(NTA) Salary
(NTA) Salary
(NTA) Salary
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................... 4
2. Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Target Group ............................................................................................................................ 4
4. Problem Statement.................................................................................................................. 4
9. Critical Success Factors ............................................................................................................ 12
10. Expected Results of the Guideline Implementation............................................................ 12
Acronym and Abbreviation
WB World Bank
WG Working Group
1. Introduction
The variant pay scales implemented in the line ministries based on the mutual agreement of
the line ministries and donors have raised different challenges, such as lack of institutional memory
because of high employee turnover at the line ministries which is an obstacle in strengthening the
institutions. In addition the inequality in the salaries of the employees has decreased the level of
efficiency, effectiveness and has created social challenges. Recently, Capacity Building for Results
(CBR) salary scale was developed and approved. In addition it was agreed in the Senior Official
Meeting (SOM) that CBR salary scale will be applicable on NTA as well. Following to the Presidential
Decree No. 852, dated 7 Assad 1394, it has been instructed to develop NTA salary scale and
guideline and after the required consultation it should be presented to the Cabinet of Ministers for
approval. The success of the guideline's implementation requires support and compliance of the
Government of Afghanistan and International Donors.
2. Objectives
Based on the Presidential Decree No. 852, the Salary Scale and Guideline are developed to
harmonize the salary scales of national staff who work for the Afghan Government out of line
positions of official Tashkeel, including Externally Funded Staff (EFS) who are funded by
international donors. The overall objectives of the scale and guideline are:
• to have harmonized, consistent, and fair pay framework for all NTA in the Country;
• to assure fiscal sustainability up to possible extend;
• to increase government's control over the deliverables of NTA, including but not limited to
strengthen the ability of government to hire national contractors through the national
budget of the Country.
• to avoid competition with CBR and assuring transparency and accountability.
3. Target Group
The NTA Salary Scale and Guideline cover the remuneration package for those national staff
who work for and in GoIRA ministries and other public agencies on national and sub-national levels
and they are out of official Tashkeel of the institutions. This includes all those national staff who are
hired by and reporting to GoIRA but paid by donor agencies through GoIRA core budget as well as
those who are funded through off budget programs hired by donor agencies or their implementing
partners and reports to donors and GoIRA and they are embedded in the line ministries.
It is worth mentioning that NTA Salary Scale and Guideline do not apply on those staff
who are directly hired by the donors for their offices and do not report to the Government of
Afghanistan and those short term technical consultants (at least up to 3 months) to be hired either
by the international donors or the Government of Afghanistan.
4. Problem Statement
Since 2001(1382), the Government of Afghanistan has constantly brought and implemented
selective reforms and changes in public institutions; it includes changes in the structure, capacity, and
pay scale for efficient and effective administration and performances. The Government of
Afghanistan launched the P &G System in 2008 and it has brought substantially consistency in the
payments of civil servants, but due to continues inflation and increased living cost, the system is still
incompatible in maintaining professionals in the public system. The System has eight grades (G1-G8)
and each grade has five steps . The lowest grade's salary is Afghanis 5,000 and the highest Afghanis
32,500 per month plus non-cash benefits. Besides the P&G system, the Afghan Government later
introduced Super Scale benefits to attract and keep technical staff in technical positions. The amount
of this incentive window is in the range of US$ 300 to US$ 1500 per month in addition to the P&G
Considering the local conditions such as, social, economic and human resources
situation in the country, there is a strong need to develop such a consistent methodology
for harmonization of the NTA salary scale and to implement it. This guideline will have
important effect on project performance, service delivery, job securities and cooperation
between different concerned agencies and institutions. So, that is why it is very important
for the Afghan Government to bring all the various salaries schemes under one broader
umbrella, it will improve the performance of, and will also bring accountability and
transparency for the Government, international donors and other concerned individuals and
meanwhile it will stabilize CBR program appointees in line ministries as well. Therefore it is
necessary to present a unified, fair and comprehensive remuneration scale for all donors and
GoIRA agencies to consider it for NTA.
5. Job Categories
Taking into consideration various job conditions, all NTA jobs have been divided in eight (8)
categories and each category (grade) has its own conditions and responsibilities and each grade has
ten (10) steps. The purpose of this categorization is to organize all payments of NTA according to
the job responsibilities and donors adjustments to NTA's salaries accordingly. The following table
suggests work conditions on the basis of eight categories system named with letters (A to H).
NTA Job Profiles
General Conditions for NTA Staff
Category (Grade) A-
Management, assignment and • Management responsibility of administration, General Skills:
implementation of visions and strategic including HR, Financial and others. • Develop policy and strategy to manage conflicting priorities, and
plans of the organization and having the • Develop administrative strategies divisionally and effective management of human, financial and others.
authority to take decisions on behalf of across the organization and approval of various • Ability to implement working leadership model in the organization,
organization. plans. maximizing the contribution of team
• Authority for taking final decisions on • Ability to professionally communicate about the organization and
organization level represent the organization/project at national and international levels.
Examples: • Long term strategic decisions and general
• Director on Country or Zone level leadership of the organization. Minimum Requirements:
• Equivalent of Director General or • Other responsibilities will be mentioned in the • Doctorate degree with 3 years relevant experience or Master decree
Grade 1 level Positions in Civil Service contracts of the individual. with 5 years relevant experience or bachelor degree with 10 years
• Senior Advisors to Ministers relevant experience.
Category (Grade) B-
Implementation and arrangement of • Manage organization resources as per the contract. General Skills:
administrative and technical affairs of the • Contributes to the development of organizational • Ability to prepare plan for organization or department and
organization or project. strategies and implement them across the division or responsibility of managing financial, HR and technical fields.
organization/ project. • Ability to prepare documents in the technical fields and to
• Taking the required decisions, planning and finding represent from it in related meetings.
solutions for various problems and challenges. • Ability of managing and liaison with outside of organization and
• Head of Division
• Senior Technical Specialist Minimum Requirements:
• Senior Advisor or Specialist Having at least Master’s or its equivalent degree with 5 years
• Project Manager working experience or having Bachelor's degree with 7 years
• Equivalent to Grade 2 civil servant relevant experience.
• Advisors
Category (Grade) C-
Development and implementation of • Managing/ supervising organization resources within General Skills:
certain specific functions and activities. defined boundaries. Implementation of operational • Management and team leadership ability.
Examples: plans of organization or project • Having the required skills in general management
• Advisor • Provision and arrangement of an organization or • Writing and communication ability in professional and related
• Technical Specialist project internal policies or terms. area.
• Equivalent to Grade 3 of civil Servants • Providing professional/technical advice to senior
managers in the specialized areas. Minimum Requirements:
• Project management and budgeting for the function or • Bachelor's Degree with 5 years experience in the related field.
activities being managed.
Category (Grade) D-
To provide support to and implement • Preparing financial, operational, technical and other General Skills:
technical and managerial activities.. plans for related field of an organization or project. • Ability to prepare operational plans of organization or project.
• Implementing related part of the organization or • Having required skills in the related technical field.
project working plan
• Support to and implementing the organization or
project operational plans
Examples: • Supervising and managing related functional units.
• Unit Manager Minimum Requirements:
• Senior Officer • Bachelor's Degree with 4 years experience in the related field.
Category (Grade) E-
To perform operational/support, • Responsible for resources implementation within General Skills:
educational, technical and other tasks of defined boundaries or a specialist area. • Ability to prepare various operational plans of the organization
the organization or project. • Implement departmental plans to agreed standards of or project.
the organization or project. • Having specific skills in the related technical field.
• Coordinating activities with the related departments,
Examples: data collection and preparation of project documents.
• Associate / Officer • Communication with interested persons both Minimum Requirements:
internally and externally. Bachelor’s degree with 3 years related experience or 5 years
working experience.
Category (Grade) F-
To perform administrative support tasks • Delivery of managerial and technical tasks of the General Skills:
of the department. organization or project. • Working ability in the field of management or support according
• Assist in the implementation of working plans and to the internal terms of a project.
reporting to the organization or project management. • Having skills in the related technical field.
• Coordinating activities with other related units of the
Examples: organization or project.
• Assistant Minimum Requirements:
• Clerk Bachelor degree with 2 years relevant experience or
Baccalaureate degree with 4 years relevant experience.
Category (Grade) G-
To perform administrative support tasks • Carrying out daily tasks that are assigned to them by General Skills:
of the department. the organization or project. • The required skills as per the TOR of the position
• Prepare and type documents, manage the filing of the • Produces work or conduct the assignment with acceptable
Examples: documents and coding when needed. standard.
• Technician
• Driver Minimum Requirements:
Baccalaureate degree from school / educational institute /
professional institute as per the requirement of the job.
Category (Grade) H-
Manual labour as per the requirements of • Undertakes day to day routine work which is assigned General Skills:
the position by supervisor. • The required skills as per the TOR of the position
• Produces work of a consistently and acceptable standard..
• Chief Minimum Requirements:
• Housekeeper • Knowledge of equipment under care.
• cleaner
6. Salary Scale for NTA Staff
NTA has eight grades, each grade has ten steps. There is a fix interval in each step. The interval
is set by a variant multiplier to the original P&G salary of a civil servant. Payment of NTA salaries
according to the eight grade system and ten steps within each grade, differs and all the factors affecting
this salary scale have been considered in this guideline. All salaries should be in Afghani as per the NTA
Salary Scale and Guideline and during the preparation of the scale 1 USD = 64 Afghani was considered.
A 160,000 177,778 195,556 213,333 231,111 248,889 266,667 284,444 302,222 320,000
35,556 35,556 35,556 35,556 35,556 35,556 35,556 35,556
B 128,000 142,222 156,444 170,667 184,889 199,111 213,333 227,556 241,778 256,000
28,444 28,444 28,444 28,444 28,444 28,444 28,444 28,444
C 76,000 83,111 90,222 97,333 104,444 111,556 118,667 125,778 132,889 140,000
14,222 14,222 14,222 14,222 14,222 14,222 14,222 14,222
D 38,000 43,667 49,333 55,000 60,667 66,333 72,000 77,667 83,333 89,000
11,333 11,333 11,333 11,333 11,333 11,333 11,333 11,333
E 25,000 27,889 30,778 33,667 36,556 39,444 42,333 45,222 48,111 51,000
5,778 5,778 5,778 5,778 5,778 5,778 5,778 5,778
F 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000
G 18,000 19,889 21,778 23,667 25,556 27,445 29,334 31,223 33,112 35,001
H 8,000 9,111 10,222 11,333 12,444 13,555 14,666 15,777 16,888 17,999
Harmonization of NTA salary scale would not be possible at once, as contracts adjustment
would take times so that is why enough time has been considered for this as it is mentioned in the
below parts. The following tasks must be done in order to achieve the results and implement the
guideline in an appropriate manner:
A. New Recruitments
• Newly recruited staff should be offered the first step of the relevant category / grade of NTA
Salary Scale. If the candidate has master or PHD degree then one additional step could be
offered and if the candidate has two years additional experience than what is deemed in the
TORs then one additional step level could be offered. In addition, technical positions could be
also required to offer one additional step but it is mandatory that offer cannot be given beyond
step 5 of the same grade even step 5 should be extreme exceptional.
• Promotion / increase from one step to another should happen only after annual successful
performance appraisal of an employee by its relevant organization. Without performance
appraisal salary level cannot be increased. It is recommended that CBR standard format for
performance appraisal should be used but the format of the appraisal would depend on each
project's internal procedure but CBR format is highly recommended.
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• All NTA recruitment should be based on merit through open competitive process and direct
recruitment without going through the process is not allowed except for very technical
positions (Note: all management positions are not technical).
• NTA Terms of Reference would have standard NTA format and it would be an Annex to this
• NTA Salary Scale includes all regular benefits and allowances except transportation,
communication and insurance to be provided as per the internal agreements of each
B. Current NTA
• The contracts of all current NTA will be renewed after the end of their contracts period
according to this Salary Scale and Guideline. If the contracts are not finalized until the 31 June
2016, then all current valid contracts will be adjusted according to the Guideline.
• All International Donors and GoRIAs offices are obliged to issue a notification to all their
relevant NTAs about their contracts' adjustments by the date which is mentioned in the above
• Those contracts which are lower than the range of this salary scale and guideline, it should be
kept as they are up to the end of the project.
For the implementation of the guideline a Supervisory Committee will be established in January
2016 in the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance. The Supervisory Committee is composed
from the representatives of IARCSC, World Bank (representing ARTF responsibilities) and one rotating
member from other key donor for one year and the Committee will be operating under the leadership
of MOF / Budget Department. The Committee is responsible to assure that all stakeholders are
following NTA Salary Scale and Guideline. The Committee will be holding quarterly meetings in the
Ministry of Finance and will be reporting regularly to the Steering Committee of CBR for final
endorsement. The Supervisory Committee TORs is Annex to the guideline.
Some of the key responsibilities of the Supervisory Committee (SC) are listed below:
• NTA SC will receive regular quarterly updated information about the type, number, duration,
salary and other required data from the stakeholders (International donors and GoRIAs offices).
For consistency, a standard reporting format will be shared with all donors and GoRIAs offices
prior to the beginning of 2016.
• NTA SC will have a database to register all on/off budget NTA contracts and other available
information. This will enhance overall accountability and transparency.
• NTA SC will report to the Steering Committee of CBR as per the Presidential Order No. 852
for the required decision.
• NTA SC could work on NTA Salary Scale revision and it will be in consultation with all
international donors and GoRIAs offices, if needed.
• NTA SC will also be responsible to adjust a consultant in a grade if said position is not fit in
criteria described in above table
According to this guideline the responsibility of all NTA related affairs must be given to the
relevant offices of GoIRA; it includes recruitment, annual evaluation, promotion and duration of the
contract. After receiving the authority of controlling, the GoIRA would conduct evaluations of all public
administrations at various points of time, identify need of the organizations for new NTA and start
recruiting NTA staff through the related government offices. The Steering Committee of CBR is
authorized to amend or change the guideline but changes in the scale is subject to the approval of the
Cabinet of Ministers.
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9. Critical Success Factors
There are many important factors listed below which are necessary for the success of NTA guideline,
consideration of these factors will have favorable results:
1- Agreement of all donors and compliance with the timeframe to adjust NTA contracts according
to the guideline.
2- Establishment of the Supervisory Committee
3- Establishment of NTA Database in the Ministry of Finance.
4- Gradual implementation of the guideline and its revision, if needed.
5- Coordination between donors and GoIRA.
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NTA Scale in USD for the budgeting purpose **USD Daily Rate is Based on 260 work days/year
** Conversion is based on 1 USD = 64 AFS
A Monthly AFS 160,000.00 177,778.00 195,556.00 213,333.00 231,333.00 231,111.00 248,889.00 266,667.00 302,222.00 320,000.00 Country Director Phd or Equivalent with 3 years experience OR
Monthly USD $2,500.00 $2,777.78 $3,055.56 $3,333.33 $3,614.58 $3,611.11 $3,888.89 $4,166.67 $4,722.22 $5,000.00 Director General or Equivalent Masters + 5 yrs experience OR
Daily USD $115.38 $128.21 $141.03 $153.85 $166.83 $166.67 $179.49 $192.31 $217.95 $230.77 Senior Advisors to Ministers Bachelors + 10 yrs experience
B Monthly AFS 128,000.00 142,222.00 156,444.00 179,667.00 184,889.00 199,111.00 213,333.00 227,556.00 241,778.00 256,000.00 Head of Division Master's or Equivante with 5 Yeas Experience OR
Snr Technical Specialist / Snr
Monthly USD $ 2,000.00 $ 2,222.22 $ 2,444.44 $ 2,807.30 $ 2,888.89 $ 3,111.11 $ 3,333.33 $ 3,555.56 $ 3,777.78 $ 4,000.00 Advisor or Specialist Bachelors with 7 years experience
Daily USD $ 92.31 $ 102.56 $ 112.82 $ 129.57 $ 133.33 $ 143.59 $ 153.85 $ 164.10 $ 174.36 $ 184.62 Project Manager/Advisors
C Monthly AFS 76,000.00 83,111.00 90,222.00 97,333.00 104,444.00 111,556.00 118,667.00 125,778.00 132,889.00 140,000.00 Advisor Bachelors Degree with 5 yrs of experience
Monthly USD $1,187.50 $1,298.61 $1,409.72 $1,520.83 $1,631.94 $1,743.06 $1,854.17 $1,965.28 $2,076.39 $2,187.50 Technical Specialist
Equivalent of Grade 3 of Civil
Daily USD $54.81 $59.94 $65.06 $70.19 $75.32 $80.45 $85.58 $90.71 $95.83 $100.96 Serviants
D Monthly AFS 38,000.00 43,667.00 49,333.00 55,000.00 60,667.00 66,333.00 72,000.00 77,667.00 83,333.00 89,000.00 Unit Manager Bachelor's + 4 yrs experience
Monthly USD $593.75 $682.30 $770.83 $859.38 $947.92 $1,036.45 $1,125.00 $1,213.55 $1,302.08 $1,390.63 Senior Officer
Daily USD $27.40 $31.49 $35.58 $39.66 $43.75 $47.84 $51.92 $56.01 $60.10 $64.18
E Monthly AFS 25,000.00 27,889.00 30,778.00 33,667.00 36,556.00 39,444.00 42,333.00 45,222.00 48,111.00 51,000.00 Associate/Officer Bachelor's + 3 yrs of experience OR
Monthly USD $390.63 $435.77 $480.91 $526.05 $571.19 $616.31 $661.45 $706.59 $751.73 $796.88 5 yrs experience
Daily USD $18.03 $20.11 $22.20 $24.28 $26.36 $28.45 $30.53 $32.61 $34.70 $36.78
F Monthly AFS 22,000.00 24,000.00 26,000.00 28,000.00 30,000.00 32,000.00 34,000.00 36,000.00 38,000.00 40,000.00 Assistant Bachelor's Degree with 2 yrs experience
Monthly USD $343.75 $375.00 $406.25 $437.50 $468.75 $500.00 $531.25 $562.50 $593.75 $625.00 Clerk Baccalaureate + 4 yrs relevant experience
Daily USD $15.87 $17.31 $18.75 $20.19 $21.63 $23.08 $24.52 $25.96 $27.40 $28.85
H Monthly AFS 8,000 9,111 10,222 11,333 12,444 13,555 14,666 15,777 16,888 17,999 Chef Knowleged of Equipment
Monthly USD $125.00 $142.36 $159.72 $177.08 $194.44 $211.80 $229.16 $246.52 $263.88 $281.23 Housekeeper
Daily USD $5.77 $6.57 $7.37 $8.17 $8.97 $9.78 $10.58 $11.38 $12.18 $12.98 Cleaner
Clarification Note # 01
The NTA (National Technical Assistance (NTA) salary scale and implementation
guideline was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers through decision number (33), dated 16 Dec
2015. According to the Guideline, the CBR steering committee has the authority to revise/amend
and clarify the guideline for smooth implementation and changes in the level of salary is subject
to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.
Hereby, the following clarification notes proposed for better and effective implementation of the
1. In the Guideline it is mentioned that during the recruitment process the salary offer
cannot be over step 5 of the relevant category. So, within the category this applies only
on the new recruitments and not applicable on current active contracts to reduce it to step
5 during renewal or extension of the contracts.
2. Contracts which are in progress or need for renewal before or after 30th June, 2016 would
be adjusted according to the requirements of each category i.e. if a person is in category 3
but his/her salary is higher than the maximum amount of the category, then during the
renewal his/her salary would be adjusted to the maximum step of category 3.
3. Candidates who are bearing contracts from CBR or other projects which have
implemented NTA guideline, and compete for higher positions i.e. (from category C to
B) in the same project, then their salary in the new category would be started from the
previous step mentioned in the ex-contract in addition to that step 5 arrangements which
are mentioned in clause (1) of this note.
4. In the guideline for each category the basic requirements are mentioned but the job titles
are mentioned as examples as mostly the determination of the category mostly comes
from the requirements and TORs rather than exactly the titles but still for better
clarification and capturing maximum titles the below table describes the titles against
each category and this version is applicable:
Category 1
Education Experience
• Senior Advisors who are hired for much technical tasks and
offices of the Ministers or Independent Agencies with higher
technical capabilities
Category 2
Education Experience
Category 3
Education Experience
Education Experience
Category 5
Education Experience
Category 6
Education Experience