Revised 2022
3rd Semester
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Course Code :
Semester Third
Number of Credits : 3 (L: 3, P: 0)
Prerequisites : NIL
Course Category : PC
Full Marks 100 [ Internal :40 Marks+ External: 60 Marks]
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through various
teaching learning experiences –
• Maintain the efficient operation of various conventional electric power generating plants.
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Unit: 3 Gas and Diesel Power Plant 06
5.1 Related Terms – Connected Load, Firm Power, Cold Reserve,Hot Reserve,Operating
Reserve, Spinning Reserve, Average Demand, Maximum Demand
5.2 Base Load Plant & Peak Load Plant
5.3 Load Curve, Load Duration Curve, Integrated Duration Curve, Mass Curve, simple
numerical problems
5.4 Factors affecting the cost of generation – Demand Factor, Load Factor, Diversity
Factor, Plant Use Factor, Plant Capacity Factor. Simple numerical problems
5.5 Different types of Tariff system - Flat Rate, Block Rate, Two Part, Three Part, simple
numerical problems
5.6 Significance of Interconnected Power System
5.7 Choice of size and number of units, combined operation of power stations
5.8 Reasons and impact of grid system faults, State Grid and National Grid
5.9 Brownout and Blackout
Total 45
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1. P. K. Nag, Power Plant Engineering, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-9339204044
2. Tanmoy Deb, Electrical Power Generation, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi (Ed. 2018) ISBN-10- 9789386173379 ;
ISBN: 13- 978-9386173379
3. B.R.Gupta, Generation of Electrical Energy, S. Chand & Co. New Delhi,
4. J.B. Gupta, A Course in Electrical Power- S. K Kataria and Sons, New Delhi. ISBN:13- 978-9350143742; ISBN:10-
5. Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar, A Course in Electrical Power. – Dhanpat Rai and Sons
6. V K. Mehta, Principles of Power System – S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.ISBN-13- 978-8121924962; ISBN:10-
Course Outcomes
1. Explain the features, functioning, merits and demerits of Coal Based Thermal Power Plant.
2. Describe the construction, merits and demerits of Nuclear Power Plant.
3. Identify elements of gas turbine Power plant and Diesel Electric Power Plant through appropriate block diagram.
4. Select the merits and demerits of gas turbine Power Plant and Diesel Electric Power Plant for application in real
5. Explain the layout and functioning, merits and demerits of Large Hydro Power Plant with respect to it’s various
6. Identify various factors associated in the economic use of Power generation and interconnected Power Station.
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Course Code :
Semester Three
Number of Credits : 1 (L: 0, P: 2)
Prerequisites : NIL
Course Category : PC
Full marks 100 [Internal :60; External:40]
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through various
teaching learning experiences –
• Maintain the efficient operation of various conventional electric power generating plants.
At least EIGHT are to be done
1. Identify the routine maintenance parts of the coal fired thermal power plant after watching a video programme
2. Identify the routine maintenance parts of the gas fired thermal power plant after watching a video programme
3. Identify the routine maintenance parts of the diesel generator power plant after watching a video programme
4. Identify the routine maintenance parts of the nuclear fired thermal power plant after watching a video programme
5. Identify the routine maintenance parts of the large hydro power plant after watching a video programme
6. Study on the different types of Boiler used in coal based thermal power plant
7. Study on different types of Nuclear Reactor used in nuclear power plant
8. Study on different types of Water Turbines used in large hydro power plant
9. Draw Load Curve, Load Duration Curve and Mass curve of your institute
10. Calculate the total energy cost in a (i) Residential (ii) Commercial and (iii) Industrial Bill.
Course Outcomes
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with the course are to be taught and
implementatecd so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the above
mentioned competency:
a) Analyze the optimized working of the coal power plant.
b) Analyze the optimized working of the nuclear power plant.
c) Explain the optimized working of the gas power plant.
d) Explain the optimized working of the diesel power plant.
e) Analyze the optimized working of the large hydro power plant
f) Calculate the cost of electricity for different class of consumers.
1. Continuous Internal Assessment of 60 marks is to be carried out by the teachers throughout the Third Semester.
Distribution of marks: Continuous evaluation:50 Marks; Class Attendance: 10 Marks
2. External Assessment (end Semester examination) of 40 marks shall be held at the end of the Third Semester on the
entire syllabus. Assignment on the day of Viva-voce and practical report submission:20; Viva-voce:20
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Course Code :
Number of Credits : 3 (L: 3, P: 0)
Semester Third
Prerequisites : NIL
Course Category : PC
Full Marks 100 [ Internal :40; External:60]
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency through various
teaching learning experiences –
• Maintain electrical systems applying AC and DC circuit fundamentals.
Unit : 1 Network Theorems (Statement, procedure, areas of applications and limitations of all 10
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Unit: 4 Transient Analysis 06
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Simple R-L Circuit supplied from a DC voltage source
4.3 Simple R-C circuit supplied from a DC voltage source.
4.4 Time Constant.
4.5 Related Numerical problems.
Total 45
1. B.L. Theraja, Basic Electrical Engineering Volume – S. Chand; ISBN-13 : 978-8121924405
2. Mahmood Nahvi & JosephA Edminister, Schaum’s outlines Electric circuits, McGrawhill Education (India)Pvt. Ltd., ISBN-
13 : 978-9389538908
3. D Roy Choudhury, Networks and Systems, Publisher: NEW AGE, ISBN-13 : 978-8122427677; ISBN-10 :
4. A.Chakraborty, Circuit Theory Analysis and Synthesis. – Dhanpat Rai & Co.
5. S P Ghosh & A KChakraborty, Network Analysis & Synthesis – McGrawhill Education (India)Pvt. Ltd.,
ISBN-13- 9780070144781;ISBN-10- 9780070144781
6. S Salivahanan; Circuit theory Analysis and Synthesis; Pearson India Education Service Pvt Ltd; ISBN: 978- 93-
7. Gargi Basu; Introduction to circuit and Network; Platinum Publishers; ISBN: 978-8189874-46-9
Course Outcomes
1. Explain the statement, procedure, areas of application and limitations of Network Theorems.
2. Describe the generation, phasor diagram of sinusoidal quantities, R, L, C series and parallel combination of
Single-Phase AC Circuits.
3. Analyze circuits and systems by their standard parameters to identify their characteristics in Three Phase AC
4. Explain Transient Analysis of R-L and R-C circuits supplied from DC Voltage Source and concept of time constant.
5. Apply Laplace Transformation to solve various real-life problem in Electrical Circuit Networks.
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Internal Assessment (40 Marks)
Mid Semester Class Test:20 Marks Quizzes, viva-voce, Assignment: 10 Marks Attendance: 10
Course Code :
Semester Three
Number of Credits : 1 (L: 0, P: 2)
Prerequisites : NIL
Course Category : PC
Full Marks 100 [Internal 60 Marks; External:40 Marks]
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences –
• Maintain electrical systems applying AC and DC circuit fundamentals.
At least EIGHT are to be done
1) To verify Kirchhoff’s Current Law and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law.
2) Use dual trace oscilloscope to determine A.C voltage and current response in given R, L, C
3) Use voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter to determine active, reactive and apparent power
consumed in given R-L / R-C series circuit. Draw phasor diagram.
4) Use voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter to determine active, reactive and apparent power
consumed in given R-L-C series circuit. Draw phasor diagram.
5) Use variable frequency supply to create resonance in given series and parallel R-L-C circuit
or by using variable inductor or variable capacitor
6) Use voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter to determine current, p.f. , active, reactive and
apparent power in R-L / R-C parallel A.C. circuit.
7) Use voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, p.f meter to determine current, p.f., active, reactive
and apparent power for given R-L-C parallel circuit with series connection of resistor and
inductor in parallel with capacitor
8) Use voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, p.f meter to determine line and phase quantities of
voltage and current for balanced three phase star and delta connected load and calculate
active, reactive, and apparent power. Draw phasor diagram.
9) Use voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, p.f meter to determine line and phase quantities of
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voltage and current for unbalanced three phase star and delta connected load and
calculate active, reactive, and apparent power. Draw phasor diagram
10) Use voltmeter, ammeter to determine current through the given branch of an electric
network by applying mesh analysis.
11) Use voltmeter, ammeter to determine current through the given branch of an electric
network by applying node analysis.
12) Use voltmeter, ammeter to determine current through the given branch and voltage
across the given element of circuit by applying superposition theorem.
13) Use voltmeter, ammeter to determine equivalent circuit parameter in a given circuit by
applying Thevenin’s theorem
14) Use voltmeter, ammeter to determine equivalent circuit parameter in a given circuit by
applying Norton’s theorem
15) Use voltmeter, ammeter to determine load resistance for maximum power transfer for a
given circuit by applying maximum power transfer theorem.
Course Outcomes
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with the course are to be taught
and implementatecd so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with
the above-mentioned competency:
a) Troubleshoot problems related to single phase A.C series circuits.
b) Troubleshoot problems related to single phase A.C parallel circuits.
c) Troubleshoot problems related to three phase circuits.
d) Use principles of circuit analysis to troubleshoot electric circuits.
e) Apply network theorems to troubleshoot electric circuits.
1. Continuous Internal Assessment of 60 marks is to be carried out by the teachers throughout the Third
Semester. Distribution of marks: Continuous evaluation:50 Marks; Class Attendance: 10 Marks
2. External Assessment (end Semester examination) of 40 marks shall be held at the end of the Third Semester
on the entire syllabus. Assignment on the day of Viva-voce and practical report submission:20; Viva-voce:20
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Course Code :
Semester Third
Number of Credits : 3 (L:3, P:0)
Prerequisites : NIL
Course Category : PC
Full Marks 100 Marks [ Internal :40 Marks + External: 60 Marks]
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences –
1. Know relevant measuring instrument in different electrical & electronics applications.
2. Know working of relevant measuring instruments in analog & digital applications.
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Unit: 3 Measurement of Electric Power: 08
3.1 Dynamometer type wattmeter: Construction and working principle,
Multiplying factor and extension of range, Different types of errors and their
3.2 Measurements of active power in three phase circuit for balanced load by one
wattmeter method, two wattmeter method, three wattmeter method, related
3.3 Measurement of active power in three phase circuit for unbalanced load.
3.4 Effect of power factor variation on wattmeter readings in two wattmeter
method – Numerical problems.
3.5 Measurement of reactive power in three phase circuit.
3.6 Maximum Demand indicator - Construction and working principle.
Unit: 4 Measurement of Electric Energy: 07
4.1 Single phase and three phase electronic energy meter: Constructional features
and working principle, Different types of errors and their compensation.
4.2 Constructional feature & working principle of single phase and three-phase
induction type energy meter. Different types of errors and their compensation.
4.3 Calibration of single-phase electronic energy meter using direct loading.
Unit: 5 Measurement of Circuit Parameter, CRO and Other Meters: 16
5.1 Measurement of resistance:
5.1.1 Low resistance: Kelvin’s double bridge
5.1.2 Medium Resistance: Voltmeter and ammeter method
5.1.3 High resistance: Megger
5.1.4 Ohm meter: Series, Shunt type
5.2 Measurement of inductance using Anderson bridge.
5.3 Measurement of capacitance using Schering bridge.
5.4 Earth tester: Working and connection diagram, application.
5.5 Digital Multimeter: Working principle and basic block diagram, application.
5.6 L-C-R meter: Working and basic block diagram, application.
5.7 Digital Frequency meter: Working and basic block diagram, application.
5.8 Phase sequence indicator: Working and basic block diagram, application.
5.9 Power factor meter:
Single phase and Three phase dynamometer type: Working principle and circuit
5.10 Synchroscope: Working principle and circuit diagram, application.
5.11 Tri-vector meter: Working principle, application.
5.12 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO):
5.12.1 Single beam/single trace, Dual trace CRO
5.12.2 Digital storage Oscilloscope: Basic block diagram, working.
5.12.3 Cathode ray tube, electrostatic deflection, vertical amplifier, horizontal
amplifier, time base generator.
5.12.4 Measurement of voltage, amplitude, time period, frequency, phase angle
using CRO. Lissajou figure.
5.12.5 Specifications of CRO.
5.13 Signal generator: Working and basic block diagram, Applications.
5.14 Function generator: Working and basic block diagram, function of symmetry,
Total 45
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1. Sawhney A.K., Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation.,DhanpaiRai and
Sons, New Delhi, ISBN : 9780000279744
2. Mittle V. N., Basic Electrical Engineering, McGraw-Hill New Delhi, ISBN : 978-0-07-0088572-5
3. Edward Hughes, Electrical Technology, Pearson Education, New Delhi, ISBN-13: 978-
4. Rajput R.K., Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, S.Chand and Co. New
Delhi, ISBN : 9789385676017
5. Theraja B. L., Theraja A. K., A Text Book of Electrical Technology Vol-I(Basic Electrical Engg.),
S.Chand and Co. New Delhi, ISBN: 9788121924405
6. Suryanarayna N.V., Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, S.Chand and Co. New
Delhi , ISBN :8121920116
7. Kalsi H S; Electronic Instrumentation; McGraw-Hill New Delhi; ISBN13:978-0-07-070206-6;
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, the students will be able to-
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Course Code :
Semester Third
Number of credits : 1 (L:0, P:2)
Prerequisites : NIL
Course Category : PC
Full marks 100 Marks [Internal :60 Marks; External:40 Marks]
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences –
1. Use relevant measuring instrument in different electrical & electronics applications.
2. Use working of relevant measuring instruments in analog & digital applications.
3. Know the troubleshooting of different electrical & electronic instruments.
2. Extend range of ammeter and voltmeter by using (i) shunt and multiplier (ii) CT and PT.
3. Use single wattmeter for measurement of active and reactive power of three phase balanced
4. Use two watt-meters for measuring active power of three-phase balanced load.
8. Use voltmeter and ammeter method / Wheatstone bridge for measurement of medium resistance.
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1. Continuous Internal Assessment of 60 marks is to be carried out by the teachers throughout the Third
Semester. Distribution of marks: Continuous evaluation:50 Marks; Class Attendance: 10 Marks
2. External Assessment (end Semester examination) of 40 marks shall be held at the end of the Third Semester
on the entire syllabus. Assignment on the day of Viva-voce and practical report submission:20; Viva-voce:20
Course Code :
Course Title : DC Machines and Transformers
Semester Third
Number of Credits : 3 (L: 3, P: 0)
Prerequisites : NIL
Course Category : PC
Full Marks 100 [ Internal :40+ External: 60]
Course Objective: The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences: Maintain dc motors and transformers.
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4.5 Performance under no-load condition with phasor diagram. (Numerical)
4.6 Performance under load condition with phasor diagram. (Numerical)
4.7 Equivalent circuit. (Numerical)
4.8 Per unit representation of impedance (Numerical).
4.9 Voltage Regulation at upf, lagging pf & leading pf. (Numerical)
4.10 Polarity test of transformer.
4.11 Open Circuit and Short Circuit tests – Estimation of losses & Equivalent circuit
parameters. (Numerical)
4.12. Losses, Efficiency, Maximum efficiency, All-day efficiency. (Numerical)
4.13 Parallel operation of single phase transformers (Numerical).
4.14 Tap-changing methods, Tap changers – Off load & On-load type.
4.15 Single-phase Auto transformer: Construction, Working principles and application.
Unit:5 5. Three phase Transformer: 09
5.1 Types of three phase transformer: Bank of three single phase transformers, single
unit three phase transformers.
5.2 Construction of 3-phase transformer –different types of Winding.
5.3 Connections of 3-phase transformer – As per IS:2026 (part-IV)-1977 (Classification &
5.4 Practical application of zig-zag connection in earthing transformer.
5.5 Concept of Tertiary winding and its utility.
5.6 Different cooling methods of transformer.
5.7 Three-phase Auto transformer – Construction; working principle and application.
5.8 Scott-connected transformer – working principle, connection
Diagram, practical application.
5.9 Open delta connection – working principle, connection diagram and practical
5.10 Criteria for selection of Power transformer and distribution transformer. Amorphous
Core type distribution transformer; Specification of three phase distribution transformer
as per IS: 1180(Part I)-1989
5.11 Need of parallel operation of three phase transformer, Conditions for parallel
5.12 Phasing out test on Three-phase transformer.
45 hrs
1. Purkait & Bandyopadhyay; Electrical Machines; Oxford University Press (ISBN-10: 0-19-947263-7), New
2. Bhattacharya, S. K., Electrical Machines, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, ISBN: 9789332902855
3. Electric Machines, Ashfaq Husain, Harroon Ashfaq; Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Limited; ISBN 10-
4. Theraja, B.L., Electrical Technology Vol-II (AC and DC machines), S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN:
5. Mittle, V.N. and Mittle, Arvind., Basic Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, ISBN:
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6. Kothari, D. P. and Nagrath, I. J., Electrical Machines, McGraw Hill Education. New Delhi, ISBN:
7. G.C. Garg & P.S. Bimbhra, Electrical Machines, Vol-I, II, Khanna Book Publishing House ISBN: 978-
9386173-447, 978-93-86173-607, New Delhi
8. Mehta, V. K. and Mehta, Rohit, Principles of Electrical Machines, S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN:
9. Bandyopadhyay, M. N., Electrical Machines Theory and Practice, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
ISBN: 9788120329973
10. S K Sen, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Book Publishing House, New Delhi; ISBN: 8174091521
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course, the students will be able to-
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Course Code
Semester Third
Number of credits 1 (L:0, T:0; P:2)
Prerequisites NIL
Course Category PC
Full Marks 100 [Internal :60; External:40]
Course Objective: The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences:
• Use dc machines and transformers.
List of Practical:
At least eight Experiments to be performed (four from dc machines and four from
1. Dismantle a DC machine.
2. Plot the O.C.C. of a D.C. generator & find the critical resistance.
3. Starting and reversing of DC motor.
3. Control the speed of DC shunt motor above & below rated speed & draw the speed characteristics.
1. 4. Perform the brake test on DC series motor.
5. Compute the efficiency of a D.C. motor by Swinburne’s test.
6. Determine equivalent circuit parameters of single-phase transformer by performing O.C. test and
S.C. test.
7. Determine the regulation & efficiency of single-phase transformer by direct loading method
8. Compute the efficiency of a single-phase transformer by Back-to-Back test.
9. Perform parallel operation of two single phase transformers to determine the sharing of load current,
apparent and real power.
10. Check the functioning and testing of the isolation transformer.
11. Check the functioning and testing of pulse transformer
12. Study and check the connections (vector grouping) of three phase transformers
Course outcomes
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and
implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the
above mentioned competency:
1. Maintain DC generators and determine the performance characteristics.
2. Maintain different types of DC motors and determine their performance characteristics.
3. Maintain single phase transformer and determine the performance characteristics.
4. Check different types of connections of three phase transformers.
5. Maintain different types of special purpose transformers used in different applications.
1. Continuous Internal Assessment of 60 marks is to be carried out by the teachers throughout the Third
Semester. Distribution of marks: Continuous evaluation:50 Marks; Class Attendance: 10 Marks
2. External Assessment (end Semester examination) of 40 marks shall be held at the end of the Third Semester
on the entire syllabus. Assignment on the day of Viva-voce and practical report submission:20; Viva-voce:20
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Course Code :
Semester Third
Number of Credits : 3 (L: 3, T: 0, P: 0)
Prerequisites : NIL
Course Category : PC
Full Marks 100 [ Internal:40; External:60]
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences –
• Maintain the proper functioning of analog and digital electronic devices.
Course Contents:
Unit : 1 1. Diode 6
1.1 Zener Diode
1.1.1 Construction, Symbol, Circuit diagram for characteristics of Zener diode
(Forward & Reverse), Zener & Avalanche Breakdown
1.1.2 Zener diode specifications – Zener voltage, power dissipation, break over
current, dynamic resistance & maximum reverse current.
1.2.1 Need of rectifier, Types of single-phase rectifiers - Half wave & full
wave rectifier (Bridge & Centre tapped).
1.2.2 Circuit operation of the rectifiers, Input & output waveforms for
voltage & current, Average and rms value of voltage & current
(expression only), Ripple, Ripple factor, Ripple frequency, form factor,
PIV of diode used, Rectifier efficiency.
1.2.3 Need of filters, Types of filters – a) Series inductor, b) Shunt capacitor,
c) LC filter, d) π filter.
1.2.4 Circuit operation of the filters, limitations & advantages
Unit : 2 2. Transistors: 14
2.1.1 Transistor configurations – CB, CE, CC, circuit diagram for input &
output characteristics of each configuration, Input & output
characteristics. Comparison between three configurations.
2.1.3 Transistor specification – VCE Sat, IC Max, VCEO, ICEO, VCE Breakdown, α, β, Power
2.1.4 Basic Common Emitter Amplifier and D.C Load Line : Importance of DC
load line and AC load line, Operating point, selection of Q point and
stabilization, Related numerical problems.
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2.1.5 Need of biasing, Name of different biasing methods of transistor.
3.1 Concept of Positive and Negative feedback, Voltage gain of amplifier for
negative and positive feedback.
3.2 Introduction to oscillator, Block diagram of sine wave oscillator,
requirement of oscillation, Barkhausen criterion. Wien bridge oscillator,
Colpitt oscillator – operating principle, frequency of oscillation.
4.1 Half adder, Full adder, Half subtractor, Full subtractor, N bit parallel adder,
Parity Generator and checker, Digital comparator
4.2 Code converter, Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer.
5.1 Flip-flops – RS, D, T, JK, JK Master Slave Flip Flops using basic gates, preset and
clear signals.
5.2 Counters - Asynchronous & Synchronous Counter, Mod-N counter, Up Down
Counter, Ring counter
5.3 Registers - Shift register, Serial in Serial out, Serial in Parallel out, Parallel in
serial out, Parallel in Parallel out.
6.1 D/A Converter: Basic concepts, Weighted Resistor D/A converter, R-2R
Ladder D/A converter.
6.2 A/D Converter: Successive approximation method, Dual slope method.
6.3 Concept of - Static Memory & Dynamic Memory, SDRAM, DDR RAM, PROM,
6.4 Comparison of Logic families – DTL, TTL and ECL Gates
Total 45
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1. Electronic Principles, Albert Malvino & D.J.Bates , McGraw Hill Publisher; ISBN:13- 978-
2. David A. Bell; Electronic Device and Circuit; Oxford University Press, India; ISBN: 13-9780-0-19-
3. Electronics Engineering, J.B.Gupta, S.K.Kataria & Sons; ISBN:13-978-9350144374
4. V K Mehta & Rohit Mehta; Principles of Electronics, S. Chand Publishing; ISBN: 13- 978-
5. S Salivahanan, N Suresh Kumar, Electronic Devices and Circuits, McGraw Hill Education;
ISBN:13- 978-9339219505
6. Digital Principles & Applications , Leach, Malvino, Saha , McGraw Hill Education; ISBN:13- 978-
7. Digital Electronics, G.K. Karate, Oxford University Press
8. Digital Circuits and Design: S. Salivahanan; Oxford University Press, India ISBN: 13-9780-0-19-
Course Outcomes
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Course Code :
Course Objective
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching learning experiences –
• Maintain the efficient operation of various analog and digital electronic devices.
1. Analog Electronics: (At least Four Experiments are to be performed) :
1.1 Construct full-wave rectifier circuit & draw input, output waveforms – with filters and
without filters.
1.2 Plot the characteristics of Zener diode and find the breakdown voltage.
1.3 Plot the input & output characteristics of a BJT in CE or CB mode.
1.4 Plot the characteristics of JFET / MOSFET.
1.5 Construct a single stage CE amplifier circuit on a bread board to find out the gain and
observe the input and output waveforms.
1.6 Construct Relaxation Oscillator using UJT and observe output waveform by CRO.
1.7 Construct a ±12V power supply on bread board and observe the output waveform by
CRO with and without filter circuit. Also observe the output voltage using IC regulator
78XX & 79XX.
Course Outcomes
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with the course are to be taught and
implementatecd so that the student demonstrates the following industry-oriented COs associated with the
above-mentioned competency:
a) Analyze and describe the performance of Full wave rectifier, Zener Diode, BJT, JFET, MOSFET, UJT, Single
stage Amplifier.
b) Construct and analyze the performance of dc power supply (± 12 V).
c) Explain and describe the performance of combinational circuits.
d) Explain and describe the performance of sequential circuits.
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1. Continuous Internal Assessment of 60 marks is to be carried out by the teachers throughout the Third
Semester. Distribution of marks: Continuous evaluation:50 Marks; Class Attendance: 10 Marks
2. External Assessment (end Semester examination) of 40 marks shall be held at the end of the Third Semester
on the entire syllabus. Assignment on the day of Viva-voce and practical report submission:20; Viva-voce:20
Course Objectives: Following are the objectives of this course:
• To understand industrial environment and Electrical Engineering activities.
• To get exposure to field level works.
After 2nd semester, for Internship I, students are required to be involved in Inter/Intra Institutional
activities viz; Training and simulation programmed with different Institute like workshop of ITI, Other
Polytechnics and Technical Institutes Institutions; Soft skill training organized by Training and Placement
Cell of the respective institutions; contribution at innovation/entrepreneurship cell of the institute;
participation in workshops/ competitions etc; Learning at Departmental lab/ Institutional workshops.
After completion of Internship, the student should prepare a comprehensive report to indicate what
he/she has observed and learnt in training period. The student may contact Industrial Supervisor/Faculty
Mentor/ TPO for assigning topics and problems and should prepare the final report on the assigned topics.
The training report should be signed by the Industrial Supervisor/ Internship Faculty Mentor, TPO and
Institute may follow
• Basic and applied Science in Inter/ Intra Institution.
• Technical Drawings/ auto CAD for electrical in Inter/ Intra Institution.
• Computer application like module course on “C Programming language “etc in Inter/ Intra
• Mini project as beginner in Sci Lab/Tinkercad / any other simulation software in Inter/ Intra
• Workshop practice in Inter/ Intra Institution.
• Industrial Visit
• Free online technical courses
• Different combination of the above.
• Activities may be conducted continuously for stipulated period of time or may be
arranged in a staggered fashion.
Course outcome
The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to
be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-
oriented COs associated with the above-mentioned competency:
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• To learn new skills and supplement knowledge.
• To practice communication and teamwork skills.
• To learn strategies like time management, multi-tasking etc. in an industrial setup.
• To meet new people and learn networking skills
The Internship Report will be evaluated on the basis of following criteria (as applicable)
Sl. No. Criteria for evaluation of Internship Report
1 Originality
2 Adequacy and purposeful write up
3 Organizations, format, drawing, sketches, style, language
4 Practical applications and relationships with basic theory
5 Concept taught in the course outcome
6 Practical applications, relationships with basic theory and concept taught in the course
7 Attendance record, daily diary, quality of Internship Report.
Seminars must be arranged for the student based on his/her training report, before an Internal
Committee constituted by the concerned department of the Institute. The evaluation will be based on the
following criteria:
Sl. No. Criteria for evaluation of Internship Seminar
1 Quality of content presented
2 Proper Planning for presentation
3 Effectiveness of presentation
4 Depth of knowledge and skills
5 Viva voce
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