Sci 10 Q2 WK1 DLL

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GRADES 1 to School: Pedro D.

Duncano National High School Grade Level: 10

12 Learning
DAILY Teacher: Vanessa Joy G. Jandayan Area: Science
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: November 7 – 11, 2022 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 2
A. Content Standards: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
B. Performance Standards:
C. Learning Trace the Timeline of Describe how Compare the Identify materials that Produce and detect radio
Competencies/Objectives: EM wave theory electromagnetic (EM) relative can block or allow radio waves
Write the LC Code for each (S10FE-IIa-b-47) wave is produced and wavelengths, waves to pass through. (S10FE-IIa-b-47)
propagated. frequencies, and Compare the speed of
(S10FE-IIa-b-47) energies of the EM waves through
different regions of different materials
the (S10FE-IIa-b-47)
D. Values Integration Appreciate the significance of Electromagnetic wave theory and the importance of knowing the differences of the wavelengths,
frequencies and energies in the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
Electromagnetic spectrum
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages P118 P120 P121 P121 P122
2. Learner’s Materials P144 P146-47 P147-152 P149-150 P152-153
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources None – textbook only Copy of the reading text None – textbook only None – textbook only
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson Recall Define Electricity Recall the properties Recall the different Recall the different regions of the
or Presenting the New Electromagnetic and Magnetism of EM waves. types EM waves EM waves.
Lesson Induction Define Electricity
and Magnetism

B. Establishing a Purpose for Show pictures of the PICTURE Name the given Show a remote How does radio wave produce?
the Lesson different applications ANALYSIS: The pictures.(see controlled car. What
of EM Wave.(e.g. students will analyze attachments) Relate kind of EM waves it
remote & x-ray film) the picture and them to the types of is?
identify which is EM waves
electric field and
magnetic field?
C. Presenting Show pictures of the Does it travel in a How does a RC Car After the students know the
Examples/Instances of the different proponents medium? What are move. different regions of the EM
Lesson of EM wave theory. the characteristics of spectrum they will perform an
(based on their Electromagnetic experiment about the radio wave.
Homework wave?
and wavelength)
Solving sample

D. Discussing New Concepts Perform Activity Compute the Perform Activity Perform Activity 2: Perform Activity 3:Sound
and Practicing New Skills 1:How it came following problems Electromagnetic Now you go! Now Check...on page 152 of the LM.
#1 about...The on page 147 of the Wave (see you won’t! (LM pp.
Electromagnetic LM. attachment) 149-150)
Wave Theory.
E. Discussing New Discuss the different
Concepts and Practicing types of EM waves.
New Skills #2

F. Developing Mastery Based on the activity Enumerate the Based on the activity Based on the Discuss the answer in the
(Leads to Formative what new characteristics of enumerate the types of activity which Guide questions.
Assessment 3) insights/learning did electromagnetic EM waves: materials can
you get about natural wave Radio wave block or allow
world?How did it Micro wave radio waves to
change your view Infrared pass through
about light? Visible light so that the RC
UV car can move
Gamma ray
G. Finding Practical What would happen Why do you When you are listening to the
Applications of Concepts if EM waves were not think some radio,sometimes you hear
and Skills in Daily Living discovered? materials static sound how can you
block the EM resolve it?
H. Making Generalizations and Proponents of EM A wave is a Waves in the EM Electromagnetic
Abstractions about the Lesson Waves disturbance that spectrum include the waves do not
transfer energy. following from the need any material
-Hans Christian EM waves can longest wavelength to medium for their
Oersted travel through a the shortest wavelength. propagation. They
-Andrei Marie medium but unlike can travel through
Ampere other types of Radio wave a vacuum. They
-Michael Faraday waves, they can Micro wave have high
-James Clerk also travel in Infrared speed.They are
Maxwell VACUUM. V=ƛƒ Visible light caused by change
-Heinrich Hertz UV in electric and
X-ray magnetic field.
Gamma ray
I. Evaluating Learning Answer in the Give another Label the Pictures (see Answer in activity Answer in activity
activity problem for the attachment)
students to
answer (see

J. Additional Activities for Research for more Research about

Application or Remediation scientist who made different types of
significant Electromagnetic
contributions in the Spectrum
development of the
study on the EM


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies work

well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me

G. What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

I used both Inquiry-based approach and Inductive teaching method by giving stimulating questions to students and sharing
V. ANNOTATIONS examples first before conceptualization.

Prepared By: Noted By:


Subject Teacher Principal

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