Personal Statement Final
Personal Statement Final
Personal Statement Final
Growing up as a young adolescent, I never had a dream career like most had dreams of becoming
a doctor, dentist, nurse, etc. I was never drawn to a specific career, nor did I want to settle on
one. I was constantly growing into a different version of myself and figured I would eventually
find my calling. If I’m being honest, I never imagined pursuing a higher degree than high school,
I excelled in my classes but didn’t enjoy the school. Fast forward a couple of years later, I am
now working for a great company that allows me to get paid to go to school. I found a strong
interest in Business and Management at my workplace, it was recommended to me by
colleagues. My interest in this was inspired by earning a better wage and less labor. I felt that
business was a very broad field for me to go into and I had many routes to go with this degree. I
know that I will learn many key components that will benefit me. Never did I imagine I would be
pursuing associates, but I am grateful for the opportunity to be back in school.
My current activities include working at my full-time job, school, and doing hobbies such as
going to the gym. These along with spending time with family, friends, and my girlfriend make
me feel I am where I'm supposed to be. These activities have shaped me into a better person
because they challenge me in many different ways. I am always looking for something that I can
improve on or learn more about. These are outlets for me and allow me to create habits that will
help me be successful in my life. I find the gym to be my main outlet for my anxiety, I have
struggled with it for many years. Over the years, I have never known how to control it until now
when I keep myself occupied with enriching experiences. Most days, I still have trouble keeping
negative thoughts from creeping in and taking over. I have learned that it is merely up to me to
change my perspective and the way that I think. Overall, I am very optimistic and try to the
positive in every situation I come across,
Short-term goals I would love to accomplish would be finishing my prerequisites for me to apply
for the AS Business Management Program at SCF. There were only 5 prerequisites I had to
complete for me to officially apply. Another one would be, getting promoted to a different job in
my company, allowing me to gain more experience. I feel like I should be taking advantage of all
the things I can learn within this company so that I know almost every aspect. Another one
would be to travel; I want to travel as much as I can at my age. I would love to explore and see
the world now because every day is not guaranteed. Long-term goals include getting married,
purchasing a home, and obtaining my degree. I hope to one day accomplish all of these long-
term goals. I have the willingness to keep pushing and create the future I desire. Thanks to my
parents, they have instilled in me that nothing is ever easy. Things are much easier than they
were before so there is no excuse. I find that we have opportunities that were not available in the