CF04 Part 3 - Petty Cash Fund
CF04 Part 3 - Petty Cash Fund
CF04 Part 3 - Petty Cash Fund
FAR 2 • AY 2022-2023, 1ST SEM
For Checks:
Items A and B are from the original data. Items C to H,
totaling P 10,400, are assumed items on checks under
case B. Overall, P 1,500 of A and B + P 10,400 of C to H = P
11,900. All of these are considered part of (1) Petty Cash
Accounted. Also, observation is provided for the following
Item C – This a stale check payable to the entity. Aside
from (1), this is counted under (3) PCF Accountabilities.
For Checks:
Item D – This is a customer check, meaning, a collection,
which should not be in PCF, thus, this is counted under (3)
PCF Accountabilities.
Item E – This is an employee check payable to the entity.
This is counted under (4) Adjusted PCF.
For Checks:
Item F – This is an accommodation check. This is counted
under (4) Adjusted PCF.
Item G – This is a disbursement check which should not be
in PCF, thus, this is counted under (3) PCF Accountabilities.
Item H – This is a postdated check payable to entity. It is
only a part of (1) even though it is postdated.
Use the original data above and assume that two another
unreimbursed vouchers are present.
The first is under the payee VC Post Office last December
9, 2021, with particulars of postage amounting to P 500.
Unused stamp related to this is P 100.
The second is under the payee AAA Bookstore dated
January 2, 2022, with particulars of office supplies
amounting to P 2,500.