Week 8
Week 8
The learner…
A. Content
Demonstrates understanding of personal health issues and concerns and the importance of
health appraisal procedures and community resources in preventing or managing them.
B. Performance The learner…
Standards Practices self-management skills to prevent and control personal health issues and concerns
C. Most Essential
Learning Identifies community health resources and facilities that may be utilized to address a variety
Competencies of personal health issues and concerns H6PH-lgh-23
A. References
a.Teacher’s Guide
b.Learner’s Guide
c.Textbook Pages
What are the community health resources and facilities that may be utilized to address a
variety of personal health issues and concerns?
III. Preparatory
Have you experienced of using health resources and facilities when you are
Have the pupils watch the video clip about health issues and concerns
The health professional are working in health facilities. These health facilities have
equipment and technologies needed by the medical professionals to perform their duties.
These facilities are:
1. Hospital is an institution that isbuilt, staffed, and equipped forthe diagnosis of disease; for
thetreatment, both medical andsurgical, of the sick and the injured; and for their
housingduring this process.
2. Clinic (or outpatient clinic orambulatory care clinic) is a healthcare facility that is
V. Teaching primarily focused on the care ofoutpatients. Clinics can be privately operated or publicly
Modelling managed and funded. The injury or illness may not be serious enough to require a visit to an
emergency room (ER), but the person can be transferred to oneif needed.
3. Dental clinic is a place where a dentist performs dental procedures and treatments on
patients. Dental clinics can be found in hospitals, schools,
government offices, and other health-related establishments.
The clinic is usually a single room housing all dental equipment and tools
4. Drug Store a store that sells medicines and usually other goods, esp. products relating
tocleaning and caring for the body.
5. The Barangay Health Center is the initial unit, which dispenses basic health care, i.e.
maternal and childcare, immunizations, treatment of simple medical conditions, nutrition,
family planning, sanitary health care, emergency treatment and health education.
Direction: Math column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct
1. It is used to calculate your BMI A. vision screening
VI. Guided Practice 2. It will help detect problems in the gums B. dental check up
3. It aims to detect abnormality in the breast C. hearing screening
4. It helps diagnose hearing loss D. breast examination
5. It will help identify issues with your eyes E. measuring height
and weight
VII. Independent Direction: Identify the different community health resources and facilities that may be
Practice utilized to address a variety of personal health issues and concerns.Choose the answer inside
the box.
doctor drugstore clinic
dental clinic nurse dentist
(Reflective Approach)
Directions: Write your personal insights on what have you learned in our lesson.
Journal Proficiency Level
5X =
4X =
3X =
2X =
1X =
Teacher III
Inspected by:
Principal I