CHN P1 Review. 1
CHN P1 Review. 1
CHN P1 Review. 1
SAS 1-2
27. Jehovah’s witness- avoid blood transfusion
28. Ethical Thinking- This skill enables nurses to make value-based judgments that align with
professional standards and moral codes, prioritizing the needs of patients and colleagues ahead
of their own.
29. Leadership- A sought-after attribute, leadership is founded on excellent communication skills,
attention to detail, respect, and resourcefulness. Professionals commonly build leadership skills
as they move on to more senior roles in which they can guide others to provide higher levels of
30. Health Monitor
⎯ Monitors and detects the presence of health concerns in the community through contacts or home visits.
⎯ Utilizes various effective data gathering techniques in keeping an eye on the health
status of all recipients of care.
31. Community Health
-Extends the realm of public health to include organized health efforts at the community level
through both government and private sectors.
32. Programmer/Planner
⎯ Identifies the needs and concerns of individuals, groups, families, and the community
⎯ Formulates health plans, especially in the absence of a community physician
⎯ Interprets and implements nursing plans and programs
⎯ Assists other health team members in implementing health programs in the setting
33. Community Health Nursing
⎯ “The utilization of the nursing process in the different levels of clientele-individuals, families,
population groups and communities, concerned with the promotion of health, prevention of disease and
disability and rehabilitation.” (Maglaya, et al)
34. Statistician
⎯ Records data systematically and ensures its validity through accurate and complete data gathering
⎯ Reports prepared reports to concerned organizations i.e. government organization for immediate
necessary plans or programs
⎯ Consolidates and reviews reports efficiently.
⎯ Analyzes and interprets consolidated data for monitoring the development in the health
matters of the whole community
35. Adaptability
-This demonstrates the capacity to combine new information with education, experience, and
professional guidelines to re-evaluate a situation and make changes that lead to more effective
36. Hindus
⎯ Prohibit consumption of beef (all meat and alcohol are avoided by the most devout).
⎯ Food is eaten with right hand (regarded as clean)
-usually eats with the right hand
37. Which among the following is true to Public Health Nursing?
a.PHN and CHN can be used interchangeably
b.It is public service oriented
c.Both are special field of nursing
d.Both are combination of nursing and social skills
38. 1928- The first convention of nurses was held followed by yearly convention until the advent of
World War II. Preservice training was initiated as pre- requisite for appointment
39. Act No. 2156- The Fajardo Act created the sanity division this act is also known as
40. 1912- Fajardo Act (Act No. 2156)
41. 2002- When was the Philippine Nursing Act passed? (ni pasar)
42. 1948
⎯ The first training center of the Bureau of Health was organized in cooperation with the
Pasay City Health Department. This was housed at the Tabon Health Center located in
marginalized part of the city. It was renamed as Dona Marta Health Center.
⎯ Physician and nurse undergoing pre-service and in-service training in public health /public health
nursing as well as nursing students on affiliation were assigned to the above training center.
43. Philippine General Hospital- under the Bureau of Health sent four nurses to Cebu to take care
of mothers and their babies.
44. What health sector aims to achieve the health system goals of better health outcomes in the
a. Philippine Health Insurance
b.Universal Health Care
c.Home health Care
d.Department of Labor and Employment
45. The focus of Public Health Nurse activities is:
a.Primary prevention
d.All of the above
46. The PHNs’ responsible of care is the:
A. Client
B. Family
C. Community
D. Individual
47. Implementation- This step begins after the care plan has been made and is organized as a step
where the nurse perform the intervention to achieve the goal. (PLAN HAS BEEN MADE AND IS
48. Altered peripheral tissue perfusion related to venous congestion- What would be your
highest priority if the patient is diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis.
49. Client must be ambulatory and mobile-To participate in goal setting clients must be what?
50. Highest possible level of wellness and independence -A client-centered goal is specific and
measurable behavior or response that reflects client’s what?
51. Evaluation- A nurse is revising a client's care plan, during which step of the nursing process
does such revision take place
52. You should place or change the patient's position regularly to minimize pressure - What
would be your independent nursing intervention of a patient having a pressure ulcer?
SAS 9-10
53. Decentralization- This ensures empowerment and that empowerment can only be
facilitated if the administrative structure provides local level political structures with more
substantive responsibilities for development initiators. This also facilities proper allocation of
budgetary resources.
54. Acupressure- It is an alternative healthcare modalities that utilizes the application of pressure on
acupuncture points without puncturing the skin
55. Which of the following agencies will be responsible for the protection and promotion of the
people’s health?
a.Local Government Unit
b.Department of Interior and Local Government
c.Department of health
d.Barangay and Municipal Councils
56. achieving maximum family well-being -Family health promotion can be defined as what?
57. Health Deficit -It is a condition conducive to disease accident or failure to realize one’s health
58. Foreseeable Crisis- it anticipates periods of unusual demand and individual or family in terms of
SAS 5-6
59. Justice- The distribution of nurse to areas of most need in the time of nursing shortage is an
example of what?
60. Common Law- Client’s right to refuse treatment is an example of what?
61. Even though the nurse may obtain the client‟s signature on a form, obtaining informed consent is
the responsibility of the:
a.Student nurse
d.Nurse supervisor
62. Beneficence- What ethical practices that we ought do good and prevent or avoid doing harm?
63. R.A 5921- An act regulating the practice of pharmacy
64. E.O 51- The law for milk code of the Philippines
65. Republic Act 8981- PRC Modernization Act of 2000
66. R.A 7877- Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
67. Violence Against Women- is any act of gender-based violence that results or is likely to result in
physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women including threats or such acts,
coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occurring in public or private life.
68. Republic Act No. 8552- otherwise known as the Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 or Republic
Act No. 8043, otherwise known as the Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995
69. A victim of domestic violence states, "If I were better, I would not have been beaten." Which
feeling best describes what the victim may be experiencing?
70. Which of the following is an example of a foreseeable crisis?
A.lost of job
D.unhealthy lifestyle