651-Book Manuscript-625-1-10-20180923 PDF
651-Book Manuscript-625-1-10-20180923 PDF
651-Book Manuscript-625-1-10-20180923 PDF
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Introduction aE
page 3 -5
lab 01 Prins Claus square The Hague
Graduation architectural engineering lab page 6-11
lab 02 and 04 RDM Rotterdam
page 12-14
lab 03 and 05 Eastwards Haarlem
on a shortlist of the
master Program aE and Building Technology
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
aE connects architecture
and engineering
aE, Architectural Engineering teaches technology driven architec- knowledge. Different students in the same lab have
different specialists as second mentor. This in turn
tural design. It offers the possibility to graduate on a thesis design adds energy to the group and helps to cross ferti-
lize technical knowledge form the separate fields.
with room for technical fascinations. Since September 2008 aE has
aE is a master graduation lab
conducted graduation studios based on a set location that are ex-
tremely complex, they cover design decisions of regional scale as Architectural Engineering is the name of a gradua-
tion lab students can subscribe to. Like all architec-
well as design decisions on the detail level, they let us think about ture graduation labs it starts with a MSc3 semester,
resulting in a report on a thematic study, a personal
the quality of the built environment in terms of urban spaces, the curriculum and the outlines of an architectural de-
sign as the basis for the MSc4 thesis design. The
architecture of buildings and the impact decisions have on our en-
thematic study includes a design assignment of a
vironment in terms of sustainability. The aE studios have resulted small pavilion and an in depth study on a technical
subject. A Bt specialist supervises this part in close
in twenty-five thesis designs and there are many more to come. collaboration with the first mentor.
Roof section
Roof detail
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
lab 01
This project connects Ypenburg to Rijswijk and Voorburg. RESIDENTIAL HOUSING APARTMENTS
It bridges the A4 highway with a double string of residen- This is a design of a residential complex west of the Prins
tial blocks that protects and guides the way from one side Clausplein, bordering the Vliet canal. It is an exercise in
to the other. The retail functions make it a destination for computational design. ‘Cellular automata is a computati-
the dwellers on and on both sides of the bridge building. onal method which can simulate the process of growth
The units seem to exist despite the super structure of the by describing a complex system by simple certain rules.
building and serious round columns give an individual The interest in architecture is the ability of cellular au-
character to every dwelling. The double façade keeps the tomata to generate patterns from organized patterns,
bad stuff out and looks double curved at first glance. At which might be able to suggest architectural forms’. Con-
second inspections it is composed of flat surfaces inge- ditions for spatial relationships and daylight access were
niously arranged with mullions tilted at different angles. described in design rules. The configuration of units was
tutors: Ype Cuperus and Engbert van der Zaag. then optimized. Methods like these contribute to the de-
bate of the role of the future architect.
Tutors: Ype Cuperus and Rudi Stouffs.
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
Rotterdam is the largest or at least one of the largest
ports of the world. Docklands and shipyards are in-
dustrial areas by default we turn our backs to. They
can be found at the edges of the cities we live in,
far away in our appreciation, physically many times
very close. As ship-handling moves seawards to
accommodate larger ships the old shipyards have
become redundant. The Rotterdam Kop van Zuid
development and the Amsterdam Westerdokskade
are precedents of wastelands turned into high-den-
sity housing, combined with cultural functions.
However, is erasing what exists and replacing it
with something new the only option? Or can the
hidden beauty of the industrial landscape be cap-
tured as a start for something never done before?
This is the challenge of the RDM site, which is a
large redundant dry dock with adjacent halls for
shipbuilding. In addition it includes the young in-
dustrial archaeology of post WWII industrial buil-
ding in combination with post war housing for the
labourers at the Heyplaat suburb nearby.
Some years ago the RDM-CAMPUS was developed MARCO KOOPS SCIENCE CENTRE
Where we normally try to keep the (heat of the) SUN, the The water of the river Maas is cooling down the interior
on this site, the intention was to make it a place
WIND and the WATER out of our buildings Marco allo- and acts as storage.
for RESEARCH, DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING. wed these elements to fully penetrate his Science Centre; The building is surrounded by a multiple glass layered
The RDM Innovation Dock wants to be a demon- not only to allow the users to experience them, but also façade zone that reacts on summer- and winter condi-
strator of sustainable energy, water management, to let them play an active (and visual) roll in the energy tions; beside that it enables the wind to reach interior
development of new housing concepts, etc. A place system of the building and thereby making them part of spaces to provide ventilation.Using different techniques
where schools and industry meet. the exhibition. and computer programs, such as Comflow cdf-analysis
The structure of the building consists of an arrangement (computational fluid dynamics), Ecotect and Fluent the
of vertical and horizontal “concrete slabs” that organize engineering and the shaping of the architecture were
On this site the ten students of the AE-LAB02
and define the spaces and serve as load bearing con- balanced andthe experience of the changing daylight, the
realised there master-graduation projects. In their structions. Beside that they also have specific functions. dynamics of the wind and the movement of the water is
design for the area they introduced a “light rail” The Solar slabs are covered with sun cells; they provide fully integrated in the representation of the building.
not only to link their projects but also to give the energy by mosses that grow on the surface op the slab
RDM-CAMPUS a better connection with Rotterdam and act as natural CO2 filters. In the PCM slabs elements
Centre. of Phase-Changing-Material are integrated that store and
release the heat. Tutors: Jan Engels, Arjan van Timmeren
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
lab 02/04
MARIA VAN EMBDEN ANDRES, DOCK SURPRISE ! constructural solution and visualised in the architectural
Based on the images of the cranes, materials en structu- expression.Calculations were made to check out if the
res of the harbor this pavillion provides a shelter and an finding were realistic.
outlook spot cantilevered above the water.
It consists of a volume on the top of an existing building this volume by this wind speed and by a number of kites,
on RDM-CAMPUS shaped to accelerate the speed of the designed to produce enough lift and drag to take off. Tutors: Jan Engels, Arjan van Timmeren
wind. Internal spaces (working boxes) can be lifted from
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
This project is a gate building east of Haarlem. Its bold- that changes over time. The façade shape and mounting bridge, the roof and the façade. The research and design
ness gives structure to the complexity of the site. The buil- facilities were derived from extensive studies on energy process was supported by a continuous stream of small
ding contains an R & D center, with public exhibitions, a harvesting methods. Sun, wind, water and sound were cartoon like watercolours and high precision models.
library and a laboratory with workshops to develop new identified as energy sources and their effectiveness was
energy saving and generating building components. The mapped.
envelope of the building rood and facades are mounting The structural design of the building has resulted in a hy-
racks on which newly developed devices tan be attached brid structure of concrete for the regular parts of the buil-
and tested. This gives the façade a quilt like appearance ding and steel structures for the exemptions, such as the Tutors: Ype Cuperus and Martin Tenpierik.
East elevation
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
lab 03/05
A pavilion was too small for this study. Its subject was This project has investigated kinematic structures, from
the exploration of light weight shell structures that by tensegrity via foldable plate structures to scissor and
its own nature better fir a larger type of building. A shell pantograph systems as a way to build a pavilion. The
with a square footprint, supported at its corners was principles of the Hoverman dome were studies, adjusted
morphed t gain extra cover, by reducing the thickness. and tested in physical models.
The roof includes suspension points for free hanging
pavilions. Tutors: Ype Cyperus, Florian Henizelmann.
This study advocates the use of regenerative building
materials, harvested close to the building site, thus
Tutors: Ype Cuperus, Wim Kamerling.
saving on non-renewable resources and traffic. Poten-
tial types of wood were compared in a table presented
database and different types of timber joints were compa-
red on the aspect of non destructible inter-changeability.
The outcomes were applied in a pavilion design.
‘The report contains the research from the starting point BIOMIMICRY
windsurfing to the final choice of smart fabrics. The fasci- This project is inspired by nature. How can we learn from
nation was that an architectural expression can be found leave structures? The biology, of the leaves was studies
that doesn’t consist out of wood, concrete or steel. It will in detail. The outcomes were translated in models using
give the possibility to design a light but strong structure. Knexx and then transferred into a roof design for a pavi-
The last part of the report contains conclusion and the lion.
integration of the research into the design.’
Tutors: Ype Cuperus, Arjan van Timmeren
Tutors: Ype Cuperus, Florian Heinzelmann, Patick Teuffel.
The aim of this project was to design a weather and user
resistant structure as a resting point for joggers that
merges well with its environment. To this extend basic
log cabin type timber structures were studied and con-
nections reduced to its basic principles on joining. From
three interconnected tripods all the redundant elements
were removed and a structure remained to suspend a
roof and to carry a floor.
journal winter 2010/2011 NR 1
5 European
Solar Decathlon in 2012
Buildings account for one third of the total energy -Sustainable Design: Life-cycle analysis by taking -Product Development: research in building pro-
consumption worldwide and are equally respon- new building materials an energy consumption ducts, building components and building systems.
sible for their share of CO2 emissions. Further do into account;
the building industries produce 25-40% of all solid -Climate Design: Energy concepts and building en- Students Wanted!
wastes worldwide and use approximately one half velopes; Does participation in the Delft submission of Solar
of all primary resources. -Design of construction: concepts and materializa- Decathlon appeal to you? Please get in touch with
tion of building envelopes and facades; Prof. Patrick Teuffel.
This fact and the incredible success of the TO with -Materials: smart use of various materials (and its
the Nuon Solar Team and their Nuna race car inspi- combinations);
res the department of Building Technology to set -Design Informatics: Modelling, simulation and as-
up a similar team for developing an energy efficient sessment of buildings and evaluation ot their per- This is an abbreviated and adapted version of the European
Solar house in order to participate for the Europe- formances; solar Deacthlon in 2012 summer brochure.
an solar Decathlon 2012.
Architectural Engineering delivers engineering architects. The
that can have free forms and that use innovative hybrid materials. technology based architect combines the vision of the architect
Furthermore, the predominant and ever growing share of existing with the ingenuity of the engineering professionals.
buildings is increasing the demand for techniques for preserving and Architectural Engineering is an Architecture program offered
transforming architectural heritage.
The strength of our Department of Building Technology rests in its
combination of creativity, scientific inquiry, product development and
MSc 1 by the Department of Building Technology. Graduates have
the possibility to enter the professional architects training of
integrated design with technical and scientific depth. Research, deve- Bucky two years, which leads to registration in the Dutch Architecture
Register (SBA).
lopment and design are the three main anchors of our research and
education programme. Lab: For the first year of the aE program, Building Technology and
Architectural Engineering have joined forces, interests and
The Bt mastertrack expertise, creating a set of inspiring semesters: in MSc 1 Bucky
The Building Technology mastertrack focuses on the innovative and Lab & MSc 2 BD+E the connection between architecture and
sustainable design of elements, components and (sub) systems of technology is explored.
building structures and looks at how these relate to each other and In the Msc 3 & 4, the aE lab integrates spatial, structural and
to the architecture of the building. The track stresses the importance climate design. The student designs a building in relation to
of research into technologies required to build effectively functioning research on these aspects.
building systems, focused at the following themes:
• Computation & Performance
• Green Building Innovation MSc 1:
• Facade Design BT Msc 1 Bucky lab or another Architecture MSc 1 of your own
The Msc 1 and Msc 2 program of Building Technology is shared with choice
the specialisation Architectural Engineering within the Architecture
Track. MSc2
MSc 1 Bucky Lab: BD+E:
In the Bucky Lab and Bucky Lab Seminars the combination between
MSc 2:
architecture and building technology is brought to a higher level. The BT MSc 2 BD+E completed with the history thesis or the ‘free
semester starts with the design of the architectural facade concept, choice’ Architecture MSc 2
which will be materialized and developed to the level of final design.
The ‘Design by tech¬nological research’ method integrates Computer
Aided Design and Modelling (CAD & CAM) and technological research
in the design process. The research is done by virtual and physical
testing the design’s materials and structural performance. The results
are used as feedback to optimize the design.
The final test is the realization of a full scale prototype of a part of the
facade. This means the design will be translated into working drawi-
ngs, material quantities and a production strategy as a preparation
for the actual building. The students will construct and assemble their
prototype themselves.
MSc 3 + 4:
MSc 2 BD+E: The graduation year of the aE Lab starts
The design assignment of Building Design + with the Design Research Studio. The
Engineering (BD+E) deals with the problems focus of this design studio lies in the
of multi-story buildings in which a variety of
functions are included. They are wide-ranging MSc 3 + 4 MSc 3 + 4 integrated approach of all Building Tech-
nology disciplines, the results of the
in nature and pose different demands on the
interior climate. The arrangement of functions BT findings (both in research and design)
and the way they influence the elabora-
also represents a challenge to the spatial and tion and realisation of the Architectural
constructional composition of the buildings. Design.
The structure of the building and aspects The Graduation Project Preparation in
relating to installations will be studied in rela- the second quarter of the third semester
tion to the design of the exterior facade. The is mainly used for elaborating the gra-
coordination of the technological systems to- duation assignment into a curriculum
gether with their impact on the overall appea- description and for the preliminary buil-
rance of the building is part of the assignment ding design and research that is needed.
and should involve a methodological approach In the MSc 4, the emphasis lies on the
relating to an industrial way of building. integration of architectonic aspects and
The integration of the supporting scientific
building technology within the design,
fields, applied mechanics, construction design, guided by technical research (mate-
structural design, building physics and climate
design will be the main goal in combination with
MSc 4 MSc 4 rial, structural, climate & parametrical
the design. BT design).
In the MSc 4 the full development of the
graduation project will take place under
MSc 3 + 4 the supervision of the teachers from
The MSc 3 starts with an introductory project Architectural Engineering and Building
in the first quarter of the MSc 3. The individual Technology in combination with the
graduation project starts in the second quarter possibility to be advised by teachers from
of the MSc 3 and continues into the MSc 4. all specific disciplines inside the Building
To be able to enroll in the MSc 3/4 Design & Technology group, hereby guarantying
Technology, the student is obliged to succes- the full depth of the study of the ‘making
sfully have finished the MSc 1 & 2 AE/ BT: Bucky of architecture’.
Lab & BD+E.
Main focuses in the graduation project’s
subject are the themes of Computation and
Performance, Green Building Innovation and
Facade Design.
aE Journal
Volume 1, no 1/2010
Editor: Thijs Asselbergs Printing: Lenoirschuring drukkers
Text contributions: Ype Cuperus, Amstelveen
Jan Engels, Elise van Dooren