King Dowling2015
King Dowling2015
King Dowling2015
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8,
Canada. Tel.: +1 905 525 9140x20303.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. King-Dowling).
0167-9457/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
102 S. King-Dowling et al. / Human Movement Science 39 (2015) 101–108
1. Introduction
children at risk for motor coordination problems also experience more emotional/behavioral and
language difficulties compared to their typically developing peers. This research will be the first to
examine these three areas of child development concurrently in preschool children in hopes to shed
light on when these problems begin to emerge, and to contribute to the limited literature available on
these relationships in early childhood.
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
218 parent–child pairs were recruited from various community organizations in Southern Ontario
from 2010 to 2011; details of the study design are provided in a previous publication (Parmar, Kwan,
Rodriguez, Missiuna, & Cairney, 2014). Children ranged in age from 44 to 80 months (48% male).
Children with known physical impairments (e.g. blindness, deafness or genetic syndromes) or who
did not speak English were not eligible to participate. Informed, written consent was given by
parents/guardians of all participants. Ethical approval was obtained from the McMaster University
Faculty of Health Science and Hamilton Health Sciences Research Ethics Boards.
2.2. Measures
the final two syndrome scales. Raw scores for each syndrome scale were totaled. Raw scores for the
entire questionnaire and for the internalizing and externalizing domains were calculated and
converted into total problem scores (t-scores). Higher t-scores are indicative of more emotional–
behavioral problems, with t-scores >60 considered being in the clinical range.
Independent sample t-tests were conducted to determine group differences on percentile rankings
on the language scales, total problem scores (t-scores) on the internalizing, externalizing and total
behavioral domains, and standard IQ scores between the MD risk and TD groups. A one-way MANOVA
was conducted to determine if there were significant overall raw score differences on the eight
behavioral syndrome scales between MD risk and TD children. Pillai’s Trace was used as the criterion
for testing significant multivariate effects. Significant multivariate effects were followed up with one-
way univariate ANOVAs. Assumptions of the univariate t-tests were tested using the Levene’s Test for
equality of variances. Cohen’s d was calculated to determine the effect size of all main group compar-
isons, where 0.2 is considered small, 0.5 is medium and 0.8 is considered a large effect size. In order to
compare the proportion of children falling into the clinical range on the CBCL, as well as the proportion
of males in each group, Pearson’s chi square analysis was conducted. Significance level was set to
p < .05 for all analyses. All analyses were conducted using SPSS Version 20.
3. Results
Of the 258 parents who consented and enrolled their children into the study, 218 assessments were
conducted. Of these, two children were excluded due to a significant language barrier and two
children had an incomplete motor assessment, resulting in a total of 214 children included in the final
analysis. The children were 48% male and ranged in age from 3 years 8 months to 6 years 8 months,
with a mean age of 59 (SD 9.8) months. In the current sample MABC-2 scores ranged from 0.1 to
99.9 percentiles, with 37 children falling into the MD risk category. The MD risk group was over-
represented by boys (78%). There were no significant differences in overall measured intelligence or
age between the groups, however verbal intelligence was significantly lower in the MD risk group
(Table 1).
The results of the independent t-tests indicate that the MD risk group had significantly lower
percentile rankings on total language (70.5%ile vs. 81.8%ile), t(212) = 2.86, p = .006, d = 0.57 as well
Table 1
Sample characteristics.
MD risk TD v2 p
N (% male) 37 (78) 177 (42) 15.88 <.001
t(212) p
Age, mean (SD) 4 years 11 months (9 months) 4 years 11 months (10 months) .49 .63
MABC-2 %ile (SD)* 11.2 (5.0) 66.9 (25.8) 13.03 <.001
IQ composite (SD) 95.1 (13.9) 98.9 (13.5) 1.55 .12
Verbal IQ St score* 99.2 (15.9) 105.6 (15.5) 2.26 .03
Non-verbal IQ St score 91.0 (14.4) 92.2 (13.2) 0.52 .61
Significant group differences (p < .05).
S. King-Dowling et al. / Human Movement Science 39 (2015) 101–108 105
100 * * * MD risk
80 TD
Total Language AC EC
* * MD risk
Internalizing Externalizing Total Behaviour
Fig. 2. Child behavior checklist domains. t-score = total problems score. ⁄p < .05.
as the auditory comprehension (69.9%ile vs. 79.5%ile), t(212) = 2.79, p = .006, d = 0.46 and expressive
communication (67.6%ile vs. 78.7%ile), t(212) = 2.80, p = .008, d = 0.55 subscales of the PLS-4 (Fig. 1).
The results from analysis of the CBCL indicate that the MD risk group had significantly higher total
problem scores on externalizing behavior (46.2 vs. 42.7, t(212) = 2.25, p = .036, d = 0.38) and total
behavior domains (46.6 vs. 42.7, t = 1.99, p = .047, d = 0.35), but there were no significant group
differences on the internalizing subscale (47.8 vs. 45.4, t = 1.251, p = .21, d = 0.2) (Fig. 2). Only 9
children fell into the clinical range on the total behavior score, 3 (8%) in the MD Risk group and 6
(3%) in the TD group (v2 = 1.69, p = .19).
Further examination into the 8 specific CBCL syndrome scales found a significant omnibus effect,
Pillai’s Trace = 0.093, F(8, 205) = 2.641, (p = .009). Follow-up one-way univariate ANOVAs indicated
the MD risk group had significantly higher raw scores on aggression (8.2 vs. 5.8, F(1, 212) = 4.89,
p = .03, d = 0.36), withdrawn symptoms (1.78 vs. 1.06, F = 6.05, p = .02, d = 0.38) and other problems
(7.6 vs. 5.1, F = 7.52, p = .007, d = 0.44) compared with the TD group (Fig. 3).
4. Discussion
The results of this study indicate that young children with motor difficulties tend to have lower
language abilities and more emotional–behavioral problems when compared with their typically
developing peers. More specifically, children at risk for movement difficulties showed decreased audi-
tory comprehension and expressive communication scores, as well as a higher frequency of aggressive
and withdrawn behaviors. Parents of children in the MD risk group also reported higher scores on the
‘‘other behavior’’ syndrome scale, which comprises a wide variety of negative behaviors that are not
captured by the other CBCL syndrome scales (e.g., doesn’t get along with peers, afraid to try new
106 S. King-Dowling et al. / Human Movement Science 39 (2015) 101–108
* *
MD risk
Raw Score
things, doesn’t leave home, etc.). Although no overall IQ differences were noted between groups, the
MD risk group scored significantly lower, although still in the average range, on the verbal intelligence
subsection of the K-BIT. This finding provides additional support to the language results as there is
significant content overlap between verbal intelligence and auditory comprehension. Our results
are concerning because poor motor abilities tend to persist from early childhood throughout adoles-
cence (Barnett, van Beurden, Morgan, Brooks, & Beard, 2010; Cantell, Smyth, & Ahonen, 2003), and
may be associated with ongoing language, social and emotional difficulties. At the same time, it is
important to point out that while children at risk for movement difficulties have increased problems
related to language and emotional–behavioral issues, few are scoring in the clinical range on these
measures. Our results therefore suggest increased risk, rather than diagnosable problems per se.
The existing literature on DCD and externalizing behaviors in young childhood is somewhat con-
tradictory. Our study did not find higher rates of attention problems in children at risk for movement
difficulties, which is in contrast to the high co-occurrence rates of DCD and ADHD typically found in
older children (Kadesjo & Gillberg, 1999). However this may be due to the fact that many of these
children were not yet in school full time, and therefore difficulties with attention may be harder to
recognize. It also may suggest that ADHD is not inherently comorbid with DCD, and attention and
hyperactivity behavior may be a result of difficulties children with DCD face once they enter school,
both in the classroom and during unstructured and structured play with their peers (Cairney et al.,
2010). Although we did not find differences in symptoms related to inattention, our results did
indicate higher aggressive tendencies in young children with poor motor abilities, which supports
Kennedy-Behr, Rodger, and Mickan (2013) observational work with preschoolers. The MD risk group
in our study was over-represented with boys, which may explain our results as young boys tend to be
viewed as more physically and verbally aggressive (Ostrov & Keating, 2004). A similar argument can
be made for the typically high rate of co-morbidity of ADHD and DCD seen in older children: this too
may be a function of the fact that boys are over-represented in children with DCD and in externalizing
disorders such as ADHD. In our sample, the sample size of girls with movement difficulties was too
small to examine the effect of sex on the co-occurrence of MD risk and aggression. This is only the sec-
ond study to identify higher aggressive tendencies in very young children with movement difficulties,
and therefore more research into motor skill development and aggression is required. It seems plau-
sible that boys may act out physically (e.g., pushing, grabbing) in part to deal with the frustrations
associated with having both poor motor skills and the problem of expressing feelings verbally.
Language impairment in childhood has been associated with higher rates of anxiety disorders such
as social phobia as well as antisocial personality disorder in adulthood (Beitchman et al., 2001). As
DCD in middle childhood is also associated with increased risk of anxiety and depression (Cairney
et al., 2010), children with simultaneous motor and language delays, therefore, may be at much
greater risk for later development of psychiatric disorders. Although we did not find that preschool
children at risk for movement difficulties were showing higher overall internalizing behaviors at this
S. King-Dowling et al. / Human Movement Science 39 (2015) 101–108 107
early age, as they did not experience more anxious or depressive symptoms, somatic complaints or
emotional reactivity, they were experiencing more internalizing behaviors in the form of withdrawal.
The finding that children with motor delays are experiencing both increased externalizing
(aggression) and internalizing (withdrawn) behaviors is of concern as children with lower motor
abilities may be susceptible to a wide range of mental and behavioral disorders as they develop
(Fanti & Henrich, 2010). This highlights the importance for early intervention in this population.
As these data are cross-sectional, we cannot ascertain the causal relationships between motor
difficulties, language problems and behavioral symptoms i.e. whether or not aggression is caused
by combined language and motor coordination deficits. Nevertheless, as co-occurring developmental
difficulties may increase the chances of a child having long-term difficulties (Hellgren, Gillberg,
Gillberg, & Enerskog, 1993; Rasmussen & Gillberg, 2000), it will be necessary to determine whether
motor difficulties and its related emotional–behavioral symptoms are caused by a common neurode-
velopmental pathway influenced by genetic and/or environmental factors. It is hypothesized that
comorbid childhood developmental disorders may represent an underlying diffuse ‘‘atypical brain
development’’ (Kaplan, N Wilson, Dewey, & Crawford, 1998; Visser, 2003). Future longitudinal
research is needed in order to examine temporal associations between these constructs.
This is one of the first studies to look at the inter-relationships among motor coordination difficul-
ties, language and behavior in such a young age group. A major limitation of this study is that we could
not assess for DCD, in part due to the very young age range of the sample, but also because not all
criteria for full DCD diagnosis were measured (i.e. no physician evaluations or assessment of impact
on activities of daily living). Another limitation is that emotional/behavioral difficulties were only
assessed by parents, which limits the generalizability of the findings to home-based settings and
not to the classroom or other child-care arrangements. Despite these limitations, the results show that
there may be an important association between these aspects of child development that begin earlier
than previously thought.
This study was funded by Ontario’s Ministry of Child and Youth Services. Dr. Cairney is funded by
an endowed professorship in the Department of Family Medicine. The funder was not involved in
study design, data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation and/or publication decisions.
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