Management Sciences

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Management Sciences Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Finance Accounting Marketing Management Quantitative Techniques Business Research Methods Business Communication and Report Writing Economics Total Core Areas Percentage 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10% 100%

Management Sciences (Detailed) Sr. No. FINANCE: 1.1 Capital Structure: Sources and cost of finance, Capital structure theories, Dividend policies Capital Budgeting Decisions Cash flow estimation, Capital projects evaluation techniques Working Capital Management: Cash management, Credit control, Inventories management 10% Core Areas Percentage




ACCOUNTING: 2.1 Financial Accounting: Accounting cycle, Yearend adjustments, Final accounts: Income statement, Cash flow statement and balance sheet Cost Accounting: Cost classification, Accounting for materials, labour and factory overheads Management Accounting: Basic variance analysis: Material, labour and factory overheads. Breakeven analysis, Cost benefit analysis 10%




MARKETING: 3.1 Marketing Strategy : Marketing mix, Promotion mix, Advertising mix 3. 3.2 3.3 Marketing Research: Market exploration: new products Consumer Behavior: Consumer needs analysis, Competition, buyer purchase habits 15%

MANAGEMENT: 4.1 Principles of Management: Functions of management: decision making, Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling Organizational Behavior: OB theories: Maslow hierarchy of needs, Theory X Theory Y , Herzbergs two factor theory, Motivational theory, Organizational structures Human Resource Management: HRM functions: Recruitment, Orientation, Training and development. HR policies, Performance appraisal systems 15%

4.2 4.


QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES: 5.1 Business Mathematics: Linear Equation and their applications, Simple interest, compound interest, ratio and proportion, percentage, differentiation and integration with their applications Business Statistics: Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Probability (simple probability, normal distribution, and hypothesis testing). Correlation and simple regression, ANOVA

5. 5.2


BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS: 6.1 Introduction: Definition and nature, Scientific method, research process, Errors in business research

6. 6.2 Research Design and Data Sources: Types of research and research design, Primary and secondary data, Types of data Data collection procedures: Measurement process, Concepts of validity and reliability, Data collection methods, Sampling techniques



BUSINESS COMMUNICATION AND REPORT WRITING: 7.1 Effective communication in business: Its definition, Characteristics, process, forms, channels and importance, different kinds of communication, features, elements, concepts, Effective communication principles 10% 7.2 Written Communication: 7Cs of communication, Gestures, manners, presentations and follow-up or Feedback, Business letters, Reports, Minutes of meetings Communication Technologies: Internet, Intranet, Webinar, Social media



ECONOMICS: 8.1 Micro Economics: Consumers behavior, Utility (Ordinal and Cardinal approach), Market equilibrium, Elasticity of demand and supply, Factors of production (Land, Labour, Capital, and organization), Market structure (Perfect competition, Monopoly and Duopoly) 8.2 Macro Economics: System of national accounts, consumption, Income, Savings, Inflation and deflation, Balance of payments





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