Report Writing About An Event

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IGCSE ESL Exercise 6 How to write a report about an event

helps you to write this text style with the appropriate content
and language to gain a high mark in this part of the IGCSE.

Event Report

Your class recently went to a career’s talk at your school. Your

teacher has asked your to write about how it helped you to
and explain how you might use the information you gained in
the future.

Here are some comments from your classmates about the


• I was given helpful information about starting a business.

• I did not get much from the talk that I attended.
Your report should be between 150 and 200 words long.
How to write a report about an event
A report needs to have facts
first, followed by a conclusion.
The style is formal as you are writing to a teacher.

1 TITLE Begin by writing the title of the report and underlining it.
Careeer’s Talk Report
Include facts such as the time, location and
people involved and what activity was involved. START THE INTRODUCTION 2
The recent hour-long career’s talk that was held at our school provided
me with helpful information about how to run a small business.

3 MORE INFORMATION Here we continue to present information in a clear,

factual way.
As we had a choice of three speakers, I decided to choose
Mr Hill, the CEO of a large engineering company.
Cover the main aims of the report. Mention how helpful the talk was. REPORT BODY 4
Mr Hill’s talk was very interesting, as I could relate to how he came about
forming his company. Like me, he wanted to run a business at an early age.
5 MORE INFORMATION Here we are commenting on the speakers
message. This links to the next paragraph.
Surprisingly, he wanted to get experience by working weekends in businesses in his
local area before starting his own.
Explain the helpful suggestions the speaker has made. Next Paragraph 6
Mr Hill also explained what he looks for when he recruits new staff. He usually
chooses school leavers who are enthusiastic and willing to learn as well as ones
who have some work experience

7 SUPPORTING SENTENCE Here we use this sentence to link to the conclusion

of this report.
According to Mr Hill, he believes that it is important for students to take on a
part-time job before looking for full-time employment.

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