Biological Odour Control System Specification - R1
Biological Odour Control System Specification - R1
Biological Odour Control System Specification - R1
This document provides the Specification for Biological Odour Control Systems.
This document must be read in conjunction in conjunction with relevant QCS 2014 referenced in this
• Qatar Construction Specification (QCS) 2014
o Section 09 - Part 09: Odour Control Equipment - Carbon Type
o Section 09 - Part 10: Odour Control Equipment - Scrubber Type
o Section 09 - Part 22: Ventilation Systems
Third parties not working on Ashghal projects make use of this document at their own risk. Paper copies
of this document are uncontrolled. Refer to Ashghal’s website for the most recent version.
Application: This Specification applies with immediate effect from the date of issue
Biological Odour Control Systems Specification ........................................................................... 1
1. General ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 References ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 System Description ........................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Submittals .......................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Quality Assurance ........................................................................................................... 11
1.6 Inspections ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.7 Warranty........................................................................................................................... 13
2. PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................. 14
2.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Biological Odour Control Vessel .................................................................................... 15
2.3 Biological Odour Control Media ..................................................................................... 16
2.4 Fans .................................................................................................................................. 17
2.5 Dampers ........................................................................................................................... 18
2.6 Booster Pumps ................................................................................................................ 18
2.7 Water Control Panel ........................................................................................................ 19
2.8 Nutrient Feed System ...................................................................................................... 19
2.9 Biological Odour Control System Control Panel........................................................... 19
2.10 Instrumentation & Control .............................................................................................. 20
2.11 Factory Inspection and Testing ...................................................................................... 21
2.12 Spare Parts and Tools ..................................................................................................... 21
3. INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING ................................................................................ 22
3.1 Installation ....................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Site Inspection and Testing ............................................................................................ 22
3.3 Field Painting & Corrosion Protection ........................................................................... 23
4. PERFORMANCE TESTING ..................................................................................................... 23
4.1 H2S Testing procedure .................................................................................................... 23
4.2 H2S Acceptance criteria: ................................................................................................. 24
4.3 NH3 Acceptance criteria: ................................................................................................. 24
4.4 Odor Acceptance Criteria ............................................................................................... 24
1. General
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This Part specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture, construction, installation testing and
commissioning of Biological Odour Control Systems involving Bio Scrubbers, Bio trickling Filters or
combination of both with or without polishing step with Chemical or Activated carbon for controlling
Odour emissions in Foul Sewer Network, Pumping stations & Foul sewage treatment plants.
1.1.2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section
1. Part 1, General.
2. Section 8, Drainage Works.
3. Section 09, Part 09: Odour Control Equipment - Carbon Type.
4. Section 09, Part 10: Odour Control Equipment - Scrubber Type.
5. Section 09, Part 22: Ventilation Systems.
6. Section 10, Instrumentation Control and Automation.
7. Section 21, Electrical Works.
1.1.3 The Odour Control Supplier shall design, supply, deliver, test and commission the Biological Odour Control
odour control system complete with vertical towers, water control panels, nutrient feed system (if
required), recirculation system (if required), OCU control panel, fan system, spare parts, instruments,
components, accessories and appurtenances. Electrical Control panel shall be as per QCS 2014 Section 21
Part 2 and PLC shall be as per QCS Section 10.
1.2 References
The following standards or revised/updated versions and other documents are referred to in this Part:
• BS 848 - Fans for general purposes.
• BS 970 (ISO 683) - Wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes.
• BS 1646 (ISO 3511) - Symbolic representation for process measurement control functions and
• BS 5000 (IEC 34, 72) - Rotating electrical machines of particular types or for particular applications.
• BS 5345 (IEC 79) - Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus for
use in potentially explosive atmosphere.
• BS 5512 (ISO 281) - Methods of calculating dynamic load ratings and rating life of rolling bearings.
• BS 6105 (ISO 3506) - Corrosion resistant stainless steel fasteners.
• BS 6339 (ISO 6580) - Dimensions of circular flanges for general purpose industrial fans.
• BS 7671 - Requirements for electrical installations.
• National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 820 - Standard for Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment
and Collection Facilities, 2020 Edition.
• Air Movement Control Association 99-0401 – Classification for Spark Resistant Construction.
• ASTM E477 - Standard Test Method for Measuring Acoustical and Airflow Performance of Duct Liner
Materials and Prefabricated Silencers.
• ASME RTP-1 - Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion-Resistant Equipment.
• BS EN 13725:2003 Air quality. Determination of odour concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry.
• BS/IEC and Kahramaa standards to be followed for electrical codes.
• All relevant QCS 2014 Sections should be followed.
Where codes, standards and regulations are in conflict, the more stringent criteria and requirements shall be
Pumping station working area (current practice) 20 during man access (initiated by light switch)
Balancing tank
Inlet works distribution chambers 6
Sewage flow distribution chambers
For any other areas in the Sewage Treatment Plant, unless otherwise specified in the Project particular
requirements, the minimum number of air changer per hour in the ventilated volume shall not be less than 4
To improve the atmosphere on the above restricted access areas prior to man-entry, the above ventilation rates
should be increased to at least 16 air changes per hour, considering full empty volume and the overall design
shall ensure that the active ventilated area is always kept at negative pressure.
Design of odour control system and associated equipment should take into account the following expected
B. Odour concentration shall be less than or equal to 5 odour units per m3 at the point outside property
boundaries site as 98th percentile of the One (1) hour average concentration.
1.3.3 System Requirement:
i. The single or multi-stage Biological Odour Control system with or without combination of Bio scrubber and
Bio Trickling shall be operated as a vertical counter flow arrangement with a once-through irrigation
ii. Co-current flow systems where foul air and irrigation water flows in the same direction are not allowed.
iii. Cross-flow horizontal type configurations are not acceptable.
iv. Systems using a water recirculation system through the reactor vessel shall not be allowed.
v. Single or multi-stage biotrikling filter vessels.
vi. Structured and engineered, synthetic media with engineered flow channels to optimize mass transfer and
facilitate the growth of bacteria necessary for biological oxidation of odorous compounds.
vii. Biological Odour Control unit media should be based on synthetic media not organic media used in the Bio
OCU and Life of the media and warranty guaranteed for not less than 20 Years.
viii. Biological Odour Control media during the above warranty period should not shrink or swell or compact
with varying moisture content of not more than 5 percent of the original bed depth.
ix. Biological Odour Control media during the above warranty period should not experience more than 15
percent increase in head loss across the media at design airflow.
x. The Biological Odour Control design comprises of:
• Engineered flow channels to prevent short-circuiting over the Operational life span.
• Minimum High specific surface area (750 m2/m3) helps to develop a high microbial density in the
media, thus allowing for the treatment of very high odour loadings.
• Effective organic and inorganic odour removal, thus providing total odour control.
• Long Media Life (life expectancy > 20 yrs).
xiv. The system shall be manufactured of materials compatible for sulphuric acid generated in the process with
pH as low as pH 1. The system should consider the neutralization facility, if required to avoid any impact
on downstream processes due to draining of highly concentrated irrigation water as sulphuric acid.
xv. The treated air shall be discharged into atmosphere via stack and shall extend above the height of building
with required height determined by dispersion modelling using US EPA latest AERMOD dispersion model.
All potential existing and future sources of odour in the surrounding areas should be considered.
xvi. The discharge vent from the Odour Control system shall be designed to maximize the air velocity greater
than 15 m/s out of the top of the stack to obtain maximum dilution with surrounding air. The discharge
vent stack height shall be of minimum 14 m above ground unless otherwise proven that the sensitive areas
around the project site is not affected with lower stack height.
xvii. The Biological Odour Control design shall comply to the requirements to Hazardous Area Zone
xviii. To meet the performance guarantee with second stage of treatment considered with Activated Carbon
Filter, then a Demister between the Biological unit and Carbon System shall be integrated in the design, to
avoid any impairment of the performance of activated Carbon. Secondary Activated Carbon shall have a
designed life of 10 years with acceptable regeneration cycles.
1.3.4 Process Description
The odour control system shall remove hydrogen sulfide, organic reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs) and other
odorous compounds from the foul air stream using biological Odour Control System.
The foul air shall enter the system from the bottom of each reactor and flow upward through each of the media
layers installed in series. The media bed shall be intermittently irrigated from top of reactor using reclaimed
treated sewage effluent (TSE) unless otherwise stated or if the quality of TSE does not permit to use then potable
water shall be used. Necessary The water trickles through the media and is collected at the bottom of the reactor.
The drain water at the bottom of the reactor vessel shall be piped to a discharge point as designed.
The autotrophic bacteria resident on the lower media layer oxidizes the hydrogen sulphide, as the foul air passes
through the upper media layer(s), the resident heterotrophic bacteria will oxidize along with other organic
odorous compounds. The airstream is then released to the atmosphere via the exhaust stack at the top of the
Autotrophic bacteria can thrive in an acidic environment, but heterotrophic bacteria can only survive in a pH
neutral environment. In order to create and maintain a pH gradient over the reactor, systems using recirculation
water through the reactor vessel shall not be allowed.
1.4 Submittals
1.4.1 In addition to the requirements of Part 1 of this Section, the Contractor shall provide data and information
as described in the following paragraphs.
1.4.2 Design data providing the following information:
Design submittals involving Air extraction sources, rate of air changes, Air volume for Design, Static and
dynamic Inlet Parameters, Historic data, Outlet guaranteed performance, Process Flow Diagram, P&ID,
Mass Balance, Detailed calculations, QCS compliance, Process and Automation control philosophy, GA
drawings, Layout and Modelling.
a) Calculations to justify the sizing of the fans, packed bed, pumps, TSE/potable water storage tanks
and chemical storage tanks.
b) Calculations as required by EN BS 13121 pertaining to the construction of the FRP Biological
Odour Control vessel and related equipment.
c) Structural calculations for foundations and guy wires or any other external means of support,
taking into account wind loadings.
d) End user certificates.
e) Modelling results, in graphical format, with velocity contour plots at 24” media height over the
entire media cross section shall be provided to confirm that the airflow through the media is
homogeneous at the average airflow rate. For the purpose of this specification, homogeneous is
defined as being when the upflow velocity over the entire media cross sectional area is equal to
the average up flow velocity ± 10%.
f) Calculations that the irrigation system shall distribute the irrigation liquid evenly over the media
area/section; Deviations more than ± 7% in flow distribution will not be allowed.
g) Detail bill of material complete with Material of construction.
h) Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) showing all main equipment components, flow
rates and instrumentation.
i) Process control narrative.
j) Equipment offloading and installation instruction with sufficient details to allow the contractor
to complete the mechanical and electrical installation of all System components.
k) Information on hazard associated with the system and appropriate safety precautions, including
applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
l) Datasheets, specifications and warranty for the media.
1.4.3 Shop drawings, providing the following information:
a) Make, model, weight and power rating of each equipment assembly.
b) Manufacturer’s catalogue/data sheet information, descriptive literature, specifications, and
identification of materials of construction.
c) Dimensional layout of OCU System and related equipment.
d) Design calculations for the FRP Biological Odour Control vessels, ladders, and structural
e) Process calculations showing calculated values for annual utility, water, and nutrient usage.
f) Fan test data as BS 848 Parts 1 and 2
1.4.4 Instrumentation:
a) Complete layout and wiring diagrams of unit control panels.
b) Complete process and instrumentation diagrams drawn in accordance with BS 1646.
c) Instrument list.
1.4.5 Operation and maintenance and instruction manuals including:
a) Odour reduction field test report(s) as specified in Part 1.3.
b) The documentation in Clauses 2, 3 and 4 above in Part 1.1.4.
c) As-built dimensional drawings showing plan and elevation views of the System and all applicable
d) As-built Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs).
e) Detailed bill of material along with specification of System components and materials of
construction. The list to include the make, model number and descriptive literature of all items
furnished by the Manufacturer.
f) Performance data for the odor control blower, to include curves showing capacity, pressure,
horsepower demand and efficiency over the entire operating range, including blower
manufacturer’s descriptive literature and blower model number(s).
g) Special precautions for any components or materials associated with the System and its
operation that should be subject to particular safety precautions, including MSDS.
h) Manufacturer’s Service Department contact information and service order form.
1.6 Inspections
1.6.1 The Engineer has the right to reject delivery of any or all pieces of FRP equipment found, upon inspection,
to have any or all of the following:
I. Blisters.
II. Chips.
III. Crazing.
IV. Exposed glass.
V. Cracks.
VI. Burned areas.
VII. Dry spots.
VIII. Foreign matter.
IX. Surface porosity.
X. Sharp discontinuity and
XI. Entrapped air at the surface of the laminate.
1.6.2 The Engineer reserves the right to be present at the fabricator’s facility for visual inspection of equipment
1.6.3 Rejection of an item shall require correction of the item as follows:
I. Initial Correction: Field correction by the manufacturer shall be attempted. If the outcome of the field
correction is satisfactory to the Engineer then the item shall be considered approved. If the outcome
of the field correction is not satisfactory to the Engineer, then the item will remain rejected and shall
receive further correction.
II. Further Correction: The item shall be returned to the fabrication facility and either corrected or
refabricated. After the item is corrected or refabricated, the item shall be delivered to the site location
and the inspection process repeated until satisfactory to the Engineer.
III. Correction of items resulting from inspection rejection shall be provided at no extra cost to the
1.6.4 Shipping, Delivery, Storage & Handling.
A. All equipment and materials shall be properly protected such that no damage will occur from the time
of shipment until the time of installation.
B. All exposed openings shall be protected to prevent entrance of debris, moisture or water during
transportation and storage.
C. Contractor shall be responsible for offloading all shipped equipment and shall inspect all equipment
upon arrival. Contractor shall notify the Manufacturer within 24 hours of any damage to equipment or
surface finish due to shipping.
D. Contractor shall store all equipment such that, for the duration of the storage period, there will be no
deterioration in equipment appearance or performance. Manufacturer shall supply detailed storage
instructions, as necessary, at the time of shipment.
1.7 Warranty
1.7.1 The Contractor shall ensure that the Biological Odour Control system manufacturer be responsible for the
proper performance and warranty of the odour control system. The system shall be designed and
guaranteed to meet the odour removal requirement as outlined in this specification.
1.7.2 Warranties and guarantees by the suppliers of various components in lieu of single-source responsibility
by the Biological Odour Control system manufacturer will not be accepted. The complete system
installation shall be guaranteed individually and collectively by the Contractor & Manufacturer.
1.7.3 The Biological Odour Control system manufacturer must state in his proposal the guaranteed removal
efficiency of the Biological Odour Control system, based on the foul air inlet concentration.
1.7.4 Biological Odour Control Media Warranty:
a. The Biological Odour Control filter manufacturer shall be the origin producer of the media so as to
provide the design performance guarantee and to warrant the structural media against all the defects
in material and workmanship for at least twenty (20) years from media delivery.
In case, the media is sourced from a media manufacturer other than Ashghal approved Biological
Odour Control OCU system provider, then the media Quality control and warranty for its operable life
of twenty (20) years must be guaranteed jointly by manufacturer of the media and Ashghal approved
Biological Odour Control OCU system provider.
The project Contractor Performance liability and Guarantees shall follow the Contract specification,
Latest QCS and Qatar laws
b. The Biological Odour Control media shall be provided with a twenty (20) year warranty, commencing
from the date of the Commissioning Certificate.
c. In addition, during the warranty period:
i. The media shall not shrink or compact by more than Five (5) percent of the original bed depth.
Differential pressure drops shall not exceed the maximum limits stated herein at design airflow
ii. The media shall not degrade or decompose.
iii. If the media does shrink or compact by more than Five (5) percent of the original bed depth or of
the media is found, upon examination by the media supplier, to have degraded or decomposed
or to be defective in material or workmanship or both, and the efficiency of the system is affected
by that, the media supplier shall either:
a. add new media or
b. repair or replace any part of the defective media or
c. replace the entire media bed(s) at no cost to the Contractor or the Authority.
2.1 General
2.1.1 The Biological Odour Control filter odour control system shall be a once through, multiple stage and
packaged FRP designed to meet the performance requirements specified herein. The system shall be
designed for continuous and automatic operation and also be capable of manual operation. Air flow
through the Biological Odour Control shall be vertical counter-current. Foul air passing through wetted
media shall make contact with biomass residing within biofilm attached to the media substrate. Foul air
constituents shall be absorbed into the biofilm and be biologically oxidized into non-volatile, soluble by
Irrigation water shall be provided for maintaining adequate moisture and pH levels within the media.
Irrigation system also should be able of “unclogging” the media, at an eventual higher flow rate. This
shall be accomplished by once-through irrigation system. All necessary valves and piping shall be
provided to allow for once-through operation. Irrigation system shall distribute the irrigation liquid
evenly over the media section by the use of an one spray nozzle system. A nutrient feed system shall be
provided as backup in case TSE becomes unavailable or is proven to be insufficient with regards to
nutrient addition. Potable water shall be utilized for irrigation water in case TSE is unavailable.
2.1.2 Those items of the scrubbers and fans specified to be constructed of fibre glass reinforced polyester resin
shall have approximately 25 % glass reinforcement with a 75 % resin content and conform to the following:
a) The polyester resin shall be isophtalic and/or vinylester resin to BS 3532.
b) Reinforcing material shall be a commercial grade of glass fibre water resistant type ‘E’ chopped
strand mat or woven glass fabric to BS 3496 and BS 3749.
c) Surface finish shall be a gelcoat flow coat isophtalic resin to BS 3532. All drilled, cut or
otherwise exposed edges shall be sealed with polyester resin.
d) All materials, fabrication procedures, manufacturing tolerances, workmanship, tests, and
product quality shall conform to BS EN13121.
e) Each Biological Odour Control filter unit shall include the following:
i. Flanged inlet connection.
ii. Multiple stage, vertical tower.
iii. Structured, synthetic and coiled Biological Odour Control media.
iv. Nozzle type liquid distributor.
v. Stairs and platforms.
vi. Piping, valves, and fittings as required for the system to operate as described
vii. Nutrient feed system with a nutrient feed pump.
viii. All other equipment and accessories necessary to provide a complete and properly
operating system.
d) Glass content of combined inner surface and interior layer shall be 27 percent plus or minus 5
3. Exterior Layer (structural layer) for Filament Wound Vessels
a) The exterior or structural layer shall be filament wound. Filament winding shall be with
continuous strand roving to provide a glass content of 50 to 80 percent.
b) Exterior surface shall of the vessel shall contain resin-rich single ply “C” veil or chopped
strand mat.
2.2.14 Media Support:
1. FRP grating, 30 mm by 30 mm or approved equal.
2. Quantity: Sufficient to hold the amount of media plus weight of biomass and hold-up water under
maximum operating conditions.
3. Construct of fibre glass with vinyl ester and/or isophtalic resins or approved equal.
4. Supply manufacturer’s instructions for placement and removal of the media support in and out
of the tower.
2.2.15 Stairs and Platforms:
1. Provide stairs and top railing to allow access to inspection nozzles and water distribution piping.
2. Stairs and platforms shall be designed and provided to meet all local requirements.
3. Stairs, platforms, and handrailing shall be constructed of galvanized steel/FRP members with FRP
grating and handrailing.
2.2.16 No internal wetted metal bolts, or components are permitted. All external bolts and fasteners including
anchor bolts and flanged bolts shall be BS 970 316 stainless steel. Stainless steel anchor bolts guy wires
and clips shall be provided by the manufacturer
2.2.17 The Biological Odour Control vessel shall be supplied with integral mounting lugs and pipe supports for
the Biological Odour Control liquor piping. Mountings shall be designed with consideration for pipe inlet
and outlet connections. Pipe supports shall be non-metallic channels and straps.
2.2.18 The Biological Odour Control shall be designed to structurally withstand both Operating gas pressure
(Positive or Negative ) with design and Operation preferred with negative operating pressure and any
other stresses expected during loading, unloading of the media and need to support at least two people
standing on the top typically 200 kg plus the media.
2.4 Fans
2.4.1 Duty / standby fans shall be provided for each Biological Odour Control system. Each fan >5kW shall have
a VSD driven motor with the capacity and power to deliver the required volume of air against the total
pressure losses in the air intake, duct collection systems, Biological Odour Control media, ductwork and
dampers to the fans and exiting out of the stack.
2.4.2 The fan shall be preferably centrifugal direct-driven type constructed from corrosion resistant stainless
steel 316, with vibration free mountings. The fan shall be capable of the performance specifications as
shown below:
a) unit capacity : as required.
b) static pressure: 1500 Pa, or as required.
c) operating temperature : 0-55oC.
d) Motor : high efficiency, 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz IP 55; power and power allowance as required
by process requirements and QCS, sized for maximum allowed rotation of the selected fan
model at nominal grid voltage and frequency, rated for zone 2, to BS 5000.
2.4.3 Exhaust fans shall be suitable for continuous 24-hour operation and shall be non-overloading. Each fan
shall operate such that no point on the fan curve requires more than the rated motor power.
2.4.4 The fan housing, flanges and backward curved impellers shall be constructed of flame retardant GRP
laminate or stainless steel 316, capable of resisting continuous fume temperature of 550C. The
manufacturer shall state the type of resin used and confirm that it will perform satisfactorily under the
operating conditions. All interior surfaces exposed to the corrosive air stream shall be resin rich/stainless
steel 316.
2.4.5 Fans shall comply with BS 848 and be provided with the following standard features:
a) Drive assembly: belts shall be oil, heat and static resistant type, sized for continuous duty.
Shafts shall be constructed of heavy duty steel turned, ground and polished, keyed at both
b) Bearings: heavy duty, self-aligning with grease fittings.
c) Shaft seal: a fibreglass and neoprene shaft seal shall be placed where the shaft leaves the
housing, along with a viton shaft slinger between the seal and wheel on belt drive units.
d) Bases: heavy gauge hot rolled steel, epoxy coated.
e) The fan shall be provided with the following accessories:
I. Flanged and drilled inlet and outlet to BS 6339.
II. Drain.
III. Access door.
IV. Vibration isolation system.
V. Belt and shaft guard as Part 1.
VI. Earthing as QGEWC requirements and BS 7671.
f) Flexible connectors:
I. Flexible connectors shall be installed on the fan inlet and outlet to dampen axial,
lateral, and vibrational duct movement. Flexible connectors shall be installed at each
fan inlet and outlet.
II. The flexible connector shall be resistant to the corrosive gases being processed and
shall be able to withstand ± 3000 Pa. The flexible connector shall be minimum 20 mm
2.5 Dampers
2.5.1 Suitable sized dampers shall be provided as follows:
i. Balancing damper between the fan outlet and the Biological Odour Control vessel inlet in
case of 2 or more Biological Odour Control vessels operating in parallel.
ii. Isolation dampers at each fan inlet.
iii. Non-return valves at each fan outlet.
2.5.2 The dampers shall be provided in accordance with the following specifications:
iv. The damper shall be flanged and drilled to withstand 3000 Pa.
v. The blade thickness shall be as required by the damper manufacturer.
vi. The bearings shall be moulded plastic material.
vii. Fibreglass or Ss316 axles shall extend full length of blade and 150 mm beyond frame.
viii. The unit shall be equipped with a full circumference blade seal to limit leakage to less than
1 m3 /m2 min at 3000 Pa.
ix. Isolation dampers when required should be watertight.
ii. Connected load shall not exceed the motor nameplate kW rating at any head/flow
given point on the pump curve. The motor rating shall follow QCS requirements
regarding spare power/capacity.
iii. Each pump shall be provided with an induction motor designed in accordance with
current NEMA, ANSI and/or IEEE standards. Motors shall be constant speed. Each
motor shall have a 1.15 service factor.
After satisfactory start-up and the corresponding switch over to normal operation, the Contractor
shall, in the presence of the Engineer, conduct the performance test as detailed in section 4.0 below.
3.2 Site Inspection and Testing
3.2.1 Fans shall be tested as required by BS 848 Part 1 and shall be installed in accordance with BS 848 Part 5.
3.2.2 H2S System Test: The Contractor shall test as follows:
a) The odour control system to certify that it meets requirements after completion of the
b) All testing conducted by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer.
c) The odour control system test shall be conducted after all the air systems are tested and
balanced. Separate H2S tests shall be conducted on each odour control system.
d) The H2S tests shall be repeated by Contractor at the end of the maintenance period with the
plant in full operation during the time of year determined by the Employer to have greatest
odour problems, using the actual flow levels generated by the pumping stations.
e) The hydrogen sulphide test shall comprise as follows:
I. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) concentrations shall be measured using a calibrated portable H2S
II. Each test shall consist of an inlet and outlet H2S test for a period of 4 hours.
1 Field performance tests shall be carried out by the Supplier after installation and commissioning of the
plant. The Supplier shall undertake performance and systems tests to demonstrate acceptable
performance as defined by:
• Successful operation of each item of equipment.
• Overall system operation meets the performance criteria described in this specification,
including correct operation in all control modes, e.g. in manual, local, and auto control.
• Inlet gas contaminant removal performance meets the criteria provided in this specification. The
Purchaser will give notice in writing of final acceptance to the Supplier following the successful
completion of the performance testing.
2 Performance testing shall commence after the manufacturer and Ashghal and/or Engineer have agreed
that the system has been satisfactorily started-up and sufficient time has been allowed for the generation
of the required bacterial growth.
3 The Purchaser has inspected the plant after commissioning and is satisfied with the installation and its
4 All documentation associated with commissioning have been received and approved by the Purchaser.
5 All test equipment used during tests shall have a current calibration certificate (issued within the
preceding 12 months) verifying its accuracy.
6 The contractor is to supply all test materials, temporary test equipment, consumables and experienced
personnel required to demonstrate compliance with the specification.
7 After the odour control system has been satisfactorily started-up and switched to normal operation, the
Contractor shall, in the presence of the Engineer, demonstrate that the system will perform as specified
in section 1.1.3 0f this specification, or as per Particular Specification if available.
8 The Contractor shall provide Ashghal or the Engineer with a written test protocol and the performance
test may not be conducted until the test protocol has been reviewed and approved by the Engineer.
The manufacturer shall be present during the performance test and, at its own discretion, may conduct a
parallel performance test as long as they do not interfere with the performance test being conducted by
the Contractor.
9 The Contractor shall supply, install and operate all equipment, sensors and instrumentation required to
complete the performance test.
4.1 H2S Testing procedure
4.1.1 Measure airflow into each unit and, if necessary, adjust to the design airflow of +/- 10%. Airflow balancing
can be conducted by manufacturer and witnessed by Ashghal or the Engineer. Airflow shall be measured
at the beginning of the test period. The set position on the damper(s) and/or blower VFD(s) will be marked
or noted.
a) Measure the pressure drop across each Biological Odour Control filter at beginning of test
b) Measure temperature and relative humidity of the inlet, outlet and ambient air.
4.1.2 Performance test period to begin at a noted time and last for four (4) hours. H2S data from the common
inlet location and from the outlet of each odour control system will be measured and logged, at least,
once every 10 minutes to demonstrate performance during test period.
a) The inlet H2S data will be logged with a pre-calibrated and approved gas data logger with
appropriate range and accuracy for the inlet air stream (0-1000 ppmv & 0.1 ppmv display
resolution) as appropriate to match with the system requirement.
b) The outlet H2S data will be logged with a pre-calibrated and approved gas data logger with
appropriate range and accuracy for the outlet air stream. (0.0-50.00 ppbv range, 0.1 ppb
resolution) as appropriate to match with the system requirement.
4.2 H2S Acceptance criteria:
4.2.1 The system shall have passed the H2S performance test if the H2S removal efficiency for all the inlet air
design H2S concentrations and outlet performance as detailed in section 1.1.3 of this specification.
4.2.2 If the odour control system fails to meet the performance criteria, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility
to make all the modifications necessary to improve performance at no cost to the Employer. The
Contractor shall pay for all additional testing required to verify that performance criteria are being met.
4.2.3 Final acceptance of the system will only be possible after successful completion of this testing.
4.2.4 Documentation for all the testing shall be submitted to the Engineer.
4.3 NH3 Acceptance criteria:
4.3.1 The System’s NH3 removal efficiency shall be determined by calculating the average inlet NH3
concentration and the average outlet NH3 concentration and using the following formula: NH3 removal
efficiency (%) = (1 – (average outlet NH3 concentration/average inlet NH3 concentration)) x 100. The
system shall have passed the NH3 performance test if the NH3 removal efficiency is 99.50% or ≤ 0.5ppmv,
whichever is greater.
4.4 Odour Acceptance Criteria
4.4.1 The system shall have passed the Odour performance test if the Odour removal efficiency for all the inlet
air design H2S concentrations and outlet performance as detailed in section 1.1.3 of this specification.
___End of section_______