Case Study Final
Case Study Final
Case Study Final
Community Health Nursing is the synthesis of nursing and public health practice applied
to promote and protect the health of population. It combines all the basic elements of clinical
nursing with public health and community practice. It is essential particularly at this point in time
because it maximizes the health status of individuals, families, groups and the community
through direct approach with them. There are so many factors that can affect the health of a
family in a community. Chronic illnesses, accidents, vices like tobacco smoking, alcoholism and
drug addiction, and environmental changes that affect health are steadily becoming the major
concerns influencing human health in our country.
Hypertension, also referred to as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the arteries
have persistently elevated blood pressure. Every time the human heart beats, it pumps blood to
the whole body through the arteries. Hypertension is considered as the biggest single risk factor
for deaths worldwide. According to the World Health Organization 2012, hypertension causes 7
million deaths every year while 1.5 billion people suffer due to its complications.
I chose Mrs. S’s case because her case is one of the most common disease worldwide
afflicting humans, which is hypertension or high blood pressure. Also it has the highest score
among other problems I found. It is known as silent killer because in the initial stage it presents
no symptoms. It is only after an organ in the body is irritated or damaged, that the consequences
of high blood pressure are realized. Lifestyle nowadays is one of the major precipitating factors
of the condition. These lifestyle factors include high sodium intake, excessive calorie intake, and
obesity, physical inactivity and excessive alcohol consumption. During the course of the nursing
process, we have formulated the following objectives:
After 12 days of span of nursing care:
Determine the level of cognition in the determination and prioritization of problems that
exist in the community.
Develop the skill of intervention prompt to the social health care problem in accordance
with its appropriateness and effectiveness.
Provide services and facilitate for the better and appropriate solutions present in a
particular community.
And for the specific objectives:
After 12 days of span of nursing care:
Apply knowledge and skills on how to give health education to the community in
relation to their identified problem;
Discuss briefly and explain the etiology of prioritized problem, its causes and effects
and ways on how to eradicate it;
Established a nursing care plan which would be beneficial to the family, as well as to
the community;
Formulate a clear and specified plan of action to give solutions to the existing health
problems identified within the community
Present data and proof about the common health problem of the community residents;
Relate existing health problems with different nursing theories; and
Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan of action and the entire program performed in
the community;
Give summary, evaluation and implication.
The nursing family case study enlightens us to the real scenario in the community. It also
gave us the opportunity to know that community health nursing is important so that nursing
students would be able to experience how it works. The availability of health services is
necessary in the community. It gave us the view that every community must have two public
health nurses to accommodate each family. The maintenance of the ability of both public health
agencies and private provides to manage day to day operations and the capacity to respond
immediately to the community should always be accessible. Through nursing family case study
we were able to assess the health needs of the family, plan, implement, and evaluate the impact
of health services in the community. It gave us the basic knowledge and skills in community
health nursing that one that formulate policies and develops on nursing aspect of specific
program such as health teaching of hypertension.
In the nurse profession, competence, credibility, commitment and knowledge are needed
in the profession. The dedication of a nurse to serve in the community is remarkable and
outstanding. However, nurses must continuously enhance their knowledge and skills to explore
the capability to be used in the community.
The nurse and the community must collaborate in order to achieve the nursing
intervention when dealing with diseases like hypertension and smoking habits. This nursing case
study will give the public health nurse the awareness of how the community does the home
management in their disease. For a Nurse should enhanced the knowledge like political science
helps the nurses to understand the health care delivery system for them to better respond to
clients and use academic principles like sociology and psychology to know better on how to
understand the community.
Hypertension is one of the most common worldwide diseases; 17.1 million deaths per
year are caused by hypertension. The major causes of hypertension are physical inactivity, an
unhealthy diet and through family history. Philippines reported that around 12.6 million of
Filipinos have hypertension. This research found out that the people in the community resolve to
deal with hypertension on their own rather than seeking medical help. This is because of their
lack of knowledge, ignorance and poverty. The researches therefore recommend that future
studies in hypertension cases in community should focus on determining tangible ways to
educate the people about the disease and the value of medical treatment in general.