the
cultural and
ecological life of the people.
3. The State shall extend to projects which will significantly contribute to the attainment of these objectives,
fiscal incentives without which said projects may not be established in the locales,
number or pace required for optimum national economic development.
Fiscal incentive system shall be devised to compensate for market imperfections, to reward performance contributing to
economic development, be cost-efficient and be simple to administer.
4. The State considers the private sector as the prime mover for economic growth. In this regard, private initiative is to be
encouraged, with deregulation and self-regulation of business activities to be generally adopted where dictated by urgent
social concerns.
5. The State shall principally play a supportive role, rather than a competitive one, providing the framework, the climate
and the incentives within which business activity is to take place.
6. The State recognizes that there are appropriate roles for local and foreign capital to play in the development of the
Philippine economy and that it is the responsibility of the Government to define these roles and provide the climate for
their entry and growth.
7. The State recognizes that industrial peace is an essential element of economic growth and that it is a principal
responsibility of the State to ensure that such conditions prevail.
8. Fiscal incentives shall be extended to stimulate the establishment and assist initial operations of the enterprise, and
shall terminate after a period of not more than 10 years from registration or start-up of operation unless a specific period is
otherwise stated.
The foregoing declaration of investment policies shall apply to all investment incentive schemes.
-The BOI is the government agency tasked to accept and evaluate applications for registration to avail of incentives under
EO 226.
Pioneer enterprise
Non-Pioneer enterprise
The IPP identifies the investment areas eligible for incentives under the Code, and shall be reviewed annually.
Priority areas include:
preferred activities;
export activities;
special laws; and
Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) list.
What are the preferred areas of activities under the 2022 SIPP?
Criteria in Investment Priority Determination
Registration of Investments
Certificate of Registration
A. Income Tax Holiday (ITH)
1. BOI registered enterprises shall be exempt from the payment of income tax reckoned from the
approved target or actual date of commercial operations, whichever comes first, but in no case earlier than the
date of registration, as follows:
• Six (6) years for new projects granted pioneer status;
• Six (6) years for projects located in Less Developed Areas (LDAs), regardless of status (pioneer
or non-pioneer) or type of projects (new or expansion);
• Four (4) years for new projects granted non-pioneer status; and
• Three (3) years for expansion and modernization projects. (As a general rule, ITH shall be
limited only to incremental sales given a specified base year.)
2. New registered pioneer and non-pioneer enterprises, expansion enterprises granted pioneer incentives
under Article 40 of EO 226, and those located in LDAs may be granted one (1) bonus year of ITH incentive for
each of the following criterion:
• Capital Equipment to Labor Ratio Criterion. The ratio of derived dollar cost of capital equipment
to the average number of direct labor does not exceed US$10,000; or
• Net Foreign Exchange Earnings/Savings Criterion. The net foreign exchange savings or
earnings for the first three (3) years of commercial operation should at least be US$500,000; or
• Indigenous Raw Material Cost Criterion. The indigenous raw materials used in the manufacture
or processing of the registered product is at least fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of raw materials for
each of the taxable year beginning the start of commercial operation up to when the extension using this
criterion was applied for. In no case shall a registered firm avail of ITH for a period exceeding eight (8)
B. Duty free importation of capital equipment, spare parts and accessories, subject to conditions;
1. Registered enterprise with a bonded manufacturing warehouse shall be exempt from customs duties and
national internal revenue taxes. The availment period shall not exceed ten (10) years from date of registration.
2. Exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, duty, impost, and fees
All enterprises registered under the IPP will be given a ten (10) year period from the date of registration
3. Tax and duty-free importation of breeding stocks and genetic materials
Agricultural production and processing projects will be exempt from the payment of all taxes and duties on their
importation of breeding stocks and genetic materials within ten (10) years from the date of registration or commercial
a. Tax credit on the purchase of domestic breeding stocks and genetic materials
A tax credit equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the value of national internal revenue taxes and
customs duties that would have been waived (had these been imported) on the purchase of local breeding stocks and
genetic materials within ten (10) years from the date of registration or commercial operations.
b. Tax credit on raw materials and supplies
Tax credit equivalent to the national internal revenue taxes and duties paid on raw materials, supplies, and semi-
manufactured products used in the manufacture of export products and forming part thereof.
The BOI endorses to the BIR two types of zero percent (0%) VAT applications:
a. For purchases of raw materials and supplies used in the manufacture and which form part of the
registered export product; and
b. For purchases of goods, services, or properties of firms exporting one hundred percent (100%) of their
product. (Motor vehicles are not covered, except specialized vehicles such as backhoe, forklift, etc.)