Elt 221 1ST Exam Reviewer
Elt 221 1ST Exam Reviewer
Elt 221 1ST Exam Reviewer
- Is a body of ideas, laws and regulations (language policy), change rules, language academies and language planning boards
beliefs, and practices intended to achieve a planned change (or to stop (dictionaries, grammar, lexical standardization)
change from happening) in the language use in one or more - The religious sector is also involved in implementation.
communities. - Mulitnational corporations and their policies
- Involves deliberate, although not always overt, future oriented change OTHER ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS
in systems of language code and/or speaking in a societal context. - In some cases some influential individuals creating
- An attempt by someone to modify the linguistic behavior of some language policy as an accidental (or sometimes purposeful)
community for some reason. part of their normal activity.
Macrolevel Planning-Government Policies - Mailing systems, International Olympic Commission, etc.
Microlevel Planning-Organization-Specific Policie
Those involved in language planning (the who or the actors) - Has its focus in maintaining the linguistic consistency and
can be seen as working within four basic areas: standards of a language, and can be thought of in two
- Involved at the highest level 1. External Purification where attempts are made to
- Have the broadest scope, since government generally has remove and protect the language from foreign
the power to legislate and the ability to foster incentive influences.
structures (and distinctive structures) to enforce planning 2. Internal Purification is related to the enforcement
decisions. of standards of correct usage within the language.
- Sometimes acting under the impetus of higher level - Occurs in a situation where a language has neither entirely
structure or acting in lieu of higher level structure died off or is on the verge of dying off.
- Implement language policies - Language restoration is bringing back to life of a dead
- Language policy and planning decisions: language.
1. The education sector has to determine which language(s) - Language revitalization refers to the new-found vigor of
will be taught within the curriculum; an endangered language still in use.
2. It must define the teacher supply, taking into consideration - Language reversal implies the turning around of the
who will teach the language(s) included in the curriculum; existing trends in language usage, with a focus on the
3. It will need to determine what segment of the student circumstances in which one language in a state begins to
population will be exposed to language(s) education and be used more prominently.
how that segment will be identified; LANGUAGE REFORM
4. It will need to determine what methodology(ies) will be - Occurs when a language has sufficient vitality but is not
employed in the system able to deal adequately with domains and registers that
5. It will need to define assessment process; are new to the culture.
6. It will need to determine how to support all of this activity - Occurs over a brief period and involves changes in or
fiscally and physically. simplification of orthography, spelling, lexicon or grammar
QUASI/NON-GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES with the aim of facilitating language use.
- Acting according to their own beliefs
- The perceived need for a single language runs parallel to LANGUAGE SELECTION
the development of the nation-state. As such, - The choice of language(s) by/for a society through its
standardization has been a major goal of language political leaders.
planning and policy. In some respects, languages are - Language items are selected establish the particular
constantly undergoing standardization. linguistic form which is to be the norm and which is to
- A continuing process have status within society.
- Occurs in its most dramatic form when a nation is trying to - Identification of problem – The choice of a national
identify a national language. language(s) is not as simple as it seems on the surface
- Major linguistic tools of standardization: pedagogical since such selection normally implies a choice among
grammars and dictionaries competing languages.
- National language academies also serve to assure certain - Vernacular languages provide the opportunity to establish
kinds of standardization. a common heritage, a common history, and to facilitate
- A superordinate category that subsumes within itself such - Exogenous languages often provide access to external
previously discussed areas as language revival, language world.
reform, language shift, language standardization, and - Kale (1990) proposed criteria for selecting a language:
terminological modernization. 1. Political neutrality
2. Dominance
- Researchers in language planning have attempted to 4. A great tradition
differentiate two distinct kinds of activities 5. a real affinity
- Those that are concerned specifically with attempts to - If the choice falls on a foreign language, that language is
modify language itself, which we have come to know as likely already to have a standard form, and a set of
corpus planning dictionaries, grammars, etc., are likely to exist.
- Those that are concerned with attempts to modify the - If the choice falls on a variety of the colonial language,
environment in which a language is used, which we have to considerations of which most widely spoken in the new
come to know as status planning. policy is not the same variety that is spoken in the former
- The choice of a local language also raises the question of
(Policy planning) (Language cultivation)
(SOCIETY) (Decision procedures) (Educational spread) - Focuses on the adoption and spread of the language form
CODIFICATION that has been selected and codified
CORPUS PLANNING (Graphization, - Often through the educational system and through other
(LANGUAGE) grammatication, laws or regulations which encourage and/or require the
lexication) use of the standard and perhaps discourage the use of
other languages or dialects.
- Very few nation-states are linguistically homogenous, and ELABORATION
the choice of any standard will certainly disadvantage - Focuses on the functional development of that language.
some members of that heterogeneous community. That is, once a language has been codified there is a need
- Language correction – specific measures taken to to continue the implementation of the norm to meet the
implement the social aspects of a language plan. Although functions of a modern world.
the main arm is the education sector, it alone is not 1. Terminological Modernization
capable of providing language correction. In culturally, technologically, and economically
changing conditions; thousands of new terms must
CORPUS PLANNING be generated each year in a language if that
CODIFICATION (STANDARDIZATION) language is to be fully expressive in every domain.
- Focuses on the standardization procedures needed to 2. Stylistic Development
develop and formalize a linguistic and usually literate set of Signals a recognition that, without appropriate
language norms. Such process is performed by experts on development of linguistic style in those domains
linguistics. important to a language, it is not fully able to meet
- Codification mainly covers three areas: all the demands placed upon it.
1. Graphization 3. Internationalization
Has been considered the first step in the Can be seen as a particular type of language
standardization of a language. It is the process of spread which affects the corpus of a language. As a
developing, selecting, or modifying the scripts or language becomes a medium of international
orthographic conventions of a language. communication, rather than just a national or
Writing systems (orthography) whether employing intranational standard, standardization problems
an alphabet, asyllabary or a system of ideograms- arise which parallel each of the categories
provide the basis on which literacy materials can previously discussed.
be established.
2. Grammatication Tagalog is widely spoken and is the most understood language
Involves the extraction and formulation of rules in all the Philippine Regions
that describes how a language is structured. It is not divided into smaller daughter languages, as Visayan or
Most of the grammars developed have been Bikol are.
prescriptive and based on the standardized variety Its literary traditionis the richest of all native Philippine
of the language, especially those used in schooling languages, the most developed and extensive (mirroring that
or for literacy development. of the Tuscan language vis-à-vis Italian). More books are
3. Lexication written in Tagalog than in any other autochthonous Philippine
The selection and development of an appropriate language but Spanish, but this is mainly by virtue of law.
lexicon. As Haugen notes in principle this also Tagalog has always been the language of Manila, the political
involves the assignment of styles and spheres of and economic center of the Philippines during the Spanish and
usage for the words of the language. American eras.
Spanish was the language of the 1896 Revolution and the
Katipunan, but the revolution was led by people who alos
spoke Tagalog.