2059 8966 1 PB
2059 8966 1 PB
2059 8966 1 PB
1. Introduction
In the 21st-century, learning is intended to help humans have some skills,
namely 1) thinking skills, 2) work skills, 3) skills in the use of technology,
However, the use of PBL has not been optimized. The purpose of the PBL
approach still lacks in learning; although it is implemented, PBL syntaxes are
still not appropriate (Zulfaidhah, Palenewen & Hardoko, 2018). Tan Type, one
type of PBL, has 5 steps, namely, step (1) meeting the problem, step (2)
analyzing the problem and learning issues, step (3) discovery and reporting,
step (4) presenting solution and reflection, and step (5) summarizing,
integrating, and evaluating (Tan, 2003). The implementation of the PBL
approach provides positive results for students, including research results from
Aidoo, Pangaribuan and Pratiwi. In the research conducted by Aidoo, the
experimental group had a higher chemistry achievement (Aidoo, 2016) and
Pangaribuan (2016) found that students' mastery of concepts increased by
20.4%. In Pratiwi’s research, PBL was able to increase the percentage of
students which reached the minimum score on redox material by 81.25%
(Pratiwi, 2014). Viewed from the context of improving the quality of education,
PBL can be used to improve learning systems and improve the students’ ability
to solve problems (Sanjaya, 2006). Thus, learning with the PBL approach was
chosen by researchers because it was able to improve students’ performance
and understanding, help students understand problems in daily life, develop
students’ knowledge, help them to be responsible for their learning
(Wulandari, 2014).
In this research, the chosen context is the handling of tofu liquid waste because
it contains colloidal particles that can pollute the environment, such as
increasing turbidity. These problems can be solved by coagulation, which is to
coagulate colloidal particles into more extensive and deposited particles to
reduce turbidity (Ramadhani & Moesria, 2013; Septiana, 2014; Wulandari, 2014;
Sudarmo, 2017; Puspasari, 2017). These problems can be used as a context in
PBL learning and know-how they affect the mastery of students' concepts in
the concept of colloidal systems, the nature of colloids (coagulation), and the
context of tofu wastewater treatment by condensation.
2. Methods
In this study, the method used is Mixed Methods, a research method that
combines quantitative methods with qualitative methods (Creswell, 2009). The
research strategy is Concurrent Embedded with the One Group Pretest-Posttest
research design, where one selected group is measured and observed before
and after treatment (Ary, 2010).
solution, and the concept of the electrolyte solution. A description of the flow
in this study was explained as follows:
1. Preparation Stage
a. Identifying chemistry problems and chemistry learning which are quite
popular and can be solved through problem-based learning (PBL).
b. Analyzing Core Competency and Basic Competency according to
Curriculum 2013.
c. Conduct a PBL literature study.
d. Analyzing concepts, problems, and solutions to solve issues and
e. Making instructional tools (lesson plans and appendices).
f. Making an evaluation instrument that includes teacher performance
rubric, student worksheet evaluation sheet, attitude and performance
observation sheet, test items, and a validation sheet.
g. Validating learning tools and evaluation instruments, then revising if
there are improvements.
2. Implementation Stage
a. Pretest, to find out the initial abilities of students.
b. PBL treatment.
c. Posttest, to determine the learning outcomes of instructional using PBL.
3. Final Stage
a. Manging data of the pretest and posttest evaluation results in the form of
a written test.
b. Analyzing the results of research and discussion.
c. Make conclusions.
The four instruments used in this research were lesson plan evaluation format,
student worksheet evaluation format, students’ skill and attitude observation
format, and test items. The first three instruments were content validated by
chemistry education experts and the reliability test KR-20 (Kuder-Richardson-
20) was carried out on the fourth instrument with a value of 0.73 (high-
reliability category).
The lesson plan evaluation format was used to reveal the ability of chemistry
teachers in planning to learn using the PBL approach in the context of tofu
liquid waste management in high schools. The student worksheet evaluation
format was used to reveal the ability of high school students to carry out the
problem-solving stage for tofu liquid waste handling based on the PBL
instructional approach. Student attitude and performance observation sheets
were used to observe the attitudes and laboratory work skills of high school
students during PBL instruction in tofu liquid waste management. Test items
were used to reveal the basic concepts of colloid chemistry and the application
of high school students before (pre-test) and after (post-test) following PBL
learning in the treatment of tofu liquid waste.
The evaluation score for chemistry teachers and students during PBL
instruction in the management of tofu wastewater were categorized based on
the rules developed by Aqib (2009). The categories are divided into a very good
category which was given for scores ranging from 86 to 100, good category for
scores ranging from 71 to 85, average category for scores ranging from 56 to 70,
bad category for scores ranging from 41 to 55, and very bad category for scores
less than 40.
Data analysis of the pretest and posttest scores was performed with N-gain
which is used to determine the quality of student learning outcomes
improvement before and after learning. N-gain can be calculated using the
following formula:
S posttest − S pretest
N-gain = (Meltzer, 2002)
S max − S pretest
Then, the criteria for classifying N-gain results were High for N-gain ≥ 0.7;
Medium for 0.7 > N-gain ≥ 0.3; and Low for N-gain < 0.3
The learning outcomes formulation below is following the Tan type PBL syntax
where learning outcomes 1 is described from Tan type PBL step 1. Learning
outcomes 2-5 is described from step 2 while learning outcomes 6 and 7 are
described from 3. In addition, learning outcomes 8 is the elaboration of step 4,
and learning outcomes 9 is the elaboration of step 5. Besides, the cognitive
learning outcomes formulation in learning with the PBL approach must include
higher-order thinking skills. Learning outcomes on instructional are shown in
Table 2.
Learning Materials
The planning of learning materials belongs to a very good category (scored
100). This indicates that learning material has met the required criteria, such as
containing relevant prerequisite material and core material consisting of facts,
concepts, principles, and procedures (Depdikbud, No. 21, 2016). The selected
prerequisite material is following the materials needed before learning. Then,
the selected core material is following the required concepts for problem-
solving to be done.
Instructional Strategies
The planning of instructional strategies falls into the very good category
(scored 100). This indicates that the instructional strategy is following the
required criteria, such as containing models, approaches, and learning
methods. Therefore, the application of learning methods can realize the
learning process so that students can achieve learning outcomes that have been
planned (Depdikbud, No. 22, 2016). PBL steps used is a modified Tan type PBL
syntax, where the syntax is no longer only refers to the final results obtained by
students. Still, it refers to the process by students to get the final results
following the demands of the 2013 chemistry curriculum. Instructional models,
instructional approaches, and instructional methods in instructional strategies
are considered to be following the Tan type PBL learning plan.
The media used are PowerPoint Templates (PPt) of tofu liquid waste handling
and worksheets. Those learning media are easy to use and can help students to
understand the learning material. Then, the learning resources used can help
students to find and determine solutions to problems for handling tofu liquid
Instructional Steps
The planning of instructional steps formulated by chemistry teachers falls into
a good category (scored 83.2). This indicates that the instructional steps are
following the required criteria, such as student-centered, includes three
activities (introduction, core, and closing), shows the expected achievement of
LO, and the time allocated is in accordance with the LO that need to be achieved
(Depdikbud, No. 22, 2016).
After the introduction is the core activity which is carried out following the 5
steps of Tan type PBL. The description of the core activities with the Tan type
PBL step will be discussed in the following paragraphs. The core activities at
the first meeting are learning using step 1 and step 2, namely, students identify
between tofu liquid and solid waste that can be harmful to the environment.
After recognizing the problem that can emerge from the tofu wastewater,
students are guided to formulate one issue that will need a solution.
In the second meeting, students carry out learning using step 3 namely,
students design solutions to problems by determining one solution to be
employed and followed by designing experiments to solve problems with the
specified solutions.
The core activity in the fourth meeting employs step 5 namely, students present
(report), evaluate, and reflect on problem-solving. Students report the results
of attempted problem solving through a presentation, then conduct an
evaluation and reflection on the resolution that has been applied.
After the core activities are finished, it ends with the closing activity. The steps
in the closing activity are evaluating the series of learning activities along with
the results obtained, providing feedback on the learning process and results,
and informing the plans for further learning activities (Tan, 2003; Depdikbud,
No. 22, 2016).
Learning Evaluation
Planning for learning evaluation falls into the very good category (scored 100).
This indicates that the learning evaluation is following the required criteria,
such as learning evaluation carried out at the end of the learning process which
includes the evaluation of attitude, skills, and knowledge, as well as the
evaluation methods and tools used are relevant to the aspects of attitudes,
skills, and experience (Depdikbud, No. 23, 2016).
Teaching Materials
The planning of teaching materials belongs to a very good category (91.6). This
indicates that the teaching material has met the required criteria, such as self-
instructional, self-contained, stand-alone, and user-friendly. Self-instructional
means that teaching material can be useful and used by students individually
and autonomous means teaching material that is compiled contains all content
or theory of subjects grouped in one competency unit and a dissertation with
sub-competencies. While stand-alone means that the teaching material that has
been prepared can stand alone and does not need support from other teaching
materials because the teaching material already includes all required subject
matter. Last, user-friendly means that teaching material that has been prepared
is easy to use by students through simple language as well as the easy and
general term (Lestari, 2013).
Student Worksheet
Worksheet planning falls into the very good category (91.6). This indicates that
the worksheets are following the primary elements required, such as a title,
competencies or learning outcomes-oriented, supporting information (such as
articles) availability, tasks or work steps availability, and reports that must be
done (Prastowo, 2011). The spreadsheets that have been prepared refer to
learning outcomes, subject matter, and Tan PBL steps. Thus, the questions in
the spreadsheet can guide students to achieve learning outcomes following the
PBL learning stages and can help students to solve the problem of handling
tofu liquid waste (Li & Du, 2015).
Skill Evaluation
Planning for the skill evaluation falls into the very good category (scored 100).
This indicates that skill evaluation is following the required criteria, such as the
skill evaluation used to measure the achievement following competencies or
Attitude Evaluation
Attitude evaluation planning falls into the very good category (scored 100).
This indicates that the attitude evaluation is following the required criteria in
which the evaluation is in line with the formulation of learning outcomes with
the evaluation technique that is suitable for attitude evaluation (Ditjenpendas,
2015). Attitudes that are expected to arise are creative, critical, cooperative,
tolerance, and communicative attitudes which are also skills that students
must-have in the 21st century (Griffin & Care, 2015). Thus, learning with the
PBL approach can help students to hone these attitudes.
Based on Table 3, groups 1 and 6 scored 83.3 in the good category, groups 2, 3,
4, and 5 scored 91.7 with a very good category. The average score of students
in the step of identifying problems is 88.9, meaning that students can identify
problems very well. Therefore, it can be stated that the performance of students
in the step of identifying problems is classified as very good.
Table 4 below shows the average grade of students in step 2: analyzing and
formulating problems.
Group Score
1 75
2 75
3 75
4 75
5 100
6 75
Average score/standard 79.2/10.2
Group Score
1 84.8
2 97
3 88
4 91
5 91
6 97
Average/standard deviation 91.5/4.9
Based on Table 4, group 1 scored 84.8 with the good category. Group 3 scored
88 with a very good grade, groups 4 and 5 scored 91 with the very good
category, while groups 2 and 6 scored 97 with the very good grade. The average
score of the group in the step of designing problem solutions is 91.5, meaning
that students can create problem solutions very well. So it can be concluded
that the students’ performance in the design step of problem solutions is
classified as very good.
In this step, students are asked to answer six items, the answers to which are
poured into LKS-3. In the first item, students are asked to make a table of test
results, in items number 2-4, students are asked to explain the material and
ways used to solve problems. In contrast, items number 5 and 6 ask students to
explain the working principle of the method used for problem-solving.
2 Group 2
Authentic Students’ Answers
3 Group 1
4 Group 6
5 Group 5
6 Group 4
Table 7 below summarizes the answers of each group to each of the items in the
student worksheet-3 (LKS-3)
Based on Table 7, each group discusses their findings, then writes the results of
the test in tabular form. The maximum score for item number 1 is 4, with four
keywords of “turbid”, “no precipitation”, “turbidity level decreases”, and
“white precipitation”. All groups answered correctly and obtained a score of 4
by mentioning the four expected keywords.
Just like the answer given to item 1, all groups gave the same answer to item 2,
that the chemical used to handle tofu liquid waste was tamarind seed powder.
The maximum score for item number 2 is 1, with one keyword, namely
tamarind seed powder. It turns out that all answers in each group are correct.
Likewise, all groups give the same answer to item 3, where the chemical
terminology given to tamarind seed powder is called "coagulant", the material
“functions to coagulate or precipitate colloids in tofu wastewater”. The
maximum score for item number 3 is 3, with three keywords, namely
Coagulant: its function is to thicken the colloids particle in tofu liquid waste.
It turns out that all answers in each group are correct.
Three types of answers are given to item 5, in which group 1 answers, “when
the negative charge from colloids mixes with the positive charge from the
electrolyte, a precipitation reaction occurs”. The answer from groups 2, 3, 5,
and 6 is that when colloids are mixed into the electrolyte, the negative charge
of the colloid will be bound by the positive ion charge of the electrolyte so that
the charge becomes neutral and causes deposition (coagulation). The answer of
group 4 stated that the meeting of the negative charge from the colloid and the
positive charge from the electrolyte makes the charge neutral and precipitation
occur. The maximum score for item number 5 is 6, with six keywords, namely
“The working principle used is coagulation in the presence of electrolytes,
that is if negatively charged colloids are mixed with an electrolyte solution,
then the positive ions from the electrolyte solution will be attracted by
negatively charged colloids, so the charge becomes neutral and causes
coagulation or settles.” Based on these criteria, groups 1 and 4 get a score of 4
because they can express four principles, while groups 2, 3, 5, and 6 get a score
of 5 because they can learn the 5 required criteria.
Four types of answers are given to item 6. The answer of group 1 is stated as
Negatively charged colloids mixed with positive electrolytes Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+
produce a precipitating reaction:
2OH-(aq) + Ca2+(aq) + H2O(Ɩ) → Ca (OH)2(s) + H2O(Ɩ)
2OH-(aq) + Mg2+(aq) + H2O(Ɩ) → Mg(OH)2(s) + H2O(Ɩ)
3OH-(aq) + Fe3+(aq) + H2O(Ɩ) → Fe(OH)3(s) + H2O(Ɩ)
The maximum score for item number 6 is 8, with eight keywords as follows:
In the tamarind seeds contained metal ions Ca 2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+,
and tofu liquid waste are negatively charged colloid.
Negative colloids from tofu liquid waste will attract positive
ions from the tamarind seed solution so that the charge will
become neutral and form large lumps and then settle. The
equation for the reaction that occurs between Ca 2+, Mg2+, and Fe3+
ions, and OH- ions from negative colloids from tofu wastewater is
as follows:
2OH-(aq) + Ca2+(aq) + H2O(Ɩ) → Ca (OH)2(s) + H2O(Ɩ)
2OH-(aq) + Mg2+(aq) + H2O(Ɩ) → Mg(OH)2(s) + H2O(Ɩ)
3OH-(aq) + Fe3+(aq) + H2O(Ɩ) → Fe(OH)3(s) + H2O(Ɩ)
Based on these criteria, group 1 gets a score of 6, groups 2, 4, and 5 get a score
of 8, group 3 gets a score of 8, while group 6 gets a score of 4.
Group Score
1 80.8
2 92.3
3 92.3
4 88.5
5 92.3
6 77
Average score/standard deviation 87.2/6.7
Based on table 9, groups 1 and 6 scored 70.7 with sufficient category, group 5
scored 75.6 with good category, group 3 scored 80.5 with good category, groups
4 and 5 scored 83 and 85.4 respectively with a good category. The average score
of the group in the step of presenting (reporting), evaluating, and reflecting a
problem solution is 77.7, meaning that students do well in this category. So it
can be concluded that the students’ performance in the step of presenting
(reporting), evaluating, and reflecting on problem-solving classified as useful.
The following Table 10 shows the average score obtained by students in each
learning step with the Tan type PBL approach.
Table 10: Students’ Score in Step 1 - Step 5 Tan Type PBL Approach
Step Score
1 88.9
2 79.1
3 91.5
4 87.2
5 77.7
Average score/standard deviation 84.9/6.1
Table 10 shows the average score of students’ performance in each learning step
with Tan type PBL is 84.9 which belongs to a good category. So that students’
performance in implementing the PBL approach in learning with the context of
tofu wastewater treatment can be classified in the good category.
Figure 1 below shows the results of the pretest regarding the context of tofu
wastewater treatment.
Pretest Value
Student Code
Figure 1: Students’ Pretest Score in the Context of Tofu Liquid Waste Management
Students’ pretest learning outcomes are still classified as a low category
because there are still many who have not yet reached the minimum score of
75. The average students’ pretest score in the context of tofu liquid waste
After the pretest, students are given treatment by giving knowledge about how
to handle tofu liquid waste using Tan's PBL approach. Instruction is carried out
four times, in the last meeting, posttest was held to find out students’ learning
outcomes in the context of tofu liquid waste handling with Tan type PBL
approach. Figure 2 below shows a graph of students' post-test scores.
Posttest Value
Student Code
Based on the test results obtained, the average score of N-gain of the students’
learning outcomes is 0.67, and there is an increase in students’ learning
outcomes between pretest and posttest with the medium category. Thus, it can
be concluded that learning with the Tan type problem-based learning (PBL)
approach can improve students’ cognitive learning outcomes. Therefore, the
quality of understanding of the chemical concepts in PBL can be achieved well
when the teacher functions as a facilitator (Isa et al., 2015; Li & Chen, 2018).
Table 12 shows the average score of attitude for each group of students.
Based on Table 12, groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 scored 75 with good category, while
groups 5 and 6 scored 100 with a very good category. This means that groups
1, 2, 3, and 4 have been able to think creatively to find and elaborate the
negative impacts of solid and tofu liquid waste. Besides, they are able to find
solutions to problems related to the context of handling tofu liquid waste and
wastewater treatment. However, the group has not been able to find the idea
In the critical attitude evaluation, all groups received a score of 100 with a very
good category. Meaning that all groups were able to think critically to
determine which waste is dangerous and would be dealt with and resolved
(between liquid waste and solid waste). Besides, they were also able to find one
formulation of the problem related to the context of tofu liquid waste
management. Finally, they can compare some of the predicted problem
solutions that can be used for tofu liquid waste treatment and determine a fluid
tofu waste management solution that is suitable for problem-solving.
In the evaluation of cooperation attitude, all groups received a score of 100 with
a very good category. Meaning that all groups were able to work together to be
actively involved in designing a trial for tofu wastewater treatment. In
addition, they can also look for ways to overcome differences of opinion in
designing a trial for tofu wastewater treatment and were actively engaged in
conducting experiments in handling tofu liquid waste. Finally, they were able
to conduct experimental tasks in handling tofu liquid waste following the
agreements made.
In the evaluation of tolerance, all groups received a score of 100 with a very
good category. Meaning that all groups were able to tolerate each other among
fellow students in the group or with other groups. Students can listen to group
peers' opinions without interrupting when giving ideas about the design of the
experiment. They can accept the views of groupmates, value inappropriate
opinions from group friends, and take criticism of their ideas when designing
experiments on liquid waste treatment tofu.
Based on Table 13, group 1 scored 91.7 with a very good grade, meaning that
group 1 has fulfilled the indicators of skills aspects very well. Even so, group 1
did not do the stirring as they should, not optimal when washing tools and
cleaning the laboratory table. Group 1 presented the results of the experiment
following the format, quite actively involved in the discussion, and polite when
giving the results of the analysis.
Group 2 scored 93.8 with a very good category, meaning group 2 has fulfilled
the skill aspect indicators very well. Even so, group 2 was not optimal when
washing tools and cleaning laboratory tables. Then, group 2 presented the
results of the experiment following the format, quite actively involved in the
discussion, and polite when giving the results of the analysis.
Group 3 scored 95.8 with a very good category, meaning group 3 has fulfilled
the skill aspect indicators very well. Even so, group 3 did not measure aqua
distillation using a measuring cup carefully. Then, group 3 presented the
results of the experiment according to the format, quite actively involved in the
discussion, and polite when giving the results of the analysis.
Group 4 scored 93.8 with a very good category, meaning group 4 has met the
skill aspect indicator very well. Even so, group 4 did not do the stirring as they
should and was not optimal when washing the appliance. Then, group 4
presented the results of the experiment according to the format, quite actively
involved in the discussion, and polite when giving the results of the analysis.
Group 5 scored 91.7 with a very good category, meaning that group 5 has
fulfilled the skill aspect indicators very well. Even so, group 5 did not take
measurements of the aqua distillation using a measuring cup carefully, did not
separate the solids of tamarind seed powder, which did not dissolve with
teabag paper correctly and was not optimal when cleaning the laboratory table.
Then, group 5 presented the results of the experiment following the format,
quite actively involved in the discussion and polite when giving the results of
the analysis.
Group 6 scored 89.6 with a very good category, meaning that group 6 has
fulfilled the skill aspect indicators very well. Even so, group 6 did not take
measurements of the aqua distillation using a measuring cup carefully, did not
do the stirring as they should, and was not optimal when cleaning the
laboratory table. Then, group 6 presented the results of the experiment
according to the format, and was polite when giving the results of the test, but
was less active in the discussion activities.
The average score of students in the element of skills is 92.7 which means that
students’ learning outcomes on the aspect of skills when conducting
experiments and presenting the results of operations on tofu wastewater
treatment with Tan type PBL approach belongs to the very good category.
Thus, the equipment of chemical analysis is becoming more modern, so the
involvement of technology in learning chemistry must be a concern to be
integrated so that instructional becomes engaging (JrCrews, 2017).
4. Conclusion
This research developed problem-based learning by taking the context of tofu
wastewater treatment. This mixed methods research explored how the quality
of the planning of problem-based learning, students’ performance in
implementing steps of problem-based learning, and the effect of problem-
based learning on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning outcomes.
The results of this study and their discussion show that problem-based learning
in the context of tofu wastewater treatment can improve the quality of
processes and students’ learning outcomes in chemistry subjects. This research
proved that the learning outcomes of students’ cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor aspects can be improved through problem-solving activities that
are close to students' daily lives. In this study, problem-based learning in the
context of tofu wastewater treatment applied the concept of chemistry essence
about colloids. In contrast to chemistry instruction in general, problem-based
learning requires students to simultaneously master the basic concepts of
colloids and at the same time apply them in solving the problem of handling
tofu liquid waste. In planning this problem-based learning, teachers and
students trace information on handling tofu wastewater that is feasible in the
industry. To obtain the feasibility of work procedures on an instruction scale,
the teacher performs an optimization test in the laboratory. By conducting
optimization tests in the laboratory, there are still difficulties for most teachers
in schools, given the lack of cultural attitude and scientific culture as well as
the limited availability of chemistry laboratory facilities in schools. From the
time allocation used, this problem-based learning in handling tofu wastewater
requires 4 meetings (2 x 45 minutes each). The amount of time allocation is quite
a lot to study the overall colloidal material in which the curriculum is only 6
meetings. Thus, problem-based learning by taking the context of tofu
wastewater treatment will be difficult to be implemented by teachers in
general. This happens because the teacher will find it difficult to manage the
time for students to learn all the colloidal material. Therefore, further research
is needed so that problem-based learning by taking the context of tofu
wastewater treatment can be carried out in a shorter time allocation while still
providing the same quality of learning processes and outcomes.
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1. The tofu making process may produce solid waste and liquid waste which
have a negative impact on the environment. Solid waste can pollute the soil,
where the soil gets dirty and creates an unpleasant odor. While tofu liquid
waste is usually discharged directly into the river so that it pollutes the river,
such as increasing water turbidity, increasing contamination of viruses and
bacteria, reducing the level of dissolved oxygen in the water, and affecting
the water ecosystem.
Based on the above reading, the waste with a higher negative impact on the
environment is ....
A. tofu solid waste because it can pollute the soil, increase virus and
bacterial contaminants, and cause unpleasant odors
B. tofu solid waste because it can pollute the soil, reduce oxygen levels in
the air, and cause unpleasant odors
C. tofu liquid waste because it can reduce water turbidity, reduce oxygen
levels in the air, and cause unpleasant odors
D. tofu liquid waste because it can increase turbidity, increase
contamination of viruses and bacteria, and reduce levels of dissolved
oxygen in the water
E. both tofu wastes have the same level of pollution
The tofu making process will produce several types of waste, based on your
analysis, waste that has more potential to pollute the environment is ...
A. soybean skin from winnowing soy
B. soybean wash water
C. soaking water from soybean
D. tofu pulp from filtering soybean porridge
E. water from coagulating soybean juice
3. A student tries to analyze tofu liquid waste. The waste has turbid physical
characteristics, turbidity can occur due to the presence of colloidal particles
in the tofu liquid waste. This liquid waste is usually directly discharged into
water such as rivers without prior handling so that it can pollute the river.
The most appropriate formulation of the problem if you want to research
tofu liquid waste so as not to pollute the river is ...
A. What will happen to humans if they consume river water that is
contaminated with tofu liquid waste?
B. What are the physical characteristics of river water that has been polluted
by tofu liquid waste?
C. How do you deal with the turbidity of tofu liquid waste due to the
presence of colloidal particles in tofu liquid waste?
D. Why does tofu liquid waste contain colloid particles?
E. How to recognize the characteristics of colloidal particles present in tofu
liquid waste and other wastes?
4. Tofu liquid waste contains colloidal particles which can cause turbidity so it
must be handled first before being discharged into water. The way to
handle tofu liquid waste through the coagulation process is ....
A. filtering colloidal particles
B. enlarging the size of colloidal particles
C. absorbing charge by the surface of colloidal particles
D. maintaining colloidal stability
E. absorbing static electricity charges by colloidal particles
5. One way to handle tofu liquid waste is to add alum. The purpose of adding
alum is to ...
A. eliminate odor in tofu liquid waste
B. make the temperature of tofu liquid waste become room temperature
C. kill bacteria in tofu liquid waste
D. coagulate colloidal particles in tofu liquid waste
E. make tofu liquid waste immediately drinkable
7. Following are the steps for handling tofu liquid waste with tamarind:
1) Put 50 mL of tofu liquid waste into a 100 mL beaker.
2) Mix the mixture of tofu liquid waste and tamarind seed powder using a
magnetic stirrer for 1 minute (500 rpm) or 2 minutes (100 rpm).
3) Put the tamarind seed solution into a beaker containing tofu liquid
4) Weigh the 500 mg tamarind seed powder and add 20 mL of distilled
The correct arrangement for handling tofu liquid waste with tamarind is ...
A. 1-2-3-4
B. 1-3-2-4
C. 1-3-2-4
D. 1-4-2-3
E. 1-4-3-2
Based on the table, the most effective coagulants and their content are ...