Technical Terms Used in Research

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“Discipline would mean doing things
whether you like it or not.”
-Homeroom Module II

Guide Questions:
1. What kind of sentence is used?
2. How does discipline help us to be a
better person?

Define research;
Familiarize the technical terms
used in research and;
Distinguish technical terms
used in research.
1.There were wild horses in
the area.

2. The area of the square was

• Research establishes facts
and new findings through a
systematic investigation to
contribute to an existing body
of knowledge.
Research is collecting data and information,
learning and finding new things. It is also an
advanced knowledge which follows a systematic
process of collecting and analyzing information
in order to understand more the phenomena
under study. Action research, thesis, dissertation,
and case study are examples of research.
1. Qualitative Research- is descriptive. The data gathered are
usually expressed in words. This type of research enables you to
gather participant's experiences through interviews, focus group
discussion, and open-ended questionnaires.

2.Quantitative Research- is usually expressed in numbers and

graphs. This type of research gathers data through experiments and
survey with closed-ended questios.
3. Conceptual Framework- shows the relationship of research
variable and helps you to infor the rest of the design. It illustrates and
mas out hoiw relevant tha variables are to each other.
4. Population-represents the entire group of people that meets the
criteria of your study.
5. Title Page- it is the firs page of your article, and therefore, must be
well-formatted to represent your paper.
6. Abstract- it summarizs the contents of your research. It is
composed of ONE PARAGRAPH with 300 words or less.
7. Introduction- it is the one of the first things you need to write in
your research. It is where you mention your specific topic from a
general standpoint.
8. Purpose of the Study- it states the aims and objectives of your
9. Significance of the Study- it is the part of the research where you
must briefly discuss the beneficiries, significance, and contribution of
the study to society.
10. Statement of the Problem- it identifies the problems or questions
that your research would like to answer or prove based on the data
that will be gathered.
11. Hypothesis- it states what your research may find out. It is stated
as it answers your main research question.

Example: "Students who eat breakfast will perform better on a math

exam than students who do not eat breakfast."
12. Scope- it will indicate the extent of how deep will you explore the
research questions.
13. Deliminatation- it explains some aspects of the variables that is
going to be excluded in your research.
14. Theoretical Framewrok- it is an understanding of theories and
concept that are relevant to the topic of your research paper.
15. Research Methodology- it refers to the data that is going to be
collected and analyzed in research.
16. Sampling Design- it refers to how the participants of your study
are selected.
17. Participants- it refers to the persons who voluntarily participate
in your research after giving informed consent.
18. Instruments- that can be used n your research such as,
interviews, tests, surveys, or checklists.
19. Data Collection Method- it refers to the tools you will use in your
research to collect data.
20. Survey- it is a data collection method comprised f multiple-
choice or rating scale.
21. Questionnaire- it is an instrument that is made up of series of
questions to information from respondents.
22. Results- it refers to findings from the data you have collected
from your study.
23. Data Analysis- it is the process of applying statistical procedures
to describe and illustrate the data collected.
24. Conclusion- it is where the key findings are summarized and
arranged in a maner that answers your research problem. Do not
forget to use references from existing studies to finish your
conclusion stronger.
25. Recommendation- it discusses the specific measures or
directions that can be taken by other reserachers to further your
26. References- it is located at the last page of your research paper
which is written im a style format depending on the requirement of
an institution.
27. Appendices- it contains all the supplementary materials used in
the research .
Directions: Fill-in the blanks to complete the statements below

1. _________________ is often shown in tables and figures.

2. . _________________ are descriptive information that let readers

search for an article.

3. _________________ it answers the questions in the Research.

4. _________________ are the materials the author/s cited when writing

the research.

5. _________________ discusses the results of the research.

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