Form - CWTS101 Tools For Analysis Swot
Form - CWTS101 Tools For Analysis Swot
Form - CWTS101 Tools For Analysis Swot
Effective Date:
The oil depots in the area could offer job Limited job opportunities and high rates of
opportunities for local residents. unemployment and underemployment in
A community park could serve as a location the community.
for community events such as sports, High number of young people not in school,
health programs, and social gatherings. which may result in a lack of opportunities
An improvised basketball court and chess and an increase in social issues.
benches could be utilized to provide Poor sanitation and cleanliness in the
organized sports and recreation for the community, leading to potential health
community. problems and a decrease in overall quality
Fried hotdog and samalamig vendors who of life.
are female youths can be provided with Neglect of heritage buildings, resulting in
training or livelihood programs to improve the loss of cultural and historical
their income. significance.
Renting out videoke machines and billiard Presence of clogged drainage and unsafe
halls could provide entertainment and electrical wiring, posing health and safety
leisure opportunities for the community. hazards.
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Effective Date: