DRRM Reviewer
DRRM Reviewer
DRRM Reviewer
risks through analysis and management of the A disaster risk reduction assists us to
causal factors of disasters. consider our emergency response activities in
It leads to: light of existing and new disaster risks.
reduced exposure to hazards
lessening of vulnerability of people and assets Building resilience: Is the main importance of
effective management of land and the disaster risk reduction. disaster risk reduction
environment is vital for building a more equitable and
improved preparedness for adverse events sustainable future.
Five priorities identified for action are:
Key Principles of DRRM
The key principles of DRR justify why 1) to ensure that disaster risk national and a
certain changes have to be made and local priority;
explain the urgency of creating a DRRM
2) to identify, assess, and monitor Causes of Other Related Geological Hazards
4) to reduce the underlying risk factors; and Climate Long-term climatic changes can significantly
impact soil stability. significant upsurge in
5) to strengthen disaster preparedness for precipitation/completely saturated
effective response and recovery Earthquakes-Seismic activities have, for a long time,
Weathering-It is the natural procedure of rock
Every organization and government deterioration that leads to weak, landslide-susceptive
engaged in disaster risk reduction materials. / chemical action/rocks are weak
awareness must plan and communicate Erosion-Erosion caused by sporadic running water such
harmonized messages – a key as streams
element to avoid confusion. Volcanic eruption-the soil will start to move Downhill.
Stratovolcano is a responsible for most landslides/acidic
Survival Kits and Materials hydrothermal systems
Forest fires- vegetation that holds soil in place. removes
Disaster is very unpredictable the protective ability
According to Philippine Red Cross, the first 72 hours Gravity -Steeper slopes coupled with gravitational force
after a disaster is very crucial. can trigger a massive landslide. Steeper slopes
An emergency kit/first aid kit is very essential in times HUMAN CAUSES
of disasters. Emergency or survival kits are things that
are commonly found inside our home like water, Mining- blasting techniques, Vibrations emanating
flashlight, and hygiene kits. Families should be prepared from the blasts, weakening of soil
to be independent and be able to survive for at least 3
days or 72 hours. Clear cutting-technique of timber harvesting,
technique is dangerous, decimates the existing
According to Philippine Red Cross the mechanical root
following items are essential in a
disaster kit: Rainfall-Induced landslides are the most common
and widespread damaging landslides in the
1. Shelter
2. Water Philippines, with an average of 20 typhoons
4. Tools
5. Fire starting Dissolution of sedimentary rocks-sedimentary rocks
6. Light and signaling Instruments are dissolved/rocks are dissolved/void filled with air
7. First aid kits forma a hole.
8. Personal effects and hygiene kit
Birth certificates, passport, marriage Underground water pumping-underneath the ground
contract, diploma, insurance causes drainage to alter their flow/ Broken pipes
certificates, land titles, etc. underneath/Altering drainage systems
Keep these in a plastic envelope or any
waterproof container
Money should be in the form of cash
and loose change (ATM
machines may not be working) Prepaid
Emergency charger