English5 Q2 W5 Cot1-Virgie

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Pampanga

Detailed Lesson Plan in Araling Panlipunan

Name of Office:


Teacher VIRGINIA Q. CUNANAN Subject English
Date December 16, 2021 Quarte Second
A. Content Standard Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking
B. Performance Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and
Standard their functions in various discourse (oral and written)
C. Learning
Competency/ Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures with
Objectives coordinating conjunctions.
Write the LC code for Determine proper coordinating conjunctions to complete sentences.
each. (EN5G-IIe-5.3)

II. CONTENT Coordinating Conjunctions

(and, but, or for, nor, yet, so)
A. References K to 12 Curriculum Guide (MELC)
1. Teacher’s Guide TG/Week5
2. Learner’s Self – Learning Module Quarter 2, Week 5
Materials Pages 1-15
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Power Point Presentation, lap top
III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities Anotation
A. Reviewing Good morning class!
previous So let us now review our previous lesson,
lesson or What was our topic last week - It was about Modals, ma’am
presenting the
new lesson “Very good, as we have learned last time, A
modals are helping verbs used with a
principal verb.

What are some examples of modal? - Can, could

- may, might

B. Establishing a Great!
purpose for the
Lesson Have you been absent from your class? - Yes, I am.

What did you do when you were absent from - I asked my mother to tell my
your class? teacher that I will be absent.

Did you send an excuse letter to your Yes, so that she will excuse me
teacher? Why? from being absent.

C. Presenting Look at the sample excuse letter below

examples/ and observe how it was constructed.
instances of the
new lesson

D. Discussing new Did Jam write a good excuse letter? - Yes, it was explained very well
concepts and Why do say so? why she was absent.
practicing new
skills #1 What trait did she show in writing a - She loves to go to school.
letter for her teacher? - She is a loving daughter.

That’ great! - but, and, or

Can you identify the connecting words
used in the letter?

What do we call the words that connect

two or more words or groups of words?
- Conjunctions.
E. Discussing new That’s right!
concepts and
practicing new The excuse letter we had earlier uses
skills #2 connecting words that joined words or
group of words.

These connecting words are called


For today, we will dig deeper

particularly on the use of conjunctions
in a sentence.

Let’s start our journey!

Are you excited to learn new things?

Alright! You have to bear with me and - Yes
take a lot of patience.

The following are sentences taken form

the excuse letter we had in the
previous page.
1. My mother is sick and no one will
take care of her.
2. I want to attend classes today but
my father has to go to work.
3. I promise to catch up all the lessons
I missed or ask my classmates to
help me do my missed activities.

What is the underlined word in the first 1. And

sentence? Second? Third? 2. But
3. Or

What word is used to connect the two

ideas in the first sentence? Second?

What can you say about the ideas 1st- it express addition in the
presented in the first sentence? sentence
Second? Third?
2nd- The sentence shows contrast

3rd- The idea of a sentence

gives a choice

Are the ideas related? - Yes, they are related

F. Developing Let’s elaborate more our lesson!
(leads to A word is a conjunction when it
Formative connects two or more words or group
Assessment 3) of words in a sentence. And, but, and
or are just three of the commonly used

Take a look at the table below for more

examples of conjunctions and how they
are used. These are called Coordinate

Coordinate conjunctions can easily be

remembered with the acronym, FANBOYS.
Study how each conjunction are used.
G. Finding practical
application of
concepts and
skills in daily

1. I am a not a ballerina _______a tap 1. Nor

dancer.( non-contrasting negative
2. The baby cried _______ wailed to
2. And
get its mother’s attention. (addition)
3. Is the painting too wide _______ too 3. Or
tall to hang on the wall? (choice)
4. Anthony loves fishing,
_______Zarah finds it boring. (contrast) 4. But

5. My father is tall _______my mother 5. But

is short. (contrast)
6. The students forgot to do their 6. So
homework, _______the teacher was
angry.(result or consequence)
7. I left class early, _______I had a
doctor’s appointment.(reason or 7. For
8. Sheila works hard, _______she 8. Yet
doesn’t make a lot of money.
9. I like both sausage _______peppers 9. And
in my sandwich.(addition)
10. I will go to supermarket _______
10. Or
park for the weekend. I’m not sure.

H. Making What are conjunctions?  Conjunctions- connects two

generalizations or more words or group of
and abstractions words in a sentence.
about the lesson Very good!
Compare the functions of: and, but and or.  And- Expresses addition
 But- Shows contrast
 Or- Expresses choice

What about the functions of “for, nor, yet  For- Shows reason or
and so”, when are they used? purpose
 Nor- Connects non
contrasting negative ideas
 Yet- Shows a contrast or
 So- Shows a result or

I. Evaluating

1. A

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. D
10. D

J. Additional Check ( ⁄ ) the statement if it describes

activities the proper use of conjunctions. Draw
for application or an ( x ) above the word if it is not and
remediation provide the correct word on line to
make it correct.

_______1. Conjunctions are used to 1. /

connect words or group of words.

_______2. “And” is used to express 2. /


_______3. To show reason or purpose 3. X- for

you may use nor as a connecting word.

_______4. If you are to connect two 4. X- nor

non-contrasting negative ideas, you
have to use yet.

_______5. Two contrasting ideas can 5. /

be combined in a sentence using the
conjunction but.

_______6. And, but, and between are 6. X- and, but, or

some of the most commonly used

_______7. Or is used to express 7. /


_______8. In the sentence, “Sonia and 8. /

Trishia were given a project to work on,
yet they continue chatting with each
others”, yet was used correctly.

_______9. In showing a result or 9. /

consequence in a sentence, one must
use “so”.

______10. We may combine two 10. /

closely related ideas using


A. No. of learners
who earned 80% 30
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require 5
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? Yes
No. of learners 5
who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners
continue to
E. Which of my
Teaching Differentiated Instruction
strategies Complete Instructional Materials
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which Slow Internet Connection
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized Slide Power point presentation
materials did I Localized Video
which I wish to
share with other

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