Introduction To Ballroom Dancing & Modern Waltz
Introduction To Ballroom Dancing & Modern Waltz
Introduction To Ballroom Dancing & Modern Waltz
class champion of ballroom dance; GK Anderson who Hesitation Waltz in 1913. Until the development of the
founded the English style; Lady Humphries who hesitation, couples had waltzed in one direction until
helped establish the Modern Ballroom Dance faculty degenerated into an endurance contest. The Hesitation
of the Imperial Society; and Alex Moore who resulted in the Waltz as it is danced today.
contributed to the writing of Technique of Ballroom
Dancing. TANGO
There are basically three types of Tango –
Ballroom Dance Groupings Argentine Tango, American Smooth Tango, and
International Ballroom International Style Tango. We teach only the
The International ballroom dances are divided into two International Style, which is a little more subdued but
groups: has the benefit of being danced exactly the same way
1. Standard no matter where you go in the world.
Slow Waltz
Tango Argentine Tango (Arrabalero) was created by
Viennese Waltz the Gauchos in Buenos Aires. It was actually an
Slow Foxtrot attempt on their part to imitate a Spanish dance except
Quickstep that they danced it in a closed ballroom position. The
2. Latin Tango caused a sensation and was soon to be seen the
Cha Cha world over in a more subdued version.
Rumba Unlike the Argentine Tango, in which the
Paso Doble dancer interprets the music spontaneously without any
Jive predetermined slows or quicks, the American Tango
features a structure which is correlated to the musical
phrasing. The dance is executed both in closed position
and in various types of extravagant dance relationships became popular in white society after inclusion in the
which incorporate a particular freedom of expression stage show ‘Running Wild’ in 1923 by the Ziegfeld
that is not present in the International style. This Follies, which toured U.S.A.
version had its origins in the popular dance musicals It was popularized in Europe by Josephine
and show performance of the 1930’s. Baker in Paris in the 1920’s. It was danced with wild
swinging arms and sidekicks to music at 200 to 240
International Tango is a highly disciplined and beats per minute. It subsequently became very popular
distinctively structured from of the Tango which is worldwide, but the wild character of the dance induced
accepted worldwide. It was developed to give a sense many sedate ballrooms either to ban it altogether, or to
of common structure for teaching and judging the put up notices saying simply ‘PCQ’, standing for
Tango around the world. The dancers remain in “Please Charleston Quietly”. The Charleston step and
traditional closed position throughout and expresses the Scatter Chasses were introduced into the Quickstep
both legato and staccato aspects of the type of music by Wally Fryer and VI Barnes in London in the
appropriate to this. 1940’s.
When dancing waltz,
someone has to lead and