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Distinguishing Text-Types According to Purpose
and Language Features – Cause and Effect

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Grade/Section: Score:


MELC: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

grammatical structures (verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs)
K to 12 BEC CG: EN6RC-IVb-3.2.6

Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features-cause and effect

Title of the Activity: Distinguishing text-types according to purpose and language features-cause
and effect

PART 1. Introduction

Cause and effect is one way to organize information in a text. Cause and effect- structured
paragraphs or texts explain reasons why something happened (cause) and the results or
consequences of a phenomenon (effect).
1. Liza maintains weight loss because she engages in physical activity.
Liza maintains weight loss (effect) because she engages in physical activity (cause).
2. The volcano erupted so people nearby were left homeless.
The volcano erupted (cause) so people nearby were left homeless (effect).

Here are some signal words that may help you identify that information in a paragraph is
organized as cause and effect: because, since, so, if… then, consequently, as a result, in order
to, for this reason, due to, therefore and hence.
1. Bella crammed for her final exams; therefore, she failed and was advised to retake
Bella crammed for her final exams (cause); therefore, she failed and was advised to
retake tomorrow (effect).
2. Liza’s laptop crashed. As a result, she cannot attend her online class.
Liza’s laptop crashed (cause). As a result, she cannot attend her online class (effect).
3. Her stomach hurts all day due to ulcer.
Her stomach hurts all day (effect) due to ulcer (cause).
4. If all pupils help in the reduce, reuse and recycle program then, the school will stay
If all pupils help in the reduce, reuse and recycle program (cause) then, the school will
stay clean (effect)
5. Since Ella eats healthy diet regularly, she stays strong and fit.
Since Ella eats healthy diet regularly (cause), she stays strong and fit (effect).

This text structure in paragraphs can be ordered as causes and effects or as effects then
causes, and is generally used in expository and persuasive writing.
Read the text below and note how its structure and language used differ from the other
text types that you know.

The Grade Six pupils in Mayumi Central School are now better speakers
of the English language. Why? One reason is that, their teacher teaches the
lessons in English language well so she inspires them to do their best. Another
reason is, all the other teachers communicate to them in English except in
Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, ESP, MAPEH and EPP classes. Pupils are also
exposed to several activities like contests in declamation, interpretative reading,
debate, play, and simulation. As a result, they are able to practice their English
communication skills.

What is the text about?

The text is about the Grade Six pupils in Mayumi Central School who are now better
speakers of the English language.
In what part of the text is the effect presented?
In the text or paragraph, the effect is presented at the beginning. (The Grade Six pupils
in Mayumi Central School are now better speakers of the English language.)
How are the causes presented?
The causes are presented by using signal words.
What transition/signal words are used in the text to indicate cause/s and effect/s?
The transition/signal words used are: one reason is that, so, another reason is, as a result
The given cause and effect text follows the multiple causes-one effect structure, as in:


Cause Effect


Organize the ideas in the paragraph using the graphic organizer.

Their teacher teaches

the lessons in English language
well so she inspires them to do
their best.

All the other teachers The Grade Six pupils in

communicate to them in English Mayumi Central School are
except in Filipino, Araling now better speakers of the
Panlipunan, ESP, MAPEH and English language
EPP classes.

Pupils are also exposed

to several activities like contests
in declamation, interpretative
reading, debate, play, and



A. Direction: Underline the cause once, and the effect twice.

1. The alarm went off so Lara leaped out of her bed.

2. People near the shore were frightened because a tsunami warning was issued.
3. I use baking soda as pesticide and fertilizer. As a result, tomatoes in my garden taste sweeter.
4. There was too much sodium in the soil. For this reason, the plants withered and died.
5. If Sonia engages in physical activity everyday, then she will stay fit.

B. Directions: Using signal words, combine the two sentences to form cause and effect
statements. Write them on the spaces provided.

1. I grew more than an inch last year.

Now my pair of jogging pants are too short.
2. Liza dislikes traveling by an air-conditioned bus.
She experiences nausea every time.
3. The paint can’s lid is tightly sealed.
I have to get a screwdriver to pry it off.
4. She didn’t arrive on time.
The ceremony started without her.
5. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck off the city.
Shelves fell off and glasses broke in a convenience store.


A. Direction: Put a √ on the space provided if the text indicates cause and X if
it is an effect.

__________1. Zandro broke his leg while climbing a tree. To solve this problem, the
doctor put it in a cast.
_________2. Impose a mandatory wearing of face masks to prevent being infected
with the virus.
_________3. Chihuahua is definitely a watchdog while a golden retriever is not.
_________4. Many people have died in Asia because they were infected of the
COVID-19 virus.
_________5. Since many people were eager to go home, there was a long queue at the

ticket booth.

B. Directions: Read the cause and effect text below. Then, complete
the graphic organizer with the information indicated.

Why do some children drop out of school? For one

reason many children leave the school for lack of interest in other
words, they become bored. They tend to get low scores in tests
and perform poorly in tasks which result to failure and eventually
to dropping out. Another reason is that, children who live in far-
flung places take a long time walking to and from a distant school
until tiredness and sometimes illness cause them to stop.
One more reason of dropping out can be economic
condition. In poor families, parents cannot financially support the
needs of their child. Another reason is lack of parents’ guidance.
If parents fail to encourage their child to stay in school, show
interest in classes and teachers, and help in homework, the child
might not see the importance of school.

Cause Cause Cause Cause



A. Direction: Distinguish cause and effect text type by writing CE

on the space provided, NOT if it is not.

___________1. Dalandan and mangoes are both fruits, which means they have seeds
inside of them. Each has a skin. Dalandan skins are thicker and easier
to peel than that of mangoes, but both are delicious.
___________2. Water shortage becomes a serious problem in the city because of
growing population. That is why the government takes steps to
address the problem. One solution is educating the people on the
proper way of recycling. Another one is by protecting the water
supplies from being polluted.
___________3. Here are the steps in baking coco macaroons. First, prepare all the
baking utensils and ingredients to be used. Second, put together the
mixture of all dry and wet ingredients. Third, pour the mixture to the
molding pan. Finally, bake in 175 degrees for 20 minutes.
___________4. There are many good reasons why I do not allow chewing gum in my
class though for some pupils it would be mean. First, some
irresponsible pupils make messes on their gum. They drop it on the
floor or glue it on the bottom of their tables and chairs. Another
reason is, it makes a distraction during classes.
___________5. Companies relocating in Manila is the reason why population
increases. Most people from provinces prefer to move in the city
because of more employment opportunities.
B. Directions: Read the text below. Then, fill out the graphic organizer with the
ideas indicated.

Why do some people love gardening? There are lots of reasons.

First, it improves physical well-being. Pulling weeds and planting cause the
body to burn 200-400 calories per hour. Therefore, it reduces the risk of
stroke. Spending more time outside and under the sun helps increase vitamin
D which makes your bones and immune system stronger. Another reason is
that it boosts mental health for it lowers stress hormones. Gardening helps
release endorphins, a hormone that makes people feel relaxed. Gardens and
landscapes have been used as sanctuaries to escape from stress. One more
reason is, gardening provides a sense of worth. Growing a living thing gives
us a sense of responsibility.




Answer Key:
Exercise 1 A. 1. The alarm went off so Lara leaped out of her bed.
2. People near the shore were frightened because a tsunami warning was issued.
3. I use baking soda as pesticide and fertilizer. As a result, tomatoes in my garden taste
4. There was too much sodium in the soil. For this reason, the plants withered and
5. If Sonia engages in physical activity everyday, then she will stay fit.

B. 1. I grew more than an inch last year, so now my pair of jogging pants are too short.

2. Liza dislikes traveling by an air-conditioned bus because she experiences nausea

every time.
3. Since the paint can’s lid is tightly sealed, I have to get a screwdriver to pry it off.
4. She didn’t arrive on time that is why the ceremony started without her.
5. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck off the city; therefore, shelves fell off and glasses
broke in a convenience store.
Exercise 2
A. 1. X 2. X 3. X 4. √ 5. √

Some children take a

Children lack interest
long time walking to Parents cannot Children lack
in other words
and from school. financially support parents’
words they Thus, they get tired their child’s needs.
become bored. and ill. guidance.

Children drop out of school.

A. Books
1. Joy in Learning English 5
2. Integrated English for Effective Communication 6
B. Online and Other Sources

Prepared by:
Teacher I


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