03 Journal
03 Journal
1. What is Auditing?
- Auditing is basically about the assessment and investigation of the subject matter
party to lessen the biased conclusion among the reliability and credibility of the
information. It is also done to confirm if they are in compliance with the rules and
1. Assurance Engagements
2. Assurance Services
- These are liberated examination done by practitioners within the entity’s process
and internal and external controls. Its aim is to provide a level of assurance to the
financial statements by lessening the risks, increase the reliability and credibility
of the content and putting them in a form that assists decision making.
3. Attestation Services
- These are services where a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) gives a report and
the financial statements or the assertion of the former. One of the famous and
4. Audit Engagements
subject matter of financial statements and records. The said individuals will meet
up and discuss the services needed by the consultee. The details such as the
agreed services, price and duration of performing the audit are stated in an
independent or external auditor and attest the fairness of the reports and
associated disclosures. His audited report must also be attached besides the
ensure that it is complying with the rules and regulations of different accounting
standard and financial frameworks. It can also help to maintain definite and
timely data collection. We must perform this to all business owners or entities
whom expecting prospect investors through the use of their credible subject
- Only Certified Public Accountants with accreditation from the Securities and
Corporate Finance Institute Education Inc. (2015-2021). Retrieved August 03, 2021
from https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/accounting/what-is-an-
audit/ https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/accounting/assurance-
Laco, R., et.al. (2022). Quicknotes in Auditing Theory: For Accountancy Students and
Hal, Shelton (2017). Attestation Services: The Tools That May Help You Avoid an Audit.
AccountingTools (2021). Financial statement audit definition. Retrieved from