Arts CraftsProjectsTeachersBook3Blue
Arts CraftsProjectsTeachersBook3Blue
Arts CraftsProjectsTeachersBook3Blue
Pupils will be able to:
Forms in art and architecture Understand that forms are three-dimensional and have
Observation and analysis of forms in the London Aquatic Identify lines, shapes and forms in buildings.
Centre by Zaha Hadid
Planes as surface elements that compose shapes and forms Identify planes as the surface of a shape or form in works
of art and their own artworks.
Measuring: centimetres Reproduce and add segments after first measuring them
using centimetres as the unit.
Adding segments
Parallel, perpendicular and oblique lines Draw perpendicular, parallel and oblique lines with
approximate measurements using a ruler.
Classification and comparison of angles: right, acute and Identify and distinguish right angles, acute angles and
obtuse angles obtuse angles.
Geometric transformations: translations, turns and Distinguish repetition by translation and symmetry in
symmetry modular compositions.
Group participation and personal responsibility in carrying Develop social skills to listen, participate and communicate
out tasks for a collaborative project effectively with others during group activities.
• Future predictions using will
Futuristic city
Draw forms using lines and shapes.
Draw groups of parallel, perpendicular and oblique lines with approximate measurements
using a ruler.
Analyse and repeat modular structures (series) made using translation, turns and
Class worksheet – 3D Name City Creator
• Use perspective lines to write your name in 3D. • Go to to plan a city.
My dream house • Pupil’s IWB Book
• Imagine your house in the future and draw a • Presentations:
design of it. Where will it be? Draw a picture and – Project overview
write a short description.
– Create Project Presentation
Social Science • Flashcards
City of the future • Posters
• Draw the skyline of a futuristic city. Include the • Artworks
main places and write the names of the buildings.
• Interactive Activities
Use geometric and organic lines, shapes and forms.
• Worksheets
• Multimedia Resources
building, design, forms, Architects think about who the building is for and what the
building will be used for. They use their imagination to create
shapes new designs.
Shapes can be geometric (with angles and • Show the pupils the architect, design and building
straight lines) or organic (natural and free-flowing). digital flashcards and ask them how these words
Forms are composed of different shapes. A form are related. Architects design buildings.
is a three-dimensional object that has height,
• Show the pupils the shapes and forms digital
width and depth, such as a building. Forms can be
flashcards and ask them to compare and contrast
geometric or organic.
the two elements of art. Shapes are flat. Forms are
three-dimensional. Forms have height, length and
LANGUAGE FOCUS width. Shapes and forms can be geometric or
• Architect, building, design, skyline organic. Etc.
• Form, line, shape • Encourage the pupils to find examples of geometric
and organic forms in objects around the classroom.
• Geometric, organic
• Capital cities, city, neighbourhood, town, village
• Places in a city: art museum, bank, fire station,
hospital, school, sports centre, etc. Look at the building
• Ask the pupils to open their book to page 3 and
SCIENCE LINK read the title.
Make links to Social Science content about • Encourage them to look at the building and describe
buildings in cities by helping pupils: what they see.
• List characteristics of towns, villages and cities. • Take this opportunity to teach new vocabulary.
• Identify buildings and their functions, including • Read the text with the pupils.
important buildings in their neighbourhood.
• Ask pupils to describe the geometric and organic
• Identify important cities in Spain and Europe. shapes and forms in the photo and the building
Zaha Hadid (31 October 1950–31 March The London Aquatics Centre (2012) was
2016) was an Iraqi-British architect. In 2004 built for the 2012 Olympic Games in London,
she became the first female architect to win England. Inspired by water, the roof of the
the Pritzker Prize, the highest honour in building curves up from the ground like a
architecture, for her innovative style that wave. This building was constructed along the
included fluid and dynamic forms. Some of her river of the Olympic Park and the design
most important works include art museums, focuses on creating spaces within the
cultural centres, office buildings, hotels, surrounding environment. Hadid applied these
houses, bridges, a library, a train station and a design concepts in the interior of the Aquatic
fire station. Her buildings can be found in Centre as well, making this structure as
large cities all over Europe, Asia and the impressive on the inside as it is on the outside.
Middle East. In Spain, she designed the Bridge
Pavilion in Zaragoza.
07/02/17 13:20
• Pupils can use context clues, for example, the Review what pupils know about large cities in
swimming pool and the stadium seating represented Spain and the rest of Europe.
in the plan or the title of the building under the • Ask the pupils if they live in a village, a town or
photo. Aquatic centre. a city and review some of the characteristics of
• Explain to the pupils that this aquatic centre was each.
built for the 2012 Olympics in London. • Encourage pupils to name some of the buildings
we can find in large cities, for example:
LEVELLED QUESTIONS museums, restaurants, sport stadiums, airports,
hospitals, etc.
• How is the aquatic centre different from the • Ask the pupils to locate London on a map and
other buildings in the photo? The aquatic centre to recognise it as the capital city of England.
is made up of fluid, organic shapes and forms. The Ask the pupils to find and name other capital
buildings in the background are made up of
cities in Europe.
geometric shapes and forms.
• You can take this opportunity to review other
• How is the sports centre in your
major cities across Europe and Spain.
neighbourhood similar to or different from this
structure? Accept a variety of responses.
• How does this building look futuristic?
Encourage the pupils to share their ideas. DIGITAL TIPS
Interactive whiteboard
• What natural element does the roof
represent? Water or a wave. Although not fully • Display the digital poster of London Aquatic
shown from the angle of the photograph on this Centre on the interactive whiteboard. Call
page, the roof of this building curves from the ground, pupils forward in pairs or small groups and
rising over the building like a wave. You can share a invite them to point to (or trace) the geometric
variety of images of the building from the internet. and organic shapes and forms.
• Provide time and support so that the pupils can
express themselves. Take this opportunity to teach
any new vocabulary.
• Coloured pencils, crayons or Complete the forms of the buildings in this city skyline.
felt tips 1
Repeat the obtuse angles, acute
angles, right angles and wavy lines.
• Pencil
• Ruler
• Set squares (optional) right angle acute angle
Draw parallel lines for the windows.
parallel lines
Now follow these steps
to create your own forms.
Draw geometric and
organic shapes.
Now follow these steps to create your own • Pupils can work with a partner to compare the
forms. artworks they completed in the Explore section.
• Read the instructions with the pupils and encourage Encourage them to talk about the lines, shapes,
them to look at the examples. forms and colours.
Send the Futuristic forms parent letter home. This
3 Use light and dark colours to show volume in
the forms.
letter requests the following materials from home:
Recycled materials: cardboard rolls, plastic containers,
Pupils can use light and dark colours along the small boxes, etc.
different surfaces of each form to emphasise volume
and create a fun 3D effect.
• A5 sheet of paper Architects use a technique called one-point perspective to
draw three-dimensional buildings. They draw guidelines that
• Coloured pencils, crayons or meet at a point. This point is called the vanishing point.
felt tips Follow the steps to draw a house. Draw vertical, horizontal
and diagonal lines.
Draw a building for a city. Look
at the examples. First, draw the
vanishing point on the line.
Draw a building for a city. Look at the examples. • Invite pupils to form groups based on the buildings
First, draw the vanishing point on the line. they drew on page 7. Encourage them to share their
• Encourage pupils to talk about the shapes and artwork and compare and contrast their designs.
forms they see in each building.
• Allow pupils to choose a building and the shape of FAST FINISHERS
the front.
• Fast finishers can draw more objects around their
• Pupils can make a sign for the name of their building on page 7, for example: a street, a
building. pavement, trees, street signs, benches, etc.
found in villages and towns:
• Discuss the functions of the three buildings on
• Paintbrush
this page. Then pupils can share the building • Scrap paper
they drew and talk about its function. • Recycled materials: cardboard rolls, plastic
• Classify the buildings the class drew as public or containers, small boxes, plastic bottle caps, etc.
private. • Tempera paint (mixed with one part white glue)
• Felt tips Zaha Hadid designed creative buildings in cities all over the
world. Make a building for a city inspired by Zaha Hadid.
• Glue stick 1 2 3
Cut and glue the materials for your Paint the materials or cover them with Add windows, doors and other details.
• Recycled materials:
cardboard rolls, plastic
containers, small boxes, etc.
• Scrap paper
• Scissors
• Tempera paint
• Make a building using a variety of shapes and • Ask pupils to share some of the recycled materials
forms. they brought to class for the art project.
• Pupils can describe the shapes and forms of the
LANGUAGE FOCUS materials and brainstorm ways they can use them to
• Architect, building, design create a futuristic building.
to make a town or city (see instructions on page 11).
others. Encourage pupils to be patient and
Alternatively, this step can be completed in the third hold the containers firmly until the glue dries.
activity during the TALK ABOUT ART lesson on
page 11.
• Encourage pupils to incorporate the function of • If time allows, pupils can complete the Talk about
the building they make with the design they Art activities on page 11.
• Ask pupils to share ideas about what buildings FAST FINISHERS
will be like in the future. Instruct them to use
will to talk about future predictions, for • Provide fast finishers with a sheet of A5 paper.
example: I think buildings will be taller. Buildings Instruct them to begin planning the city streets,
in the future will have more organic forms. Etc. roundabouts, park areas, etc. for their city in the
final step of this project.
• Coloured pencils Use translation and symmetry to create geometric designs. 1
• Ask pupils to open their book to page 11. • Encourage pupils to collaborate with group
members while constructing their city.
1 Use each of the words in a complete sentence.
• Read the instructions and invite pupils to work
with a partner. SCIENCE LINK
• Pupils can work with a partner in a Think-Pair-Share During Science class, the pupils can make street
structure. See pages 22-23 of the Introduction for signs for their city. They can look at their city
more tips about Cooperative Learning. from above and make a map and draw a key.
• Extension idea: use the city projects for a hands-
2 Talk about your final artwork. on lesson about local government. Groups can
• Pupils form small groups to share their artwork elect a mayor for their city, become city council
with others. members and discuss laws and social services
for their city.
• Instruct pupils to take turns and speak in complete
• Encourage group members to ask questions about
their classmates’ artworks. See pages 14-19 of the TEACHER TIPS
Introduction for more tips on Talking about Art. • Walk around and check for active participation.
101_116_UdE_117890_LP3_A&C.indd 114
1 Follow the steps and write your
name in 3-D.
24/05/17 11:42
Distinguish repetition
by translation and symmetry
in modular compositions.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child is about to begin the Futuristic forms project of
ByME Arts & Crafts Projects Primary 3. In this project, your child will:
• Observe and analyse forms in art and architecture.
• Draw forms using lines and shapes.
• Develop autonomy and creativity in art.
• Explore a variety of art materials in a personal way.
• Make a futuristic building using a variety of shapes and forms.
Talk with your child about the artwork they completed in this project and
find a place to display their final art project at home.
You may also want to practise English with your child by reviewing
the vocabulary presented in this project:
Key Vocabulary
Architect, building, city, design, skyline
More words
Capital cities, city, neighbourhood, town, village
Places in a city: art museum, city hall, bank, fire station, hospital, police
station, school, shopping centre, sports centre, etc.
Art Teacher