Tips To Frame U.S.A Visa Interview Ans.
Tips To Frame U.S.A Visa Interview Ans.
Tips To Frame U.S.A Visa Interview Ans.
I wish to pursue a career in XYZ field ahead but I could not learn courses related to it
during my undergraduate education. A Masters degree Program will allow me to gain
technical knowledge and skills related to my interests and help me advance my career
The United States of America (USA) hosts the most number of international students in
the world. Quality education, unique curriculum, multicultural environment, and
abundant opportunities are just some of the reasons why many Indian students want
to study in the US.
Q. Which all universities did you apply to (both admits and rejects).
Tip: Visa Officer wants to know if you are really serious about your education. Even if
you applied to 4 and were accepted in 1 and got 3 rejects, honesty is the only way. Be
honest about which all Universities you chose. Be confident about the selection process
you followed and in as short a statement as possible, suggest how you were really
happy with the accept. For example,
On the basis of my specific course requirement, I had shortlisted and applied to four
universities. This was amongst my top two choices and I was lucky to get an admit from
the same.
Q. What will you do after completing MS/MBA/UG? Tell me how can you prove
that you are going to come back?
Tip: If you intend to work after completing your course then say so. Tell them you are
looking forward to working with some companies back in India. It would be good to
mention the names of the few companies. If you were working, you could mention that
you have an offer of joining your last organization back after completing your education.
If you are inclined towards continuing your education and pursuing research, mention
the same as well. But do provide a hint that your family continues to be in India and you
would want to come back to them once your academic pursuits are over.
Q. Have you received any scholarship? Why has the University granted a
Scholarship to you?
Tip: You should know how many scholarships you may get and probably the reason
why a university is giving scholarship to your Visa Officer wants to know if you are
aware of the scholarship programs and financial aid. Also if you have submitted any
Statement of Purpose for the scholarship then mention about that and carry a copy of
the same.
Q. Have you got any Loans? How do you plan on repaying your Loan?
Tip: Answer about the quantum of the loan you have applied for and from where you
have received the same. Also, as to repay the same, suggest that you are confident to
find a good opportunity in India after you graduate and you have all the intent to pay it
off with your income. Do not suggest you would be paying off the loan by taking up part-
time jobs in the US.
Apart from the above, the visa officer might ask you questions regarding your academic
percentage, about your sibling’s education and jobs as well as your current job.
Remember, you need to be confident about your purpose – which is education from
USA and also is confident that you can afford it.