Deden - English Maritime

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Name :DeniDarisman

Class : ANT-1/64A
No : 10

1. Why is English Language mandatory for ship officers and engineers?

2. Explain the five needs that English contributes in STCW Code A.II/1.
3. What do you think about English enables the officers to perform duties on multilingual
crew vessels?

4. In what context that English is strongly recommended?

5. Describe the necessity of English for Engineers on board.
6. Why shall communication be clear and understood?
7. How do you define the English competence for Radio Operators?
8. What is meant by the messages are correctly interpreted and drafted


1. English Language mandatory for ship officers and engineers Because

a. Adequate knowledge of written and spoken English emphasizing on nautical or
technical terminologies is compulsory for Navigational, Engineer Watchkeeping
Officers and Radio Officers / Operators.
b. A concise and precise understanding Helm Orders in English is strongly recommended
for Navigational Watchkeeping Ratings
c. Use the IMOStandard MarineCommunicationPhrases and useEnglish in writtenand
oral form.

2. the five needs that English contributes in STCW Code A.II/1.

a. Officer enable to use charts and other nautical publications.
b. To understand meteorological information and messages concerning ship’s safety and
c. To communicate with other ships, coast station and VTS centres.
d. To perform the officer’s duties with a multilingual crew.
e. To use and understand the IMO SMCP.

3. Because the officer must be able to speak English, because the officer will give orders to
the crew.
4. English is strongly recommended for Navigational, To communicate with other ships,
coast station and VTS centres.
5. the necessity of English for Engineers on board To use engineering publications. To
perform engineering duties,
6. Why shall communication be clear and understood because When communication is
effective, it leaves all parties involved satisfied and feeling accomplished. By delivering
messages clearly, there is no room for misunderstanding or alteration of messages, which
decreases the potential for conflict.
7. English competence for Radio Operators is function for Radio communications at the
Operational Level & Competence: Transmit and receive information using GMDSS
subsystems and equipment and fulfilling the functional of GMDSS)
8. meant by the messages are correctly interpreted and drafted is “the meanings attributed
by a target to a specific message (or set of messages) within a communication context,
includ- ing how the recipient of the message interprets the source's relational intent

Grammar exercises and Discussion Items:

1. Indicate each part of speech that you can find in the text above.
2. Make the examples of part of speech in your own sentences.
Answer :

Part Of Speech Example Words

(to) be, have, do, like, work, sing, can, must


Noun pen, dog, work, music, town, London, teacher, John

Adjective good, big, red, well, interesting

Determiner a/an, the, 2, some, many

Part Of Speech Example Words

quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really


Pronoun I, you, he, she, some

Preposition to, at, after, on, but

Conjunction and, but, when

Interjection oh!, ouch!, hi!, well


Part Of Speech Example sentences

EnglishClub is a web site. I like EnglishClub.


Noun This is my dog. He lives in my house. We live in London.

Adjective My dogs are big. I like big dogs.

Determiner I have two dogs and some rabbits.

Adverb My dog eats quickly. When he is very hungry, he eats really quickly.
Part Of Speech Example sentences

Tara is Indian. She is beautiful.


Preposition We went to school on Monday.

Conjunction I like dogs and I like cats. I like cats and dogs. I like dogs but I don't like cats.

Interjection Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are you? Well, I don't know.

Speaking exercises and Discussion Items:

1. Greet your friend next to you in English correctly!
2. Practice a real conversation with your partner starting with Greeting.
3. Write down your conversation above as written transcript

A : Good morning Mr. budi B

: Good morning Mr. Fisar

A : How are You?

B : I am very well, and how about you
A : I am well to, where are you last night? Are you go a shore?
B : Last night I was sleep early because I was tired
A : ok, I go to bridge now, enjoy your coffee.
B : ok thanks.

Give concise definitions to the following terminologies and translate to

Indonesian language.
1. Near Coastal Voyage means a voyage in the vicinity of the coast of a State as defined by
the Administration of that State.

Pelayaran Dekat Pesisir berarti pelayaran di sekitar pantai suatu Negara sebagaimana
ditentukan oleh Administrasi Negara tersebut.

2. Propulsion Power means the total maximum continuous rated output power, in
kilowatts, of all the ship's main propulsion machinery which appears on the ship's
certificate of registry

Daya propulsi berarti total daya keluaran terukur maksimum terus menerus,
dalam kilowatt, dari semua mesin penggerak utama kapal yang tertera pada
sertifikat pendaftaran kapal.

3. Liquefied Gas Tanker means a ship constructed and used for the carriage in bulk of any
liquefied gas listed in the IMCO “Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk”.
kapal tanker gas cair berarti kapal yang dibangun dan digunakan untuk pengangkutan
dalam jumlah besar dari setiap gas cair yang tercantum dalam IMCO “Kode untuk
Konstruksi dan Peralatan Kapal yang Membawa Gas Cair dalam Jumlah Besar”.

4. Master means the person having command of a ship;

Nakhoda berarti orang yang memimpin kapal

5. Chief Engineer means the senior engineer officer responsible for the mechanical
propulsion and the operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical
installations of the ship
Chief Engineer adalah perwira senior yang bertanggung jawab atas penggerak mekanis
serta pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan instalasi mekanikal dan elektrikal kapal

6. Deck Officers an officer qualified in accordance with the provisions of chapter II of the
Perwira Dek adalah Perwira yang berkualifikasi sesuai dengan ketentuan Bab II Konvensi
7. Second Engineer means the engineer officer next in rank to the chief engineer officer
and upon whom the responsibility for the mechanical propulsion and the operation and
maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of the ship will fall in the
event of the incapacity of the chief engineer officer;

Insinyur Kedua berarti perwira insinyur yang berada di urutan berikutnya setelah perwira
kepala mesin dan yang bertanggung jawab atas penggerak mekanis dan pengoperasian
serta pemeliharaan instalasi mekanik dan listrik kapal akan jatuh dalam hal
ketidakmampuan Kepala Insinyur. ;

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