Human Resource Management

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Third Semester
Bachelor of Business Administration
2017 Admission Onwards

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.

1.   Differentiate between personnel department and HRM.

2.   Briefly explain role of personnel department in the organisation.

3.   What is meant by head hunters?

4.   What is executive development and its features?

5.   What is meant by paired comparison method?

6.   What is meant by apprenticeship training?

7.   Write notes on job description and job specification.

8.   What do you mean by wages?

9.   What do you mean by fringe benefits?

10.   What do you mean by bonus?

11.   What is bond of service?

12.   What do you mean by Provident Fund?

Part B
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

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13.   Elaborate the objectives of HRM.

14.   What all are the various features of manpower planning?

15.   Give the advantages of selection.

16.   Explain the limitations of performance appraisal.

17.   Difference between job enlargement and job enrichment.

18.   Define incentives. State its features.

19.   What are the characteristics of profit sharing?

20.   What are the constituents that should be included while drafting of charge sheet?

21.   What are the significance of human resource records?

Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.

22.   Explain the structure of HRD in an organisation and also explain the challenges of HRM.

23.   Critically examine the methods of off the job training.

24.   Explain the meaning and factors affecting career planning.

25.   Explain the process of job evaluation.


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