Bioethics Quiz
Bioethics Quiz
Bioethics Quiz
14. A written physician's order instructing health care Immunity from liability for following the living
providers not to attempt Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, will
often requested by family and must be signed by a How the patient's valuables are distributed among
physician to be valid. the family
Documentation requirements
a. Physician orders for life sustaining treatment Which family member will inherit the patient's
(POLST) home
b. Allowing natural death (AND) How and when the living will takes effect
c. Do not resuscitate (DNR)
d. Advance directives in health (ADHC)
15. A patient who has coronary artery disease and 19. In this ethical theory that treats self-interest as the
congestive heart failure shows his physician his advance foundation of morality, claims that everyone ought to act
directive that states he wants to receive cardiopulmonary selfishly.
resuscitation and other forms of life-sustaining treatment a. Egotism, ethical
has deeply held beliefs that suggest that not trying to live is b. Egoism, descriptive
tantamount to committing suicide. What should the doctor c. Egotism, psychological approach
do and say to the patient in response to this? d. Egoism, common approach
a. The doctor should educate the patient about the near 20. What important element in making moral decision is
futility of CPR under these circumstances. described that one must have the courage and resolve to do
b. All of the choices above are correct what has decided upon and take the risk.
c. The doctor might want to ask the patient to explore
this further with the chaplain. a. Implore
d. The patient's expression of a preference should be b. Implement
explored to understand its origins. c. Imagine
d. Inquire
16. The nurse notes that an advance directive is in the
client's medical record. Which of the followingstatements 21. An elderly man with end-stage emphysema presents to
represents the best description of guidelines a nurse would the emergency room awake and alert and complaining of
follow in this case? shortness of breath. An evaluation reveals that he has
pneumonia. His condition deteriorates in the emergency
room and he has impending respiratory failure, though he c. Physician orders for life sustaining treatment
remains awake and alert. A copy of a signed and witnessed d. Medical power of attorney
living will is in his chart stipulates that he wants no
"invasive" medical procedures that would "serve only to 26. An elderly patient with respiratory failure informs the
prolong my death." No surrogate decision maker is nurse that she does not want to be placed on a ventilator.
available. Should mechanical ventilation be instituted? What should the nurse do NEXT?
34. In most ethical dilemmas, the solution to the dilemma a. Moral sensitivity
requires negotiation among members of the health care b. Moral judgement
team. The nurse's point of view is valuable because: c. Moral character
d. Moral motivation
a. The nurse's code of ethics recommends that a nurse
be present at any ethical discussion about client care. 40. A well-formed conscience is an ongoing process. Which
b. Nurses develop a relationship to the client that is one that would lead us to ask God's intervention
unique among all professional health care providers.
a. Awareness of the truth, right and flexible
c. The principle of autonomy guides all participants to
b. Examine background information about the choices
respect their own self-worth.
c. Reflect prayerfully for discernment
d. Nurses have a legal license that encourages their
presence during ethical discussions. d. Review church teachings and the Holy Scripture