TLE 6 HE Week 1
TLE 6 HE Week 1
TLE 6 HE Week 1
Home Economics 6
Quarter 3 - Learning Activity Sheet 1
Before you start, read and understand first the main concepts of
our new topic this week. These concepts will help you in
answering and completing all learning tasks that you will
encounter in this LAS.
A. Family Resources
Family resources are those things that the family possess and uses
in all homemaking activities in order to achieve their goals and
aspiration in life. They are human and non-human qualities or elements
that are used to meet the needs and wants of each member of the family.
They maybe tangible or intangible. These can also be in the form
of services or properties used to produce goods or services that meet
the needs and wants of a man. Family resources can be classified into
two: the Human resources and Non- human or material resources.
1. Human Resources refers to the qualities of family members and what
they possess that contribute to their over–all human being. These human
resources are developed through education, skills, attitude, knowledge,
energy and time. Time and energy are limited resources but considered as
valuable to the family.
Every one of us has our owned “goals” or “dreams “in life and when
we say goals it is something that we aspired to reach or achieve. Goals can
be a long term goals or a short term goals. What is important is we know
within ourselves if what is our “goals” or what we want to achieve in life.
However, in this fast changing world that we have today People basic
needs have been expanded. The people does not only need foods, shelter,
clothing water, medicines but, they also need the following:
1. Education- people or a person have the right to learn to study in
order to have a good job and good life in the future.
2. Transportation – the need for transportation in order to go to into the
place or destination to where a person or individual wanted to go.
3. Love and care - the need to be love and care from other people and
family in order to feel the sense of emotional and social security.
Social needs refer to the need to have a relationship with others. This
is a sense of belongingness, love, affection, intimacy, family, friends
relationship, etc. Maslow considered the social stage an important part of
psychological development of a person because our relationship with others
help reduce emotional concerns such as depression and anxiety.
What is expenses?
Expenses refers to the money paid by a family for goods and services
they get or payments, or reimbursement for services rendered and goods
purchases made by a family or a person. Expenses takes money out of the
family. There are two types of expenses:
1. Fixed expenses - these are the expenses that occur regularly
within a period of time and more or less the same amount.
These are school fees, rentals, water bills, electricity bills, food
and transportation.
2. Flexible expenses- are the expenses that do not
come regularly examples expenses for clothing’s,
recreation and entertainment, donation, medical and
dental care and other emergency expenses.
B. Allocation of Budget for Basic and Social Needs
Now that you are more than ready to conquer this LAS, it is now
time for you to apply your understanding in enumerating
sources of family income, allocating budget for basic and
social need, identifying family resources and needs by
completing the Learning Tasks that will surely activate your
senses for maximum learning.
Learning Activities
Directions: Read each question carefully and answer them all by filling in
the blank with the correct resources.
___________1. Resources needed by a man in order to do his work or daily
___________2. Something that we want to have or to achieve in life.
___________3. Baking, or cooking, required proper understanding of
procedures or steps to be able to come up with a good finished product.
___________4. Ideas, opinion, inclination and biases.
_____________5. The highest form of income from the salary of parents and
other member of the family.
_____________6. It is a resource that needs to be manage properly so that it
will not be wasted and become gold.
_____________7. Things that are inside our house that are durable and
_____________8. These are the schools, barangay health centre, hospitals,
churches, transportation, market, and other facilities that can be found in
the community.
_____________9. Things that are outside the house and provide basic need of
the family.
____________ 10. The required facts and information in every activity that we
are going to do or accomplish in order to attain success.
Learning Task 2.
Learning Task 3.
LEARNING TASK 1 Any of the following LEARNING TASK 3
can be a correct
1. Energy *Employments/work 1. Php14, 400.00
2. Goals *Profit 2. Php4, 500.00
3. Talent *Commission/Bonus 3. Php6, 300.00
4. Attitude *Rentals 4. Php6, 750.00
5. Money *Pension 5. Php2, 250.00
6. Time *Dividend 6. Php3, 600.00
7. Goods and *Animal raising 7. Php3, 150.00
8. Community *Farming/Planting 8. Php1, 350.00
9. Environmental 9. Php900.00
10. Knowledge 10.Php1, 800.00
Prepared by:
Ronnie F. Duron, T-III