I wholeheartedly saying thanks to the following individuals for the time, support and the
help that they have given for the success of the observation that we have made during
our visits to our cooperating school. I proudly and greatly thank the following persons for
helping and accompanying me in finishing this portfolio.
First and foremost, to our Almighty God, for giving me life, strength, courage, knowledge
and wisdom in finishing this whole journey. I thank God for giving me the will to finish
this portfolio. Also, for guiding me every day, for keeping me safe and away from any
harm in conducting my observation.
Secondly, to our FS Supervisors, Ms. Juvy P. Obus and Prof. Lorelie J. Paloma who always
render their time, patience and for considering our situations. For guiding us and
teaching us what we should and should not do as we go on our observation. For
motivating us to do our best as we go on our observation. And most of all, for loving us as
their students.
To the Sogod National High School Principal Ms. Aura Aguilar together with the Sogod
National High School staffs who gave us the warmest welcome and for imparting essential
wisdoms which we can use as go on to our chosen paths.
To my Resource Teachers, Mr. John Jerald Sanchez and Mr. Nathaniel Flores, for helping
me in my observation, sharing their experiences during their time when they were an FS
Student like me, and also for giving me advice about pursuing this journey. Also, for their
full support and for not doubting in giving their time every time I ask something for my
Last but not the least, to my ever loving family, for their unending love and support both
morally and financially. Also to my classmates who were there for me, my laugh-mates,
cry-mates and also my motivators despite the pressure that we were all facing.
First of all, becoming an education student is not my forte; ever since I was kid, I dreamed
to become a flight attendant because I wanted to travel the world. But I was not able to
pursue that dream because my parents did not support me for they think that being a
flight attendant risks my life and they wanted me to become a teacher. I had no choice but
to enrol education or they will not support me. So, here I am. My whole journey was like
a roller coaster ride, I really had a hard time because as I have said, this is not what I
wanted to be. However, despite the hard times, I was still able to come through it and I
am now one step closer to it. Through the years, I learned to love my field, I also realized
that being a teacher plays a big role to the students since you can help students succeed
by educating them. And without teachers, there would be no professionals.
Teaching should also be creative because creative teaching entails showing learners how
the lesson relates to their real-life situation and the actual world. This can assist them in
gaining a stronger sense of purpose. And I believe that getting to know your learners and
knowing about their experiences will aid us in developing the most appropriate lesson
plans. Also, provide a task that is tough enough for the learners to feel like they are
making progress while learning, also builds a supportive and relaxed atmosphere in the
classroom environment, and try to achieve those by encouraging learners and providing
them with a lot of positive feedback, this will help them to become active learners.
Likewise, as a teacher, you should always be open to all opinions and learning because it
will help you to be an effective teacher.
Brgy. Balagawan, Silago, Southern Leyte
[email protected]
The relevance of making this portfolio to FS students is that it will help you illustrate your
skills and abilities to future employers and other professionals in the field. It is an
excellent way to highlight your skills and show evidence of the experience you have
acquired throughout your career.
This FS portfolio was prepared and developed to provide and share experiences for those
who will undergo the same undertakings. The greatest value of this portfolio is that it
serves as the mirror of the pre-service teachers for their progress and achievements
during their field study. And also this portfolio was prepared to expose the pre-service
teacher experiences so that they can use it in relating their theories learned inside the
classroom to become globally competitive.
Another purpose of this portfolio is that it assess the pre-service teacher’s learning for
the preparation in the future life in facing the real world of teaching. The pre-service
teachers must do always their best in imparting knowledge to students. Just love your
students, so in return your students will be embracing you too, with the great things
you’ve done to them not only in cognitive side but in affective and psychomotor
Sogod National High School is located at Zone 1, San Roque, Sogod, Southern Leyte. It is
along the road. Across the street, there is a sari-sari store. The safety of the students are
secured since the school has a body guard that watches over the students and also
cautions and signage are present for safety purposes. Moreover, you can find small
The school looks small outside but when you enter the school premises, you’ll see that
they have numbers of buildings composed of classrooms that can cater vast number of
students. The school is huge and spacious. The color of the buildings are eye catching and
Moreover, the school has different facilities – school clinic, canteens, administration
building, guidance office and more. They also have bulletin board displays that is so
This portfolio has helped me looked back to the experiences I had during my field study.
It feels good, looking back to those pictures and realized that I did a great job. It’s
overwhelming that I was able to conquer the whole journey as a pre-service teacher. It
was like a roller coaster ride, but I survived. I consider this as one of the best thing happen
in my life because I was able to share with you my journey as a field study student/pre-
service teacher.
In addition, while making this portfolio, I realized the things I need to improve and think
of a way how I should improve it during my practice teaching. This portfolio contains my
work and experiences. I will use it to reflect and ensure that I will do better next time to
improve myself.
environment as well as the psychological environment that may affect the students’ way
of learning.
A physical environment that is conducive for learning may be the product of physical and
Every students are unique they are differ for each other. Teacher must consider the
Field Study 2 is designed to help the field study students observe how the different
principle of teaching and learning are applied to make the teaching and learning process
In teaching, teacher must consider the feelings, ideas and needs of students. Having on
actual learning will lead them to better understanding. When it comes to teaching
strategies, there is no such thing as best method. The best method is the one that works,
the one that yields result and one that promote harmonious relationship between the
The FS orientation was held at SLSU MPC, Sogod Southern Leyte last September 14, 2022
at exactly 1:00pm to 5:00 pm. All the BTLED and BEED 4th year students were obliged to
In the registration area, the students will fill up the form that would serve as the
attendance, students were assigned to check if the student is in proper decorum (wearing
school uniform; girls’ skirt must not above the knee and hair must be pony tailed.
The program started with a prayer followed by the national anthem. Then after was the
introduction of section by Ms. Mariel Dalinog. Then a very warm welcome Address by Dr.
Ms. Milene Ann Gertos a FS resource person discussed the FS Guidelines and Importance
and Relevance of the Philippine Professional Teachers (PPST) to technology for teaching
and learning. Ms. Gertos discussed the 7 domains of Philippines Professional Standards
for Teachers (PPST) and the 37 strands. Ma’am Lorilie open the table for question with
her moderator Ms. Mariel Dalinog. A lot of students ask questions and ma’am lorelie
answer some of the questions however since the time is running out, she said she will
answer all the inquiries in the group chat. Then the next part of the program is sharing of
appreciation to the speakers and certificate of participation for the students, the program
ended with a closing remark by Ms. Virginia N. De Gracia Program Chair for BEED and a
closing prayer.
Last September 28, 2022 was one of the remarkable day in my whole college journey. It
feels surreal that I am one step closer in chasing my dreams. I felt happy at the same time
nervous during that time. Happy because I was able to be one of pre-service teacher and
nervous because I don’t know what would I do, and I’m afraid I might be assign to a strict
resource teacher. However, my field study journey was a success and I’m excited to share
it with you.
Sogod National High School opened their gate for us. During our deployment day, we are
accompanied and assisted by our Filed Study Supervisors, Professor Lorelie J. Paloma and
Ms. Juvy P. Obus. As I entered the campus, I suddenly felt excited as I’ve seen those bubbly
faces of the students wide and awake. It was my first time also visited the said school. We
had a short orientation together with our FS supervisors, SNHS principal and cooperating
The program started with a prayer followed by a student’s presentation. I forgot about
her name but I remember that she sang the song entitled “Bayan Ko”.
The principal introduced herself formally and gave us her warm welcome. Mr. Ruiz a
teacher from SNHS discussed to us the rules and regulation of the school and other
important matters that we should know about. After that, our supervisor introduced the
BTLED section A, B and C and declared that we are now a pre-service teacher. After the
program we were introduced to our assigned resource teachers. My Monday resource
teacher is Mr. John Jerald D. Sanchez. He handles Grade 7-SPS (Chess) with which I am
about to observe. Then, for my Thursday resource teacher, he is Mr. Nathaniel D. Flores
and he handles Grade 9 – ICT.
I was so happy because my cooperating teachers are very kind and approachable. On the
first day of our deployment Ma’am Daisy and Sir Alan introduced me to the students. I
introduced myself and my personal information. And I was happy that the students are
happy to see me they give good compliment such as beautiful, tall and etc. For the first
time, I experienced how to handle students and interact with them as a Pre-Service
teacher. We used to observe the two class for FS 1 and FS 2 because through this we can
come up to a meaningful observation about the different principles of learning, we can
compare the two class and come up with a learning that can help us on the teaching
profession someday and also for us to be able to answer each episode of the book.
Midterm Final Term
Republic of the Philippines
Educ 403 – Field
Study 2
Educ 401 – Field
Study 1
Cover Page
Table of Contents
FS Student Prayer
FS Student Philosophy
Statement of Purpose
Reflection to FS 1
Reflection to FS 2
Rating Sheets
Certificate of Completion
FS Student’s DTR
Part II.
Part III.
Field Study 1 & 2 Orientation
This was
during the
chess class
Grade 7 SPS (Chess)
Grade 9 – ICT
My Resource Teachers