DRRM Reviewer

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DRRM REVIEWER Housefire is a fire incident that is generally caused by

human and machine error.

 Geological hazards are natural phenomena that
cause major problems around the world. Cooking equipment. Pots and pans can be overheated
when a person gets distracted while cooking or leaves
LANDSLIDES cooking unattended. COMMON
A landslide is a ground movement on a sloping
terrain. Heaters. Portable heaters can cause fire when it is
It does not happen on flat ground because of the placed near objects that
angle on the ground, gravity induces the land to can easily burn like curtains and laundry clothes.
move downward. It is aggravated by rain because
water is a natural agent for erosion. Smoking in bedrooms. A cigarette that is not put out
Structures that are built on steep-slope mountains properly can cause fire as the cigarette butts can
have a high vulnerability to landslide hazards continuously burn in a few hours. It can also
especially during heavy rains. immediately cause fire when get in contact with
TYPES OF LANDSLIDES flammable materials.
1. SOIL CRREP-is a very slow downslope movement
of particles that occurs in every slope. 4. Candles. It is not actually a hazard but when left
2. SLUMPING SLIDE-downward movement of rock unattended it can easily burst
debris, usually the consequence of removal of into flames and cause fire.
buttressing earth at the foot of a slope 5. Curious children. Kids can sometimes cause fire out
3. DEBRIS FLOW-slope becomes saturated with of curiosity, so they
water, this then triggers a landslide of water-soaked wanted to see what would happen if they set fire to an
mass of rock object.
4. ROCK FALL-slides caused by heavy rain the rock 6. Faulty wiring. Homes with insufficient wiring can
on the slope loosens and then slides down the slope cause fires from electrical
SINKHOLE topographic depression created when hazard. Signs that you can observe if you have faulty
groundwater dissolves the underlying limestone bedrock. wirings are: lights dim if
Often known as "sink" or "doline,". you use another appliance; for an appliance to work, you
CHARACTERISTICS have to disconnect
 occur in areas where the soil foundation is made another; and fuse blow or trip the circuit breaker
of soft minerals frequently.
 ranges from a couple of meters to several mile 7. Barbeques. This is a great outdoor activity or one of
deep the famous street foods in
TYPES the Philippines. Avoid doing this activity near
Cover Collapse Sinkhole tablecloths, trees or even plants.
1. It develops suddenly (over an hour period) thus, 8. Flammable liquids. Petrol, kerosene or other
causing catastrophic damage. methylated substances are the
Cover Subsidence Sinkhole most common flammable liquids found at home that can
2. It gradually grows where the sediment covers cause fire if not
are permeable and contain sand. properly stored. Always store in cool, dry place.
Dissolution Sinkhole 9. Lighting. Lamp shades and light fittings can build
3. It occurs in areas where calcareous is exposed heat if they are very close
on the ground or where thin layers of soil and to light bulbs. Too much heat can eventually ignite the
permeable sand are also covered. materials and result to
Artificial Sinkhole fire incident.
4. caused by various human activities, including
groundwater pumping and building. Elements of Fire Triangle
Ancient Greeks considered fire as one of their major
Fire Hazards: Concepts and Causes elements like water, earth and air.
Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the
Fire may start due to natural cause or human-made
exothermal chemical process of combustion, releasing
heat, light, and various reaction products.
Lightning that strikes any combustible material which 3 FIRE TRIANGLE
can set trees on fire that might eventually result to forest
fire or wildfire COMMON. Fuel is any material that can be burned such as solid,
liquid, or gas.
Volcanic activities could also cause fire. During
volcanic activity, it spews hot Combustion takes place when fuel is converted into
gases, ash and lava and when these hot materials get in gaseous state as moisture is removed. This happens
contact with when vapor is escaping from any combustible material.
flammable materials it might start a wildfire.
Spontaneous combustion is another natural cause of Heat is an energy that flows through object. Enough
fire. This happens amount of heat would free the vapor from solid and
when a hydrocarbon substance unexpectedly create fire liquid forms of fuel. The lowest temperature needed to
without apparent form an ignitable mixture in air near the surface of the
cause. Pyrophoric substances ignite spontaneously in air liquid is called the flash point. The higher the
at or below 54˚C or flashpoint, the more difficult it is to ignite the material.
within 5 minutes after getting into contact with air.
3. Oxygen is an element, estimated 21% of it can be
found in the air. During combustion process chemical HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL
reaction takes place. HAZARDS
Climate and Weather-Related Hazards
The theory of fire extinguishment is based on NATURAL HAZARD - is defined as a natural process
removing any of the elements in the fire triangle to or event potentially damaging
suppress the fire.
1. REMOVING THE HEAT. The goal here is to refer to the direct and indirect effects of observed
lower the temperature which is usually changes in the frequencies
accomplished by adding water as an extinguishing
agent. Interpret Different Hydro Meteorological Hazard
2. REMOVING THE FUEL. In most cases, removing Maps
the fuel from the fire is not a practical way of
extinguishing fire except when dealing with Natural Hazard is an extreme event that
flammable liquid fires, occurs naturally and causes harm to humans
3. REMOVE THE OXYGEN. Air is mainly 21%
oxygen and this is sufficient to support combustion Climate and weather-related hazards, such as
in most fire situations. Removal of the air or oxygen typhoons and droughts, as well as earthquakes, volcanic
can be accomplished by separating it from the fuel eruptions and tsunamisARE NATURAL HAZARDS
source or by displacing it with other gases like while deforestation, mining and climate change is called
carbon dioxide, nitrogen and steam. separation MAN-MADE, HAZARDS
would be foam on a flammable liquid fire, a wet HAZARD MAPS highlights areas that are affected
blanket on a trash fire and/or vulnerable to a particular hazard and help prevent
Signs of Other Related Geological Hazards serious damage and deaths.
Signs of impending landslides and sinkholes are A Modified Coronas Climate Classification shows the
observed on man-made infrastructures, bodies of water
monthly rainfall variations in the Philippines: Rainfall
and vegetation.
distribution throughout the country varies from one
1. Earlier landslide as indicator region to another, depending upon the direction of the
 If there’s frequent occurrence of landslides in a winds and the location of mountain systems.
RED TYPE I – Two pronounced seasons. Dry from
 Multiple landslide events
November to April, wet during rest of the year
 A reactivated landslide is when an old,
 Inspecting an area of an old landslide for scarps YELLOW•TYPE II – No dry season with a very
2. Tension cracks pronounced rainfall from November to April and wet
 These are caused by the stress and friction during the rest of the year
 Tension cracks above an existing landslide
 These cracks are located on higher elevated ground. GREENTYPE III – Seasons are not very pronounced;
 Cracks that are found on flat terrain relatively dry from November to April; wet during the
3. Things Moving rest of the year.
 Deformation and movement of non-living objects
 The most common of these is that trees BLUETYPE IV Rainfall is more or less distributed
 A patch of angled forest throughout the year.
 no longer closing properly,
 This motion can be slow or rapid. Rainfall Observation
 Creaking and cracking PAGASA or Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical
4. Water Doing Something Different and Astronomical Services Administration n
 Changes in water flow publishes regularlyupdated color-coded satellite images
 Springs, seep, or wet ground generated from Himawari-8 (shown at right), a geo-
 A debris flow is a very wet, stationary weather satellite.

WARNING SIGNS OF AN IMPENDING This satellite is succesor to Japan Meteorological

SINKHOLE Agency’s Multifunctional Transport Satellite
 Trees or fence posts that tilt or fall (MTSAT) series, and is currently the most used satellite
 Foundations that slant imagery for weather monitoring.
 New small ponds that appear after rain
These are: Cagayan; Albay, Ifugao, Sorsogon, Kalinga,
 Cracks in the ground
Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, Camarines Norte, Mountain
 Sudden drainage of a pond Province, Camarines Sur, Northern Samar, Catanduanes,
 Rapid appearance of a hole in the ground Apayao, Pampanga, La Union, Nueva Ecija, Pangasinan,
 Dips, depressions, slopes that appear in a yard Masbate, Tarlac, and Western Samar.
 Dead patches of grass or plants
 Sinkholes in the neighborhood The Philippine Radar Network
 Wilted vegetation in a limited area In addition to the satellite observation,
 Well water that is discolored or contaminated with PAGASA operates 10 weather radar stations
debris all over the Philippines in analyzing rainfall
from thunderstorms or typhoons. A rain
gauges was use and the most common is the
tipping bucket type.
1. Development can either increase or
A Doppler Weather Radars was decrease disaster risk. When development
acquired by PAGASA several years. It is an takes place, disaster risk is always a threat
instruments that send out and reflect
electromagnetic signals and the receiver for 2. DRRM policies, laws, and regulations
the radar listens for these reflections. The most can save lives if properly and strictly
important objects that the radar signal detects implemented in the community. Action is
are the clouds. the key component
3. The main objective of DRRM is to build a
Doppler radars, tell the amount of rain
resilient community. If community members
the clouds bring and have a higher resolution.
are well prepared
FLOOD HAZARD MAP Risk communication must be clear and
A tool that determines flood zone areas due to different
simple. This is a challenging task, as
hazards such as storm,
surge waves, sea level. normally people don’t want to hear about
“dangerous things”.
NOAH Nationwide Operational Assessment OF
Hazards Elements of Disaster Risk Reduction
Department of Science and Technology
use of cutting edge technology and PREVENTION
recommend innovative information services The outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards
and related disasters .form of proper land use or using
Key Concepts, Principles suitable engineering design
and Elements of DRR MITIGATION
The lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of
RA 10121 provides a comprehensive, all-hazard, multi- hazards and related disasters.
sectoral, inter-agency, and community-based approach ADAPTATION
to disaster risk management through the formulation of The adjustment in natural or human
the National Disaster Risk Management Framework. systems in response to actual or expected
The Act shifted the policy environment and the way the
climatic stimuli or their effects.
country deals with disasters from mere response to
preparedness (Carmela and Ochoa, 2018) PREPAREDNESS
The knowledge and capacities developed by
Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a term governments, professional response and
used for reducing and preventing recovery organizations, communities and
disaster risks. It is founded on the individuals to, imminent or current
principle that while hazards are inevitable, POST EVENT
its adverse effects like lost lives and/or RESPONSE
destruction of property are not The provision of emergency services and public
DISASTER IMPACTS: assistance during or immediately
 loss of life RECOVERY
 Injury restoration, and improvement where appropriate, of
 Disease other negative effects on human, facilities, livelihoods and living rehabilitation and
physical, mental and social well-being, reconstruction begins soon
 damage to property
 destruction of assets Recognize the Importance of DRR on One’s Life
 loss of services, social
 economic disruption and environmental Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) education
degradation is crucial for all communities living
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is the concept in disaster prone areas.
and practice of reducing disaster

 risks through analysis and management of the A disaster risk reduction assists us to
causal factors of disasters. consider our emergency response activities in
 It leads to: light of existing and new disaster risks.
 reduced exposure to hazards
 lessening of vulnerability of people and assets Building resilience: Is the main importance of
 effective management of land and the disaster risk reduction. disaster risk reduction
environment is vital for building a more equitable and
 improved preparedness for adverse events sustainable future.
Five priorities identified for action are:
Key Principles of DRRM
The key principles of DRR justify why 1) to ensure that disaster risk national and a
certain changes have to be made and local priority;
explain the urgency of creating a DRRM
2) to identify, assess, and monitor Causes of Other Related Geological Hazards

3) to use knowledge, innovation, and LANDSLIDE NATURAL CAUSES OF

education to build a culture LANDSLIDES

4) to reduce the underlying risk factors; and Climate Long-term climatic changes can significantly
impact soil stability. significant upsurge in
5) to strengthen disaster preparedness for precipitation/completely saturated
effective response and recovery Earthquakes-Seismic activities have, for a long time,
Weathering-It is the natural procedure of rock
Every organization and government deterioration that leads to weak, landslide-susceptive
engaged in disaster risk reduction materials. / chemical action/rocks are weak
awareness must plan and communicate Erosion-Erosion caused by sporadic running water such
harmonized messages – a key as streams
element to avoid confusion. Volcanic eruption-the soil will start to move Downhill.
Stratovolcano is a responsible for most landslides/acidic
Survival Kits and Materials hydrothermal systems
Forest fires- vegetation that holds soil in place. removes
Disaster is very unpredictable the protective ability
According to Philippine Red Cross, the first 72 hours Gravity -Steeper slopes coupled with gravitational force
after a disaster is very crucial. can trigger a massive landslide. Steeper slopes
An emergency kit/first aid kit is very essential in times HUMAN CAUSES
of disasters. Emergency or survival kits are things that
are commonly found inside our home like water, Mining- blasting techniques, Vibrations emanating
flashlight, and hygiene kits. Families should be prepared from the blasts, weakening of soil
to be independent and be able to survive for at least 3
days or 72 hours. Clear cutting-technique of timber harvesting,
technique is dangerous, decimates the existing
According to Philippine Red Cross the mechanical root
following items are essential in a
disaster kit: Rainfall-Induced landslides are the most common
and widespread damaging landslides in the
1. Shelter
2. Water Philippines, with an average of 20 typhoons
4. Tools
5. Fire starting Dissolution of sedimentary rocks-sedimentary rocks
6. Light and signaling Instruments are dissolved/rocks are dissolved/void filled with air
7. First aid kits forma a hole.
8. Personal effects and hygiene kit
 Birth certificates, passport, marriage Underground water pumping-underneath the ground
 contract, diploma, insurance causes drainage to alter their flow/ Broken pipes
certificates, land titles, etc. underneath/Altering drainage systems
 Keep these in a plastic envelope or any
waterproof container
 Money should be in the form of cash
and loose change (ATM
 machines may not be working) Prepaid
 Batteries
 Emergency charger
 Clothes

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