Stories- By listening the stories of old leaders and their mechanism of working that
lead to an effective organizational culture.
Rituals and Ceremonies- Corporate rituals are repetitive performance of the activities
that support the organisation's value and mission. By performing them on regular
basis, they are embedded as a regular habit in minds of employees.
Cultural Symbol - Symbol depicts the organisation's value in unspoken word. They
depict the value of an organization. By seeing it, employees are constantly reminded
of their organizational culture.
Organizational heroes or leaders act as a role model for the new employees who are
constantly know for their contribution in enriching the organization's culture.
Selection- It is the process of hiring right candidate for the organisation who maintain
and promotes organisations culture.
Top Management- It is the prime responsibility of top management to promote and
maintain culture in the organisation.
Socialisation- It is the process of how an employee adapts in an organisational
culture. This are stages of socialisation- (a) Pre arrival stage (b) Encounter stage (c)
Metamorphosis Stage
Culture in an organization is created when there is the creation of a vision statement by the
stakeholders in an organization. This is of greater importance to the organization in that it
helps in the future to know what improvements are the organization has made and in the
long run what projects has the organization achieved.
To make a project successful, I believe that both the project's formal conduct and the parent
company's ethics and culture should work together to achieve the proper aims and
objectives. Whereas the parent company's ethics and culture would instruct us on how to
effectively implement the same project in order to achieve a higher level of employee
satisfaction, formal conduct would assist in ensuring that the project is run in the proper
structure and direction in order to achieve its systematic goals.
Cameron, K. (2008). A process for changing organization culture. Handbook of organization
development, 14(5), 2-18.