Development of STEM-Based Physics Learning Media
Development of STEM-Based Physics Learning Media
Development of STEM-Based Physics Learning Media
This study aims to develop physics learning media in the form of STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) based fluid digital modules as teaching materials. The developed digital
module contains dynamic fluid matter. The content in this digital module is supported by images,
videos, animations, practicums and simple projects as well as learning evaluations that can support
student learning independently. The method used in this study is Research and Development (RnD)
with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model. The steps are to
perform a needs analysis, design the media, generate and validate the media, prepare the learning
environment and assess the instructional quality of the media. Based on the results of the needs analysis
using literature studies on the availability of teaching materials, the results showed that the availability
of STEM-based digital module teaching materials on fluid materials was less abundant. In addition, the
results of the questionnaire questionnaire were obtained as many as 82.5% of students needed teaching
materials that could overcome difficulties in understanding fluid material. Material and media feasibility
tests using validation test questionnaires conducted by material and media experts and trials are carried
out to high school students.
Key words: digital module, dynamic fluid, STEM.
The training process for Industry 4.0 is an urgent matter, since today the pace of technological
development is several times faster than the rate of change in the education system [1]. The
development of technology that occurs in the 4.0 era also makes teachers need to have the expertise
to adapt to new technologies to help teachers produce outputs that can keep up with the times.
Physics and technology are two things that are intertwined with each other. The development of
technology today is the result of research conducted in the field of physics. Therefore the
understanding of concepts, theories and laws of physics is the basis for developing skills in the field
of technology [2]. Given the current conditions of learning is still ineffective due to the pandemic
period different from normal times, the problem that occurs in the world of education in Indonesia is
the lack of student interest in carrying out the learning process [3]. Therefore, students and teachers
alike are looking for solutions to be able to carry out learning effectively.
The process of learning physics still seems difficult to understand because it has abstract concepts
and is not easily connected to daily events in human life. This is evidenced from the observations and
direct experiences of researchers during PKM (Teaching Skills Training) at a high school in Jakarta,
it was found that the results of the questionnaire questionnaire were obtained as many as 73.33% of
students had difficulty understanding fluid material, especially dynamic fluids and as many as 82.5%
of students needed teaching materials that could overcome difficulties in understanding fluid
material. So that a learning innovation is needed in compiling learning resources that can be a
solution in supporting distance learning [4]. This requires educators to be creative in developing
learning media so that students can be more interested in learning physics and the material presented
can be easily understood by students.
One of the learning resources that can support students in independent learning is the digital
module. Digital modules are one of the learning media in the form of multimedia that contain
information or subject matter and are integrated between reading text, images, videos and animations
and in their use utilizecomputer technology [5]. Digital modules can also address a variety of
different levels of learning, ranging from more fundamental objectives towards goals that require a
higher level of abstraction [6]. Therefore, in the preparation of digital modules, an appropriate
learning model is needed and able to support students in solving problems. One of them is the STEM
learning model which is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics [7]. STEM
learning can be viewed with a broad and inclusive perspective to include STEM learning in
disciplines, such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning as well as a
combination across disciplines that are critical to students [8]. The STEM model is also able to invite
students to integrate subjects and connect them with everyday life. So that students are not only able
to understand the material but also can apply it in real life.
According to Syarah, Syahiddah (2021) in his research that the E-Module or STEM-based physics
digital module on sound material is an alternative teaching material for teachers and students during
the learning process [9]. This module can make it easier for students to solve problems that exist in
everyday life, because this module is integrated with four STEM fields. Furthermore, according to
Handayani (2021) in a similar study, the STEM integrated physics e-module on thermodynamic
materials is able to improve students' critical thinking skills to compete in the industrial revolution
4.0 [10]. However, it needs to be equipped with quizzes and other questions to improve the critical
thinking skills of high-level students so that students can do their own self-evaluation and be able to
follow up on the results of self-evaluation.
Based on the explanation above, researchers develop learning media in the form of STEM-based
fluid-based digital modules (MD-FISTEM) as physics teaching materials with the aim of producing
valid STEM-based digital modules used as teaching materials for physics learning.
The research method used in this research is Research & Development, which is research with
systematic stages that have been planned to produce new products and develop a product to be more
effective. This media research and development refers to the ADDIE (Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, and Evalution) development model. The ADDIE model is a research
model that is systematically structured and has an organized process with several stages. According
to Branch (2009) ADDIE's research charts and models [11] are:
Based on the picture above, the research steps to be carried out are as follows:
1. Analyze
Need analysis is carried out by first analyzing the state of teaching materials as the main
information in learning and the availability of teaching materials that support the implementation of
a learning. This needs analyst was carried out with a review of literature, questionnaire questions
for students in one of the high schools.
2. Design
Designis the creation of a product development design based on needs analysis.
3. Development
The development stage is after the design is made, the entire design is realized into a
STEM-based fluid digital module (MD-FISTEM). After the process of making digital
module media is complete, validation tests will be carried out by media experts, materials
and learning to find out whether they are valid or not to be tested.
4. Implementation
The implementation stage is to conduct product trials by class XI students and physics
teachers in high school. Then teachers and students are given a questionnaire to determine
the validity of the learning media developed.
5. Evaluation
The evaluation stage is the improvement stage which if deficiencies are found at each
stage, including at the analysis stage, design stage, development stage and implementation
The results of this study are in the form of a STEM-based fluid digital module (MD-FISTEM) as a
physics teaching material. The digital fluid module (MD-FISTEM) is a learning medium that
discusses dynamic fluid material by integrating a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) approach model that aims to increase students' understanding of the concept of
dynamic fluid and make the learning process easier. This digital module is presented in the form of
an html link so that it can be accessed through various kinds of electronic devices mobile phones and
laptops with an attractive display for students. The teaching material component of this digital
module consists of learning outcomes, learning objectives, STEM components, instructions for using
modules, materials, information technology, practicum, project assignments, practice questions,
evaluations, and teacher and student learning instructions. Here are some views of the developed
digital module:
(a) (b) (c)
STEM-based fluid digital modules (MD-FISTEM) can be used as learning media that can
motivate students to learn physics. The material presented in this digital module is prepared based on
a STEM approach, so the materi presented combines four fields of science , namely science,
technology, engineering, mathematics which can train students in identifying and solving problems
that occur in the real world. Here is one of the materials presented by applying a STEM approach to
digital modules:
TABEL 1. Learning activities in dynamic fluid materials
Aspects Activity
Science 1. Students are given questions related to irrigation technology in
the form of waterwheels
2. Presented material to verify the student's answer whether it is in
accordance with the existing theory
Technology 1. Linking theory with the application of technology that applies
the concept of Bernoulli's Law, one of which is energy-free
waterwheel technology or waterwheel
Engineering 2. Students are asked to make asimple project assignment in the
form of a waterwheel using the principles of Bernoulli's Law
3. In doing project assignments, students are asked to start from
planning, designing tools to be made until the tool is completed.
Mathematics 1. Students are given practice questions by applying mathematical
formulas contained in the concept of Bernoulli's Law.
The content presented in this digital module consists of an introduction containing learning
achievements, a STEM literacy table and instructions for using the module. The material in this
digital module is also packaged in several units of learning activities containing science material,
information technology, science projects for each learning activity, practice questions and evaluation
questions. So that learners can understand the material from the basic to a more difficult level. This
digital module is also equipped with images and videos that can help clarity of the material presented
so that students can easily learn physics independently.
Based on research conducted by Syarah, Syahiddah (2021) in his research that the E-Module or
STEM-based physics digital module on sound material is a teaching material that is an alternative for
teachers and students during the learning process. This module can make it easier for students to
solve problems that exist in everyday life, because this module is integrated with four STEM fields.
Furthermore, according to Handayani (2021) in a similar study, the STEM integrated physics e-
module on thermodynamic materials is able to improve students' critical thinking skills to compete in
the industrial revolution 4.0. However, it needs to be equipped with quizzes and other questions to
improve the critical thinking skills of high-level students so that students can do their own self-
evaluation and be able tofollow up on the results of self-evaluation. So this STEM-based fluid digital
module can be used as a supporting material for learning physics in high school.
This STEM-based fluid digital (MD-FISTEM) is developed as a teaching material for learning
physics in high school with the aim of overcoming the difficulties of students in understanding
dynamic fluid material. This digital module was developed using the Research & Development
method with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) research
model. The results of the digital module in i are presented in the form of html links so that they can
be accessed through a wide variety of electronik devices. This digital module is compiledbased on
the STEM approach so that it is presented by integrating several components, namely science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. This research still needs further research related to the
validation of STEM-based fluid digital module (MD-FISTEM) learning media untilfinally the media
is validly used by teachers and students in the learning process.
The researcher would like to thank Mr. Dr. Firmanul Catur Wibowo, M.Pd as Supervisor I and
Mr. Lari Andres Sanjaya, M.Pd as Supervisor II who has guided and provided the best advice in
helping researchers complete the product development of teaching materials for this digital module.
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