My Beautiful
My Beautiful
My Beautiful
I hesitated a lot to write this article, but when I later realized it was the best
way to appreciate your efforts.
As you know that during distance learning, we cannot express what is in our
hearts towards you because in the past it was a valuable gift or a certificate
in front of the public that meant a lot to my student, but now I am confused
a lot What can I do?
I thought a lot and realized afterwards that the reward is the type of work.
During this semester, I have always asked you to write a descriptive essay.
And you did. Then I wondered why I didn't do it, but in another way, let it be
a descriptive essay about you only.
At the end , May Allah Bless You all .. thank God to have the great
opportunity to be their teacher ..Probably for the last time teaching
third grade class.
T. Budoor Al Harbi