Clariant Brochure Methanol Synthesis 201711 EN
Clariant Brochure Methanol Synthesis 201711 EN
Clariant Brochure Methanol Synthesis 201711 EN
Catalysts for
Methanol Synthesis
Clariant is a globally active specialty chemicals company, based in Muttenz,
We are committed to R&D and customer service to ensure that our products are
well positioned to meet the global challenges of raw material scarcity, energy
efficiency and responsible care for our environment.
The Heufeld site has
both catalyst produc-
tion and R&D.
Catalysts for
Methanol Synthesis
Reactions Processes
MegaMax® 800 catalyst is the next generation of methanol synthe- Historically, methanol was produced at very high pressure – more
sis catalyst, with much higher activity and selectivity than previ- than 300 bar. Catalyst development during the late 1960’s and early
ous catalysts. This catalyst is utilized for methanol synthesis from 1970’s enabled the process to be carried out at much lower pres-
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. sures, from 40 to 100 bar (low pressure methanol process).
CO + 2H2 ↔ CH3OH ∆HR = -91 kJ/mol Today, industrial scale methanol synthesis is conducted either in
CO2 + 3H2 ↔ CH3OH + H2O ∆HR = -49 kJ/mol isothermal or in adiabatic converters utilizing indirect or direct
cooling. The main advantages of the low pressure process are:
Both methanol forming reactions are inter-connected with the · Lower investment and production costs
water gas shift reaction: · Improved operational reliability and
· Much greater flexibility in the plant size
CO + H2O ↔ CO2 + H2 ∆HR = -42 kJ/mol
Older plant capacities ranged from 150 to 1,000 mtpd, while most
The above equilibrium reactions are exothermic, so low reaction modern plants have an average production capacity of 2,000 to
temperatures and high reaction pressures favor methanol yield. 2,700 mtpd. Lurgi introduced MegaMethanol® plants in recent
Figure 1 shows an equilibrium curve for methanol as a function of years, offering production capacities of 5,000 mtpd and higher in
temperature and pressure. a single train. And its latest development, GigaMethanol®, enables
production of up to 10,000 mtpd and is based on the high activity of
MegaMax 800.
The hydrocarbon feedstocks used to produce methanol are:
· Natural Gas
· Naphtha
· Residual Oils
· Coal, and
· Off-Gases.
FIGURE 1 Methanol
Equilibrium Chart
FIGURE 2 Flow sheet of
the Methanol Synthesis
Process Design
30.0 Cooler
Steam Drum
Interchanger BFW
HP Steam
Recycle Gas
15.0 Compressor
LP Steam
Sea Water
100 150 200 250 300 350
Temperature [°C] Purge Gas Crude Methanol Blow Down
Catalysts for
Methanol Synthesis
Performance MegaMax 800 boosts productivity of older units and delivers the
Clariant has studied Cu/Zn/Al chemistry in catalytic processes performance that you have come to expect from MegaMax prod-
for many years, with internal R&D programs and with external ucts, including:
universities. The first result of these collaborative activities was · High activity,
MegaMax 700, which offered improved activity, selectivity and · High physical strength,
poison resistance over previous catalysts. MegaMax 800 is the · High selectivity,
next generation methanol synthesis catalyst, proving even higher · Low temperature activity,
activity than previous generations and alternative catalysts on the · Low pressure drop,
markets. · Poison tolerance, and
· Longevity.
MegaMax 800 builds on our wealth of experience in the methanol
and syngas markets. This catalyst offers the flexibility to run in The typical operating conditions for methanol production using
large and small production units, and with a variety of production MegaMax 800 are:
technologies. Temperature: 190 - 315 °C, and
Pressure: 20 - 125 bar g.
FIGURE 3 Activity
Comparison MegaMax
Series Catalysts
FIGURE 4 Predicted
Performance of
MegaMax 800
The extremely high activity and productivity of the MegaMax MegaMax® 800
Series catalysts allows new methanol plant designs, such as a
MegaMethanol® plant (Lurgi), to operate using lower catalyst Benchmark
Because of its high stability, MegaMax 800 will maintain its high
activity level for a lifespan as long as five years, with an expected
cumulative methanol production of 45,000 metric tons per cubic
meter of catalyst (Figure 4).
Catalysts for
Methanol Synthesis
The process conditions that influence selectivity are:
· Reaction temperature,
· CO2 concentration at reactor inlet,
· Operating pressure, and
· H2 /CO ratio in make-up gas.
By far the most important factors are temperature and CO2 concen-
tration inlet the reactor. An increase in reaction temperature leads
to a significant increase of by-product formation, but high CO2 con-
centrations in the feed significantly reduce the by-product forma-
tion. Additionally, catalyst formulation also influences by-product
Mechanical Stability
The physical and mechanical properties of methanol synthesis cat-
alysts have a significant impact on performance and longevity. The
catalyst must be physically strong enough to withstand the abuse
of the initial loading procedure, routine operation and potential
process upsets. A mechanical breakdown of the catalyst pellet could
result in an unacceptably high pressure drop and/or gas channel-
ing, leading to a decreased methanol formation rate and ultimately
the need for premature replacement.
The extremely high crush strength of the catalyst in the oxide form
allows easy handling, transportation and loading. Screening or siev- FIGURE 5 Side Crush
ing the catalyst prior to loading is usually not necessary. Strength of
MegaMax 800
The MegaMax 800 catalyst is shipped in the oxide state and is easy 100
to commission. For details please refer to the Operating Manual for 80
MegaMax 800. Additionally, the Catalysts business is always pre- MegaMax® 800
pared to provide a technical expert to review procedures and assist
MegaMax® 700
with start up, and a self-contained hydrogen analyzer is available 40
for tight control of reduction conditions. Our service will help to 20 Benchmark
Catalysts for
Methanol Synthesis
Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) The lowest specific makeup gas consumption is obtained with the
Most of the worlds methanol production is based on synthesis gas optimum SN = 2.05, and the lowest inert level in the synthesis gas,
generated from steam reforming of either natural gas (Table 2) i.e. using gasification gas (Table 4). The highest specific makeup
or naphtha. Depending on the reforming process, there is a wide gas consumption usually results in the case of steam reforming of
variety of makeup gas compositions with varying stoichiometric natural gas without CO2 addition. Such a synthesis gas is hydrogen
numbers. CO2 can be added to adjust the SN of a steam reforming rich with SN close to 3.0, which is quite high for efficient methanol
process gas. The addition of CO2 decreases the by-product forma- production.
tion across the catalyst and the amount of make-up gas needed per
ton of production due to a better stoichiometric number. The make-
up gas produced by the Lurgi combined reforming process (tubular
steam methane reformer combined with oxygen blown autothermal
reformer) results directly in the optimum SN of 2.05. Typical syn-
thesis gas compositions from steam reforming are shown in Table 3.
CO 14.2 14.6 20.6
CO2 8.5 12.7 8.5
H2 72.7 70.6 70.6
CH4 4.3 1.9 2.2
N2 + Ar 0.3 0.2 0.2
Stoichiometric 2.8 2.1 2.05
CO 29.0 10.6
CO2 2.4 3.5
H2 69.9 73.0
TABLE 2 Typical CH4 0.3 5.0
Compositions of
Synthesis Gas from N2 + Ar 0.4 7.9
Steam Reforming Stoichiometric Number 2.15 4.93
TABLE 3 Typical
Compositions of SPECIFIC MAKEUP GAS CONSUMPTION [kmole/mt]
Partial Oxidation Gas
Gasification (residual oil) 95 - 105
Combined Reforming 110 - 120
TABLE 4 Specific
Makeup Gas Consump- Steam Reforming with CO2 Addition 120 - 130
tion for different
Synthesis Gas Processes Steam Reforming without CO2 Addition 140 - 150
Catalysts for
Methanol Synthesis
Reactor Designs
Methanol synthesis reactors feature adiabatic multi-bed quench or
indirect cooled converters, isothermal steam raising tubular reac-
tors and tube (gas) cooled designs. MegaMax catalyst can be used
in all of these reactor types.
Isothermal Reactor
There are five different types of isothermal reactor designs:
1. LURGI tubular steam raising reactor with the catalyst in the
tubes and boiling water on the shell side. The heat of reaction is
utilized to produce process steam. (Figure 6)
2. Casale isothermal methanol converter that is either gas-cooled
or steam-raising.
3. TOYO MRF-Z steam raising reactor with radial process gas flow
4. LINDE steam raising spiral reactor with the catalyst on the shell
side and steam produced inside the coils, which are built in spi-
rals through the catalyst bed.
5. ICI tube cooled converter with the catalyst on the shell side and
straight cooling tubes inside the catalyst bed.
Adiabatic Reactor
FIGURE 6 Lurgi
There are two different types of adiabatic reactor designs: Isothermal Reactor
1. multi-bed quench (direct cooling) in Iozenge (Figure 7), ARC or
CMD design, and FIGURE 7 ICI lozenge
2. multi-bed with inter-stage heat exchange (indirect cooling). reactor
Operational Parameters IMPURITIES [ppm wt.]
In commercial plants, there is normally a fixed feedstock, makeup
Ethanol 121
gas composition and loop design. With all designs, the general rule
Total Higher Alcohols 342
is to always operate the methanol synthesis catalyst with the lowest
reaction temperature possible, while maintaining the desired meth- Acetone 1
In principle, the by-products formed during methanol synthesis
are compounds such as higher alcohols, esters, ethers and ketones.
Ketones and acetone are critical by-products in terms of achieving
Grade AA methanol product.
Catalysts for
Methanol Synthesis
Sales and Technical Services
The Catalysts business offers its customers complete service
regarding to the use of any of the catalysts it supplies. This service
begins with supplying process information to the engineering
contractor or the customer during the initial stages of design and
construction of a plant; continues through start-up services when
the plant is placed online; and subsequent follow-up service to
assist the customer in maintaining optimum operating performance
of the catalysts. This service is available to the customer throughout
the life of the catalyst.
Rothausstrasse 61
4132 Muttenz
[email protected]
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handling or storing Clariant products, are available upon request and are provided in compliance with
applicable law. You should obtain and review the applicable Material Safety Data Sheet information before
handling any of these products. For additional information, please contact Clariant.
* For sales to customers located within the United States and Canada the following applies in addition