Reshuffling Test Paper 1 With Answer Key

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CPT-1 CODE: 100648.1
Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 183
Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose:
" Youare not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the end of the test.

Caution: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR
sheet before attempting the paper. Wrong CODE or no CODE will give wrong results.
A. General Instructions
1. Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets.
2. This question paper contains Three Parts.
3. SETION-I is Physics, SECTION-Il is Chemistry and SECTION-Ilis Mathematics.
4. Each part is further divided into two parts: Part -A&C
5. Rough spaces are provided for, rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be provided
for rough work.
6. Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices,
· in any fom, are not allowed.
B. Fillingof OMR Sheet
.1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start
marking your answers on OMR
2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with HBpencil for each
and write in ink your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated character
of your Enrolment No.
3, OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals &special characters for
marking answers.
C. Marking Scheme For All TwoParts.
(i) Part-A (01 - 07) contains 07 multiple choice questions which have
Each question will be evaluated according to the following marking one or more than one correct answer.
Full Marks scheme.
: +4 lIf only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three
options are
Partial Marks +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options chosen;
are chosen and both of
which are çorrect;
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are corect but
Zero Marks ONLY one option is chosen and it is a Correct option;
0 If none of the options chosen (i.e. the
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases. question is unanswered);
Part-A (08 - 13) contains 06 Multiple Choice Questions
question will be evaluated according to the following marking whichscheme.
have Only One Correct answer. Each
Full Marks +3 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen;
Zero Marks If none of the options chosen (i.e.
the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : 1 In all other cases.
(ii) Part-C (01- 05) contains 05 Numerical based
to 9 (both inclusive) and each question questions with single digit integer as answer, ranging from 0
carries +3 marks for correct answer and Omark for wrong answer.
Name of the Candidate :

Batch Date of Examination:

Enrolment Number :
PART -A: (MultiCorrect Answer Type)

This section contains 07 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.
In the figure, a wave pulse is moving on a string towards a
loosely bound end and there is no loss of energy on reflection.
A touch Screen cell phone is kept parallel to
X-axis. Cell phone is at a distance 'a' from the origin. For what 2cmi

value of 'a' will the cell phone screen get activated.

(A) 3 (B) 5.5
(C)3.5 (D)5
2. When a wave is reflected from a fixed end, then
(A) frequency of wave remains constant (B) velocity of wave remains constant
(C) speed of wave remains constant (D) velocity of wav is not constant

3. dy
The motion of a body depends on time acoording to the equation dt =6.0- 3v, where vis speed in
m/s and t is time in second. If the body was at rest at t = 0 which of the following statements is
(A) The speed of the body appròaches 2 m/s after long time
(B) The speed varies linearly with time
(C) The acceleration remains constant
(D) The initial acceleration is zero
Asolid floats in a liquid is in partially dipped position. (neglect the atmospheric pressure)
(A) The solid exertsaforce equalto its weight on the liquid
(B) The solid does not exert any force on the liquid
(C) The solid exerts a force equal to buoyancy force on the liquid
(D) The liquid exetsa force of buoyancy onthe solid which is equal to the weight of solid
Space for rough work
5. Four waves of the equation given by
y1= 5Asin (wt- Kx + r/2)
y2 = 2A sin (wt -Kx + 3r/2)
ys =6A sin (wt- Kx)
and ya =2Asin (wt- Kx + )
(A) The resulted wave will have amplitude 5A.
(B) It willmake a phase difference of 37° with y3
(C) Its equation will be y = 5A sin (wt + 37°).
(D) lts equation will be y = 5A sin (wt- Kx + 37°).
fully immersed in abeaker filled with two immiscible liquids of
6. A cylindrical block of density d stays with half of it in liquid 1 and the other half in
differentdensities d, and da. The block is in eguilibrium displacement downwards and released, then
liquid 2 as shown in the figure. If the block is given a
neglecting frictional loses.
(A) it eXecutes simple harmonic motion
(B) its motion is periodic but not simple harmonic
independent of the size of the cylinder
(C) the frequency of oscillation is
cylinder is symmetric about its
(D) the displacement of the centre of the
equilibrium position
executing SHM with amplitude A, time period T, maximum velocity Vmay and initial
7. For a body statements are correct?
zero, which of the following (B) V= max/2 fory> A/2
(A) At y = AA2, v > Vmax2 (D) At y= A2, t<T/8.
(C) Att= T/8, y > A/2
Space for rough work
PART - A: (Multi Correct Answer Type)

This section contains 07 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)ouf
of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.
1. In the figure, a wave pulse is moving on a string towards a Y
loosely bound end and there is no loss of energy on reflection.,
A touch Screen cell phone is kept parallel to
X-axis. Cell phone is at a distance 'a' from the origin. For what
value of 'a' will the cellphone screen get activated.
(B) 5.5
(C) 3.5 (D) 5
2. When a wave is reflected from afixed end, then
(A) frequency of wave remains constant (B) velocity of wave remains constant
(C) speed of wave remains constant (D) velocity of wav is not constant

3. The motion of a body depends on time according to the. equation = 6.0- 3v, where v is speed in
m/s and t is time in second. If the body was at rest at t = 0 which of the following statements is
(A) The speed of the body approaches 2 m/s after long time
(B) The speed varies linearly with time
(C) The acceleration remains constant
(D) The initial acceleration is zero
4. A
solid floats in a liquid is in partially dipped position. (neglect the atmospheric pressure)
(A) The solid exerts a force equal to its weight on the liquid
(B) The solid does not exert any force on the liquid
(c) The solid exerts a force equal to buoyancy force on the liquid
(D) The liquid exerts a force of buoyancy on the solid which is equal to the weight of solid
Space for rough work
5. Four waves of the equation given by
y =5A sin (wt- Kx + n/2)
y2 = 2A sin (wt - Kx + 3r/2)
ys = 6A sin (wt- Kx)
and y4 =2A sin (wt- Kx + n)
(A) The resulted wave will have amplitude 5A.
(B) It willmake a phase difference of 37° with ys.
(C) Its equation will be y = 5A sin (wt + 37°).
(D) Its equation willbe y = 5A sin (wt- Kx + 37°).
in a beaker filled with twO immiscible liquids of
6. Acylindrical block of density d stays fully immersed in liquid 1and the other half in
different densities d, and dz. The block is in equilibrium with half of it
displacement downwards and released, then
iquid 2as shown in the figure. If the block is given a
neglecting frictional loses,
(A) it executes simple harmonic motion
(B) its motion is periodic but not simple harmonic cylinder
(C) the frequency of oscillation is independent of the size of theabout its
(D) the displacement of the centre of the cylinder is symmetric
equilibrium position
and initial phase
7. For a body executing SHM with amplitude A, time period T, maximum velocity Vmax
zero, which of the following statements are correct?
(A) At y = A2, v > vmax2 (B) V= max/2 fory> A/2
(C) Att= T/8, y > A2 (D) Aty = A2, t < T/8.
Space for rough work
PART- A: (Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 06 multiple choice questions. Each questionhas four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONL Y ONE Is correct.

8. Adisc of radius 50cm is projected from the ground with its plane vertical, such that the velocities of
the topmost point (A) and lowest point (B) are:
V, = 20i+10j m/s
V, =10i+10j m/s
at the instant of projection. Here, iand j are unit vectors in the plane of the disc, along the horizontal
vertically upward directions respectively. The range of the centre of mass of the disc is : (take g=
(A) 10 m (B) 20 m
(C) 30 m (D) 40 m

9 In an artificial mediumn, air pressure and volume are related as P = K where K is a constant.
Considering air as an ideal gas of density p, then the speed of sound in air is
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
10. A
small ball of mass 'm' is suspended from inextensible massless string
of length. At certain instant of time the velocity of point C is Vo (in
leftward direction) and of ball D is 2vo (in rightward direction). The
tension in the string at this instant of time is

. D

(A) mg+ 4mv& (B) mg


mv& (D) mg +
(C) mg+
Space for rough work
11. An ideal diatomic gas is taken through a process AB as shownin P
the P-V diagram. The molar heat capacity of the gas in thnis B
process will be : 2Po

Vo 2Vo V

(A) 3R (B) 4R
9R R
(C) 2 (D) 2

12. When a football is kicked in air, the force by the foot of ‘F(N)
football player changes with time as shown in the figure. 120
Assuming that the force is always directed vertically up
and mass of ball is 400 gm, determine the maximum
height (lifting) of ball
(Neglect the air resistance and g = 10 m/s)

0.05 0.10
(A) 9.8 m. (B) 19.6 m
(C) 15 m (D) 8 m

13. Atank is filled upto a height 2H with a liquid and is

placed òn a platform of height H from the ground. The
distance x from the ground where a small hole is
punched to get the maximum range R is


(A)H (B) 1.25H

(C) 1.5 H (D) 2 H
Space for rough work
PART -C: (Integer Answer Type)
This sectioncontains 05 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit integer, ranging from oe.
9. The corect digit below the question number in the OMR is to be bubbled.
1. Amonoatomic
P= KV1/2
idealgas is taken through a process whose equation is given by:
Where P is the pressure and V is the volume of the gas. The molar heat capacity of the gas in the
above process is (Cy + aR). Find the value of a.
2. In the figure shown, the friction coefficient between the block of mass u=0.4 ’F
1kg and the plank of mass 2 kg is 0.4 while that between the plank
and horizontal floor is 0.1. For what value of F (in newton) will the
block move with double the acceleration of that of the plank? 22Kg=0.1
(Take g= 10 m/s)

3. Aparticle A of mass 10 Kg is mnoving in the positive Power (in watts)

7 4
direction of x-axis. Its initial position is x = 0 and initial
velocity is 1 m/s. The velocity of the particle at x = 10 m is k
m/s. Find the value of k. (use the graph given). 2

10 x (in m)
4. A hollow smooth uniform sphere A of mass m
rolls A B
without sliding on a smooth horizontal surface. It
collides head on elastically with another stationary
smooth solid sphere B of the same mass m and
same radius. The ratio of kinetic energy of B to that Vo
of Aafter the collision is K:4. Find the value of K.

5. Assume that the escape velocity for a body projected vertically

km/s. If the body is projected at an angle upward from
of 30° with the vertical the escape the earth's surface is 11
22 velocity a. km/s. Then find
the value of . (assume that the earth is not
rotating and there is no air resistance)

Space for rough work

PART- A: (Multi Correct Answer Type)
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
Ihis seCtion contains 07 multiple choice guestions, Each guestion has four
of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.
pressure at
1. The variation of compressibility factor Z for a real gas with T3
different temperatures T,, T, and Ts is given as follows:
Which of the following statements are wrong?
(A) T, =250 K, T, =600 Kand T, =1100 K. Z=1

(B) T, =1100 K, T, =600 Kand T, =250 K.

gas behaves ideally.
(C)At very low pressure andhigh temperature gas.
(D) At low pressure an idealgas becomes 200 300 400
P (atm) -

following compounds, the one that does not get hydrolysed to form metallic
2. Among the
hydrogen peroxide and oxygen is: (B) Na,O2
(A) Na,O (D) KO,
(C) LizO
six membered stable ring through
3. Enol isomer of which of the following forms
(A) CH, -CH, -NO, (B) CH, -CH, -C-H

- -H
(C) CH, -C-CH, -C-CH, (D)

4. In which of the following pair(s), the first one is more stable than the second?
(A) C,H, -CH,, CH, =CH-CH, (B) CH, -H,, CH, =H

(C) (D) CH,- H- -CH,, CH, - N- ¢-CH,

Space for rough work
alkylation reaction ?
5. Which of the following compound(s) fail in Friedel-Crafts
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

6. The standard enthalpies of formation of COlg) and HCOOH(e) are -393.7 kJmo and
-409.2 kJmor' respectively. Which of the following statements are correct?
(A) -393.7 kJ mor is the enthalpy change for the reaction, C(s) +0,(9)CO,(9).
(B) The enthalpy change for the reaction, CO,(g) +H,(g) +HCOOH(O), would be -15.5 kJmor
(c) The enthalpy change for the reaction, H,0 +C0HCOOH, is -409.2 kJmor'.
(D) The enthalpy change for the reaction, H, (9)+CO, (9) H,O()+CO(g). is -409.2 kJmol""
7. Identify the correct statement about orthoboric acid:
(A) It has a layer structure in which planar BO, units are joined by hydrogen bonds
(B) Orthoboric acid (H3BO3) is a weak monobasic Lewis acid
(C) On heating ortho-boric acid form meta-boric acid and on further heating to red hot, forms boric
(D) It is obtained by reactingborax with HCI
PART - A:(Single Correct Answer Type)
This sectioncontains 06 muitiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B). (C) and (D) out
of which ONLY ONE 0s correct.

8. If the radius of first Bohr orbit is x, then de-Broglie wavelength of electron in 3rd orbit is nearly:
(A) 2rx (B)6x
(C) 9x (D) 3

9. Calculate the concentration of NH, required to prepare a buffer (NH, +NH, )) of pH 9.0, when the total
concentration of buffering reagent is 0.6M. (pK, for NH, =4.7)
(A) 0.1 M (B) 0.3 M
(C) 0.4 M (D) 0.2 M
10. Choose the correct statement:
(A) large. reducing nature of Be is due to large hydration energy
(B) Alkaline earth metals dissolve in liquid ammonia to give deep blue-black solutions forming
ammoniated ions
(C) From the above described solutions, ammoniates M(NH, ), T can be recovered
(D) Allof the above
11. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of length of their C-N
() (1) (1) CH-CH=NH (Iv) CH
(A) IV<IH <|<|| (B) |< IV <Il|| < ||
(C) Ill <IV<|<|| (D) IV <|< || <|I

12. The correct order of stability of the following carbocation is

CHs OCzHs +

(11) ()
(A) l>|l>lIl (B) II| > |> ||
(C) IlIl| > || >| (D) |> Ill> |
rate constants
13. A gaseous compound A reacts by three independent first order processes with
2 x 10 3 * 10 and 1.93 x10 sec for products B, C and D respectively. If initially pure A was
taken in aclosed container with P=8 atm, then the partial pressure of B (in atm) after 100 sec from
start of experiment:
K,B (9)

(A) 0.288 (B) 0.5277

(C) 1.154 (D) none of these
PART- C: (Integer Answer Type)
This section contains 05 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digitinteger, ranging from 0to
9. The Correct digit below the guestion number in the OMR is to be bubbled.
How many stereoisomers are possible for 5-chloro-2-3-hexadiene?
eh temperature, the following equilibrium exist in a mixture of carbon, oxygen and their
C(s) +0,(9)co, (9) K = 10
2C(s) +O, (9)2c0(9) K = 10
C(s) +co, (9)2co(g) Keo =X
2C0(9) +0, (9)200, (9) K =y
What will be the ratio of x & y?
3. How many maximum number of e of an atom willhave the
following set of quantum numbers?
n=4,l =0,1,2 m=+2,-2, 1
S=t 2
4. The amount of energy required to remove
times greater than the amount of energy electron from a Li" ion in its ground state is how
state? needed to remove the electron from an H many
atom in its ground
Among H,,He;,Li,, Be,,B,,C,,N,, 0,, and E,, the number of
(Atomic numbers: H=1, He =2, Li = 3, Be =4, B= 5, C = 6,diamagnetic species is
N=7,0 =8, F.= 9)
Space for rough work
PART - A: (Multi Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 07 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.

1. From a point P on the circle C :x*+y- 100x - 200y + 12300 = 0, pair of tangents PA and PB are
drawn on the circle C;: x*+ 100x - 200y + 12400 = 0, then the locus of centre of circumcircle of
triangle PAB is circle
(A) is of radius 5 /2 (B) has centre at (50, 100)
(C) passes through the point (50 + 5V2,100) (D) has centre at (0, 50)
PF,F2 = V10 where F1, F2
2. The point P on the ellipse 4x* + 9y' =36 is such that area of the triangle
are foci, then P has coordinates as

x+cos Y= 1, 16sin* x*toos* y = 4 can be

3. Thevalues of x satisfying the system of equations 2sin
(B) X =nn+(-1)" and y= 2nt3
(A) X=nn +(-1)" 6 and yy=2nr tt 3
2T n+1 7 2
(C) x=nz +(-1) and y = 2nnt (D) X= nn +(-1) and y =2nn t
6 3 6 3

4. If a, b and2 c are the rational numbers (a > b > c s 0) and the quadratic equation
(a +b-2c)x* +(b +C- 2a)x +(c+a - 2b) =0 has a root in the interval (-1, 0), then
(A) c +a < 2b
(B) Both roots are rational
(C)the equation ax + 2bx +c=0have both negative real roots
(D)the equation cx +2ax +b=0 have both negative real roots.
Space for Rough work
5. Which of the following options are correct? 3
(A)[(°Co +"C, +"Co t...)- C , +"C, +"C, +"Cs t....J' + ("C;-"Cz
+"C4 -"Cs +...?.
(B) If aand b are two positive numbers such that a°b = 4then the maximum value
log, (a).og, (b²) is equal to 4
(C) Constant term in (((((X-2) - 2)-2)-2)- 2) ..... 2) is equal to 2
25 G3 x-42,25 Oa
(D) The coefficient of x* in 25 G1, -X x-22. x-3.
25 Go
X-257 is equal to 2925

6. If z + Z + Z3 = A, zË + Z0 + Z30= B, Z + Z0+ Zg) = C, where 1, o, o»2 are the cube roots of unity,
(A)A + B+C= 3z (B)ABC = Z\Z2Zs
(C) z +z +z =3z{ZgZ3
7. Consider a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h to be eight distinct alphabets then the number of ways in which they can
be divided in 4 - parts is
(A) 1260if exactly 2- parts are equal
(B) 1701 in total
(C) 280if its divided into two partitions of 3and two of 1
(D) 210 if all parts are equal
Space for Rough work
PART - A; (SIngle Correct Answer Type)
ie section contains 06 multiple cholce questlons. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONLY ONE is

8 Number of compleX number z such that |z = 1 and

(A) 4 (B) 6
(C)8 (D)10

+ =*, be two points on the hyperbola

9 Let P(a sece, b tan0) and Q(a seco, btano) where
x? P and Q then k is equal to
=1. If(h, k) is points of intersection of normals at
a? + b2
a +b2
(B) -
(A) a
a +b?
a' + b? (D) - b .

1 11
minimum value of
i =1, 2,...., 50 and x + X + ... + Xs0 = 50, then the X50
10. If x > 0,;
equals to (B) (50)²
(A)50 (D) (50)*
(C) (50)
three arcs of length
vertices of the triangle divide the circle in to
11. Atriangle is inscribed in a circle. Thetriangle is equal to,
3, 4 and 5 units, then area of the
ov3(1+3) (B)

(C) 21?
sina = p, X cOsoa + y sina = q,
12. Area of the parallelogram whose sides are x cOSa + y
XCOsß + y sinß = r, Xcosß + y sinß =s is
(A) pg + rs (B)|pq tana + rs tanß|
(C) |(p -q)(r- s)cosec(a - B)). (D) |(p- q)(r-s) tan(a + B)|
13. If tangents at A and Bon the parabola y' = 4ax intersect at the point C, then ordinates of A,
and B are
(A) always in A.P. (B) always in G.P.
(C) always in H.P. (D) none of these

Space for Rough work

Part- C (Integer Answer Type)
This section contains 05 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit integer, ranging from 0
9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled. to
The members of a family of circles are given by the equation 2(** +y) +Ax-(1 +1y - 10 =
Ae R,The value of à for which circles belonging to the family that are cut orthogonally by the fixed
circle x+ y + 4x + 6y + 3 = 0 is

Coeficient of in(1+*)(1+*(1+*..t+xs
..(1+*") lis 4k. The numerical value of kis
3. If x°- ax + bx + ç=0 has the roots a + B +y*, B +y+ o and y + a + B" where a, B, y are
roots ofx-x*1=0 then the value of a +b+cis equal to the

4. The figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are written in every possible order (without repetition). The
numbers greater than 56000 is n, then n/15 is number of
5. If a normal chord AB to the hyperbola xy = c, normal at A,
subtends an angle. at centre and
2OAB = a, then tan

Space for Rough work

CODE: 100648.1
1. A, C 2. A, C, D 3. B, C, D 4. A, C, D
6. A, D 7. A, B, C, D 8. C
5. A, B, D
10. D 11. A 12. A
9. A

13. C 1. 2 2. 5 3. 4

4. 6 5. 2

1. B, D 2. A, B, C 3. C,D 4. A, B
5. B, C 6. A, B 7. A, B,C, D 8. B
9. D 10. D 11. C 12. C
13. C 1. 4 2. 1 3. 4
4. 9 5. 6

1. A, B, C 2. A, D 3. B, C 4. A, B, C,D
5. A, B, D 6. A, D 7. A, B, C 8. C
9. D 10. A 11. A 12. C
13. A 1. 1 2. 7 3. 6
4. 6 5. 2

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